The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 08, 1969, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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-Economic squeeze proves political lemon
by Frank Mankiewlcz and Tom Braden
Washington On the same day the
Dow-Jones Industrial Average broke
through the floor of 800, the New York
City Housing Authority announced that
no new federally financed low- and middle-income
housing had been begun since
July, and the government said that
business expansion expenditures in the
first six months of 1970 will be up 11
from the same period in 1969.
These events and others less
dramatic point up a growing hazard
for the Administration. President Nixon
and his advisers with the best inten
tions in the world and despite all the
earnest promises of Inauguration Day
appear to be taking the economy
down a steep and perilous path.
There is no guile in this, no attempt
to put on a brave front in the face
of adverse statistics. Nixon men from
the President on down share the
fears of outside observers that their plan
for the economy will not work. As
Chairman Paul McCracken of the Coun
cil of Economic Advisers said of the
sharp rise in planned business ex
pansion, "Anyone in my position would
have been hoping to see a more modest
projected increase."
Like Herbert Hoover confronted with
the depression, they are unwilling to
go beyond what the ideology tells them.
The ideology says that high interest
rates and tight money will cure inflation.
"Nebraskan editorial
Seething high schooler won't he
by Phil Semas 1
Chronicle of Higher Education
(CPA) During the past few months,
student radicals on many college cam
puses have sounded a warning in
virtually the same words: "If you think
we're bad, wait until some of these
high school kids get into college."
The unrest that hit so many college
campuses last year also hit the high
schools and with almost equal force.
So far during the present academic
year, activism in the high schools has
been even more widespread than in the
colleges. Among the Incidents:
At Bladensburg High School in the
Maryland suburbs of Washington, D.C.,
more than 60 students were arrested
after a series of demonstrations over
demands by Black students. The
students charged that Principal David
L. Dean had refused to discuss their
demands, but the school later decided
to establish a Black studies course and
to allow establishment of a Black
cultural organization.
Balboa High School in San Francisco
suffered two days of violent battles
between white and Black students. There
were no specific demands involved and
Principal Harold Zimmerman put the
blame on "pure hatred" between the
Students ran through hallways and
broke some classroom windows at
Riverside High School in Milwaukee in
a protest over school regulations.
Several high schools and junior high
schools in Detroit were closed after
racial disturbances.
-At Central High School in Little
Rock, Ark. where National
Guardsmen were called out to enforce
integration 13 years ago 150 Black
students staged a walkout, charging
racist policies at the school. All were
There have been many other
disturbance and many quieter, non
violent protests.
During the 1968 69 academic year some
of the worst distrubances occurred at
schools in Los Angeles and the New
York City area.
All 18 senior and junior high schools
In the predominantly Negro south central
area of Los Angeles were hit by fires,
assaults on teachers, picketing, rock
throwing, and window-breaking. On one
day 65 fires were set in schools in
the area. The violence started after the
arrest of a Black college student at one
of the schools.
In New York and New Jersey, a
number of schools were closed because
of violence last year.
A study of newspaper clippings by
the Center for Research and Education
in American Civil Liberties at Columbia
University showed thut from November,
Got a problem?
University Help line
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Uttnt claw aaataaa MK M LftiMM, Nafe.
TUntami itfiMr 47J Iwa, Hm VI I5f, lathwaa VMM.
lubcrlllM ratal MMNf MfflMlM kMn VMT.
6Hthaa MaMay. Wiwtfav. Tkaraaay a4 fiMH CarlM ttm
artoal yaar r aurln vacation urn Mr).
Mwnbtr at Infaraattaaiata Prm. Nattaaai ImitlMul Mvartlunaj
Tto Oally Naftratka H a tMOmt auMltatHa. IHaaanaam at mt
UarJ Nakrartal Mmutlrtratkm, tacwMy an ittrtwrt
tHrmi Dally Mabratka
94 Ntkrctk Union
Uirivartity af NtmiM
Lincoln. Ntaraaka auat
dlWrlM ttaff
altar aar yi MMwtjtua dr Kant Ctctnm, Hm rm
Jim mwmhi NlaM Nn Ca,tari i l IrltmMt, Day PlU)
taltorMt AnKlant Natly InaMwwi Alttant twt taitar
Jatw Maxwail, Sawn liltw Rawly Vark Nrttratka Cart
torltart Jan Owrak, BUI .mtiftamwm, Mr Ichwtaam-, Car
aacmt, Itava UMlatr, BacMttar Imofc. (Mam aa. Mlki
Rarratt, taa atty. lyhrta laa, W ft. Man. Carol Aaaanaaa
kataaraanart Dan lartaly, i'm Baa, Hawara kaa.nkara, Mxra
Maymaa; Coy Ctflteri OaM UMaly, Jaa Park. $Ki XMkha
ttHsr, PhylM Aaklaaaa.
