V;1 'ir J '4 3 3 ' '1 ' if 4 I", !',' li " .4 it VISTA Zoofcs for specialists Volunteers In Service To America has new vistas in this year's recruitment drive it is scanning the campus for specialists. VISTA is seeking more skill ed graduates, such as architects and lawyers. "One reason for recruiting specialists is that 80 per cent of all volunteers have attended college," said Shirley Byrd, one of three VISTA workers recruiting volunteers at the University, Feb. 9-13. The other recruiters are Alice Shands, a Mississippi volunteer who has worked in the Des Moines ghetto, and Rebecca Salazar, a California volunteer who has worked with migrant workers in her home state. The recruiters will be speak ing to classes, showing films and meeting as many people as possible. "Past results of recruiting in Nebraska are encouraging," Miss Byrd said. Last year VISTA recruiters accepted nearly one-hundred applica tions at the 'University of Nebraska. "There are no entrance re Everyone is invited to attend our The Nebraska Union Hospitality Committee . joins Hovland-Swanson in presenting a bridal revue "LEFT HAND, THIRD FINGER" Tuesday, February 10, 1970 7:30 p.m. Student Union Ballroom University of Nebraska quirements or examinations," Miss Byrd said. Selection of volunteers is made on the basis of the quality of the application and upon the feedback of the applicant, she said. The tenure for the VISTA volunteer is one year. After that male volunteers are again subject to the draft. Most male volunteers have occupational deferments which are issued by local draft boards, she said. "Since VISTA began opera tion in 1965, more than 400,000 letters expressing interest in cccoming Febr. 9, 3:30 p.m. Nebraska Union Ballroom Spiro: demonstration of protest Febr. 9,6:00 p.m. Pershing Auditorium Flick: "Dragon Inn" Febr. 6 & 7, 7:00 & 9:00 p.m. Nebraska Union Auditorium Flick: "The Connection" Febr. 9, 9:00 & 10:45 a.m. Main Lounge Nebraska Union Flick: "One Potato, Two Potato" ' the organization have been received, and nearly 14,000 Americans have become volunteers," Miss Byrd said. The demand for volunteers outpaces the supply. In 1969, there were requests for 30,000 volunteers on a national scale," Miss Byrd said. She also said that "in Nebraska during 1969, there were requests for more than 200 volunteers to work on 21 different projects. Information about VISTA will be available in the Nebraska Union next week. Febr. 10, 9:00 & 10:45 a.m. Main Lounge Nebraska Union Flick: "Nothing But A Man" Febr. 11, 9:00 & 10:45 a.m. Main Lounge Nebraska Union Flick: "The Pawnbroker" Febr. 12, 9:00 & 10:45 a.m. Main Lounge Nebraska Union Free Black Soul Music Febr. 9, 10, 11, & 12, 1:30 p.m. South Crib Nebraska Union Neuman Methodist Youth Choir Febr. 10 & 11, 7:00 p.m. Main Lounge Nebraska Union J Placement Detailed information may be obtained at the placement office, Nebraska Union 230. Monday, Feb. M ALUMINUM COMPANY OF AMERICA (Alcoa). BS MS Chem. Enor., Elec. Enqr., Mech. Enqr. ARTHUR ANDERSEN 8. CO. JO La BS BA Liberal Arts Engr. (with some acctg.) BS MA, MBA Acctg., Bus. Admin. BANKERS LIFE NEBRASKA. BS BA Bus. Adm., Liberal Arts, other disciplines are qualifying for positions of Underwriter or Correspondent. Math and computeC lanquages and sci. are desirable but not essential for Programming and