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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1969)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1969 'iiiiiiiiMHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiii mi iiiiiiiiiiiiiinii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiimii winnming . 3E Predictions j PAGL 6 on the line Saturday by Randy York Ncbraskan Sports Editor Both Nebraska and Kansas State football tears have been winding up all season for Saturday's showdown in Manhattan. The game pits a surpris ingly solid Wildcat outfit against a Nebraska club with ,i revenge motive. The Huskers, dumped 12-0 by In state in their Homecoming date last year, must win to keep alive their Big Eight Conference title aspirations as well as prospective bowl bids. Likewise, Kansas State, with a mathematical chance to capture the league cham pionship, seeks a post-season bowl berth. Representatives from the Gator and Liberty bowls have indicated an in terest in each team. The Wildcats, who have p ressed nationally-ranked Penn State and Missouri to 3 point decisions, feature an explosive offense and an ex perienced defense. Quarterback Lynn Dickey, mentioned as a possible Heisman Trophy candidate, triggers the Wildcat machine which has averaged 35 points in eight games. The Big 8's total offense and passing pacesetter. Dickey has passed for 1,821 yards for a 227.6 yard per game average. However, he also leads the league in throwing interceptions, misfiring 17 into enemy hands in 276 passes. Nebraska coach Bob Devaney, who drilled his club extensively this week on defensive pass rushing, says the key to beating the Husker harriers to run in NCAA The Nebraska cross country team's schedule has been expanded to include one more meet this fall. The Huskers, after a vote of the squad Wednes day, will be competing in the NCAA championships, according to Coach Frank Sevigne. The meet will be held on Nov. 24 at Manhattan College in New York City. Sevigne said that there are no requirements to be met by individuals or teams to compete in the NCAA cross country meet like there are for the track meet. "It's up to the individual school to decide if they want to compete," he said. This will be the first time a Nebraska cross country team has competed in the NCAA champion ships, Sevigne said. The Huskers will take a second place finish in the Big Eight conference meet and a 31 dual meet record to the national meet. Sevigne said he would take his top five runners to New York: Pete Brang, Greg Carlberg, Jim Lang, Mel Campbell and Bob Tupper. "The guys are real anxious to go," he said. "If everyone is right we should be able to finish in the top 10." Sevigne indicated there wa some hesitation involved in making the decision to compete because of the status of Tupper. "He has been hurt and hasn't been running up to par," Sevigne said. "This was the question mark in deciding if we would go or not." Hp Iirislian do wiir tl tiling, ; BowHUBsnHcanransa ; BACK TO GOD TRACT TEAM H5Q Kilimuoo AWm S C. Grand Rtorts, Mich. 49S0 Mala aorta th Word. Sand I samples of cartoon Bospat tracts I that really turn on tha ' No. I (Saturation." u era- Wildcats is getting to Dickey before he can throw. NU defensive ends Mike Wynn and Sherwin Jarmon, ho overwhelmed Iowa State quarterback Obert Tisdale last week, are the chief threats for such a plan to work out. Tisdale endured 97 minus rushing yards last week. The Husker defenders have in dicated a duplicate effort against K-State. After the Cyclone game, Husker defensive back Dana Stephenson pointed to Dickey, the white-shoed, junior quarterback. Jarmon says Dickey presents his truest challenge ever. Dickey, who along with Tisdale and Kansas quarter back Jim Ettinger has suf fered minus rushing yardage NU frosh Manhattan Friday Nebraska's freshman foot ball team invades Manhattan Friday afternoon to tangle with Kansas State's yearl ings. The Husker frosh, who own a 2-1 record, have dumped each of their two Big 8 foes this season: Missouri, 42-19 in Columbia and Iowa State, 20- 7 in Lincoln last week. Nebraska's only setback is a 21- 13 decision against MeCook Junior College. K-State has a 1-2 mark, having beaten Oklahoma State while losing to Missouri ALTERNATIVES IN EDUCATION CIDOC INVITES YOU TO CUERNAVACA for si.teen seminars aimed at finding ays to fr education from ichooling. Seminar leaders will include: JEROME BRUNER JOHN HOLT PAULO FREIRE IVAN ILLICH PAUL GOODMAN JONATHAN KOZOL Tale Ht entire proarom or enroll in