The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 07, 1969, Image 1

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omecoming a decade ago--nicely
by Ron Whltten
Nebraskan Staff Writer
Ten years ago, the NTJ football team
was having trouble filling Memorial
Stadium, the Administration was
debating Coach Bill Jennings future
and the student publication was con
tinually devoting more sports
coverage to intramurals.
Then came Homecoming '59.
During that week in October,
students revived campus spirit,
University officials gave the coach a
vote of approval, and the Huskers
recorded one of the great upset vic
tories in the team's history.
Ironically, it had been the intention
of the Tassels and Corn Cobs in 1959
to make their homecoming
"something different and more
meaningful." The sponsors introduced
a new homecoming schedule, and with
Displays j
to convey!
1 message j
The traditional homecoming display
of crepe and papier mache will give
way this year to displays with a
Some of the 1969 homecoming
displays will try to benefit others.
Some displays will bear no
resemblance to the animated paper
caricatures of earlier displays.
Gamma Phi Beta sorority and
Farmhouse fraternity will attempt to
raise money to renovate a recreation
center for Indian children. They will
set up a booth to sell candy, pop,
and other concessions. The proceeds
will go to the Indian Mission Center
in downtown Lincoln.
Currently the recreation center is
only an old building. The money the
two houses make will be spent on
paint, furniture and recreational
Dave Malone, spokesman f o r
Farmhouse, said they decided to do
this rather than build a traditional
homecoming display because it would
be a worthwhile project.
"Several hundred dollars is usually
spent building a display which is seen
on Friday and Saturday and is torn
down Sunday," Malone said. "We
wanted to spend several hundred
dollars, but we wanted to do
something that would have long
lasting benefit for us and others at
the same time."
The booth will be set up in front
of the Gamma Phi Beta house Friday
night and at the side of Bessey Hail
on Saturday.
"Ghetto and glory," the fifth floor
of Abel Hall display, contrasts poverty
and football in Lincoln.
The purpose of such a display, said
Orville Jones, Student Assistant for
Abel Five, is to point out that there
are more important things here than
"Go Big Red."
The display shows "what the other
half of the world does on Saturday
afternoons," said Scott Beman.
Tlw exhibit consists of slides and
projections of the Malone area and
oilier poor sections of Lincoln. The
exhibit won first place in the
decorated open houise contest during
"Go Big Red Week" last week.
The exhibit will be shown In the
Student Union lounge area all day
Money making booth will go for a
donate proceeds to
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it, a new musical program to be held
with the traditional dance.
Quartet debut
The program featured a quartet
called the "Hi Lo's," which, in
cidentally, had never appeared before
a university audience before. And an
Omaha orchestra provided music for
the dance at Pershing Auditorium.
The schedule placed special em
phasis on the Homecoming Queen
election procedures. The balloting was
held during an entire day, rather than
just the evening of the pep rally. The
Queen and her attendants would be
announced during the Thursday
evening rally and bonfire. .
But no limits were placed on cam
paign procedures, and the ten queen
, candidates utilized every means
available. Campaign posters ranged
from large banners acknowledging
Sueleal Thompson for Homecoming
Queen," to small queen of hearts
cards claiming "Kitzi Lee's a Good
The campaign of Skip Harris was
the most extensive. Her pledge
sisters, dressed as Navy "skippers,"
performed skits in housing units and
posters and banners wereplaced on
Clarke cites satellite
as the future catalyst
by Bill Smllherinnn
Nebraskan Staff Writer
The communications satellite will
bring the city to an end before the
city ends itself, Arthur C. Clarke
predicted Thursday.
Clarke, author of nearly 40 works
of science and science fiction, said
the satellite will also end the twentieth
century phenomenon of commuting.
Clarke told a Union Ballroom au
dience of about 400 that some people
regard space exploration as a kind
of technological Olympics. They ask
if money spent on space could not
be better spent on earthbound pro
blems, he continued.
Clarke, who originated the idea of
the communications satellite in 1946,
predicted that within a decade
families will communicate through a
"family console." The console will
consist of a television screen, TV
camera, computer keyboard, and hard
copy printer.
"Through this console a person will
be able to communicate with any
other person in the world." he con
tinued. "This will mean the end of
the newspaper and telephone system
us such."
The author said that all the
knowledge of man will be available
through the computerized console.
"Since an executive or businessman
good cause as the sponsors
local charity.
houses and telephone poles. Ads
bearing her picture were run in the
. Nebraskan.
Her campaign succeeded. Miss
Harris was crowned 1959 Homecoming
Queen in a ceremony on the terrace
of the Student Union that Thursday.
