The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 08, 1969, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4
upriano is optimistic anoui
upcoming Duke-NU hassle
IS them the gOOd QUJS? 'ProSress is onr most important product,' cagers
O CD J Progress may be the with 22 points, and Gratopp, sliced the lead to 79-77
by Randy York
Nebraskan Sports Editor
Nebraska's Tuesday night
encounter against Duquesne
University is a similar situation
to the Huskers' game against
top-ranked Michigan three
years ago.
Duquesne, like Michigan's
1966 team which included
Cazzie Russell and Bill Buntin.
Is, one of the top-ranked college
cage clubs in the nation and
wui be a heavy favorite in the
Coliseum engagement.
"I think our own program
has come a long way since the
Hchigan game, Nebraska
coach Joe Cipriano says, "and
I think wifh the right kind of
effort, we can beat Duquesne.
It is definitely one of the
strongest challenges we have
had since I've been here."
Cip pointed out, however,
that pre-conference games,
although they carry con
siderable impact, are much
different than conference tests,
which require more detailed
scouting reports.
"I haven't received our
scouting report about Du
quesne," Cip said Sunday, "so
I'm not sure what type of game
plan either team will have.
"They're a big, quick team
which likes to run," up says ot
the Dukes. "Some teams have
scored well on them, so I would
suppose they run a zone
defense, but I'm not positive of
that. Material-wise, I think
Duquesne is the strongest team
we have faced in some time."
It seems Duquesne, the
Pittsburgh, Pa., school founded
in 1878, has welded that
material together.
Rated fifth in a pre-season
poll by Sports Illustrated, Du
quesne has done little in three
games to tarnish that reputa
tion, Ravnan to play
Beethoven works
The works of Ludwig Van
Beethoven will be played by
Audun Ravnan, University of
Nebraska professor of piano, In
a faculty recital Tuesday at 8
p.m. in Kimball Recital Hall.
Ravnan selected Beethoven's
music for his recital in an
ticipation of the famous
German composer's 2 0 0th
birthday. Beethoven was born
In 1770 and died in 1827.
The program will Include
"Rondo in C Major, Opus 51,
No. 1," written in 1797; four
movements from "Sonata in D
Major, Opus 10, No. 3," written
in 1798; "Thirty-two Variations
in C Minor," written In 1807,
and three movements from
"Sonata in A-flat Major, Opus
110," written in 1821. Admission
is free.
The Dukes scored 103 points
in their opening win over St.
Vincent, then toppled Marshall.
120-75. and Miami (Fla.), 94-88
over the weekend in capturing
the Steel Bowl tournament in
Returning four starters from
a team which finished with a
21-5 record last season, it's
easy to credit Duquesne's early
A pair of 6-10 twin brothers, a
pre-season all America can
didate, a ball-hawking, possible
Rhodes scholar and one of the
best sophomore prospects in
the school's history constitute
the starting five.
Barry and Garry Nelson, who
account for 475 pounds between
them, are two-thirds of a front
line which also includes 6 5
Jarrett Durham, who led the
Dukes in scoring last year as a
sophomore with a 17.4 average.
The possible Rhodes scholar,
guard Billy Zopf, is the club's
slickest passer when he isn't
compiling his s t r a i g h t - A
average. He already is being
compared to such Duquesne
guards as Willie Somerset,
Sihugo Green and Dave
"Red Auerbach likes the way
he handles himself," Duquesne
coach Red Manning says,
referring to Zopf. "Billy is just
one of the best backcourt men
ever at this school, and that
covers a lot of good ones."
Mickey Davis, a 6-6 guard,
averaged 27.8 points last season
for the freshman club.
Perry Johnson, 6-4 younger
brother of the Baltimore
Bullets' Gus Johnson, is a
front-line substitute. A junior
college transfer, he's con
sidered an excellent shooter.
Nebraska's effectiveness has
been marred by the sub
parstatus of senior, 6-8 center
Jim Brooks, who re-injured a
groin muscle. He was confined
to the Student Health Center
Saturday night.
Cip plans to start sophomore
Chuck Jura, Leroy Chalk and
Bob Gratopp in the front line,
joined by Tom Scantlebury and
either Al Nissen or Cliff Moller
at the guards.
"Our defense has improved
each game," Cip says, "but I
think our biggest asset is
realizing we can play well
together as a team."
Probable Starters
Durham (6-5)
G. NeHon (6-10)
B. Nelson (4-10)
Davis (6-6)
Zoph (6-2)
Gratopp (6-5)
Jura (6-10)
Chalk (6-7)
Scanlteoury 16-3)
Nijsen (6-3)
Although it can't be called a
conspiracy, Nebraska basket
ball fans are plotting something
Tuesday night when the
Huskers tackle nationally
ranked Duquesne.
The plan?
Everyone wears white shirts.
The idea, at first, may not
strike you. Nebraska already
may have one of the noisiest
college basketball Mowings in
the country, but the idea is to
create even more noise, and
more importantly, to produce a
common sense of unity, ac
cording to Dan Goodenberger,
Corn Cob president.
The white-shirt, student-body
approach originated in
California and has received
wide-spread approval on the
West coast.
The idea functions on the
premise that the more iden
tification with a team, the more
enthusiasm. But to work,
everyone must do his or her
own part.
For instance, if a particular
student fails to wear his part of
the scheme, he promptly is
ostracized when he (or she)
starts scrambling for a seat.
The white shirts will be the
majority; all other colored
shirts or sweaters the minority.
When a person tries to break
the continuity, everyone yells,
"Out, out, out." The villain
' then must take a seat
somewhere else.
West Coast practitioners of
the white-shirt philosophy first
try to fill seats on the opposite
side of the visiting team. In
Nebraska's Coliseum situation,
this would mean filling the en
tire east side, lower level.
It is hoped, however, that the
idea will be popular enough to
fill the west student section
with an equal number of fans,
hoping for perhaps the first
major college cage upset of the
The idea has considerable
organization behind it.
University of Nebraska
basketball team's most impor
tant product.
"I think we have improved in
each game," Husker coach Joe
Cipriano said after his club
notched its third win with an
81-79 overtime verdict over
Wichita Stae Saturday night at
Scantlebury, who finished
who contributed 20 to the effort,
hit the key baskets in the
Although there was no scor
ing in the last 4:19 of regulation
play, Nebraska wasted little
time in taking control of the
extra session, constructing a
79-73 lead in the first 2Vi
minutes. i
The Whatshockers, however,
Sfantlehurv hit both ends ot
two free throws with 20 seconds
Cipriano also praised the
floorwork of sophomore guard
Al Nissen and the consistent
improvement of sophomore
Chuck Jura, who grabbed 13
rebounds, including most of the
Husker retrieves in the
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