The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 23, 1970, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Photo by Howard Rosenberg
Police 'invade'
campus classrooms
Nebraskan Staff Writer
About 85 Lincoln policemen have "invaded" the University
campus, not as law officers but as students.
Many police officers have returned to class after passage
of a Federal bill granting money for police education, according
to Capt. Dale Adams, Lincoln police training officer.
He said that officers who agree to serve as policemen
for two years after their Schooling are eligible for $200 to
$300 per semester in tuition grants. Police can also get govern
ment education loans up to $1,800, Adams added.
He explained that the federal loans are discounted at the
rate of 25 per cent per year for each year the officer remains
in police work after his graduation. Because of this, the
loan is automatically paid off after four years.
"The city of Lincoln also has a program to get officers
in school," Adams said. "An incentive plan for police education
provides that an officer's pay be raised five percent for each
30 hours of college credit he receives." .
"All four Lincoln police captains are taking courses," Adams
said. "We have a cross section of the department in school,
from the oldest members to the youngest."
Police Lt. B. Dean Leitner is one of the men taking advantage
of the new program. He attended college through his junior
year before joining the Lincoln police in 1957.
Leitner plans to work for a bachelor's degree in law enforce
ment and correction. This degree is becoming available at
the University in Lincoln because of the merger with the
University of Omaha.
"I find school a good bit different than when I left it
in 1957," Leitner said. "We always wore slacks and shirts
to ' class then. Now some of the students don't even wear
"I'm not saying this is bad," he added, "just different.
I kind of enjoy it."
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Counselor wanted for Camp Somerset
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Require men and women highly skilled
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of age preferably with previous camp
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cated In the State of Main. Position
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Lost: Brownish Tweed Maxt coat North
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Items Offered
Genuine Pur Coat (male or female) tie.
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sfereophones and tape care kit. S4oo.
Value for much less. Call 432-424
after 5:00pm.
Watch Repair. Two Day service. Cameu
Bookstore. 13 and R St.
Bulck-Opel, 194 Sport Rally, Priced
right, one owner. 431-4371.
1944 MGB. On owner. Excellent condi
tion. 421-2U after p.m.
2521 Vine Street
Married couples or maximum of two
singles. A quiet, clean, comfortable
place to live. We pay heat and furnish
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We hold apartments for reasonable
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