"Willie Boy'' strikes out is w Brautigan Poet & Buckley pseudo- Richard author William F, Intellectual Sen. Ted Kennedy Desmond Morris author of The Naked Ape Lawarence Fehrlinghetti poet Norman Mailer author & sort of modern Baccus Truman Capote author Paul Ehrlich ecologist Herbert Marcuse Marxist philosopher Milton Friedman economist Rev. Jessie Jackson militant black minister Gore Vidal author of Myra Breckenridge Mayor John Lindsay good guy Marshall McCluhan only real Renaissance man alive John Kenneth Galbraith economist Phillip Roth author of Portnoy's Complaint Sam Br own Moratorium coordinator Sen. George McGovern James Baldwin author Sen. Edward Muskie Theodore H. White author Leon Panetta ex head of civil rights enforcement for HEW Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. author of Cat's Cradle, Slaughter House Five Tom ' Wolfe author of The Kood-ald Acid Test Ken Kesey author of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, and originator of the Kool-aid Acid Test Isaac Asimov science fiction writer Werner Von Braun creator of Amerika's contribution t o phallic symbols of the world David Suskind Buckley's alter-ego Robert Heinlein author of Stranger in a Strang Land Peter Fonda Omaha's own Dennis Hopper director of "Easy Rider" John Barth author Richard Hofstadter Political Scientist & historian Saul Bellow author James Kunen author of The Strawberry Statement Joseph Heller author of Catch 22 J P. Donleavy author of The Ginger Man Alan Ginsberg L. B. J. anyone? Hurry Buckmlnister Fuller creator of the geodesic dome Michael Lydon rock critic John Horsey author of The Algiers Motel Incident Sonny Barger ex-presldent of Oakland chapter of the Hell's Angcis ' Carl Stokes Mayor of Cleveland Richard Hatcher Mayor of Gary, Indiana Sir Laurence Olivier actor and director Tennessee Williams play wright Edward Albceplaywrlght Harold Pinter playwright Tom Stoppard' 'Roscncrantz and Guildenstcrn Are Dead" Robert Bolt playwright of "A Man For All Seasons" Hollls Alport movie critic for "The Saturday Review" Pauline Kael movie reviewer Gloria Steinem Journalist Susan Sontag she does about everything John Ciardl poet Norman Cousins of the "Saturday Review" Evil Kanevll planning to Jump the Grand Canyon on his motorcycle Peter Sellers actor Lee Marvin apostle of evil Paul Schofield actor Cesar Chavez chlcano Movie review by KELLEY BAKER Perhaps it would be best to see a film without having first been influenced by a big build up . . . for even if anticipation Is an important part of pleasure, shattered hopes can be worse than none. I was watching the Dick Cavett Show a few weeks ago and among his guests were Robert Blake ("In Cold mm IT ME Jeremy Larner new left writer James Earl Jones actor, star of "The Great White Hope" Gerald S. Hawkins author of Stonehenge Decoded Terry Southern black humorist, author of Candy Vine Deloria, Jr. author of Custer Died for Your Sins Wiseman director of "Highschool" & " Tilllcut Follies" Kozil author of Death at an Early Age John Holt author of How Children Fail Alan Watts author of The Book Gary Snyder Poet and author Earth Household John Updike author Ralph Nader perhaps our saviour Studs Terkel Chicago journalist Haskel Wexler director of "Medium Cool" Philip Hart senator from Michigan Averill Harriman statesman Dean Acheson statesman George Kennan statesman Shirley Knight director of "One Potato, Two Potato" Mike Nichols movie director Orson Welles actor, movie director Billy Kidd super skier Hunter S. Thompson free lance writer & auther of The Hell's Angels Gordon Parks-poet, "Life" photographer John Knowles author of The Magnus & The French Lt.'s Woman John Cage contempory com poser & Inventor of "the hap pening" Margret Mead anthropologist Vladimir Nabokov author of Lolita & Ada Jerry Rubin Yippe! & Chicago 7 Abbie Hoffman Yippe! & Chicago 7 David Dellenger pacifist and Chicago 7 Tom Hayden founder of SDS & Chicago 7 Rennle Davis Chicago 7 John Froines Chicago 7 Lee Weiner Chicago 7 William Kunstler defense at torney Chicago 7 Noam Chomsky March on The Pentagon . 1966, inventor of Transformational Grammar, to name a few things. James Healey leader of the Kansas City Black Panthers Abraham J. Heschel theolo gian Strom T h urmond South Carolina's own Michael Chritchton author of The Andromeda Strain Robert Lowell poet Sen. Alan Cranston R. Crumb Zap Comics J. R. R. Tolkien Nicol Williamson director of his interpretation of "Hamlet" Stanley Kubrick director of "2001" Neil Armstrong the All American Boy Arthur Penn llrector of "Alice's Restaurant" Arron Copeland contemporary compoer Frank Zappa the ugliest Mother of them all D. A. Pennebaker maker of the documentary film on Bob Dylan, "Don't Look Back" Sol Stern ex "Ramparts" editor & Rock critic Robert Bly poet Mark Rudd Viva Mae West Add your own Danco to the Nine Man Show and Dance Band it The "BIG BRASS" Sound TT 100 Danceable Music ff A Guaranteed Attraction EL CIO RECORDING STARS OF ''Everybody's Got to Loss Sonuonft Somotlmt" Appisrlng fit: FRI. MARCH 13 STUDENT UNION SAT. MARCH 14 ,Vi CATHER HALL THE CHANCELLORS Mgmti R. Codr (402) A66 Ml tl.N BALLROOM I4TM R Blood", "Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here") and Rex Reed, interviewer and movie columnist. After Blake was introduc ed, Reed said that he felt "Willie Boy" was one of the ten best films of the year. Then they ran a film clip from the movie and I started looking forward to seeing it I later read that the "New York Times" had rated It in their top ten and ascerblc "Time" gave it raves and I couldn't wait till "Willie Boy" arrived. The reason I mention this Is that "Willie Boy" did not live up to its notices. This fact was disappointing enough but the film fell far short of its potential and this was especially disappointing. Instead of concentrating of the white-red relations that should be the main issue, Abe Polonsky weakens the film with too much emphasis on the chase scene, Robert Red ford's sex life, cliche characters end other extraneous mat ters. "Willie Boy" could have made a significant statement about the white man's treatment of the Indians and about minority-majority relations but it mumbled, content to be slick and gimmicky. The ultimate irony in this film is that two parts which should be played by people who at least look like Indians are filled by the least Indian-looking actors in the film (just a little more red discrimination). Robert Redford, as usual, plays a part which doesn't begin to tap his ability (after three of these in a row it makes you wonder If Indeed he has any ability.) Katherine Ross is mercifully limited to fewer than ten lines. You don't need a program to tell the good guys from the bad ones, just follow Edith Head's fashion tips: both good women in white, sheriff is camp in bis bellbottoms, etc. Polonsky stooped to some obvious tricks that were a bit obvious: cute .transitions from nude ti nude and crying woman to crying woman that juxtapose the white-white relationship with the red-red relationship and nauseate you too. All In all, "Willie Boy" Is not a horrible film, just a disappointing one so don't expect too much if you go. ICE CUBES 10 lb. Bag LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN AT DIVIDEND 16fb & P St. Just South of Campus Dividend Bonded Gas WE NEVER CLOSE '' h" n it ... M i - r. V n- M THURSDAY, , MARCH 1 2, 1970 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 7 1