Systems. BELL TELEPHONE: AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COM PANY Long Lines. Summer Engineer ing, Physics, Math or Scl. majors who will be within a year or graduation. Upper 13 of class. WESTERN ELECTRIC COM PANY Summer Engr. in upper Vt of class. Jr. Engr. who will graduate Jan., June or Aug. BOOZ, ALLEN APPLIED RESEARCH, INC. See bulletin board for Information. FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION. BS E.E., C.E., M.E. Tuesday, Feb. 17 BAILEY METER COMPANY. BS Elec. Enqr., Mech. Engr., Computer Engr., Chem. Engr., Indus. Engr.. Marketing, Math. BELL TELEPHONE: BS BA MS MA MBA All Colleqes PhD Math, Statistics, Elec. Engr., Mech. Engr., Enqr., Mech. EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY. BS MA Bus. Adm., Econ., Math, Tech. MBA'S MBA Bus. Adm. U.S.D.A. FOREST SERVICE BS MS Civil Enqlneers. MCGLADREY, HANSEN, DUNN & COMPANY. BS MA, MBA Accounting (Upper Vj of Grad. class). WALNUT GROVE PRODUCTS (Dlv. of W. R. Grace & Co.) EAST CAMPUS. BS MS Agriculture or Ag. related study. Wednesday, Feb. 18 BANKERS LIFE (Des Moines). BS MA Actuarial Scl. BS Math. BELL TELEPHONE. (Same as before). CTY OF ST. LOUIS. PhD Psychologists BS MS Urban Plannlnq St Architecture, Social Workers BS C.E., M.E., E E., Ind. E Chem. E., Bac teriologists, Accountants, Social Workers, . PHILLIPS PETROLEUM COMPANY. BS MS Chem. Engr., BS M.E., E.E. Thursday. Feb. 18 BELL TELEPHONE. (Same as before). GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY. BS BA Bus. Adm. Acctg., Banklnq, Finance 8, Investment, Econ. Liberal Arts and other business candidates only If their career Interests are in finance ft Acctq. Academic standing in upper V of class preferred. THE MARTIN MARIETTA CORPORA TION. BS MS E.E., M.E., C.E., Engr. MONSANTO COMPANY. BS MS Chem. Engr., Mech. Engr. Elec. Enqr. OCCIDENTAL LIFE INS. OF CALIFORNIA. (See bulletin board for In formation.) PHILLIPS PETROLEUM COMPANY. (Same as before). WILSON & COMPANY INC. (EAST CAMPUS(. BS Animal Science, Ag. Econ. Friday, Feb. JO U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT OMAHA (Corps of Engineers). BS Elec, Civil, Mech. Enqr., Geol. BELL TELEPHONE. (Same as before). PRODUCTION CREDIT (Div. of Federal Land Bank). EAST CAMPUS. (See Bulletin Board for Information). FEDERAL LAND BANK EAST CAMPUS. (See Bulletin Board for In formation). GENERAL ELECTRIC. (Same as before). SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY (Snn Francisco). BS BA MS MA MBA No special requirement. MARTIN MARIETTA CORP. (Same as before). Monday, Feb. 23 ERNST ft, ERNST. (See bulletin board for Information). FARMERS REGIONAL COOPERATIVE (FELCO) (EAST CAM PUS). BS Ag. Bus. Ag. Econ, Agronomy, Animal Scl. GENERAL MILLS, INCORPORATED (Corporal Schedule). BS MA MBA Acctg., Gen. Bus., Finance, Marktg., BSMS Math, Engr. (Chem. Indus Mech.). H. J. HEINZ SALES COMPANY. BS BA MS MA Bus. Adm. Lib. Arts, Marketing. JOHNS MAN VILLP RESEARCH t, ENGINEERING CENTER. BS MS M.E., Ind.E., C.E., E., Sanitary, BS The only store serving students with complete card and gift needs. Campus Bookstore 1245 R St. tlie store that cares Interviews MS PhD Chem. E, Chemists & Physicists. LEVER BROTHERS COMPANY. BS MA MBA Marketing and Business. METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. BS MA Actuarial Scl. BS MS Math. THE MINNESOTA MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. BS BA Lib. Arts, Gen. Business, Sales Mgmt. BS MA MS Math, Actuarial Sci. NATIONAL LIFE AND ACCIDENT IN SURANCE COMPANY. BS MA MBA Actuarial Science. