The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 17, 1969, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Agiiew speech
a basic threat
Recent statements of Vice President Spiro Agnew
concerning the press, and more specifically the broad
cast industry, are self-centered and can be interpreted
as a threat to the basic democratic belief of fair
comment and criticism of government.
In a speech before the Midwest Regional
Republican Committee Thursday, Agnew said that
power over the television news is in the hands of
' a tiny and closed fraternity of men." He questions
networks' right to interpret the news by saying that
hostile critics could have more influence than the
In our society, everything the President does must
be reported and commented on. The type of society
that would result if the President could say what
he wanted without opposition would be one in which
Agnew might want to live, but hopefully few other
About 750 of the nation's leading newspaper editors,
radio and television broadcasters, journalism educators
and students met in San Diego this weekend for
the national convention of Sigma Delta Chi. Delegates
at the convention passed the following resolution:
"Sigma Delta Chi, the nation's largest journalistic
society, at its 60th anniversary convention, rejects
and condemns any efforts by the vice president or
other government officials to control or impede
coverage and flow of legitimate comment on and
analysis of the news."
The resolution said that Agnew' criticisms of the
press went "far beyond anything that might be con
sidered constructive and, in fact, can be construed
as a threat to the American freedom to collect and
comment on the news."
Others have also condemned the speech.
Dr. Frank Stanton, president of CBS, said the
speech was an "unprecedented attempt by the vice
president to intimidate a news medium which depends
for its existence upon government licenses."
"Perhaps the vice president would prefer a dif
ferent kind of TV reporting one that would be
subservient to whatever political group was in authority
at the time," was the statement of NBC President
Julius Goodman.
Looking at another side of the picture, the national
Freedom of Information committee of Sigma Delta
Chi reiwrted this weekend that news coverage problems
in Washington continue to be difficult, despite the
promise of President Nixon to provide "an administra
tion of open doors, open eyes and open minds." The
report said that many government sources remain
shrouded by secrecy and evasion, especially the Pen
tagon and the consumer-oriented federal agencies.
What Agnew doesn't seem to realize is that the
main reason for the existence of the press or broad
casting media is for protection of our system of
'government. If he really thinks the press and broad
casting media are all consciously, deliberately and
uniformly working to put the administration In a
bad light, then the people of the United States have
been exposed to some of the poorest and most ignorant
thinking ever to be espoused by such a high govern
ment officer.
Roger Boye
So goes the nation
Nixon fails to alter course or stir hope
in retrospect
What has become of freedom of the press? My
last two columns, full of hitherto repressed information
of astonishing relevance, have been repressed by the
supposedly "independent" Daily Nebraskan?
I have objected, but such is the tyranny of the
times that I fear they shall never be printed.
My only concern is that you readers be presented
with all the information necessary for a Richer, Fuller
Life, and so I must pause to shed a tear for your
impoverishment (the fact that I am to be paid for
each column printed does not, of course, concern
me. Monetary matters are of Interest only to capitalist
pigs and other fascists, whom we all know are now
historically Irrelevant).
Musing (in my humble way) about the on-going
march of history which has revealed the transitory
nature of so many things (everyone over 30, the
Western Cultural Tradition and all that rot), I found
myself wondering, "What has become of Helen
Remembering my undergraduate days, I could
not help but recall that she was then so much
more than merely Helen Snyder she was an Issue.
She, the defender of the Innocence and purity of
Nebraska's young womanhood; she of stern visage,
impervious to blandishment, the Queen of In-loco-purentis;
she, one of the few women on the NU
campus capable of arousing real passion!
Compared to those halcyon days the Issues on
campus now (as reported in The Duily Nebraskan,
my only source of information) seem strangely sterile
representation on various policy-making bodies,
concern with curriculum in short, tackling the
bureaucratic mess deemed necessary for any large
I even note concern about the Student Union.
This is indeed admirable, but no one has yet put
his finger upon a real sore spot the slwckingly
rough toilet paper used in the men's rest rooms.
This problem touches almost all male students, and
yet Student Power has been strangely silent regarding
it. But then not for nothing are NU students called
What has become of the ad bomlnem attack?
Alas, It has been transferred to such national
representatives of Evil Incarnate as Richard Nixon
(who can't even read his own speeches correctly)
and Spire Agnew (who, unfortunately, can). They are
too remote lor really effective hate. Oh, for Villain
rlose-at-hand: Chicago is fortunate Mayor Daley
provides more emotional release than Hugh Hefner
ever dreamed of.
