The best is yet to come It's been a lone winter but it seems as If spring has finally made it to Lincoln, and with it other good things. "Z" is one. Go see this movie. It's all true, has a lot to say if you want. to listen to it, and uses the vehicle of film to say it very well Go see this film, it says what it has to say far better than I can, so I won't wast? your time. The Union is doing some good things this year with Spring Week, currently in progress. Today at S:30, 7 and 9 p.m. at Sheldon they are sponsoring "Cinema of the Absurd." It is a group of ten short films that range from 7 to 21 minutes in length. The films are: "Adventures with a Naked Boy," Czechoslovakia, 1967; "Rhinoceros", France, 1964, Eugene Ioneseo and Jan Lenica; "Triolet", Poland, 1866, Jerry Szeski; "Hobby," Poland, 196a Daniel Szczechura; "Cages", Poland, 1967, Miroslaw Kijowlcz; "Mammals", Poland, 1962, Roman Polanski; "Rondo," mm mm MEED" Poland, 1958, Jan Majewskl; "A Stain on His Conscience," Yugoslavia, 1968; "Labyrinth," Poland, 1961, Jan Lenica; and "When Angels Fall," Poland, 1958, Roman Polanski. If you are interested, go. It's Arabian Night held Sunday The sixth annual "Arabian Night" will be held on Sunday May 3 at 6:00 .m. The ac tivity consists of an arable din ner followed by a speaker and .a program of light entertain ment. Tickets may be obtained from the International Student Of fice, room 345 Nebraska Union. O-zv5 J IN CONCERT WITH ILLINOIS SPEED PRESS MAY 16 AT THE N.U. COLESIUM 8 PJVL 2J5 ADVANCE (Tax Included) 3.25 AT THE DOOR Sponsored by the Neb. Union Concert Committee TICKETS Will EE AVAILABLE MAT 4 IN THE UNION Order Your Foreign Film Tickets Woiv At A 5 Discount TKS TWO Of US-ftmct STOUN KmS-fra8 TMEOSfMA 4tlv KAMUT-ttasIa DAISIC3-CmfcslmUc SHAMI Sww4m bans pArrt-frM Tttt SySTOS-fraiKt Tfce tentative schedule for next year's series hi THI IATTU Of AlCtOS-Algtrte ALA&IN 31-SwtfM U STRAOA-ttefr TKt BtCTCU THIEF Itaff THI riFTM HORSfMAft IS FEA-CnhMlaU THE ICIIMIItly THI EXTfxMINATINO ANSEl Mtxlce All selections subect to Availability and prkt. Please tend ceapon te Union Program Office. Ream 123, Nebraska Union. Please enter memberships for the 1970-71 Nebraska Union Film Society at the special 5 reduced rate effective until July 1, 1970. University of Nebraska Student, Faculty and Staff Membership, Discount Price Ea. $7.83 Non-University of Nebraska Student Membership, Discount Price Ea. $8.81 Patron Membership, Discount Price Ea. $10.76 - Memberships $ , Memberships $ Memberships $ Inclosed U check in amount of Please indicate time of showings $-$-$- Total $- O 7 p.m. 9 p.m. Nana Address Ntti RtfvUr prim eftvr July 1, 1f70i $I.M $9.27 ni S11.M rtHvtly. Prices UtM 3 State oi City Salt Tax. by Fred Eisenhart Entertainment Editor only SO cents. Friday at Plnewood Bowl in Pioneers Park, there will be a free concert from 3 to 8 p.m. with Straight River, Granny's Truck Stop and the Progressive Jazz Quintet I don't know anything about the first two groups, but I caugnt the Pro gressive Jazz Quintet last Fri day at Sheldon and hey alone are worth the trip out Besides, the weather should e nice and you can go out and play Bac chus amongst the greenness. If you are into scul music, the Persuaders are playing for a soul dance-concert Friday 8 to 12 p.m. in the Nebraska Union Centennial Room. It's $1.50 a couple. Saturday, May 18, at the Coliseum, Steve Cobb and the Union are sponsoring Chicago and the Illinois Speed Press. It starts at 8 p.m. and will cost you $3.25. If you want to save 50 cents you can buy your tickets in the Union May 4-16. If this concert comes off we can expect even better things next year. I hope it does. We could use a few more better things around here. LOOKING FOR GOOD FOOD? WE'VE GOT IT! Jhz VILLIGER MOTEL RESTAURANT OPEN 24 HRS. DAILY except Sunday MIDNIGHT Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks Sandwiches Scotch Lounge . . . open 11 AJtf.-l AJVL Jhe VILLIGER MOTEL 52nd and 'C The Place Te Go! ICE CUBES 10 lb. Dag LOWEST PRICES M TOWN AT DIVIDEND 16th & P St. l8f CmifS of Campus 2 1 p EVERY ML I Dividend Bonded Gas WE NEVER CLOSE THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1970 THE DAILY NEBRAiKAN PAGE U.