uaiaan ttift
VatHaaaa Manaaar 4 Itawai Lara M Manaaar J. L. rttnatt
Nariena Manafar Moa Irnni teakkaaaar Raa mlm,
mums latraiary ana) liibacrtatiaj, MaRaaar Jaaat Boatmani
Circataiia MMar jamca Italian Claaiiftaa) M Maaaaar
Jm; UvartHiM Kakvaoaalatlvaa i. I. tcMnMt, Jaa)
Bar. ja wiltaa, LMaaa ftaatasaa.
j&'oe January, all the evidence has
shown that the ideology is wrong.
3ut the alternative to tight , money
wage and price controls is so
far outside the scope of Republican doc
trine as to be almost literally un
thinkable. It is a curious political fact
that the dominant and the wage-earner
newly moved to the suburbs, will suffer
the most for their faith.
High interest rates and McCracken
said the new indicators made them more "
likely to last longer will, of course,
ultimately stop the economy, starting
with the construction industry, already
badly hit. But a slowdown in investment
will not stop the upward spiral of prices
and wages.
There is hardly a labor-management
dispute which cannot be amicably settled
by a healthy wage increase, which is
then passed on to the consumer. And
if wage boosts are keyed to the cost-of-living
index, they become self-fulfilling
prophecies that the cost of living will
go up.
It is this inflationary hard core to
the economy which the Nixon
Adminstration has not touched and
does not want to touch for the deepest
of ideological reasons. A Republican
Administration cannot propose wage and
price controls any more than Democrats
can propose a subsidy to private electric
power companies.
True, there have been some signs of
1968, through February, 1969, there were
239 serious disruptions involving 348 high
schools in 38 states and the District
of Columbia.
"In this short period, the number of
clippings we have been receiving
monthly has increased almost three-fold,
indicating a sharp rise in the rate of
conflict," says Alan F. Westin, director
of the center and a professor of public
law and government at Columbia.
Westin's study involved only serious
disorders such as "strikes, sit-ins,
boycotts, protest demonstrations, and
riots," but the extent of student unrest
in the high schools is greater than that.
A random survey of 1,026 senior and
junior high school principals conducted
by the National Association of Secondary
School Principals found that some form
of protest hud occurred at 59 per cent
of the schools last year.
Unrest is most extensive in large
urban and suburan schools, but even
among small rural schools half the
principals reported some form of unrest.
"One of the surprises of the survey,"
lay J. Lloyd Trump and Jane Hunt,
the researchers, "was the fact that pro
test is almost as likely to occur in
junior high schools as In senior high
schools." Fifty-six per cent of the Junior
high schools reported protests.
The extent of this unrest has caused
some concern among federal officials.
This fall James E. Allen Jr., U.S. com
missioner of education, sent special
message to high school principals and
state school superintendents warning
them of the likelihood of increasing high
school unrest.
Since high schools enroll two and a
half times as many students as the
colleges, "these younger secondary
school students potentially are more
volatile than their college counterparts,"
Born a poor young country boy
Mother Nature's Son. All day long
I'm sitting singing songs for
Lennon, McCartney
Everybody's tnlkin' about Midnight
Cowboy and everybody's talkln' alwut
Harry Nllsson, who sang the theme
Harry (RCA LSP-4197) is a Nllsson
album which deserves great praise for
the variety which this sometimes falset
to, sometimes Rudy Vallee, fur coat
spangles and beads sounding singer
NUmoo's new hit single, "I Guess the
Lord Must Be In New York City" Is
oo this album as well as some Lennon,
McCartney and Jerry Jeff Walker's "Mr.
Bojangles" tunes.
Harry is simple and pure sounding
and packed with a world of verse which
will let you identify or forget.
