The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 17, 1970, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    Red Barons gamble in shy
The Red Barons, student
flying club at the University of
Nebraska, are sponsoring a
flying "poker game" Saturday,
April 18. Anyone may enter at
their nearest airport Lin
coln, Columbus, Fremont, Mil
lard or Crete.
The object is to fly to each
of the other airports and se
lect a card at each one. Upon
completing the round robin
each contestant will have five
cards which are turned in. The
judges will determine which
contestant has the best poker
The holder of the best hand
will be awarded $50 by Weaver
Potato Chip Company and the
holder of the second, best hand
will be awarded $25 by Weaver
Minier Insurance Agency, Lin
coln. Participants who do not win
the first or second prize are
eligible to win a prize for the
best hand among the contes
tants at their "home" airport.
Contestants starting at Lincoln
airport are eligible to win a
prize courtesy of Duncan Avia
tion. Both pilots and passengers
may enter. Starting time is 9
a.m. The entry fee is $4 per
This fund raising event is be
ing held to help send a team
reoresentinff Nebraska tn the
National Intercollegiate Flying
Association spring meet in
Girl to livt In for th summer private
room, bath, wages, babysitting tor
girls ages I, 4. IV. Light housework.
Phone 4S8-0;89.
Wanted: Busboys Noon and Evening
Students help wanted, work part or full
time In Lincoln. Guaranteed salary
sso-100 per week. Must have ear.
Scholarships available. Call collect
jtz-uj umana oerween y-z.
College men. Summer jobs. Good Day.
(.an i:uo to J;00pm only. 488-3285.
Part time employee, preferably male
wim Knowledge of hi fl equipment,
salary plus commission. Apply In
person at World Radio. 1323 0 St.
Can you work II evening hours weeklvf
Need to earn over $80 weekly? Have
flood personality, car and ability to
manage your time? Want a summer
lob with opportunity to earn over 1200
weekly. If you answer yes to all
preceding questions. leadlna local
photography studio has this lob oo-
porrurmy involving advertising, public
relations and bales. Phone 464-3426.
Salesman, part-time, outside work, conv
mission basis. 433-1044 for appoint,
ment. Telephone Answering Service.
124 No. 16th.
1964 MO-Mldget. Good Condition, wire
wheels, radio, new carpeting. Must set
to appreciate. 432-W44 after spm.
Hooker Headers for 44. a. 47. M Pon.
tlec OTO. never been used. Contact Kent
Beverldge, $40 No. 14, 435-2V4I and
ieve message.
Bozeman, Mont. last year the
Nebraska team placed fourth in
the nation.
Batch opens headquarters,
seeks Lancaster support
all l r sit
Carolyn Thompson, Pound
Hall junior in speech com
munications from Friend to
Robert J. Luedtke, senior in
entomology from Lincoln.
Cathy Wigodsky, Pound Hall
sophomore in Teachers College
from Omaha to Bill Christensen
from Fort Riley, Kansas.
Ruth Kaufman, Sigma Delta
Tau sophomore in physical
education from Lincoln to Mike
Drickey, senior in math from
St. Louis, Missouri.
Sherilynn Miller, sophomore
in music from Greeley to Bill
Reynolds, senior in music from
Nancy Bloom, Pound Hall
sophomore in Teachers College
from Omaha to Larry Win
troub, Sigma Alpha Mu junior
in business administration from
Debbie Kirkland of St. Paul
to Jerry Hanson, Ag Men
sophomore in agricultural
State Sen. Clifton Batchelder
officially kicked off his cam
paign in Lincoln Thursday. And
he has already recruited at
least one University student to
help his daughter, Anne.
Batch, talking leisurely in his
newly opened Lancaster County
Headquarters, said that Anne,
a junior at the University,
would probably not have much
time to campaign. "She's just
trying to graduate," the state
senator said.
But Miss Batchelder
disagreed. A students for Batch
group will probably form, she
plans to be involved, perhaps to
the point of leading the group.
The headquarters, located on
South Eleventh Street, will help
coordinate such -groups as
Students for Batchelder.
Batchelder, an acknowledged
conservative and law-and-order
candidate who is opposing in
cumbent Republican Gov.
Norbert T. Tiemann in the May
12 gubernatorial primary.
He predicted he would take
Omaha, but emphasized that it
would be dangerous to pro
gnosticate how the votes in
Lancaster County will go.
"No poll has been taken," he
pointed out. "There is no
scientific way to predict, but I
do detect a strong undercurrent
of conservatism here."
He sponsored the con
troversial unlimited s e 1 f -defense
bill during the 1969
session of the Unicameral.
The Omaha senator has also
opposed what he calls ex
cessive spending for the
Batchelder said he is not
concerned with the possible
affect University professors
could have on the campaign.
And, the candidate said he
might get some votes because
of the opposition by the pro
fessors. Batchelder said he has
a "certain amount" of support
on the campus anyway.
Reflecting a heritage of love,
As old as time.
As young as the dawn.
Style 319
Sci'vinS Lincoln Sin s- 1905
1129 "C T
....AN GEM socirrv
1 FISi !
o 2
o o
O One Armload of Books on Presentation oi This Coupon. These Books Must
O Come From a Specially Selected Group at the Rear of Our Store and They o
O Must be Checked Over by Our Personel. Additional Armloads $1.00 ea. 2
Electronic Copying Service Disserta
tion, these, term oaper eM-XMf.
Prompt Service.
Watch Repair. Twe Day service. Campus
Bookstore. IJ and R St.
thesis binoino .so and up Thesis
COPIES .cmc per page lxll. Cell 434
W. bally Evening weekend.
Oal Jeffrey' Party land now booking
hayrldes and woodsta. ;M7I or
Sail or fade 4 choice seats for KK. Sat.
nit for Frl. Den Chevalier 477-40.
Home for sal. I yr. old. 4 bedroom. 1
baths. I ocre. All carpeted and
draperies. Extra appliances. Fin
'shod Basement. 477-7845.
Wedding Dress, site I, unused. Original,
ly SI40, will sell for l0. Call
432-4 19 after pm.
IVM OTO. Green convertible. 4-speed.
excellent condition. 4-l27t.
Your chance. For NEW UNIVERSITY.
Prior. Pliger, Smltherman.
Roommate for the summer, city campu
ant. 1733 R. 142.50. Marsha McKlbbln,
Oval rati bar
Instrument panel
One piece ABS molded body
Formedwelded tubular steel from
Steering brake level and acbl guide
Steering wheel brae (adlwstabla height)
Refract at la tow bar and hitctt gnderbedv skid plat
11-galton formed, welded pressure-tested ga tank
Chrome wheel
40 M P, engln
Hoed b Dash
COLORS t Frag green. New York red,
California yellow.
David L. Root
5103 Prescotr
FRIDAY, APRIL' 17, 1970