But I digress. Nostalgia grips me and clasps
me to her bosom land a firm one it is. 1 must
fonfuss). Is Helen Snyder walking the streets? Tending
bar at Casey's? Playing the accordian at Marie's (al
lowed an occasional solo on "Lady of Spain" Ted Mack,
where are you?)?
These "questions relurn to me as 1 lie awake
listening to the muggings, and when I fall into a
fitful slumber. I am haunted by the Image of that
Keeper of the Key to the chastity belt of the Midlands.
A disembodied voice asks. "Where are the snnws of
yesterday?" and then in a blinding flash of revelation
! know they arc lulling in a fresca commercial.
by Sen. Edmund S. Muskie
There was a kind of predictability in President
Nixon's address to the nation Nov. 3 and in the
response to his talk on Vietnam. He made it clear
that he was not about to be moved by the protesters.
Those who hoped he would offer some new proposals
for ending the war were disappointed. Saigon was
ecstatic, as were the ardent supporters of the Thieu-Ky
government Hanoi and its supporters were bitter in
their denunciation.
In a sense, things were no differrent after he
spoke than before. The Administration was firm in
its adherence to a "plan" without announced details.
The President's policy seemed to be one of buying
time at home and standing firm overseas. He was
willing to talk in generalities about a schedule for
withdrawal of United States troops and about "Viet
namization" of the war.
It was clear that the rate of withdrawal depended
on Saigon and Hanoi and the chances for a negotiated
settlement on Initiatives from Hanoi.
From the volume of telegrams and letters an
nounced by the Wfiite House, and from the post-address
polls, it seems clear that the President did buy some
time from American voters but for a substantial
1 m F
v " n fit )
The sound of marching effete
Rv t.iutrino thnsA whn Hlsnirpe with him as
oo"'a " o
"withdraw now" advocates, regardless of their specitic
proposals for disengagement, he Increased the gap
between himself and many thoughtful and concerned
Americans. He also reduced the chances for turning
the continuing debate over Vietnam into more con
structive channels on ways and means of ending the
Bu refusing to lean on the Saigon government,
to broaden its base and to seek a political settlement,
the President implied that his primary commitment
is to President Thieu and Vice President Ky. He
also failed to give encouragement to pressures for
social and political reform in South Vietnam.
By refusing to lean on the Saigon government,
and various secret diplomatic efforts to convey United
States views directly to the North Vietnamese, the
President lessened the chances for effective use of
private channels in the future. For a temporary pro
paganda point he threw away a valuable diplomatic
The trouble with the President's speech was not
a "hawkish" tone, although there was some of that.
He was not oblivious to the pressure for disengagement
in our country. A careful reading of the speech reveals
his decision to end our participation in the war.
But that reading does not reveal the how of that
The how of that end should contain some promises
to the American people in terms of how the President
plans to proceed. It should also include some warnings
on the difficulties of ending such a war on satisfactory
terms and with full recognition of our obligations
to the South Vietnamese people. The President did
not do that.
The President's message should have included
some clear promises to the South Vietnamese people
on what we hoped to do for them, in paving the
way for a political settlement. It should have involved
a warning that we are not there to protect a given
group of political or military leaders. The President's
message gave vague promises, but no warnings to
South Vietnam.
The President's message carried warnings to
Hanoi, but no real promises which might encourage
them to seek a negotiated settlement. In fact, one
got the feeling he had little hope for such a settle
ment. As time passes, and the war continues, the
President's time for maneuver will be reduced. The
cost of the time he bought Nov. 3 will go up, in
terms of domestic opposition, Hanoi intransigence, and
Saigon uncertainty. If he is to reduce the costs he
must show more willingness to talk with and listen
to the American people and a greater capacity for
initiatives, in South Vietnam and in Paris.
Tlx Ladgar Syndicate, Inc.
Nebraskan editorial page
Open Forum
Dear Editor:
As a college professor, I
am more or less inclined to
believe that one of the func
tions of a university is to
educate. I was therefore
particularly disturbed by
both the unanimity and
superficiality of the student
responses to Nixon's speech
reported in the Nebraskan
Nov. 6.
