The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 20, 1969, Image 1

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Students organize on visitation issue
Mass meetings in living units are
planned for Thursday evening to decide
an a reaction to the Board of Regents'
most recent rejection of coed visitation.
"The whole game is in the hands
of the students," emphasized ASUN
President Bill Chaloupka. "The issue of
coed visitation and the reaction to the
Regent's action must be decided by
At a meeting Monday, the Regents
reaffirmed their policy against coed
visitation, despite questioning by several
graduate students.
The Board, according to Richard L.
Herman of Omaha, should make the
decision, since they are the elected
representatives of Nebraska voters.
Chaloupka and other student leaders
feel the Regents have pre-empted the
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Dr. Russel Brown explains that items found during an unauthor
ized search cannot be used for University disciplinary action.
Adkins declines comment on
nondiscrimination policy
The President of the University Board
of Regents declined Wednesday to com
ment on a policv statement enacted by
the Council on Student Life (CSL) in
its Tuesday meeting.
The policy forbids discrimination in
University rules and regulations because
of race, creed or sex. Several CSL
members have Interpreted the resolution
to mean that women's hours can now
be abolished at the initiative of in
dividual living units.
'69 Buzz Book
delayed in mail
The 19G9 Buzz Book published annu
ally by Builders has been delayed in
the mail, according to Builders' presi
dent Barb Ramsey.
) The information is completed and has
been sent to Texas where the books are
printed. They were scheduled to arrive
last week, but Miss Ramsey has not
yet received them.
"They should be In any day," she
said. "Maybe even tomorrow."
lake atvards
MemWj of 'H University of Nebras
ka Agronomy Club received top awards
in recent n-it'on''! competition.
Charles Havlicek placed third in the
National Speech Contest. He is chairman
of that contest for next year. Third
place in the National Essay Contest was
awarded to James Reeder. The NU
club's adviser. Dr. William L Colvillo,
received the National Agronomy Educa
tion award.
mandate of the Council on Student Life
by negating coed visitation.
"This issue should first go through
the CSL," Chaloupka said.
"In effect," he continued, "The
Regents are saying 'no' to coed visitation
without permitting discussion or waiting
for the CSL to act."
This is not just an issue of coed
visitation, he stressed, adding that if
this decision is allowed to go un
challenged, it will be a serious blow
to student participation in decision-mak-aig.
Chaloupka criticized the Regents'
Monday action as "one of their most
severe actions taken in years."
The ASUN President, and Inter
Dormitory Association President Theresa
Sledge, have contacted all dormitory
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"I haven't seen the act, I know
nothing of it," said Richard Adkins.
The Board of Regents, in their charge
to the Council, said the CSL has power
in areas of student nonacademic and
social life. The Regents have reserved
the power to review any CSL
Although the CSL has met and adopted
policy statements on three occasions,
the Regents have yet to review any
of those statements.
Adkins said he did not know if the
Regents would want to review the non
discrimination policy approved by the
CSL Tuesday.
"This is highly problematic," he com
mented. "Each case would have to be
judged on its merits." Adkins emphasiz
ed that he could not speak for the six
member Board.
When asked how the Regents will
decide what Is reviewed, Adkins said,
"You're dealing in very hypothetical
situations there. It would be pretty tough
to say."
Adkins also refused to say if several
University graduate students had gone
outside regular channels in discussing
the coed visitation issue before the
Regents meeting Monday.
The grad students sought a limited
coed visitation policy from the Regents.
Regent Richard L. Herman of Omaha
said, however, that this decision must
be made by the Hoard of Regents, who
are elected by Nebraska voters.
"The graduate students' request came
hroug'i Vice Chancellor G. Robert
Ross's office." Adkins said. "That's all
I know."
The Regent President also refused to
say if the Board of Regents would
review or veto a coed visitation enact
ment, if such legislation were approved
by the CSL.
"It's very difficult to say on that,"
Adkins said. "I'd have to see It first
before commenting."
presidents. Floor meetings were held
Wednesday, and Thursday evening
meetings are planned for all dorms. .
