There's No Such Thing as TAMTT MAC 17 njjff We Cam Make You a Hty Yeachoong You These iudlv Ski M ills! RAPID READING ... In Reading Dynamics you learn to read faster naturally without mechan ical devices and without losing the enjoyment or flavor of reading. Nor do you skim or skip. You triple your present rate by taking in entire thoughts at one time. COMPREHENSION ... As concentration in creases, comprehension improves. In addition, you learn to read expectantly for the author's concepts to which important facts and details may be attached. The result is greater depth of comprehension. CONCENTRATION . . . Concentration while read ing and studying is very difficult for many peo ple who read slowly. Rapid reading requires close attention, and concentration quickly im proves so that students are not easily distracted. CONCISE NOTE TAKING . . . Recall techniques organize a conference or lecture as it occurs, eliminating voluminous notes and reorganiz ing. Recall patterns are especially valuable if the presentation is not concise and if your mind wanders. RETENTION . . . A very important measure of your reading ability is how much you remem ber. Retention is improved by reading for con cepts, by using recall patterns, by maintaining a high level of concentration, and by remem bering by association. ORGANIZATION ... The first vital step in study ing is organization. We teach the student how to organize and use varied texts, supplements, suggested readings and class notes. tr'- "iiif i-t S-mtrtr jut; t-eu'- mivmmilv" WhttJ SHERMAN BIX8Y -NU 239 wpm of 50 comprehension 2270 wpm t 75 It hat definitely mad me read faster. But the most important thing it that it has built up my confidence in myself when I study. TOM HOFFMAN NU 215 wpm at 50 cemprehension 2900 wpm t 14 I would definitely praise the course to anyone who wishes to succeed in reading. To any student entering a higher degree of education, I would highly recommend it. J 5 SHERRY LEHR - NWU 395 wpm at 84 comprehension 3120 wpm at 95 This course shows you how to study and organize besides read ing fast. JOHN SIMMONS - RU 447 wpm at 60 comprehension 2008 wpm at 95 You con save a immense amount of time by improving your reading speed. This it a help both to a student end professional man. Attend a FREE one-hour MINI-LESSON Find out why we have over 500,000 members The best way to find out what the course is all about is to attend an hour-long mini-lesson. The mini-lesson will introduce you to your classroom procedures. It'll show you how we extend your retention and recall. It'll give you a glimpse of our sessions on new study techniques. You might even leave the mini-lesson reading faster than when you came in. DATES: Wednesday September 16 (TODAY) TIMES: 8:00 P.M. LOCATION: 1601 "P" St. PHONE 435-2168 , TTTTT t WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 16, 1970 THE DAI,LY NEBRASKAts J PAGE 9