It is shocking that these
students, several of hom I
know personally to have ex
cellent minds, should attack
the President's speech as
"full of lies, distortions, half
truths and general stupidity"
and at the same time talk
confidently about the United
States' policy of ag
gression," or of Nixon's
"pride in the inevitable
deaths" that the war will
But it Is to their teachers,
not to them, but one must
direct the obvious question:
why are these students
unaware that their opinions
are not self-evident truths
and that the New Republic or
Evan and Novak may be
charged with distortions and
halftrutht even as the Na
tional Review or James J.
K 11 patrtck?
The obvious answer, to be
sure, is that most of their
teachers seem equally
unaware of the fact. The
groundrules for any faculty
lounge discussion of Vietnam
(at least in the Liberal Arts
college) are ihese: that the
war is unjust and immoral,
that it cannot be "won"
(whatever is meant by the
word), and that rapid
withdrawal will finally save
lives and bring "peace." To
question these dogmas is
both social and intellectual
If this Is so. then
universities cannot claim to
be arenas for objective and
disinterested debate, but are
Instead Institutions for the
propagation of a specific
philosophy of life (secular
humanism) and Indeed of a
specific brand of politics. Ail
of which means, alas, that a
parent should think twice
before sending his children to
Left-wingers doubtless will
see much significance in the
fact that of the students in
terviewed, onlv a Ireshman
girl undertook an extensive
defense of Nixon. Might I
suggest that this is not
because she is as yet
unenlightened and unlearned,
but because she is as yet un
trained in those responses
which are socially acceptable
in the mod mod academic
R. D. Stock,
Assistant Professor of
Dear Editor:
I would like to clarify part
of an article about myself.
In the story printed
Wednesday, Nov. 5, there
was reference to my being
dismissed from a high school
in Ankeny, Iowa for saying
an "Anglo-Saxon word for
sexual intercourse." (In
cidentally I was very in
terested in how "the word"
was presented by The Daily
Nebraskan. Maybe you felt
that saying it outright would
be using poor judgment.
Perhaps you have editorial
pressures on yourself. This
word has some very peculiar
qualities and consequences.)
I said the word In answer
to a question concerning an
example that I had brought
up In class. We were study,
lug the rise of liberalism In
nineteenth century Europe. I
cited an example of a pro
blem which Is pertinent to
liberal values. A Wayne State
College teacher had been
dismissed at least In part for
saying the word.
1 identified the word by
saying it had four letters and
meant sexual intercourse. A
student asked me what the
word was.
I said that the question put
me in a difficult situation,
but that I felt that I could say
the word without endorsing
its meaning or advocating its
use as an epithet. I said that
I would say it as a fact an
event that contributed to a
teacher being dismissed.
(Ironically 1 would be
dismissed because 1
"rela.ed" this teacher's
1 said it. Aaain I told t
class alxtut the manner in
which 1 was using it. I was
not usm-l the word as an
epithet aimed at a person.
I was fired for relusmg to
pledge that I would never use
the wosd aym in any cun-
text in Ankeny Senior High
I just couldn't ullow that
kind of censorship.
The school board, ad
ministration, teachers, and I
never discussed how I may
have hurt my pupils. The use
of the word in any way
seemed so unjustifiable that
un absolute prohibition was
I thank you for the op
portunity to reveal from my
perspective how this
dismissal took place. It is
important that this story be
clear. I'd be interested in
reactions to the dilemmas in
this incident.
I'd like to turn to a more
affirmative realm a place
culled Came lot a place
where persons, men and
women are becoming in
wonder full ways. Centennlul
College Is such a place.
I'd like to thank the people
there for being and becom
ing. You who are about a
joyous and sometimes
despairing odyssey in search
of many charactered ulti
mates I thank you.
There is a meeting in this
place a coining to know
a knowing, not just flinging
theses about but a knowing of
wholesomeness and fulfill
ineiu. There is discussion,
not just the flaunting of long
words but attempts to live
the words spoken, to know
deeply the meaning of
know ing, to realize the world
of an oilier openly and
ecstatically. Questions, im
mense questions raised
persons authentically
relating to great dilemmas.
Joy ! an open bllssfullness
of each with each with a e
embodied fully. Oh yes.
despair too persons deeply
agonized by disturbance and
injustice: but there Is a will,
lioness to stop the horrors
Inflicted on men by
themselves and by others.
I'.ut aain un ongoing af
firmation ol those so very
"red" red balloons yesed and
each softly, gently. ' scin
Ulatin.sly J'lyiully with each.
An act for two. a scene for
two uul II, scene II. roam
ing with jubilation one
with one wonderfully.