At 11 p.m. Thursday, a meeting of
all concerned student leaders will be
held in the Harper Lounge to formulate
the final course of action.
According to Chaloupka and Miss
Sledge, there are several courses open
to students:
Students can drop the entire Issue;
Students can take a stand backing
any legislation passed by the CSL;
Students can ask the CSL to approve
a coed visitation policy, attempt to
challenge the Board of Regents, if that
body vetoes the CSL action;
Students can demonstrate or hold
a n illegal visitation.
The question is, are students concern
8 Did
.NU search and seizure
explained by housing
by Bill Smitherman
Nebraskan Staff Writer
'Discussion of University search and
seizure policy with administration of
ficials dominated the ASUN Senate
meeting Wednesday.
University Housing director Ely
Meyerson told the senate that the hous
ing office has established policy
guidelines for residence halls with
regard to searching rooms.
The Housing Office wants to maximize
student privacy in dormitory rooms,
he said.
Meyerson added that the only time
University officials may enter a
student's room without a search warrant
is if there is clear evidence of possible
danger to human life or possible damage
occurring to University property.
The University also enters rooms at
prescribed times to check for necessary
maintenance work, he said. However,
students are informed of these main
tenance Inspections at least a week
before they occur.
The United States Senate gave final
approval Wednesday to the lottery draft
and sent the measure to the White
The bill, which had already been ap
proved by the House, was passed by
voice vote. Democratic floor leader Mike
Mansfield cast the only negative vote
against the draft reform.
Passage of the lottery in this session
of Congress had seemed doubtful until
last week when liberal senators who
favor more thorough draft reform an
nounced they would not seek
amendments to the bill.
Sen. John Stennis, D-Miss., chairman
af the Armed Services Committee,
refused to send the measure to the floor
unless guaranteed the bill would not
be altered.
The lottery system will subject 19-year-olds
and college graduates with
expired deferments to possible con
scription for one year. The existing
Selective Service law sets susceptibility
for as long as six years.
The random system will operate
through a drawing of the dates of the
year and the selection of men by local
draft boards in the order the date is
The lottery system will probably go
into effect on Feb. 1.
Wright: Racial gap
by Gary Seacre st
Nebraskan Start Writer
The gap between Blacks and whites
in the United States has not been closed
in the last twenty years according to
one of the nation's foremost experts on
urban and racial affairs.
Dr. Nathan Wright, professor of Urban
Affairs and Afro-American studies at
the University of New York at Albany,
said Wednesday night in a speech at
St. Paul Methodist Church that contrary
to popular beliefs the condition of Blacks
relative to whites has become worse,,
"Everytlme a Black takes a step
forward in progress. White America
takes three or four steps forward."
Wright contends that Blacks have suf
fered a regression In levels of income
In the last twenty years compared with
whites. He also said, there was more
racial and school segregation In America
In 1969 than in 1950. To correct this
situation, Wright states there ought to
be a reexamination of the concept of
equality in the United States.
"Black people are not guests, but
citizens in the life of this nation," Wright
said. "However, education and hard
work will not insure black people of
ed enough to do something? Chaloupka
said. No one can be certain of the
intensity of student support.
"Quite often students just pass off
the situation and assume that the
Regents will step on our toes,"
Chaloupka said. "If students act, this
does not have to be so. We can change
these policies if we get out and show
them what we think."
Miss Sledge feels that dormitory
students are concerned about their right
of self-determination as well as the coed
visitation issue. This is an opportune
time to act, she added.
At this point, she said, there are some
dormitory residents who ere more aware
than others about the situation. Inform
ing all students should be the major
task. When students are fully informed
Meyerson said that staff members
have been informed of these guidelines.
At other than these times, a room
may be entered only by the proper of
ficer with the authority of a search
warrant, he said.
"There is no official University policy
on search and seizure other than these
guidelines", according to Dr. Russell
Brown, Associate Dean of Student Af
fairs. "However, the Interdormitory
Association and the Housing Policy
Committee both have this item on their
upcoming agendas."
Senator Randy Prier asked if these
guidelines were in effect when one stu
dent who was subsequently suspended
was found to have marijuana in his
room. The room was searched without
a warrant.
