The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 12, 1969, Image 1

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R. Neale
Senate liberals in favor of drastic
draft reform agreed Tuesday to
permit the Nixon Administration's
draft lottery proposal to be rushed
through the Senate without
amendments. The move virtually
assured the bill's passage.
Senator 'Edward M. Kennedy, D
Mass., and other reformers agreed
to the procedure in a meeting with
Chairman John C. Stennis, D-Mlss.,
of the Senate Armed Services Com
mittee. Kennedy said Stennis' assurance
that he would make every effort to
pass a comprehensive draft reform
bill next year convinced him that he
should forego the right to offer
Stennis and the committee promised
to hold extensive hearings no later
than Feb. 15 on draft reform proposals
including changes in deferments,
conscientious objector status, methods
of classification and make up of local
draft boards,
The proposal, which calls for ran
dom draft selection from a pool com
posed mostly of 19 year old males,
has already been passed by the
Melvln R Laird, Secretary of
Defense, will be Invited to testify in
brief hearings on draft selection,
Stennis said.
Stennis said he believes the Senato
will approve the measure but warned
he will withdraw the proposal if
senators attempt to "clutter the bill
Lounge experiment
to be attempted soon
The coed lounge experiment will get
underway within a week in Sandoz
und Abel South Halls, according to
Abcl-Sandoz Residence Association
officers Brad Brooks and Necia
Schramm, the t h ir d dorm
participating, is awaiting IDA ap
proval of floor lounge conditions
before Implementing the experiment,
Joseph Zannlni, Schramm residence
director, sold Tuesday.
Individual floors in all three dorms
are drawing up specific plans within
the general guidelines issued Oct. 29
by IDA committee on coed lounges.
Three floors In Snnrittt and two In
Abel have submitted their plans for
approval by the residence director,
Miss Baker said.
One Abel floor voted to have open
lounge every night, with strict con
trols no unescorted girls and
suspension of the experiment (or any
violation. Another floor in Abel will
experiment the first week t o
determine which nights are most
convenient for residents, according to
Sundos proposals are allowing open
lounge abmit three times a week, Mis
Baker said.
The IDA guidelines, approved by
housing director Ely Meycrson, have
five broad provisions.
by Diane Wanck
Nebraskan Staff Writer
"I'm sorry. I apologize to the
University of Nebraska, to the Board
of Regents, and to the State of
Nebraska. I would have done anything
so this wouldn't have happened."
This was the reaction of Dr. Kirk
E. Naylar, President of the University
of Nebraska at Omaha, to the sit-in
staged by the Black Liberators for
Action on Campus (BLAC) Monday
The confrontation between the
demonstrators and the administration
resulted in 54 arrests.
Last Friday Naylor had an appoint
ment with Robert llonore, president
of BLAC.
"When he came to my office he
brought along fifty members of
BLAC," Naylor said in an exclusive
interview with the Daily Nebraskan.
"He presented a list of demands,
which I was supposed to read and
react to Immediately, but I refused
to read them and react to them at.
the time," he said. "I told thorn I
would give the demands a great deal
of consideration, and we would meet
again Monday morning at 11:30."
BLAC first demanded the resigna
tion of Frederick Hay, director of
student activities, and his assistant,
Mrs. Thelma Engle.
BLAC charged that Mrs. Engle and
Ray had been "condescending" und
hud not provided the students with
control of their own activities In the
Student Center.
No resignations expected
Naylor said the University has not
Each floor must elect one or two
residents who will take full
responsibility for maintaining floor
rules and be on the floor at all times
during open lounge hours.
Maximum hours are 7:30 p.m.
10 p.m. on week nights, 7:30 p.m.-12
midnight on weekends.
The residence director must be
notified of floor provisions for coed
Each floor may decide whether
or not to participate at all.
A "desirable atimwphere must be
maintained for open lounw," meaning
clean lounge walls, clean and oper
able light fixtures, adequate, well
kept furniture, and bulletin boards in
offensive to "reasonable social stan
dards." IDA President Theresa Sledge hopes
to evaluate the experiment by the
original Dec. 15 deadline. If the dorms
can have the coed lounues 1m
plemen'ed within a week, she thinks
that a valid evaluation can be made
by that time.
