The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 07, 1970, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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Sparks of student protest are
flying across the nation as
students at more than 200 col
lege campuses strike in op
position to American involve
ment in Cambodia.
California Gov. Ronald
Reagan has closed down all
University of California cam
puses for four days which will
. affect about 320,000 students
one-twelfth of all the nation's
college students.
Student unrest has even been
reported in Saigon with army
troops dispatched there.
Both Boston and Tufts
University officials have
suspended classes for the rest
of the term.
A few of the striking cam
puses include: Colgate,
Amherst, University of
Virginia, University of
California, Berkeley, Cornell,
Campaign for
Wally goes on
"Remember that the U.S.
Senate plays an important role
in the expanding Indochina
That reminder, according to
Steve Fowler, chairman of the
Students for Peterson
organization, "should em
phasize the critical importance
of this primary."
"It would be a significant
accomplishment to be
represented by Wallace
Peterson, a senator who would
have a progressive and in
formed outlook," Fowler
The University economics
professor's biggest challenge in
the May 12 Democratic
primary will be former Gov.
Frank B. Morrison.
Students can work for
Peterson full-time through
election day. Fowler urged in
terested students to go to the
Peterson headquarters, office
424 in the Anderson Building.
Necessary campaign work
Includes delivering yard signs,
distributing literature,
telephoning for Peterson and a
door-to-door canvass to
registered Democrats.
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PAGE 8 '
John Hopkins University,
Harvard, Ohio University and
At Princeton University, a
student strike is reportedly 95
per cent effective. Sarah
Lawrence students; vowed to
strike until the war in
Southeast Asia is over.
Columbia University Presi
dent Andrew Cordier announc
ed his approval of students
boycotting classes and told a
student rally that Nixon's
policy in Cambodia and Viet
nam is deplorable.
At Brandeis University, a
student group that participated
in the development of the na
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tional strike is attempting to
coordinate local strikes into the
national movement.
University of Maryland
striking students faced 500 Na
tional Guardsmen and state
ASUN postpones
Interviews for ASUN com
mittee positions have been
postponed until next week, ac
cording to ASUN First Vice
President Bob Pfeiffer.
He said ASUN will contact
students to reschedule times
for interviews.
) 1 mtete
the natio:
police as students held a rally
and blocked U.S. Highway 1 in
College Park.
Although most demonstra
tions were peaceful, violence
and vandalism marked the
protests on a few campuses.
A fire destroyed much of the
interior of one of the buildings
of a Northwestern University's
traffic institute.
Fire gutted an air force
ROTC building at Washington
University in St. Louis.
Kent State University
students set fire to a campus
ROTC building and prevented
firemen from extinguishing the
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fire in violent clashes with
police. Six hundred National
Guardsmen have occupied the
campus and are patrolling it by
helicopter, according to the
student newspaper.
Strike cancels
Liberman talks
The scheduled lectures
Thursday and Friday by Al
vin Liberman of Yale Uni
versity and the University of
Connacticut have been can
celled because of the student