Meyerson answered that at the time
of the case Prier mentioned, the
guidelines stated that University officials
could enter a student's room if they
suspected a felony was being committed.
This guideline has since been changed,
he added.
Brown commented that Hems found
during a search that is not authorized
cannot be used as grounds for University
disciplinary action.
If the room is entered for one of
the reasons outlined in the guidelines,
items found are also not grounds for
University action, he said.
"There are legal precedents that
authorize University officials to enter
dormitory rooms on their own
authority", Brown continued. "However,
I don't think we should enter rooms
except when there is clear indication
of damage or danger, and we're not
going to."
"Is it necessary for the University
to duplicate state law," senator Nancy
Ryan questioned. "Is it fair that students
be punished both by civil authorities
and the University?"
Meyerson answered that students
should be accountable only to civil
authorities in criminal cases except
when ' the University is put in danger
by the person's actions.
Prier questioned whether a marijuana
conviction which is judged a misde
meanor by the state should be grounds
for suspension by the University.
"No. If it's just a case of a student
blowing grass in his dorm room one
time when I don't think it is," Meyerson
Brown said that the University has
an educational responsibility to the stu
dent beyond the classroom. Student
behavior is an appropriate concern for
University officials, he added.
social and economic advancement.
Where ever any Black stands today '
depends on the caprice of the whites."
The former clergyman stressed that
the inherent system of America, not
individual prejudice or racism, Is op
pressing Blacks. To solve the racial
crisis, essential respect for human life
must be established in human relations,
according to Wright.
The professor opposed what he called
"the prevailing uncivilized government
assumption that cities are either
physical fabric or some nebulous social
"Cities are not basically physical
fabrics as planners have assumed, but
cities are people. If we are going to
have any kind of urban renewal we
will have to begin with human renewal."
Wright said the wrong kind of people
are doing the urban planning in
America. He contended that social
scientists and planners, not engineers,
should do urban planning. He uiid
"Black social scientists should be
leading the urban planning in cities
because of their personal and technical
Black scholars must be brought to
there will be some action taken.
Chaloupka agreed.
As part of the information process,
mimeographed information sheets con
taining a reprint of the newspaper arti
cle on the coed visitation decision were
distributed in all dormitory cafeterias
Wednesday evening. More information
will be given our Thursday evening.
The statement of the Regents" . . .
is a clear denial of student rights and
personal freedoms," the article said.
"Unchallenged authority of the Regents
will remain absolute unless questioned
by students," it concludes.
Chaloupka is also hopeful that
residence hall floors will discuss the
situation individually. As many con
cerned students as possible should attend
the dormitory meeting, he said.
"I personally applaud the three point
program, presented by Meyerson and
Brown," senator Dave Landis said. He
added that he hoped ASUN senate would
be notified of any further changes in
search and seizure policy.
A resolution by Landis was passed
calling for ASUN to appoint a student
to any committee concerned with in
tegrating the Cotner College of Religion
more closely with the University of
The resolution also provided for the
establishment of such a committee if
one does not exist.
Landis explained that the Cotner
College is a highly accredited institution.
It is not concerned with the study of
denominational theology, but with an in
terdenominational study of religion, he
He said that though some credits are
now transferable to the University, the
policy is not consistent in the different
The committee could determine what
University group requirements may be
Police depts. mark
areas of jurisdiction
The Nebraska campus is not a no
man's land to local law enforcement
The Lincoln Police Department does
have jurisdiction on campus. Conversely,
the campus police, as a state com
missioned agency, have the power of
arrest over the entire state.
But, the departments have an
arrangement of "prior jurisdiction," ac
cording to Chief of campus police, Cap
tain Gail Gade.
"The campus police carries on all
investigations and police matters on
campus," Gade explained, "and solicits
help from the city when it would pro
bably directly affect them."
Lieutenant Melvin Dorn of the Lincoln
Police Department agreed the city force
delegates authority on the university to
the campus police. Dorn added, "If there
was a riot or something big, we'd
answer any request for aid from the
The chief of the campus police noted
that Lincoln City Police officers
cooperate with his department whenever
dealing within the University's borders.
