The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 15, 1969, Image 1

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by John Dvorak
Nebraskan Staff Writer
(EDITORS NOTE: This Btory is the
final in a two part series on the Pass
Fail program at the University.)
Sentiment among many faculty
members at the University of Nebraska
seems to favor an expansion of the
pass-fail system. In fact, the Arts and
Sciences Curriculum Committee will
consider such a proposal at a meeting
"The proposal would extend the pass
fail privilege to freshmen and
sophomores," said Dr. Walter Bruning,
assistant dean of the College of Arts
and Sciences.
P-f credit would also apply toward
group requirements, according to Brun
ing. And, instead of the current 12 hour
limit, a student would take a maximum
of 24 hours on a pass-fail basis.
Favors expansion
Bruning could not say whether the
ix peace rally
by Ron Whitten
Nebraskan Staff Writer
"If God can humble himself by placing
Christ among the peasants, then the
United States can certainly humble itself
and admit it has been wrong in this
terrible war in Vietnam," Rev. Carl
A. Burkhardt Jr. said Friday at a peace
Burkhardt, along with six other
speakers, addressed a crowd of about
200 students in the Union Ballroom on
the history of the Vietnam War, pro
spects for peace and the consequences
of the war upon the American people.
After briefly discussing the fate of
the Roman empire, Burkhardt told the
crowd that unless the U.S. quickly leaves
Vietnam, this country will become "just
another decline-and-fall study for
historians of the next century."
The Bethany Christian Church minister
said that lately "peace is a dirty word
in the U.S. unless it involves a complete
military victory."
Burkhardt said that by pursuing a
military victory in Vietnam the U.S.
will "never create peace at all." But,
added Burkhardt, this seems to be t h e
policy we are now pursuing.
"It is my duty as a Christian minister,
to raise my voice at my country and
say: We as a nation are not God."
Other speakers echoed Burkhardt 's
condemnation of American policy In the
war. Dr. Ivan Volgyes, professor of
political science at NU, called the Nix
on's American policy "politically in
genious." Nixon, said Volyges, "is a political
animal, and only knows what it means
to be reelected."
Consequently, explained Volyges, Nix
on will withdraw all American combat
forces from Vietnam by 1972, and
thereby be reelected President.
"Why should you die for one man's
personal vanity?" Volyges asked his
listeners. "Nixon's plan is fine for him.
Richard Nixon won't die in Vietnam.
Volyges claimed that the President
has actually Impeded a conclusion to
the War In Vietnam. "Averlll Harrlman
at Paris was on the verge of negotiating
n meaningful, full-fledged cense fire for
the war when Nixon was elected. And
Nixon refused to follow up Hurriman's
proposals,'" he suld.
Volyges concluded that the only vic
Model U.N. delegates defeat
v ; ' J
Howard Rosenberg (left), representing Israel in the Model U.N., gives his views on the Palestine reso
lution to the General Assembly.
sentiment favors pass
Curriculum Committee will approve the
proposal, or even if the group will vote
on it Tuesday. He personally favors ex
panding the p-f system, though he has
serious misgivings about extending the
privilege to freshmen.
Should the Curriculum Committee ap
prove the proposal, it would probably
go to the Faculty Senate Grading Com
mittee and then the entire Faculty
Senate before becoming official.
A number of faculty members, and
administrators too, strongly favor ex
panding the p-f system, which is limited
under present rules.
At current, only juniors and seniors
can take p-f courses. Pass-fail credit
may not excede 12 hours in a student's
college career, and the credit may not
count as minor or group requirements.
No pass-fail is permitted in a student's
major department.
All classes ought to be graded on
a pass-fail basis, according to Dr. A.
Stuart Hall, professor of economics.
"There are a variety of reasons," he
policy wrong in Vietnam
tory which could ever be accomplished
in Vietnam will be a victory over the
Sdigjn regime.
"The end of tyranny in Vietnam will
be at the expense of Theiu and Ky,"
said Volyges. "Those two will soon retire
to the French Riviera and live like fat
pigs on our money."
Dr. Phillip Scribner of the Centennial
College called the President "an in
credible manipulator of public opinion"
concerning Vietnam. He said Nixon has
"fooled" many people into believing that
the U.S. is getting out of Vietnam.
Scribner said Nixon's "half-steps
toward withdrawal" will have combat
troops out of Vietnam by the 1972 elec
tions, but many supportive troops will
still remain there.
It is in Nixon's best interests to keep
the war going until 1972, Scribner
claimed. "Nixon knows he has to win
the Sou'h and border states to be re
elected. Nixon as a peace candidate will
not appeal to the South or border
"Nixon needs the war issue to win
the presidency again," Scribner said,
"and he'll have it with his plan of Viet
namization." All that, can now be done to thwart
Nixon's plan, said Scribner, "is to con
tinue opposing the war and get everyone
to see our point of view."
Two of the speakers offered
alternatives to the present Nixon policy
of gradual withdrawal.
An NU philosophy professor, Dr.