Jerry Reed plays ''Nashville
Underground" (RCA LSP-3978) and lends
mellow nasal vocal and a lean fingered
North Georgia counterpoint to such
favorites as "the Wabash Cannon Ball",
"John Henry" and "Hallelujah I Love
Her So."
This album gives a new sound to the
country with its heavy rhythms and
electric Interpretations, which zap you
and might possibly roll you right off
your chair.
Early in November a crowd in the
Oakland, Calif., Coliseum was awaiting
i-Ieological doubt. Lyndon Johnson's
guidelines went out at the beginning;
useless "jawboning," the President call
ed them, But in the past few months
the President has urged businessmen
not to bet on inflation and to restrain
new investment.
The jawbone turned out to be
toothless; the businessmen went home
and bet on inflation by committing to
new plant investment before prices went
even higher.
Businessmen are counting and
gambling on short-term inflation. The
stock market, ' meanwhile, is predicting
the longer view. It is telling us that
sooner or later tight money will crack
the economy. In that shakedown, prices
and profit levels will indeed be lower,
and the market will accurately reflect
the new levels.
But unemployment already too high
among the unskilled who are largely
Black and perforce poor will begin
to edge into the ranks of the semiskilled,
and even the Silent Majority will not
be immune. That will be a high price
to pay for orthodoxy.
Mr. Nixon has more than once
demonstrated his ability to rise above
Republican orthodoxy his welfare
program is a conspicious example. But
even that had to be called "workfare"
and "the new federalism." Wage and
price controls may have to be sold as
"consumer freedom."
soothing collegian
says Gregory R. Anrig, a U.S. Office
of Education official who headed a study
of high school unrest. In addition, he
says, "high school disorders are usually
more precipitious, spontaneous, and
riot like" than college protests.
Student radicals in some cities have
attempted to give more direction to high
school unrest. High school student unions
have been formed in San Francisco and
New York and there have been attempts
at coordination in Los Angeles and
The most common topic of protest
In the high schools reported by 82
per cent of the principals whose schools
had protests is against school regula
tions. These include rules on dress and
hair length, rules against smoking,
( censorship of student and underground
newspapers, student government, and
even cheerleader elections.
Racial issues are a less common topic
of protest than school regulations, but
protests over racial questions tend to
be more violent. The survey of principals
found only 10 per cent reporting racial
protests, but Westin found that racial
questions were the most common issue
among serious disruptions.
The Justice Department survey, which
included only high schools with at least
a 10 per cent minority enrollment, found
that 85 per cent had experienced unrest.
Some principals believe the colleges
are partly at fault for racial protests
in the high schools.
"Colleges are not training teachers
for the urban school," one principal told
Mr. Trump and Miss Hunt.
The content of the educaton students
are receiving is the other major issue
in high school activism. Mr. Trump
and Miss Hunt said that 45 per cent
of the principals they surveyed reported
student unrest over the instructional
a a a J, L, Schmidt
the appearance of the Rolling Stones
and was being entertained by B. B.
King and the Ike and Tina Turner
Revuo. The reviewer for the San Fran
cisco Examiner noted that "the
captivating Tinn Turner ripped up the
arena. The sell-out crowd stomped and
roared, got an encore and remained
knocked out by Tina's 'Come Together,'
her great looks and sensuous chpreog.
Ike and Tina come alive again on
"The Hunter" (Blue Thumb Stereo BTS
11) if you're brave enough to go beyond
the cover. The power soul of Tina and
the big sound in the background tell you
what It's all about.
Tyrannosaurus Rex has dedicated
their album "Unicorn" (Blue Thumb
Stereo BTS7) to "the three friends of
Hiawatha." The group, which has since
disbanded to form the Pink Fairies,
must be listened to to be understood
as they delve into a sort of Odyssey
of contemporary man.
"Ready to Ride" has proven to be
a hit single for a group called Southwlnd
and It also happens to be the name
of their latest album on Blue Thumb
Stereo (BTS 13). A collection of country
and western tunes with the emphasis
on the message Is presented in this
From "Cool Green Hills of Earth"
to "Heat Down in the Alley," the listener
is treated to a variety of thoughts and
ideas from the four-piece group as they
bring it back home from the country.
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