The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 13, 1969, Image 1

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    P HfPfR)
VOL. 93, NO.33
Athletic department probe
called by senate resolution
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Moratorium schedule
Information concerning mor
atorium canvassing can be ob
tained in room 345 of the Ne
braska Union.
Discussions centering around
President Richard M. Nixon's
Nov. 3 speech, the role of the
citizen in democracy and the
effects of the Vietnam war,
are scheduled for Thursday
and Friday.
The speakers and the dis
cussion locations are as fol
lows: The dorm discussions sched
uled for Thursday, 7 p.m., in
clude: Russ Brown, Ron Hub
bart and Wally Peterson at
Selleck; Phil Scribner, Don
Gall and James Eisentrager at
at speak
by Diane Wanek
Nebraskan Staff Writer
Demand for student power is
emerging on the University o f
Nebraska at Omaha campus just as
it has on many other college and
University campuses in the United
But UNO lacks one aspect seem
ingly common to other such cam
puses: It has no militant left wing
The demonstration Monday by the
Black Liberators for Action on Cam
pus (BLAC) has brought into the open
those students for civil disobedience
and, in contrast, those students who
have paid their money to go to school
and don't want to be bothered by
student power.
The BLAC group purportedly has
no militant aims. Robert Honore,
president of BLAC, said at a speak-out
Wednesday afternoon:
"We broke the law. We will have
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Cather Pound. WRH; Abel Hall
with Robert Bergstrom, John
Liljenstope and Reverend
Francis Houchin; Garry
Brookes, Nelson Potter and
Carl Burkhart at Sandoz; Bert
Evans, Dan Schlitt and Robert
Haller will be in Schramm;
Mordecai Marcus, Dick Felton
and Paul Olson in Smith. Ag
Campus Dorms will hear Mrs.
David Levine and Dr. Howard.
Friday night's discussions
will be held at the Malone
Center, St. Paul's Methodist
Church, Bethany Christian
Church, First Methodist
Church, Trinity United Church
of Christ, and the First Luth
eran Church.
BLAC rap Nay lor
- out on Omaha campus
to pay for our actions. We are not
saying that we condone breaking laws,
but If a law is in the way of progress,
something must be done."
Honore also said that there is no
way prejudice can be attacked, but
that discrimination and bigotry can
be. However, the speak-out seemed
to prove that discrimination wasn't
the problem at UNO, but that the
problem was the confrontation
between the students and the ad
ministration. Position Statement released
BLAC released Wednesday a "posi
tion statement" which said basically
that the group intended to unite all
concerned students In forcing Presi
dent Kirk E. Naylor and other of
ficials of the university to seriously
consider their demands.
The position statement also con
tained six central beliefs of the BLAC
These include:
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Robert Honore
by Bill Smltherman
Nebraskan Staff Writer
ASUN Seriate Wednesday passed a
resolution calling for an investigation
of the University athletic department.
Senator Terry Cameron introduced
a resolution calling for the Council
on Student Life to investigate the
department in several areas. These
included its jurisdiction in the use
of University property for con
cessions, the use of the Coliseum and
Memorial Stadium, and the use of
University parking lots on football
game days.
The resolution was a direct result
of the closing of a charity concession
stand by athletic department officials
operated by Farmhouse Fraternity
and Gamma Phi Beta sorority on
Homecoming Saturday.
The body of the resolution says that
the stand had the approval of t h e
Office of Student Activities, and was
"summarily and unjustly" closed on
the order of the athletic department.
Cameron said the department has
stopped sales on campus in a number
of occasions. He added that the
purpose of the resolution is to
determine where the athletic depart
ment draws its power to control sales
on University land.
Farmhouse president Dan
Goudc-nberger said that in his at
tempts to learn on what authority the
stand was closed he found the athletic
department "remarkably divorced"
from the general University power
Goodenberger said that there is a
necessity to determine where decision
making power lies within the athletic
department. Students should also
determine what their role in the pro
cess should be under the Student in
the Academic Community document,
he added.
Senator Tom Wiese said that the
department might not have as much
President Naylor's position acts
to condone discrimination on campus.
All students and faculty can help
black students by supporting BLAC's
All charges against black students
arrested Monday should be dropped
and amnesty granted.
Students should have greater say
In the operation of the University.
Black students should have a
voice in determining policies that af
fect them.
All black demands should be met
in fair arbitration.
The speak-out, according to many
who attended, accomplished little
because a majority who attended were
in agreement with Honore, and he
was not opposed on any issues.
Honore said that many non-supporters
were invited, but he noted that none
were present.
500 attends speakout
The some 500 who attended the
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real power as it seems.
He pointed out the case of the
For comments from the Uni
versity's head coach and ath
letic director, Bob Devaney,
turn to page 4.
"Daily Nebraskan" llusker Special.
