CSL does it O us niversilty racfli Shutdown ordered by KYRIE ELEISON The Council on Student Life over the weekend declared the University a racist organization and ordered It to cease functioning forthwith. A statement saying the University does not discriminate in its selection of members was signed by the Regents and G.R.R. (Grrrr) instigator of Student Affairs and other liasons involving con senting adults over the age of 30. But CSL's ad hoc committee o n racial discrimination rejected the University's claim charging that rising tuition and housing costs plus stingy financial aid function as ef fective barriers to minority group enrollment. "You kids can't expect to go to school free. What do you think this is; pre-Reagan California?" said University head lawyer F Lee Bail-em-out. "The University is already in dutch with Sen. Richard Marvel (chairman of the Unicameral's Budget Com mittee). You don't know what we have to go through to get money out of the man," F said. "The University has not made enough positive efforts to overcome the problem," according to John Robinson, CSL chairman. "The Regents have two days to clean out their desks." When Informed of the CSL action" one - regent mumbled something about "if students want rights they have to ac cept responsibility." When told students were accepting responsibility he commented, "Militant effete snobs. Always sticking their noses in where they don't belong." The regent also scoffed at the charge of racism: "Why I even have a colored maid." He said the Regents consider the CSL order to disband a crucial matter that should be taken up by the Board im mediately. However the Boards agenda for its monthly meetings is filled up for the next six months, he said, but promised it would be discussed privately at the Regents closed meetings. Meanwhile an interim commitee has been formed to study charges of subversion and Un-American activities leveled at several CSL members. T h e r e is distinctly pink-o bunch,' something about that Regent revealed. SHEETS ytPusucnous 380 NO. 43th lnlit IteM U Ma kllMikft G Y IP Y APPEARING 8:30-12:30 NIGHTLY i r - s E N S A T I O N A L Catt man's JCounge 10th end '0 DINING TIL KUDNITE "The boys in my old fraternity had ways of dealing with people like that we black balled them." "Don't worry, The CSL cant do it -until the Regents say okay," according to Grrrr. That's why I'm on the Council so the Regents will know exactly what's going on. And I'm the only one who knows exactly what's going on." Seconds from bored meeting by THE HOODED CLAW YNw tf Staff Writer The Bored of Regents set a new Regents speed record today by passing a 1,200 page agenda in 23 minutes. "We're awfully proud of the new record," Regent B. M. Iceberg remarked. "However, we could have never esstablished the new record without our four hour closed practice session before the regular meeting. The Regents meeting was so short that a local television station did not even have enough time to set up their film equipment before the meeting was over. Besides establishing a new speed record, the Regents also set a record for the most number of unanimous votes in one meeting 101. The Regents voted unanimously on every vote except for a 3-2 vote on a resolution calling for the speedy recovery of regent Dick Heman, who is reportly lost in northern Montana. Heman is in Montana marking, defining and maintaining the elusive American-Canadian boundary for his good friend Dick Nixon. The Regents also turned down a request by a 42-year-old graduate student for coed visitation in the University's residence halls. It was the fifty first time in two years that the Regents said no to coed visitation. "But all I want to do is to entertain my wife In my room," the graduate student explained. "Is that asking too much?" "I'm afraid It is," replied Regent Robert Pawn. "The morals of the students are just too low to permit coed visitation. If the kids want to "do it," they can rent a motel room." Pawn also pointed out that coed vistation would be im possible because of the open entrances to the bathrooms in the residence halls. "But we don't want to have coed visitation in the bathrooms," the graduate student replied. The Regents also yester day: Approved the purchase of two more lots in the Malone Area. The University attorney Snideley Whiplash told the Regents that the University had paid a fair market price of $5,000 for each of the lots, both of which contain modern three story houses and outdoor swimming pools. Approved the University of Nebraska football team with drawing from the Big Eight Conference to join the National Football League. In announcing the shift to the NFL, head football coach Bob Defanny said, "After eight straight winning seasons we think we can compete with anybody. We're ready to move up to the big leagues." Defanny said that he would be head coach, general manager, concession manager and television announcer of the new Nebraska franchise. However, Defanny said the University might have trouble paying the stiff NFL entry fee since concession profits from last season were down due to confederate student concession stands and football programs. 7. - mmm Pictured above is the belly button of Regent Edd Swartzcough. P I GAAAPU KOM PAY COME SEE THE FINEST COLLEGE RINGS by Jostcn's of CAMPUS BOOKSTORE'S COLLEGE RING DAY, MONDAY 9:30 to 3:30 Select the finest-Wear the finest forever Order your Josten's college ring Josten Representative tvill be here PAGE 6 1245 R THE DAILY NEBRASKAN KSTORE 432-0331 1245 R MONDAY, MAY 4, 1970