RAPPING V V JO I THE "LEE ROSS" BIRTHDAY SALE f &&&&&&t&6&b&b4&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&& AAAlNAAA IAAAAAAA lAAiV t jj) Hi" -I: . v A:v A ' . i Ik ' ' ... , , - , ' ..... 1..-, 1 '."V- v -m I 1127 ,,r Moss Med Hanger Shop ! SPECIAL SALE HOURS THURSDAY ONLY 12 NOON UNTIL MIDNIGHT THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1970 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 3 The Administration's latest move on college deferments is. very unfortunate. Although it won't affect those of us in col lege at the present time, it will affect students in the future. Ending college deferments would be a mistake. The point Is that a high school senior would either waste two years at odd jobs or be plucked out of college in his sophomore year when his lot tery number came up. STATISTICS show that those who leave don't, on the whole, come back to college. Since a deferment is just a deferment and the student will have to serve eventually anyway, what is the justification for jerking a student out midway through his education? It is in the best interests of the country to have as many college-trained people as possible, so one would think that college deferments would be or should be retained. HOWEVER, unless something is done (ie. Congress i; sp High Chapparal C Thursday, April 30 ""V Bowlint Lake h ; I Lincoln Air Park West ; I QjJ DRAUGHT! X I o A O It Tj I ; i doesn't pass the bill) we can kiss college deferments good bye. That something could be a letter-writing campaign to our senators and representatives, not to mention our President. I hope that enough students care enough to write two or three letters to Congressmen on the subject. Ken Cobb fr it & Editor, I read a letter in the April 24 issue of the Daily Nebraskan that should not stand as the last word. The letter suggests that col lege students at the University have demanded a free educa tion. Fortunately the people in Nebraska and the governors they have elected have been, to date, a little smarter than that. This state and nation are founded on free education for all its citizens. He further suggests that students opposed to Senator Clifton Batchelder's proposals to stop higher educaton in the state be ashamed of telling Spiring Sctf&! BaoiuL 7lmo WsihdwhdidSL lOmdci ipoiL bsdkvsL ihaL Hill ll Hxsl Lcl&L JtinuL (Rjdaju AmikcL? Jwsmhp tonq, jwajl jloRIwuL oa much. oa cl qhxiL. you. jfm trwkiL liinv kaptpxp hp fillhup ifiz. (fkjci dlcwqutu Shop- on Ma. 22ncL JbvJJuimp, JAuAAjdaiL, dhJxli 3 Oik. adjtl 12:00 noon. Id 12:00 " f midmqhL. Sovsl Ojv: o KNIT SHIRTS o FALL WEIGHT SPORT COATS o SPRING SPORT COATS o BUSH COATS SPRING SUITS o STRAIGHT BOTTOM SLASKS TIES o SHORT & LONG SLEEVED SHIRTS people that part of their taxes go to improve education in Nebraska. These individuals, our writer says, chose to work instead of go to college. They also had an opportunity to go to this university or a number of state colleges but chose not to. A NUMBER of people pay taxes for services that do not directly benefit them . . . even students, believe it or not, work during the year or during the summer and we are also con stantly purchasing items . . .we pay taxes too. Do we benefit from the financial support high schools receive? Not directly, since we are already graduates, but, in spite of the letter's charges, we are rational enough to see the value of this support to society. Maybe you don't like paying mm mmmi) mm eb cub (mb (rnmss m ins S3SD Q 9B ' V - - - taxes to support something that you cannot see any direct value in. Few people do. But most people recognize the need for higher education and most people see the need for taxation in areas you may not agree with as an individual. I respect Mr. . Batchelder's attempts to get elected and change the tax system that way. But he will not be elected. Furthermore he need not come to the University charging them with trying to take over the people's right to see-where their tax goes or try and make them feel guilty because they cannot afford to pay the total cost of their education when society also reaps benefits. I BELIEVE in higher educa tion and I am proud of it. Bruce E. Wimmer o - - -