Edward Becker, told the audience that
Nixon's plan is not designed to "end
the war, but merely get us out of it."
"Since our long term goal should be
not just the end of American deaths
In Vietnam, but the end of the entire
war, we should follow a policy of total
disengagement from the Saigon regime,"
Becker said.
Becker admitted that the new South
Vietnamese government that would be
formed would probablv be Communist,
but, he added, "at least Communists
are dedicated to social justice, and in
this Instance they are the lesser of two
Becker said that If both sides desired
to continue fighting, the civil war In
Vietnam would go on despite an
American withdrawal.
, Becker suggested that asylum be of
fered to ull South Vietnamese who would
continued. "But by grading A, B, C,
D and F we are differentiating between
students, something which we have no
business doing.'
Hall said that he, for one, is not
competant to differentiate between
students. Such differentiation is
arbitrary, he added.
The dean of academic services at NU,
Lee W. Chatfield favors expansion of
the pass-fail system.
"I would heartily endorse an expansion
of pass-fail to include all courses except
those in the major field," Chatfield
Ultimate Extension
The dean of academic services added
he would not oppose extension of the
system into a student's major field.
"I'm afraid, however, that a student
might be handicapped in the future if
all his courses were pass-fail," Chatfield
speakers say
not wish to remain in the country
after the U.S. leaves. "This would pro
bably eliminate any bloodshed,
especially if the Saigon regime would
leave with us," Becker said.
Another rally speaker, John Lil
jenstolpe, a Lincoln ministerial intern,
suggested that the United States "step
aside, just for a moment, and allow
the corrupt Saigon regime to collapse."
Into the impending void could step
"any of the many political factions in
Vietnam who are waiting in the wings
to form a neutralist government," Lil
jenstolpe said.
Communist coalition
The fact that the Communists have
had to form coalitions within Vietnam
added Liljenstolpe, proves that total
Communist domination of South Vietnam
would not evolve.
"A coalition government would be very
desirable if only because the Vietnamese
will be dealing entirely with their own
people and not outsiders," he said.
Liljenstolpe contended that much of
present American foreign policy is aim
ed at "welfare colonialism." He ex
plained that the U.S. evidently wants
to share "its good life and freedom
to Invest in capitalism" with the entire
"If America does not want to be
recognized as imperialists, then let them
step out from behind the Saigon facade
and leave Vietnam," he said.
Liljenstolpe also urged war protesters
to find new methods of bridging the
"communications gap" which he says
has develped between the public In
general and the protesters.
"We must explain our position without
enraging the people," he said. "We must
protest without violence."
Dr. Wallace Peterson of the Economics
Department, explained to the listeners
some of the economic consequences of
the war In Vietnam. He contended that
the war hus contributed to Inflation in
this, country, as well as increasing tht
federal deficit.
"Before -I9K6 the entire Defense
Department allotment from the Federal
budget was about $50.6 billion," said
Peterson. "Since then, the war alone
has cost annually about $30 billion."
"In the same time period prices have
gone up about 18 per cent," Peterson
Peterson admitted that no value could
continued. "An employer would look at
a transcript, and see only passes or
fails, even in a students' major field."
Chatfield speculated that most students
still want to be graded, however. Most
students expect to use their transcripts
to get a job or to graduate, he added.
Even though Chatfield favors ex
pansion of pass-fail, he and other ad
ministrators are powerless to do
anything about it. The responsibility for
pass-fail rests with the Faculty Senate
or the individual teaching departments,
he pointed out.
Dr. James H. Weber, chairman of
the chemical engineering department,
questions the need to expand pass-fail,
although he emphasized that he does
not oppose the principle.
"It's not being used," he pointed out.
"Students in engineering, particularly,
make very little use of it. If there
is no demand for something, you don't
push it."
Weber admitted that restrictions do
be given to the 40,000 American lives
that have been lost in Vietnam, but
said he calculated a rough estimate of
the production potential which has been
"Those men could have produced
about $18 billion," he said. "This is
enough to run the university for 232
years or the entire state for about 4
Defense spending
Peterson suggested that the U.S.
should also re-examine its entire
"military preparedness" structure
because, he said, "we have spent over
a trillion dollars since World War II
searching for national security. I think
we were more secuie back in 1945 than
we are now."
Peterson also offered his own comment
on the war. "We have blundered into
this war," he said, "and we should
get out of it as soon as possible."
A professor of sociology, Dr. Jack
Siegman, made some observations con
cerning the war's impact upon society
In America.
"The most positive consequence of the
Vietnam War has been the
politicalization of the young people of
this nation," Siegman said. "I don't
believe this would have happened had
we not had this war."
Siegman also cited the break-up of
"the fragile alliance" between liberals
and the middle class as another conse
quence of the war.
"As the costs of engaging in this war
the lives ,the economic situation, the
polarization within t h e country
become dearer, Siegman noted, "the
become clearer, Siegman noted, "the
accomplishment of peace will become
that much more rewarding."