She presided over the float parade
the next afternoon which toured the
campus and ventured briefly into
Lincoln as far south as O St. The
floats, sponsored by different campus
organizations, bore typical homecom
ing messages urging victory over the
Husker's opponent, Oklahoma.
The messages ranged from rather
imaginative ones, "Hit 'Em Hard in
the End Zone," to the surrealistic
Farm House plea to "Put Those
Sooners in Orbit."
Also in the parade were campus
ROTC drill teams, who competed for
a special trophy as Best Homecoming
Drill -Team.
Displays by fraternity and sorority
trt n
can do all his communicating through
the console, it will mean the end to
commuting," Clarke said. "It will also
eliminate the need for men to live
close together and cities will become
He added that long distance
telephone rates will not exist in the
family console system. "There are no
long distances in the world of com
munications satellites," he said.
The co-author of "2001: A Space
Odyssey" said that communications
satellites may be the only method of
bringing education to people in remote
parts of the world.
"Satellites will soon have the
capacity to broadcast directly to in
dividual receiving sets, without going
through local networks," he con
tinued. "This will be the most inex
pensive method for educating those
who have had no hope before."
He said that India will institute a
test program of direct broadcast
education in 1972.
Clarke indicated that the com
munications satellite may lead to a
more unified human race. He said
the growth of the United States was
made possible and indeed inevitable
because of the railroad and electric
"I feel that we will see this same
thing happen world-wide because of
the jet aircraft and the communica
tions satellite," Clarke continued. "It
is quite possible that the parallel will
be direct, but I hojw the transition
period will not be as bloody."
He said that a world-wide com
munications system will probably lead
to one language for mankind. "All
future children will be raised by three
parents," Clarke continued," and the
electronic one will probably be more
Important than the human ones."
The author named a number, of
other ways in which unmanned
satellites can benefit man.
He said radio navigation satellites
have vastly Improved navigation of
the oceans. Others will soon ba used
in improving air navigation and
preventing collisions, he said.
Clarke pointed out that weather
satellites did not exist ten years ago
but are now taken for granted.
"Meteorological satellites allow us
to view weather for the entire world,"
he said. "When the system is fully
developed, it will save billions of
dollars every year."
By pinpointing the exact location
of hurricanes, satellites are able to
save thousands of lives, he added.
Earth resources satellites can
gather great amounts of data about
the earth by pictures taken from
space, Clarke said.
Satellites can see areas of fertility
and infertility in the land and the
sea that cannot be discovered in other
ways. Plant diseases can be detected
from space pictures many times
before they are noticed by a fanner
in the field, Clarke continued.
These same satellites can be in
valuable in map making. They can
also locate areas of air and water
pollution and allow researchers to
track down the source.
Clarke commented that military
Yet even with the encouraging words of the student
body, chances of a Nebraska homecoming victory were
houses had special restrictions.
Itemized material lists, with totals not
exceeding $150, were required in ad
vance by the sponsoring Innocents
Display themes were scrutinized by
a Kosmet Klub chairman, who had
earlier said of the Klub's Fall Revue,
"fraternities will have somewhat of
a free hand in writing their skits,
although they will have to keep them
Managers of a lumber company
judged display constructions, while
the design was envaluated by ex
ecutives from local department stores,
art professors and Dean of Women,
Helen Snyder.
Despite the restrictions, most
displays were elaborate. The winning
house, Kappa Sigma, had an
automated display, which featured a
smoke-spouting NU train repeatedly
hitting an Oklahoma prairie schooner
and popping "Okies" onto the lawn.
reconnaissance satellites have been
great money savers in past years,
lie told of one instance where the
1CBM strength of the Soviet Union
was overestimated and the only thing
that kept the U.S. from building a
huge new missile fleet was satellite
Clarke said that men are needed
in space for many reasons. One of
the most practical is to service un
manned hardware that will be
necessary in the new age.
"The real exploration of space will
not be possible until we have men
to take care of our orbiting systems,
to repair and replace the equipment,"
he said.
Clarke added that space craft must
be designed to be re-usable. They
must also be able to land at ordinary
"When we have re-usable space
shuttles, hopefully in about ten years,
the economics of space flight will
change from preposterous to only ex
pensive," he continued.
He said that space flight will not
even be expensive in time. By the
end of the twentieth century a trip
to the moon will be no more expensive
than a jet flight around the world
is today, he added.
Clarke predicted that nuclear power
in space flight will open the solar
system to man in the same way the
airplane opened the earth.
He also predicted hospitals, hotels,
and factories in space by the end
of the century. There are great
possibilities for pure and applied
science of all kinds in the environment
of space, he added.
"Space will give man new frontiers
and challenges that will turn him
away from his tribal conflicts,"
Clarke continued. "The conquest of
space may be the only way to end
the cycle of war and peace."
