The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 31, 1969, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1969
Radio rambling Peddling Nixon: a review
by J. L. Schmidt
"All right you hot sweaty
teeny bop kids out there in
radio land, stand by, for in
five minutes its time for the
hot hundred top records of
the week." AM radio, audio
modulation with the em
phasis on modulation.
Juice up that old boredom
beater tube thumper radio
sometime and settle back for
a rather interesting trip
through the sociometric ex
tremes of the media. A small
manipulation of the dial,
every five minutes or so will
whisk you deep into the heart
of the country, vibrate you
with pulsating rock and slide
you back out on the heels of
the giant blue Jazz machine
or the stuffy black classical
Early evening ramblings In
AM country will allow you to
visit the high points of scin
tillating southeast Nebraska.
Start at the lowend of the
dial and move slowly up un
til, wow, you're on the spot of
the old home of Johnny
Carson. A rather smooth
ound from out of the night in
Omaha with a former bub
blegum disc Jockey at the
A little further finds things
rather bleak until almost
eleven, and then comes
Omaha based smooth sound
number two, which is spiced
with NBC Monitor and the
sometimes humor of Johnny
Carsons nighttime sidekick,
as well as several other well
knowns on weekends.
The high side of the civil
defense sign brings you
briefly to Lincoln where you
can hear news, news, news,
nothing but . . . and a few old
scratched discs on oc
casion. Moving on to the lower side
of civil defense brings you to
the original bastion of
Omaha gummer, the station
with no Doors, where
everything comes out but
nothing gets in, where anti
drug commercials are in
termingled with Jargon to
"turn on."
A quick move to the next
loud sound brings you to the
local smooth sound of the
evening where soft talk and
smooth semipop records
prevail. A small distance to
the right is the local gum
fortress where you can hear
your favorite high school pep
club as they storm the walls
in the parking lot and ex
change some real up to date
Jive with the boys inside.
If you're early enough, the
real gold can be found at the
bottom end of the rainbow
dial (before sundown.) This
is a station which is truly
bringing it all back to the
Later In the evening, even
the cheapest cub scout
crystal receiver can bring
the big sounds from the giant
clear channel super watt
rock chalk sweat and tears
into your home.
Sandwiched in between
dragway showdown com
mercials and high pitched it
remover hard sells comes the
supersounds of Chicago
where you can hear tomorr
ows popgum today on any.
one of a variety of earsplit
ting channels.
The midwest citadel of
soul, rock, roll gee where 's
the dance this weekend, no
more bald men in Oklahoma
Kansas Nebraska Iowa and
Spearfish South Dakota belts
out its all night message to
coke drinking french fry
snarfing I'd kiss you but my
braces get In the way au
ience. Or, get your free
autographed Moses T-Shirt
with a special order of how I
found the way of life at the
revival without being in
fluenced by a bevy of bible
beating ex-vacuum cleaner
salesmen who have decided
that religion should cover the
air-waves at bedtime.
Puff, puff, puff.
Tired of all that hot sweat?
Flip the switch to the magic
sounds of Frequency
Modulation, frequently
magnificent FM radio.
You too can be a head with
one of two locally 'available
rock stations ... one Omaha
based and the other under
ground right here twelve
stories in the air in beautiful
downtown Lincoln.
After eight hours of semi
pop puton and mild man
nered microphonics, the
Omaha media festers, swells
and pops into the sounds of
pro gressive, progressive
rock. From airplane to Zep
pelin you too can fly high
underground with the sofi
voice which interrupts the
sounds only to bring some
musicalogical meanderings
for your mind.
Lincoln's 'lectric labyrinth
Is home for long hairs all day
long, be they stuff shirt or no
shirt at all types. Classical
hours and rock shows com
placently share quarters . . .
some ting which seems to be
the rule for the entire FM
band, though not enough in
Nebraska . . . but, as John
Lennon would say . . .
"It's getting better all the
time . . it can't get no
Flock: the new
music sensation
by No. 6 KFMQ '
Progressive Rock Pro
Wild amplified echoing
electric violin is the outstan
ding characteristic of the
new rock group, Flock.
Flock is not just another
band demonstrating ex
perimentation of their in
struments to carry the
weight of their music. They
are musicians really good
Their prodigious and varied
talent has to make them one
of the most unusual groups to
appear on the rock music
scene today.
Like many groups, they
combine extravagent free
form guitar with complex
musical variation consisting
of good brass blending and
occasional orchestration.