There is so very much to
say, to live.
Hon Kurtenbach
Dear Editor:
The critique of the poetry in
the University of Nebraska
Review 3 seemed needlessly
harsh. The verse was regarded
narrowly and misinterpreted.
Perhaps it was the weakest
feature of the review, that
hardly warrants the disdain of
"surely there are more people
writing better poems than those
The Rogers poem and one of
Siporin are jointly dismissed as
"based on faith in an acid
trip". The cultural oneness
with peers In Rogers" "Neon:
My World" transcends the drug
scene. Indeed the poem Itself Is
If at all loosely drug link
ed. Through bis drug metaphor
Alan Siporin expresses con
flict of the times. His other
poem ''Lightness and
Darkness" vividly expresses
the existential choice.
The other poem, hnvn h!so
been equally and hastily mis
judged, I find the critic rather
than Gary Hill guilty of cllched
phrases with his comment "the
age of the generation gap".
Furthermore I find sympathy
and not indifference In the poet
as he says "woman, go ahead".
Tom Deeds' "I been
railroaded" is pnrticulary
significant in light of the
Chicago Conspiracy trial. The
Review has shown greater
merit than a mere willingness
to print obscenities.
The critic speaks of Ann
Miller's "Paragraph Poem" ns
"no more than rambling
thoughts about one of
doom-desp air-di struct ion
themes". The poem specifically
slates the opposite: "... like
the world was going to end.
Well it wasn't. He knew It and I
knew it." It is rather an essay
of communication.
Perhaps the critic felt a
balanced review was required
and since the play, story and
fihutcgrnphs were commended
onlv the poetry as left to al
ack. The quality of the review
is not limited to the prose,
drama and photographs, but
extends to the poetry as well.
I find the magazine most
commendable and corgrnttiititv
the staff on Its efforts.
Jane I'urtzcr
Times are changing!
by Don Stenberg
Student member, Curriculum Committee
Pre-registration time la here again. And you,
miserable fellow students, probably fail to appreciate
the spirit of the season. It's sort of like Christmas;
and now. just as at Christmas time, you've got to
go shopping for your loved ones. Your list probably
looks something like this one.
6 hours for Great Grandpa College Requirements
6 hours for Mother Major
3 hours for Father Advisor (The poor soul needs
someone in his class)
If you are one of the fortunate few who has
a few hours left to treat himself to a few goodies,
let me suggest the following.
Biology 3 This course is not listed in the
catalog because it was just approved one or two
weeks ago. It will deal with the current problems,
connected with biology, which confront our society
today; consideration will be given to the way the
biologist attacks these problems; what things can
and have been done about the problems; why things
are the way (hey are; and what things might be
expected in the future. Class discussions and guest
lecturers should add a bright flavor to this course.
The code number for the course Is 0863.
The class will meet MWF at 11:30. For more
Information about the course contact the Zoology
department office or see Dr. Boohar, 428 Oldfather
Physics 61 This course traces the development
of the science of Physics from its origins to the
present. This course will probably be a little more
technical than Biology 3, but it should be a worthwhile
course If you have ony interest In how our present
space-age technology came Into being.
Music 187 This course traces the development
of jazz from its origins to the present day. The
social forces that shaped the development of Jnzi
will be one of the major areas of studv.
Biology 3 and Physics 61 can be counted toward
fulfillment of the Arts and Sciences group E science
requirement. These courses have no prerequisites.
Sophomore standing Is a prerequisite for Music 187.
Both are In the catalog.
I hope you will find this list of some use as
you prepare your second semester registration Let
me say that there are many other outstanding courses
being taught here at Nebraska. I chose these three
or sixyial consideration because they are quite new.
It was therefore my feeling that their existence should
Mh of you ntk'"tl0n f yU' my rcaders -
KMtti.i. M, untvn, Mat.
Tt.pht dltor m ini Haw. Vt-ltw, IMmh cimi
'ha Dally Naaratka it a ilvdmt U(,ttM, -,,,,. m.
Aodmtj Daily Nearaiktn
Naaaik Uftitn
Univrrtity el NrOritka
line!, Netratka tux
- . Itfitanat staff
mt Ram, lay.- Mnina I a tor Kan) - .
m. a, Dan latftly, Jim Dm, H award tamtaa m?m
Na-m.a; co tdliar, pM Laoay, jJTl Parka.
. wuimt tlatt