He concluded that if man fails to
meet the challenge of space he will
be starting on a long road of
backward evolution and ultimate
69-70 sclicri ulos
available Friday
Schedules and worksheets
for second semester, 19G9
70, will be available Friday
at the dorms, the Nebraska
Union, 206 Ag Hall end Home
Economics 114 on the East
Campus, and at 209 Admin
istration after Friday.
Prereglstration will b 6
Nov. 10-25. Appointments
with advisers should be made
immediately. There will be
new, no-carbon worksheets
which need careful handling.
Students should mark the
correct call number and
credit hours for all courses
as listed in the new schedule.
Yet even with the encouraging
words of the student body, chances
of a Nebraska homecoming victory
were slight. The invading Oklahoma
Sooners were the nation's top team,
and had won the Big Eight title for
the last ten years while the Huskers
had suffered through a series of losing
The sports editor of the Daily
Nebraskan at the time was Hal
Brown, whose own memorable
prediction about the game was "the
Sooners will throw everything but the
kitchen sink at the Huskers." Brown
claimed Oklahoma would record a
shut-out in Memorial Stadium.
Other members of the Nebraskan
tried to be more optimistic.
"A fitting climax to the entire oc
casion," said the editorial the day
before homecoming, "would be an
upset wir c . r the perennial con
ference bully. How about it, team?"
The team responded with a 25-21
JK 'WW ..
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Author Arthur C. Clarke tells a University audience about the
future of the communications satellite.
Alum writes
of disapproval
An architecture student in the late
1950's sharply criticized the University
of Nebraska School of Architecture
in a recent letter to Dean John H.
Davis, dean of the College of
Engineering and Architecture.
"You arc handling and getting paid
a lot of money to educate young peo
ple to become architects. And why?"
the letter says. "Only one in a million
students uctually design to a large
extent the buildings of the cities. A
few more help draw up the plans.
What are you doing with all that
Davis' reaction was "one of rebut
tal." He said he will not answer the
letter. He termed It vague and
The letter was signed by Roger N.
Spencer, who gave llaywut'd, Calif.,
as his address.
"I sense that the writer Is concerned
about the role of architects," Dals
said Thursday. "He feels the architect
Is devoting too much time to large
buildings and not enough time with
the ghettos and cities."
Nebraskans are said to be generally
immune to the problem of housing
and low cost building, Davis con
tinued. Nevertheless students and
faculty members are becoming
sensitive to these arras.
The dean pointed out that certain
architecture classes are going out into
the community to develop overall en
vironmental plans.
In fact, two teams of University
victory over Bud Wilkinson's national
powerhouse . and ended Oklahoma's
unbeaten conference streak at 74
games. It was the Husker's first
triumph over the Sooners since 1942.
and it was the first time since 1948
that Nebraska had held the Okies to
less than four touchdowns.
Pandemonium reigned after the
victory. The goalposts were torn
down, taken to the Governor's
mansion and presented to Gov, Ralph
Team rewarded
Brooks awarded the team Ad
miralships in the Nebraska Navy.
Hal Brown was hung in effigy.'
A one-day vacation was declared
for the school, and the Daily
Nebraskan, noting that, "like the rest
of the campus the staff of the Rag
will vacation Monday," began its
practice of not publishing a Tuesday
The Huskers lost the following week
to Iowa State and finished the season
with a 4-6 record. But the 35,000
stadium seats were full the last
games, Coach Jennings job was safe,
and the Daily Nebraskan once more
wrote about the intercollegiate, rather
than intramural, teams.
VOL. 93, NO. 30
architecture students recently won
awards for designs of low cost hous
ing, he said.
The letter writer said. "Whether
politically loft or right, architecture
as a cultural Influence will die com
pletely when houses are produced in
chemical factories."
This part of the letter is especially
vague, Davis said.
"Factory-produced homes are not
a threat." he added. "If we are to
produce homes for low income groups
on a mass basis, there will be more
and more prefabrlcation."
Architects are In-coming involved In
the design and construction of mobile
homes, and prefabs. Davis continued.
"Their involvement will help improve
the prefabricated industry."
"Surely now with the obvious threat
of factory-produced houses you can
get together and flood the field with
truly human scale architects," the
letter said.
There will always be architects who
design individual homes. Davis said.
But the problems of the glittto
the Immense ghettos like Harlem and
Chicago's Southside. will be solved on
a large institutional-type scale, he
"The author of the letter is Inferring
that some of the work of architects
is too aesthetic and not cultural
enough." Davis said.
"Some criticism is Justified, but the
school is trying to produce educated
architects sensitive to these pro-blems."
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