Applications are now being taken for
second semester staff positions on the
Daily Nebraskan.
Application forms may be picked up
in Room 34, Nebraska Union.
Those wishing to apply for editor,
managing editor, news editor or business
manager must turn in applications to
the Nebraskun office by 5 p.m. Tuesday.
seating of
by Sara Schwirder
Nebraskun Stuff Writer
Resolutions on the Middle East Crisis,
over-population and Southern Rhodesia
were passed by the Model United Na
tions at the Nebraska Center Saturday.
A resolution that would have seated Red
China In the U.N. was defeated on a
tie vote.
The Model U.N., composed of nearly
200 delegates representing 50 nations,
is a simulation of the actual U.N.
Delegates research the history of their
countries and vote the way they think
their country would vote.
The bill that would have admitted Red
China to the U.N. was defeated, along
with an amendment which would have
replaced Nationalist China with Red
China, excluding Nationalist ?htna
The original bill had provided scats
for both countries.
The Middle East resolution, passed
with relatively large majority, pro
vides that Israeli troops be withdrawn
from territory gained during the 1967
Six-Day War.
It also includes a statement on the
refugee problem and a clause urging
". . . acknowledgement of the territorial
integrity, sovereignty and political in
dependence of the people of every state
In the area . . ."
- fail expansion
limit the use of pass-fail. Students in
engineering must take lfi hours of
humanities and social sciences, besides
English, and the number using pass-fail
is still infintesimally small, he said.
Dr. Dudley Ashton, chairman of the
Women's Physical Education Depart
ment, also questions the need for pass
fail expansion. Her department allows
no pass-fail courses at all.
"A student's major courses should
never come under p-f,". she said.
Miss Ashton was asked if she favored
expansion of the pass-fail privilege to
all courses except those in a student's
major field.
"No comment," she replied.
The chairman of the NU Art Depart
ment said that certain studio courses
in art, as well as laboratory courses,
do not lend themselves to pass-fail.
"We don't have p-f in art and we
haven't given it a lot of consideration
one way or another," said Duard Laging.
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Nebraskan positions to be open
Interviews by the University Publica
tions Board for these four positions will
be Wednesday afternoon.
Applications for other staff positions,
Including reporters, copy editors, busi
ness assistants can be turned In any
time before mid January.
The last edition of the Nebraskan for
first semester will be next Wednesday.
Communist China
The over-population resolution sailed
through the General Assembly with little
opposition. It advocated the use of birth
control and planned parenthood for ull
member states and established a special
committee to help disseminate Informa
tion about birth control to un
derdeveloped countries.
The Southern Rhodesia resolution con
demns policies of racial discrimination
in Rhodeslu and it demands release of
political prisoners. It also urges the
repeal of repressive legislation.
Five colleges and universities
participated In the Model U.N., but the
majority of delegates represented the
University of Nebraska.
According to Wally Dean, president
of the General Assembly, the Model U.N,
has a practical purpose in addition to
being fun.
"The Model U.N. Is one of the few
truly educational experiences at the
University," he said. "You're forced to
apply what you learn In the classroom
to actual situations."
Echoing the same sentiment, Secretary
General Katie Johnson said, "instead
of having to regurgitate what you've
learned, you have to apply It."
She said this was especially tine in
the Security Council meeting, where for
the first time, hypothetical situations
were discussed.
A hypothetical question in which
"I suspect pass-fail is all right it
academically oriented courses."
Would be flooded
Laging speculated that if art courses
were offered on a pass-fail basis, the
department would be flooded with non
majors. The department is limited in
space and can only accomodate ma
jors.he said.
Dr. T. E. Beck, assistant professor
of English, favors enlarging the pass-fail
system, but he wonders if it would be
cruel to the students.
Students may feel insecure with
grades, Beck added, and grades can
be used to stimulate a student to
, study.
"With respect to the future of a stu
dent, it could be harmful," he said.
"Employers and graduate schools de
pend heavily on grades, and something
would be needed to replace them, if
the University went to a pass-faii
VOL. 93, NO. 47
the appeal is on the left.
Czechoslovakia was being Invaded by
Austria, Rumania and Poland was sent
to the Security Council. Waves of
simuluted panic spread throughout the
diplomatic channels and discussion on
the question began Immediately.
Although a solution was not reached,
the Council learned the frustrations en
countered by the average diplomat hav
ing to cope with Incomplete information
mid communications problems with oilier
nations' delegates.
The same problems were encountered
by the General Assembly during their
debate of resolutions. Amendments came
and went, were proposed and were either
passed or rejected as delegates sorted
out Issues.
The Palestine resolution on the Middle
East question had four amendments,
dealing primarily with reparation
payments by Israel and refugee rights.
Two passed along with the original bill.
Original bills were drawn up n com
mittee meetings held Friday afternoon.
Four committees discussed and wroto
resolutions bused on the four main
Dean said there were no speakers this
year because of the cost and because
"kids didn't want to stay in on Friday
and Saturday nights."