Betas eye repeat crown Butts seeding hurdle sweep By ROGER RIFE Nebraskan Sports Writer Beta Theta Pi may retain its "A" and "C" fraternity in tramural basketball cham pionships, according to Beta coach Allen Campbell. At the beginning of the season, "we were a little slow," Campbell says, "but now we're coming on strong." Sixty-one teams remain in the five-class double-elimination tournament. CAMPBELL, whose team has several members from last year's "A" championship crew, feels he has "an all-around good team." Entering tourney play, the Betas "A" squad was 6-2. "We started out slowly in the first half of our games," he adds, "but we would pick up and win." Top Beta "A" scorers include Jim Jansen, an Omaha Westside graduate; Jim Deitemeyer, a Lincoln Southeast graduate: Ray Harr, a McCook High graduate; and Nebraska football quarterback Van Brownson of Shenondoah, Iowa. Teams remaining as of Wednesday: III FRATERNITY A Kappa Alpha Psi, Beta Theta Pi, Brown Palace, Chi Phi, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Pioneer, Phi Kappa Psi, Beta Sigma Psi, Farmhouse, Phi Delta Theta, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Nu, Cornhusker, Pi Kappa Phi, Ag Men. FRATERNITY B Phi Delta Theta, Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Chi, Alpha Gamma Rho, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Delta Sigma Pi. Fraternity B Phi Delta Theta, Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Chi, Alpha Gamma Rho, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Delta Sigma Pi. FRATERNITY C Phi Delta Theta, Beta Theta Pi, Phi Robisch sets pace Kansas junior Dave Robisch is on his way towards a record scoring pace in the Big Eight Conference. The former Springfield, 111., pivot is hitting at a 28.3 point per game clip and seems headed towards unseating Colorado's Cliff Meely as the loop's top scorer. MEELY IS the second leading scorer, banging away at a 20.7 clip while Oklahoma's Garfield Heard is averaging 17.5 points. Two Iowa State seniors rank fourth and fifth in scoring. Last year's all-Eig Eight center Bill Cain is hitting 17.0 ppg while Aaron Jenkins is sinking 15.1 points. The only Nebraskan among the top ten is Tom Scantlebury, In seventh place with a 14.8 average. its I the new elia Kazan's AU QlraEIHOlieill 5 - "x, I niffiUI UNIItR It " lui ' 1 S Ai.!iSS!!rtSLll 255" L!ffeft deborak 4rlclUr4 doudas-duhavay herrboon2Cronyn ,Clia MRU NgmMno.J'the arrangement" hnlcolor-panavlalon Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Psi, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Beta Sigma Psi, Sigma Nu, Delta Tau Delta, Theta Xi, Pi Delta Theta, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi Gamma Delta, Farmhouse, Beta Sigma Psi, Ag Men, Sigma Nu. DORMITORY A Kennedy (Cather Hall champs); Schramm V, Sch IV (Selleck Quad champs), Abel IV, Abel VIII. DORMITORY B Abel III, Abel IV, Abel VII, Gus I, Thoreau, Kennedy, Avery, Schramm V. INDEPENDENTS Choc taws, Playboys, Cardinals, Meteors, Lifers, Bombers, Super Studs, Toads, Born Losers, GDIs. By STEVE SINCLAIR Assistant Sport Editor Randy Butts will be gunning for his third hurdles sweep of the indoor track season Saturday afternoon when the Cornhuskers face Iowa State at the Memorial Stadium track. The Husker freshman has captured both the 60 yard high hurdles and low hurdles in meets against Southern Illinois and Colorado. THE FORMER Grand Island standout has made a habit of hitting the finish line first. He won gold medals at the state high school track meet in the r-Tf: J. V i Backer starting forward jiittiif tiiiiitiftt Jttfiiiiif iiiiiitii iii:iiiiiiiiitiitiiiif iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiMMiiiiiiiiiiif itiisiiiiirriiiiiiiiJJiiiiiriiiiij I MPs Backer I f big discovery f By RANDY YORK a Nebraskan Sport Editor Nebraska swimmer Dave Backer feels he was dis covered, not recruited by Cornhusker coach John Reta. "I just didn't have enough ability to be recruited," says Backer, who nevertheless has emerged into a Big Eight Conference standout. "Coach Reta saw me swim in an intramural meet when I was a freshman," Backer, now a junior, recalls. "He asked me if I would like to try out. I mean, he let me try out. I don't know why he did. My times couldn't have impressed him. I guess he was just nice." BACKER WASN'T kidding about his times. "They've improved quite a bit I guess. My best 200-yard freestyle when I was a freshman was 2:11. Now I'm right around 