"Anyone from the Lincoln police will
the front as the nation's best and cur
rently unused resource for rebuilding
every aspect of urban life according
to Wright. He cited education as one
area where Blacks are desperately
"All institutions work inherently
against human fulfillment, said Wright,
"because no society ever allows any
movement to persist unless it professes
to be moral and uphold the values of
the existing society. Our institutions
have shown flexibility not to facilitate
change, but to preserve the existing in
stitutions." The professor said the oppressed
Blacks in America must become the
agents of recreation and redemption in
the society. He said Blacks can never
be liberated unless they end the element
that is oppressing them. However, he
said he was against revolution in any
Wright said "white power" Is needed
to help solve the urban and racial crisis.
"Whites, before they ask B 1 a c k i what
they can do to help, should go out and
educate other whites on their oppressive
"We'll find out In the next few days
how wide-spread the support is,"
Chaloupka said. "If only a tenth of the
residence hall students show up at the
meetings, for instance, then we'll know
there is no concern."
The ASUN President is confident there
will be sufficient support In the residence
halls. Chaloupka has lived in the
dormitories during his four years at
"We're not trying to put together a
confrontation," he siad. "We're not in
terested in taking over buildings. We
are just concerned about the rights of
students to have control of their own
living environment."
The whole thrust is toward the
students residing in the living units,
Chaloupka repeated. "If students are
interested they will act."
VOL. 93, NO. 37 I
filled by Cotner courses, Landis said.
It could also provide for the study of
Hebrew at the college to count toward
University language requirements.
Also, the committee could arrange for
the transfer of Cotner grades to
University transcripts, rather than just
credits. Perhaps, it could arrange for
the College to be taken in by the
University as a department, Landis ad
ded. A resolution introduced by Prier called
for the ASUN Communications Com
mittee to establish a schedule of forums
where students would be able to question
ASUN senators. Included was the pro
vision that a senator who missed a
forum for which he was scheduled would
be considered as having missed a
regular senate meeting.
The ASUN constitution states that any
senator who misses more than three
regular senate meetings without good
excuse automatically loses his senate
After some discussion and one vote
which was contested on technical
grounds, the motion was withdrawn.
stop at our office and one of our officers
will accompany him while on campus,"
Gade explained.
Gade emphasized that neither agency
Ignores their secondary territorial range.
He explained that a crime in one of
the two off-campus bookstores would
normally be handled by the city police,
but the University police would In
vestigate if they were asked.
Coruhusker robbery
The recent Cornhusker Office robbery,
Gade continued, falls under campus law
enforcement jurisdiction.
"We'll carry on all the Investigation
of this crime," said Gade. "The Lincoln
force has been alerted and will keep
an eye out for suspects off campus."
Lieutenant Dorn of the Lincoln Police
said that his department offered all their
equipment to the University to help the
investigation. He added that suspects
will be referred to the campus police.
Gade said that the thief, when ap
prehended, will be referred to the Office
of Student Affairs.
That office, Gade explained, will
determine whether charges will be
drawn up and the person sent to County
Gade had particular comments con
cerning an article which appeared in
the Daily Nebraska November 6.
The article, a satire on police jurisdic
tion over a stolen car, was based on
an actual Incident concerning a
university student's automobile.
"Three-fourths of that article Is Incor
rect," said Gade. "This person in that
article, David Cutberth, doesn't even
exist. There's no one from this
University under that name."
"We do know whose car was stolen,
however," Gade continued. "The article
reads like the owner of the car made
it up."
Gade admitted that one point In the
article was correct. "The Lincoln police
didn't have the responsibility to
fingerprint the auto," said Gade. "That
was our responsibility."
Gade added that at the time of the
incident the university police department
had no facilities for fingerprinting. But,
Gade said, the campus police now has
adequate fingerprinting equipment
Lieutenant Dorn agreed that the cam
pus officers were responsible for the
investigation of the auto even though
it was found off campus.
But, Dorn said, the fingerprinting
could have been done by either depart
ment. "Either they could have done It,"
said Dorn, "or the Lincoln police coulc'
have done it if we were asked."