individual teminan. Tola advn tooa of conference and court 1 en lotin America and of INTENSIVt INSTRUCTION IN SPOKfN SPANISH. For detailed information write: CtOOC SPRING 1970 AP00 479, CUERNAVACA, MEXICO for the season. He has rush ed 34 times and lost 67 yards. K-State also owns an im pressive rushing game despite Dickey's affinity to passing. Mack Herron has accounted for a 58.0 per game rushing average while Mike Montgomery has 335 net yards, a per game output of 41.9. Fullback Russ Har rison, the ex-Omaha Tech standout, is responsible for 34 ground yards per game. The Huskers thus must meet a balanced rushing at tack and a potent aerial game. Both K-State coach Vince Gibson and Devaney said this week they expect the game to develop into a passing duel. Nebraska's passing effort rides on the arm of sophomore starter Jerry invade and Kansas. Missouri bested the Wildkittens, 43-0 last week. Nebraska freshman coach Jim Ross has been con centrating on a defensive pass rush in practice sessions quarterback Lynn Dickey, likes to pass frequently. He fired 43 times in ttie opening loss to KU and threw 38 times in a win over Oklahoma State. K-State coach Dean Pryor has been hurt with key in juries in the last two weeks, Ross said. He added, however, that K-State ex poets to be in better physical shape for the Cornhuskers. Ex-Otuaha Tech standout halfback Johnny Rodgers paces the Husker yearlings, lie has accounted for 605 yards in rushing, receiving and return yardage in three games. He's the team leader In four individual statistical categories: rushing with 166 yards on 38 carries; receiv ing with 157 yards on 10 catches; kickoff returns with 75 yards in three runbacks; and punt returns with 207 yards in 11 attempts Ross indicated Thursday he would again start Plattsmouth native Max L i n d e r at quarterback Ogallala native Steve Runty may see early duty, however. Ross said. Tight end Kellv Schultz is one of lander's prime targets. I.inder has ac counted for 221 yards passing and two touchdowns Halfback Dave Gooller. who rushed for 51 vards against Iowa State, halfbacks Rantlv Butts find Bill Olds and fullback George Eiben are other key Cornhusker threats. John O'Connell, who has intercepted three passes leads the defensive unit. Other defensive standouts include middle guard Willie Harper, linebacker Tom Deyke and end John Dutton JANUARY 19 APRIL 25 Tagge. the fourth best total offense producer in the con- e m v lerence. xagge nas passea all i a 1 a a 4 ma ior i,ioo yards ana aaaea isn ground yards for an offensive output of 163.0 yards per game. Tagge's figures have been compiled despite being sub jected to occasional bench duty while fellow soph Van Brownson directed the Husker attack. Brownson and Tagge are comparable passers in the accuracy department. Brownson has completed 36 of 67 for a .537 completion mark while Tagge is clicking at a .586 average on 92 com pletions in 157 tosses, the league's best. If the game does evolve into a passing contest, Nebraska may have the ad vantage. Although the Huskers are second behind K-State in passing offense, Nebraska leads the league in passing defense. The Wildcats rank fifth in that department. Nebraska Although Nebraska's bas ketball team returns 97 per cent of the offense it gener ated last season, Husker boss Joe Cipriano still says de fense remains the key to a high conference finish. Cip foresees a tough pre conference schedule as more of a challenge than a head ache. Much of his optimism in facing such foes as Du quesne. Houston and Arizona is rooted to the Huskers' de fensive improvement. "We seem to be improving in every practice defensive ly." he says. "If we keep improving like we have been, we're going to be a much better defensive team than last year." "What everything boils down to is basic fun damentals," Cipriano says. "About 50 per ctnt of our Venture: Purify water with the fiber that made men whistle. Nylon. Reverse osmosis. A fiber that started making girls' legs more beauti ful some 30 years ago. And a process that's been around a lot longer. 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So Du Pont scientists and engineers are even now working toward improved fibers, units and plant designs that should make it possible to get fresh water from salt at a price that any town or nation can afford. Innovation applying the known to discover the unknown, inventing new materials and putting them to work, using research and engineering to create the ideas and products of the future this is the venture Du Pont people are now engaged in. For a variety of career opportunities, and a chance to advance through many fields, talk to your Du Pont Recruiter. Or send us the coupon. r Du Pont Company, Room 7890. Wilmington, DE 19P98 Please send rre the booklets chtHed below. Chemical Eno,n'r Por,t Mechanical Engineers at Du Pont Engineers at Du Pont Accounting, Data Systems, Marketing, Production Unlvarslty. Oagraa Addrasa Ct i- Sta!