Wiese said that the athletic depart
ment was unable to prevent the
distribution of the Special even though
it competed directly with their football
After a brief discussion of the
department's budget, Senator- Sue
Ross: no
The University has no official policy
statement on search and seizure in
the residence halls.
G. Robert Ross, Executive Dean of
Student Affairs, said in a letter to
Bill Chaloupka, ASUN president that
to his knowledge "no policy exists."
Last week the ASUN Senate passed
a resolution directing the Student Af
fairs office to state its policy on
search and seizure in the residence
Ross's letter to Chaloupka was Stu
dent Affairs' response to the Senate's
Although the University has no of
ficial search and seizure policy state
ment, Ross said there are guidelines
University personnel follow if the
question arises whether a student's
room should be entered by a dorm,
floor officer, some University
employee or by the police.
The University guidelines on search
and seizure were summarized in a
recent Student Affairs' news letter
distributed to student groups and
speak-out seemed to agree that both
the students and the faculty had
justifiable complaints against the ad
ministration. Dale Stove, an instructor in the
philosophy and religion department,
commented on the polarization
between the faculty and the students.
"The faculty has less voice than the
students," he said. "We don't even
have a faculty senate."
One student noted that the student
senate wasn't effective at all, and a
majority of the students seemed to
agree with him.
"You can't get too much ac
complished even through 'the proper
channels'," he said, "and this is
mainly the fault of the administra
tion." Thus, the speak-out was basically
a series of statements in agreement
with Honore and the BLAC group,
and was attended mainly by sym
pathizers. BLAC plans to hold another
demonstration this Saturday.
State Sen. Richard Marvel said
Wednesday that he has been ap
proached recently about a possible
candidacy for governor but declined
further comment.
"It sounds interesting and
challenging," he said, "but I have
not made any decisions."
Marvel, 51, has served as chairman
of the powerful Unicameral Budget
and Appropriations Committee for the
last 10 years. He has been a state
senator for 15 years. During the last
few years, Marvel has differed fre
quently in matters of executive and
legislative powers with Gov. Norbert
T. Tiemann.
A teacher in political science at
Nebraska Wesleyan, Marvel would bo
the third candidate seeking the UOP
John D. Langford, former Navy
commander from North Platte an.
nounced his candidacy several weeks
ago, and incumbent Gov. Tiemann
announced his candidacy Saturday.
Houchin speculated that the depart
ment makes a good deal of money
from "exhorbitant fees" charged
As an example, she said the
department is charging the Inter
Dormatory Association some $200 to
clean the orchestra pit of the Coliseum
for its performance of "Hello Dolly."
IDA is also being charged almost $200
to take down basketball goals for the
two performances, she said.
ASUN president Bill Chaloupka read
the senate a letter concerning the
University policy on search and
seisure. A brief discussion followed
and Dean G. Robert Ross was invited
to the next Senate meeting to discuss
search policy
leaders, according to Ross.
The news letter stated, "Recent
court cases have verified the right
of universities to enter student rooms,
but our Nebraska policies are more,
restrictive than that. Under present
policies here we may enter only to
prevent destruction of residence hall
property, where there is clear danger
to human life or for room main
tenance. "In no inslaire do we exercise the
right to search a student's room
without the permission and presence
of the occupant. Where there is a
felony or suspicion of a crime being
committed, we are to notify the
University Police tind follow all legal
procedures that would justify entry
and search."
Although the Universi.y has
guidelines on search a-id seizure, Ross
said, there is a difference between
guidelines c'eveloned ,o mcp' m routTe
dormitory need and an official policy
stu emont by the University.
Ross said he is taking the necessary
steps to inaugurate an official policy
statement. "I am asking those most
affected by such policy, the Inter-
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the policy with the senators.
ASUN electoral commissioner Glen
Nees introduced a slate of rules for
campus elections. The rules provide
a fair chance for everyone to partici
pate in elections that concern major
portions of the student body, he ex
plained. The rules were passed. They will
go into effect December 3, after copies
have been sent to all campus
A resolution to facilitate better
communication between senators and
their constituents was introduced, by
senator Randy Prier. The measure
was automatically tabled for one
Dormitory Association, the staff -in-residence
halls and in the Housing of
fice, along with the Housing Policy
Committee, to consider this matter
and to report back to me and the
.variemic eomnninitv before the dose
of the current semester," he added.
The Dean of Student Affairs also
said it would be useful if officials
of the Student Affairs office could
discuss aspects of the search and
seizure subject with ASUN.
Last week's ASUN resolution
directed the S.udont Affairs office to
state its policy on search and seizure
wiiiin three clays. However,
Chaloupka's letter to Ross requesting
the University s policy on the subject
''id not state that he wanted a reply
within three days.
Senator Orville Jones last week
charged that a lack of policy state
ment seriously hampers the jobs of
residence hail staffs and places both
staff members and . students under
unnecessary pressure, Ross said that
there have been only two or three
instances in the past when a
University student's room has been
en.ered and searched by the pallet,
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