Exact grounds for evaluation are
to be determined by an IDA com
mittee this week. Miss Sledge said.
The committee Is particularly in
terested in similarities in provisions
on each floor, since the original .
guidelines allowed for considerable
New group causes con troversary
A new University-wide Academic
Planning Committee, approved just
last week by the Faculty Senate, has
already created controversy.
The problem concerns mem
bership. Nine of the group's members
will be either faculty members or ad
ministrators. The tenth designee will
be the president of ASUN or his
The 10-member group will be con
cerned primarily with areas and pro
grams that by nature are in
terdisciplinary or intercollegiate, ac
cording to R. Neale Copple, chairman
of the Faculty Liaison Committee.
The group will assess, on a institu
tional basis, academic programs and
their functions to suggest more ef
fective coordination and rear
rangements. "This lack if student representation
is contrary to a lot of things we've
talked about in the last few years,"
commented Bill Chaloupka, ASUN
ASUN shouldn't have to go out and
campaign actively for student
representatives on various com
mittees, he added. "It should come
Dr. Paul Byerly, associate profes
sor of physics and faculty advisor to
ASUN, is unhappy with both the com
mittee structure and the actions of
student leaders.
"I don't feel there is equitable stu
stages sit-in at
asked for the resignations of the ad
ministrators, nor does it expect to
receive them.
Other demands included student
control of the Student Center and its
employees; BLAC participation in
setting up a Black studies curriculum,
selection of Black speakers, and hir
ing of Black instructors; increased
benefits for athletes; an increase in
University spending for black-oriented
extracurricular activities; and reim
bursement for funds lost during a
BLAC dance Friday night.
Naylor said in a written statement
that the students should carry their
concerns through the proper chan
nels. llonore, a senior majoring in law
enforcement, said in response to
Naylor, that the President was pitting
off BLAC by "directing that out
demands be channeled through one
of his red tape committees."
Naylor also noted that there are
faculty help
Faculty cooperation is needed now
as work on the spring faculty evalua
tion book begins, according to Ken
Wald, Faculty Evaluation Committee
letters ure now being mailed to
faculty members requesting their
support and giving information on
evaluation procedures, Wald said
The Teaching Council has passed
a resolution supporting the evaluation
book, but the Faculty Senate hat, yet
to consider such a motion, Wald said,
lie added that the budget has bee n
reduced from $5,500 to $5,000 because
of anticipated advertising revenue.
Wald also attacked critics of the
evaluation book. He noted some peo
ple have said students are unduly
harsh In their evaluations or aren't
able to properly judge professors.
Wald referred to studios that show
students are generally quite fair in
their evaluations. There is no cor
relation between a student's grade
and his evaluation of the professor,
he added.
"Students ure the ones best uble
to evaluate teachers," he said. "They
see the professor every day in the
classroom. They know whether or not
they're learning."
Questionnaire: were compiled from
n faculty evaluation form prepared
for Princeton University by the
Carnegie Institute ami amended for
NU use by the Evaluation Com
rniltee. The questionnaires will be sorted
and sent to each department.
Departments will distribute the forms
to each class. Professors can either
have students fill out the forms In
class or fill them out later and return
the forms to the professor.
Tho evaluation sheets will be
returned to the department and then
given to the Evaluation Committee
for computer processing. The compil.
ed information will be font to the
jirinter and Uie books are scheduled
to be distributed in early February.
dent participation, and I told ASUN
senators and executives they ought
to do something about it," Byerly
said. "They didn't."
ASUN failed
Chaloupka admitted that ASUN
really failed in getting out and talking
to faculty members in an attempt to
change the situation. Chaloupka, or
his representative, will serve on the
Both Chaloupka, Byerly, as well as
other faculty members feel the com
mittee can be valuable and influen
tial. Because of the members on the
committee, it can be fairly prominent
and it has the potential to be impor
tant, Chaloupka said.
