Extension offers Him analysis class S tlldcil tS The University of Nebraska Extension Division will offer a special English course on the history and analysis of films next fall, according to Edor Ellingson of the Extension Division. The class will meet Thursday KELP WANTED Busboy needed for small housa. 432-9)04. Female student. Free room end board 'n exchange for some babysitting sum mer and continue fall If desired. 423 4440. OPPORTUNITY, sparetlme, addressing envelopes and circulars! Make $27.00 per thousand. Handwritten or typed, .n your home. Send iust $2. for INSTRUC TIONS plus LIST OF FIRMS using ad dresses Satisfaction Guaranteedl BS.V ENTERPRISES, Dept. 4 3, PO BOX 105o, Yucaipa, Calif. 9J399. Wanted Busboy now and next year. 432-3136. SOCIAL - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Na tionwide directories of pos.tlons. All relevant fields. Accurate. Current. In. expensive. Information write: Sccircom, Box 317, Harvard Square P.O., Cam bridge, Mass. 02138. Clrl to live In to care for a good nalured 2 year old girl. Light house work, salary, private room and bath. In new house. Students accepted If schedule permits. Write box 1, Dally Ncbraskan. Students help wanted, work part or full time In Lincoln. Guaranteed salary J50-10O per week. Must nav car. Scholarships available. Call collect 397-0377 Omaha between M, Procctionlst to operate U mm pre lector for Nebraska Union weekend films. Immediate opening to train tor fall. Apply Room 200, Nebr. Union. Want to earn good money? Sell wigs. Incentive and commission basis. 4JS 7835 evenings. ITEMS OFFERED 12 strlnq cherry colored fo'k guitar, like new. 475-1734 belore 10 a.m. 1969 350 Brldyestone ditlon. Reasonable, Apt. 5. Excellent con 423 4149. 1955 'A' 64 Triumph sports Six. 464-0249. For fast accurate typing In my home at reasonable rates call 432-1347. Electric typewriter, experienced. Polaroid Swinger camera 1 case, collent condition. 4752141. Ex- Gibson ES 330 guitar and hard shell case portuct condition. 435 7462 after rm. I960 TR 3. MUST SELL. Contact 410 Gather Hall. 450 BSA Lighting. New last May. Ex cellent condition. 432-9844, Evenings. 48 Ford Cortina GT. J1350 or best offer. 477-1412. Penonnlljed sewing at reasonable cost. Seloct your own style and ma terial. 475-1443. 30 ft. diameter Geodesic Come used In E wuek. 435 7248. Tape recorder for sale, good condition. 4J2-9764. Sony TC-8 stnreo I track certr'dge tape dck. Perfect condition. Best otter. 45-4119. Four d.ifk center Chevy mags S75. Evenings, 466-3614. 4S(1 HONDA. 167 Perfect condition. t550 or Bust (titer. 427 Harper or 477-039. MUST SELL I 1944 MG-Mldge 432-9844 after 5pm. Best Otfer. Electrons Copying Service O'sserte tlnn, thc.es. term caper - 488-45J9. Prompt Service. P.iiui-onlc Stereo record Chang :r J30. Transistor Radio. AM-f-M, I wive SJ0. K.i0lo-pnuno)!7. $50 Ostenlfer blender- J.'S. Original Swinger $7.50. Hrt-rdryer West Pend hivvy Teflon took ware, half price. k I torn, u used. Coll MAP 9-5. 466-7424. PERSONALS Inani mate wanted for nl e vt. 42 50. al Debby Conklin . . LOST AND F0 J0 Lust: Gold wakh at Piunoer Paik, near lake, reward. 432-7VIJ. THESIS BINDING U.St anu op rhetl COPIES .00c per page Call W 409. Daily Evening Wee-en .v Dale Jetftev'i Perlvlt h.iyrlifti and wood i' 79 214. PAGE 12 or from 7:30-10:00 p.m. at Farm House fraternity. Class work will include viewing films of fered by the Nebraska Union, Foreign Film Series and the experimental films series, Ell ingson said. Students interested in enroll ing must fill out an add form and return it to 511 Nebraska Hall May 7-22. hold greater impact in departments Continued from Page 8 problem can be resolved. "Students should select their own representatives. I have no quarrel with that," Soshnik said. 'But the department is where the action is", he added. On college advisory boards students have no policy-making power, according to Steve Tiwald, newly elected ASUN president. He also objects to students not being able to ap point students to boards and committees. This selection process will be changed through the Faculty Senate or "we'll work around it in formally," Tiwald said. Chances for a student-faculty senate "don't look good," he said. But Tiwald plans to research the issue over the summer and go before the Faculty Senate committee on restructuring the senate next fall. fc J "Black men trembled when white ladies spoke." If you think You have inherited a world Of war, poverty, injustice and prejudice, Consider for a moment the world Your fathers and theirs inherited. Black boots goose-stepped across Europe, Bringing the bloodiest war known to history. I lunger and despair hung heavy in every home. Beggars shuffled the streets. Breadlines and soup kitchens stretched From New York to Los Angeles. Little children labored from dawn to dusk in sweat shops. Miners, striking for minimum safety standards, Were mowed down hy bullets. Black men trembled when white ladies spoke. And lynchings were an acceptable form of mass entertainment. One third of our nation was ill-housed, ill-fed, ill-clothed. This was the world that was dumped on your fathers. Those who rolled up their sleeves in those days Had but one thought in mind: To make something better For themselves, for you, for the country. And they made it better. Not perfect, God knows, but better. When your sons take over, may it be said xou did asmucn. You. Our life insurance. PilOGMl! Mutual LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY HARTFOR0 CONNECTICUT Member, TM fhMnU Companies e 3 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1970