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK. BS MA MBA Bus. Adm. JD Law. BA BS Liberal Arts. BS MA Mgmt. Sci. R. R. DONNELLEY & SONS COM PANY. BS MBA Mrktg., Gen. Bus., Econ., Acctg. Engineering, ME, EE, IE. WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC COR PORATION. BSMS Giec. Engr., Mech. Engr. Tuesday, Feb. 24 AMERICAN OIL COMPANY ft. AMOCO CHEMICALS CORPORATION. BS MS PhD Chem. Enqr. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Dlv. of Amer. Oil.) (EAST CAMPUS). BS Bus. Adm. Bus. Mgmt. Agronomy. DEERE & COMPANY. See Bulletin Board for Information. THE GATES RUBBER COMPANY. BS MS Mech. Engr., BS Chem. Engr., & Indus. Enqr. GENERAL MILLS, INCORPORATED (Corporate Schedule). (Same as before). MOBIL OIL CORPORATION. BS MS BA MA MBA All Liberal Arts and Bus. Adm. BS MS Chem. Enqr., Mech. Engr., Civil Engr., Indus. Engr., and MS Geology. PENN CONTROLS, INC. BS Civil Engr., Elec. Engr., Mech. Engr. SQUARE D COMPANY. BS MS Elec. Engr., Mech. Engr., Indus. Engr., BS Accountants. Wednesday, Feb. 25 AMERICAN OIL COMPANY (Dlv. of Standard Oil). BS Bus. Adm. Bus. Management. DEERE & COMPANY. (Same as before). DEERE St COMPANY (EAST CAM. PUS). (Check bulletin board for Informa tion). 3M COMPANY (Minnesota Mining and Manuf. Co.). BS MS M.E., Chem. BS Indus. Enqr. THE PROCTER 8. GAMBLE MFG. COMPANY. BS MS MBA PhD Chem. Engr. MBA BS MS M.E., E.E., BS Civil Enqr. UNIVAC CORPORATION. BS MS PhD Electrical Enqlneers (Federal Systems Dlv.). BS MS PhD Elec. Engrs. BS MS Bath-Computer Science (Data Processing Divislion). Thursday, Feb. 24 CITY OF MILWAUKEE. (See bulletin board for Information). 3M COMPANY (Minnesota Mining end Manuf. Com ). (Same as before). OHIO EDISON COMPANY. BS Elec. Enqr., Mech. Enqr. PEAT, MAR WICK, MITCHELL ft. COMPANY. BS MA Accounllnq, Finance (with Acctq. Minor) JD Law (with Acctq. underqraduate deqree). POWERS REGULATOR COMPANY. BS Field Enqr., Sales Enqr., (Any degree). PROCTER ft, GAMBLE MFG. CO. (Same as before). SHELL COMPANIES. BS MS PhD Chem. BS MS Chem. Enqr. Civil Enqr. Elec. Enqr., Mech. Enqr., Comp. Scl. BS BA Acctg., Adm. ft, Bus. Pol., Bus. Law Si Pub. Adm., Finance, Indus. Mgmt., Econ. U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. BS Adm. Bus. BS MS MBA Aq. E., C. E , Soil Conserv., Geol., Range Cons., Soil Scl., Aqr. Econ. ARTHUR YOUNG ft, COMPANY. BS MA MBA Accounting, JD Law. MBA Finance. Friday, Feb. 27 ARCHER DANIELS MIDLAND COM PANY. BS - Ch. Engr., Ag. Engr., ME, Acctg., Chemistry. BANKERS LIFE ft, CASUALTY. BS BA MBA Actuarial Scl. (The actual maior does not matter). IOWA ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY. BS Acctq., Business, Home Econ., Engineering: Indus., Elec, Mech. Civic LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE IN SURANCE COMPANY. BS MA MBA Actuarial Science. THE MAYTAG COMPANY (Non. technical). (See bulletin board for In formation), 3M COMPANY. (Same as before). PROCTER S, GAMBLE MFG. COM. PANY. (Same as before). SHELL COMPANIES. (Sam at before). UNION TANK CAR COMPANY. (See bulletin board for Information). PAGE 12 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1970