Besides four faculty members, the
group will consist of the Dean of
Faculties, Dr. C. Peter Magrath; one
faculty member selected by the
Graduate Council: two academic
deans from the Council of Deans; and
Director of Institutional Research and
Planning, Harry Allen.
Byerly feels the committee, if it
accomplishes its purposes, can
perform a much needed service.
The committee is motivated by a
desire to improve teaching on this
campus, Copple said. The group will
work with current problems and as
well as on advance projects, he ad
ded. "We really can't predict the exact
students on the Student Center policy
board, there are several Black studies
courses, and that BLAC was given
$750 from the Student Activities Fund
to finance a "black festival."
When they met Monday morning,
Naylor first read a formal response
to the demands, then took a few
moments to try to establish "a rap
port" with the BLAC group.
"I wanted to show them how in
terested I was, that I was willing
to listen and spend whatever time
was necessary to help them and ex
plain things," he said."
Naylor told the group he was willing
to continue discussions on an informal
basis. "llonore said to me, 'Is that
all you have to say?' and I said,
'Yes, that is all,' " Naylor said. "The
group felt my response was 'inade
quate'. They didn't cut me off, but
they broke off the communication, I
BLAC sits in offices
The BLAC group then staged the
sit-in in the administrative suite,
which consists of the President's of
fice, a reception room, and the
Regents' room.
llonore told Naylor the group would
stay In the administrative suite until
Naylor "capitulated."
Naylor said he felt justified In ask
ing the demonstrators to leave within
15 minutes, and when they didn't
leave, he summoned the police. "I
Voboril: fraternities
dying as social group
by Gary Seacrest
Nebraskan Staff Writer
Fraternities will soon bo obsolete
if they continue to exist only as social
clubs, the president of tbe University's
Interfraternity Council said Tues
day. Joe Voboril said. "The idea of a
social dub Is outgrown. I would like
to see an educational living situation
in the houses somewhat like the
Centennial College." He added that
fraternities that stress only the social
aspect will become obsolete.
The IFC president thinks
fraternities will have to "resemble the
Centennial College if they are to
"There will have to be changes in
fraternities. They will have to com
plement the education students
receive In class if they are to attract
incoming freshmen," he said.
The social asect of fraternities will
have to be de-emphasized, according
to Voboril. "It's not bad for
fraternities to have a social program,
but they are wrong in making it the
essence of their existence.
Voboril contends that the Centennial
College will put much pressure on
the fraternity system. He said that
50 more Centennial scholars would
have gone through Rush Week litis
year if there had been no Centennial
He said the Centennial College Is
simply a co-ed fraternity and "there
wouldn't have been a need for Cen
tennial College if the fraternities
would have developed belter s'.udent-
direction the committee will take,"
Copple continued.
Committee assesses future
The committee, for instance, could
choose to assess the academic future
of the University with emphasis on
inter-collegiate programs, Copple
The general purposes of the com
mittee, according to the official pro
posal approved by the Faculty Senate,
the Liaison Committee and campus
President Joseph Soshnik are:
To continually assess, with faculty
participation, academic programs and
their functions in order to suggest
more effective coordination or rear
rangements; To define areas of teaching and
research where new or significantly
altered programs are required to
meet the academic goals of the Uni
versity, The Committee should be
concerned with areas not within the.
exclusive province of a single college.
To suggest priorities for needed
programs of both an immediate and
long-range nature, and estimate costs
in manpower and physical facilities.
To make recommendations and
state conclusions to the president and
to assist the administration in the im
plementation of programs presented
to either the Regents or the
Legislature, or to both.
Richard S. Harnsberger, professor
had no intention of capitulating," he
The police arrived, and the 54
demonstrators were arrested and
booked with "willfully refusing to
leave the property of an educational
institution upon being requested to do
so by an administrative officer."
Each demonstrator posted $25 bond
and was released. The bond was put
up by "a group of organizations and
individuals in the black community,"
said Honore.