- An tauai Oavtwil I mt piBR-'-WtlW Husker Mismatch? Nebraska basketball coach Joe Cipriano says the Huskers success this season hinges on defense. Here, sophomore Donnie Wilson, 5-11 (right) gets a special defensive test against 6-8 senior Jim Brooks. cagers improving practices are bing devoted to defense. We certain'y can't afford to let down. We're ahead of what we were last year, defensively, and we've got to stay ahead." The Huskers' starting package remains unwrapped, however, Cip ad Is. He says J m Brooks. Lcroy Chalk. Chuck Jura an-1 Dale Von Seggern are bating for two front-line spots. Last year's leading scorer Marvin Stewart, lorn Scant lebury, Cliff Moller, Al X'ssen and Bob CtatooD are the chief contenders for the 3-ymrd front spots, Cipriano a.lded. Sophomore Mike Petersen from Omaha Creighton Pre sustained a broken foot bone in Saturday's put'ic scritn m'K'e. Cip re'atod. He also , law., 1 -Sraduatiofl Date- main Mr said senior Ken Cauble has been sidelined with a knee hjurv. atri Chalk has missed two days practice because of a death in his f'iruily. Cipriano cited the effort of Brooks, who retreved 15 re- bounds and deposited 11 field goals in Saturday's scrim maue. "Stewart, Scart telbury, Moller and (Sam) Martin also shot well," C:p noted. Each guara shot over 50 per cent as Stewart notche-i 12 field goals. Moller and Martin 10 ipie. and Scant'ebury nine "We've got kio's who can scre real well," Cip says, "but the question is whose going to be the most consis tent b'jth offensively and de'ensivelv. A norson is not always going to shoot well, but he r""-' always play defense well.' , ft'v -w -jfrnt Yih w j , j .5 : Ar?r.-'.ran I V T. By RANDY YORK Nebraskan Sports Editor Satchell Paige couldn't have said it any better when he once offered, "Never look behind; someone may be gaining on you." The Huskers' are tied for the league lead with Miccnnri uith 4.1 rpfnrrl Kansas State, saddled with two conference setbacks, still has a shot at the crown, providing the Huskers and Mizzou stumble in their last two games. It's doubtful that he was talking about Kansas State's revitalized football program, but the wisdom can nevertheless apply to the Wildcats. Nebraska looked behind K-State somewhat last year. The Wildcats capitalized, registering one of the biggest conference upsets in the last decade, a 12-0 shutout in Lincoln. Nebraska, however, can't afford to look behind this season. K-State has changed roles and, perhaps, for the first time last week was caught looking behind itseif. Oklahoma State dampened the Wildcats' title hopes with a 28-19 hijack at Stillwater. Stumbling is not completely out of the question either. This corner missed the Oklahoma State- sur prise last week despite advance warning from fellow staffers John Dvorak and Steve Sinclair. . The blunder lowered the season batting average to .767 with 33 correct picks in 43 guesses. This week's effort calls for: Nebraska 27, Kansas State 17 Both teams be lieve in life after death. Each entertains bowl bids. That is, providing it wins. K-State has been flashy, but, at times, defensively deficient. The Husker Black Shirts get stingier every week. Lynn Dickey and Mack Herron were somewhat frustrated last week. Saturday they will be frustrated. Missouri 20, Iowa State 10 Cyclone coach Johnny Majors claims his dpfensivplv. i Iowa State can't even match the Missouri pom pon girls. Oklahoma 28, Kansas 21 The Jayhawks arc more than a hard luck case. They have dropped five straight conference games, four of which have been by four points or fewer. Oklahoma, meanwhile, feel if a team is going to get beat, it might as well lose big. The Sooners feel like winning all the time in Norman, however. Colorado 21, Oklahoma State 17 Everybody is still recovering from the Cowboy shock against K-State. including Oklahoma State. A team can't play well in a partial state of shock, especially against lobby Ander son in his home town. , . u tt -.V.A . J.J, a. i! , i., V; j j t r 5 -' 'V ' ' . .. "a ' f . . . . . -. V-.. ft 1 - r' 4- team can match most teams W." " "'it.'-Jlt"IWI' A 'A