1:50." More physical strength ac counts for his progress, Dave says. "I've gotten a lot of ribbing about how the girls used to beat me in the YMCA when I was in high school," the McCook native says, "but I wasn't kidding. They really did beat me. I didn't go out for the swimming team. I K played basketball." At 6-0, 160 pounds, Dave was a for then McCook High coach Paul Forch. Since he has been on Reta's weight training program, however, Dave has grown to 6-2 V4 and 180 pounds. Why'cl he have to grow so late? "Coach Forch (now at Lincoln East) asks me why I had to grow so late," Dave noted. "I didn't really do him that much good. I guess I'm just a late developer, like the rest of my family tends to be." Basketball Is still a part of Backer's recreation, but not without a veto from Reta. "Coach doesn't like it, or rather, us playing it," Backer says. "I enjoy basketball and play some, but I've got pretty bad knees. There's something wrong with the calcium deposits. If I played basketball for 10 minutes right now, I wouldn't be able to walk for about two days." SWIMMING IS physically more demanding than basketball, Dave feels, but the water doesn't severely affect his knees. "I think we work as hard or harder than any other team in the Big Eight," Dave says. "I've been in the water for at least two hours every day for more than six straight months. "Coach Reta is real demanding," he adds, "but the work is paying off. We've won four straight duals. We've never done thut before." Backer credits Reta's advice more than his own ability for his improvement. "Coach Reta has changed my stroke completely. What can I say? He had faith in me, and I hope I've given him faith too." Powerful Jayhawk next foe The Husker swimmers will put their win skein on the line Saturday against powerful Kansas at Lawrence. "Kansas Is a little far away for most people In the Big Eight," Dave says of the Jayhawks, who have won the league crown the last two years. "BUT I'M looking at the meet as my best Individual challenge this season," ht added. "I think that's the way the whole team feels. We all want to see how far we've come." highs and lows as a junior and senior. He also was a member of the state champion 880-yard relay team for three years. Butts, however, hasn't found the going easy as a collegian. "The big change from high j school is that there are good j hurdlers on every team," he j said. Butts is looking forward to j the Big Eight meet where he wiH have another shot at the conference leaders in the lows Marcus Walker of Colorado and Luci Williams of Kansas State. WALKER WON the low hurdles at the Omaha Federa tion meet and Williams bested Butts in a dual at Manhattan. Butts labels Walker the best hurdler he has ever faced. "I'm just going to do the best I can, and if it's good enough to place that's fine," Butts said of the Big Eight meet. "I'm going to have to be a lot more mentally ready," he ad ded. "I'm passed the state of being able to get in any better physical condition." If there Is any inconsistency In Butts' performance this year, it is his time In the highs. (:07.6). "My performances in the highs haven't been as good as they should be," he said, "and I actually prefer running the highs." BUTTS CURRENTLY shares the conference's third best time in the lows (:06.9) with team mate Galen Hurst. The Husker hurdler said no one has tried to use psychology tactics on him this season. "There's hardly any talking at all before a race," he said. "This will probably change as soon as we get outdoors." A versatile performer, Butts also was a starting defensive back on the Husker freshmen football team. He plans to bypass spring football drills to concentrate on track, but will return to the gridiron In the fall. Iowa State's top performers are Fran Long and Dennis McGuire. Long recorded the fastest 440 in conference history (:47.3) last weekend at the National Federation meet at the Houston Astrodome. McGuire has the third best time in the conference In the two mile at 8:56.9. Itiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiii Big 8 Kansas Stat .. Kansas Missouri ,. .... Iowa Stat . . , Naoraska .... Oklahoma . . . Oklahoma Stat Colorado .. ... Standings Cant. 8 ..... ..... ,ts .... ...... All a mo H II- 11 It II. IS- t 1 tl-ll PAGE 6 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN EmiiitttiitiimtmntiitiiiHittiniiiiiiimitiiiiiiiiiiiiii FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1970