When asked whether he thought the
action of the BLAG group disruptive,
Naylor said, "They were disruptive
in the sense that there were so many
of them around. They sat on the floor,
and it wasn't possible to carry on
normal operations."
Naylor added he has given no con
sideration to dropping the charges.
Honore has said the BLAC "will use
every means possible to get the
charges dropped."
Communication breakdown
"The major cause of this was a
breakdown in communication,"
Naylor said. "If there is an answer
to campus unrest it is in communica
tion. I hope the avenues of com
munlcation can be opened wide
enough so that something like this
won't happen again."
"I have no idea what the future
holds," he added. "I hope the problem
won't escalate."
In a press conference Tuesday
. s.
Joe Voboril
1 t 1 .r- 1
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f i .
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faculty relations. Centennial College
Is doing the things we failed to do."
The IFC president said he believes
fraternities are In a perfect position
to Implement a Centennial College
type of program in their houses. He
said the fraternity system
Continued on page 3
of law, is sold on the committee's
potential value.
"The committee should consider
where we are now academically and
where we are going," he said. "In
short, if the committee functions pro
perly it should keep our academic
arteries from becoming sclerotic."
Committee has diverse elements
It has enough diverse elements,
from students to faculty and ad
ministrators, so it will have an im
pact, he added.
When the Academic Planning Com
mittee was approved at the Faculty
Senate meeting last week, the only
real opposition concerned the struc
ture of the group.
One professor moved to drop the
deans from the committee but the
motion failed.
Copple asserted that the committee
felt that a couple of members from
the Dean's Council would give thrust
to the committee.
Byerly proposed that student
participation be increased to four, but
his motion failed.
"The committee is already of pretty
good size," Copple said. "I am con
cerned about size and continuity."
. On a legislative type committee,
there should be proportionate
representation .Copple said, but the
Academic Planning Committee would
not be legislative in nature.
VOL. 93, NO. 32
morning, the BLAC representatives
hinted that there would definitely be
more action if Naylor didn't drop the
charges and if Ray and Mrs. Engle
weren't asked to resign.
There was some rumor that the
BLAC representatives would consider
asking for the resignation of Naylor.
Naylor said in reaction to the rumor,
"Firing me would be the prerogative
of the Board of Regents. I am sure
that the Regents will support me."
Honore said the rumor was er
roneous. "At the present time there
is no intention of violence," he added
when asked about future BLAC ac
tion. Honore said he believes t h e
demonstrators have solid backing on
the U.N.O. campus.
Naylor, too, believes he has support.
"I wish you could see the countless
signed petitions, telegrams, and
telephone calls I've received. There
is not a negative voice among them,"
he said. "They were all in favor of
my action, with complete confidence,
urging me to continue the same line
of action."
for committee
The Nebraska Union Board approv
ed a resolution Tuesday calling for
the formation of an ad hoc committee
with ASUN to explore suggestions for
increasing direct student participation
in the Student Union.
Last week ASUN approved a simi
lar resolution.
The ad hoc committee's purpose Is
to examine the Union's administrative
structure, programming aspects, and
financial arrangements. The com
mittee Is to make periodic rerts
of its findings.
The Nebraska Union's resolution
stated that the committee be compos
ed of two ASUN Senators, two Union
Board members, and four Interested
students two appointed by the
Union Board and two by ASUN.
The Nebraska Union Board tabled
several amendments to Its governing
code until its next meeting. These In
elude :
Changing the number' of members
from seven to twelve. The proposed
amendment states the 12 members
shall consist of the director of the
Union, three faculty members, und
eight students. This is a change from
four students and two faculty
-Changing the selection of the stu
dent members. The proposed amend
ment calls tor three to be selected
bv the City Campus Program Council
from its membership, one by the East
Campus Program Council from Us
membership and four by the ASUN
Senate from the student body.
Previously ASUN could not select any
members to the Union Board.
Crape workers' plight
portrayed in film
A film describing the working con
ditions and attitudes of the grape
workers, "Decision at Delano,", Will
be shown Wednesday afternoon ot
t'MI IE.
The half hour him will run contin
uously from 1:30 to 3:30 n.m.