Fred Glickstein, who plays
three or four different styles
of guitar, in fact different
guitars (acoustic, 12-string,
electric) is as good a solo
guitarist as any In the
Another important feature
of Flock's music is the
artistically harmonic blen
ding between Goodman's
violin and the tenor sax of
13th IP Street
1 P.M. 4:308
Tkktti O HI Ttit Dw Hit P.M. Him IMS
UMN 14. IM
P.M. I
fmmrm wt na ami wm vmnmnrn mm . m na (smManit
k each part a magnificent filmi
Rick Canoff and Tom Webb.
Flock's sound is a mixture
of some of the most eccentric
and humanly native music
that can be heard. Perhaps
this is what makes their
work so unusually dynamic.
The Flock creations are so
unusual that most who listen
will be amazed. The group's
members are seven truly
serious musicians with
serious music that will never
make "Top 40," John Mayall
"Flock Is exciting,
stimulating and deserves to
make it up front where it
BnwIIm irtwi MMult human
ami tnttr Imt rwlro 4 tn living
coffee house
1445 N. 27th
Don McKlnnon
M. ft Sal. Hr
10 Off
Mtrtar MmnMlta
IIM Swd It. 43MM
Haircuts from EL T0R0
only look more expensive.
Becouse El Toro is lavishly decorated, has four good
barbers, a shot shin man, a talking parrot, ond a pit
Alligator, people Ihink our haircuts cost more.
Not true.
El Toro charges regular prices for haircuts.
We feel you're entitled to a little atmosphere wM
En get your hair cut. The otmosohero of New Spain in
uok The atmosphere of El TORO.
by Paul Ideker
College Press Service
(CPS) - If "The Selling of
the President 1968" tells us
anything, it tells us that
despite the recognized need,
at the time, for a political
leader who could "bring us
together," Richard Nixon
was sold to the American
voter through a campaign
which soft-peddled whit?
racism and took an ignorant
public for granted.
Joe McGinniss should be
criticized only for not letting
the American people in on
some of the "behind scenes"
manipulating which resulted
in the election of Richard
Nixon as the 37th President
of the United States while
they still could do something
about it. Now, in retrospect,
the book could easily be
retitled "Understanding Your
President" and promoted as
a hand book for people who
want to know why Nixon is
"The Selling of the Presi
dent 1968" states, without
reservation, that the
American people were
"sold" a bill Of goods during
the Nixon campaign. Sur
rounded by an expert team of
media manipulators, Richard
Nixon won on technique
rather than substance.
One of those aides is
quoted, candidly, in a con
versation; ". . . The most,
powerful man in the world.
An I he's (Nixon) going to be
elected on what he didn't
say. He's created an image
of himself through cornball
sunsets and WASP-y faces
and no one remembers what
he says. Which Is gobbledy
gook anyway, of course."
When a hint of substance
did creep into the Nixon
campaign it was carefully
engineered to assure max
imum results when the
voters went to the polls
every detail was examined
and evaluated.
Not acceptable
A commercial entitled
"Vietnam," which included a
series of "wounded soldier"
pictures backed with thn
Nixon "nonposition" on en
ding the war, was judged,
according to McGinniss, not
able for showing in the South
And Southwest by one of
Nixon's media men.
"His reasoning was quite
simple:" states McGinniss,
"A picture of a wounded
soldier was a reminder that
the people who fight wars get
hurt. This, he (the aid) felt,
might cause resentment
among those Americans who
got such a big kick out of
cheering for wars from their
Legion halls and barrooms
half a world away. So bury
the dead in silence. . . before
you blow North Carolina."
The major part of Nixon's
television campaign was
centered around hour long
"man in the arena" shows
staged by the Nixon media
troops. Packed with local
members of Republican
clubs for affect, and in
cluding questions tossed at
the candidate by a panel of
average citizens, the shows
were geared at regional au
diences. It was in this phase
of the campaign that
McGinniss found the greatest
evidence of racism. The
feeling among the "engi
neers" was that a balanced
panel was essential.
"First, this meant a negro.
One negro. Not two. Two
would be offensive to whites,
perhaps to negroes as well.
Two would be trying too
hard. One was necessary and
safe. Fourteen per cent of the
population applied to a six or
seven member panel, equal
ed one. Texas would be
tricky, though. Do you have a
negro and a Mexican.
American, or if not, then
McGinniss recalls in the
book a conversation which
took place while the "team"
was preparing for an arena
spot that was to be shot in
". . . On this one we
definitely need a negro. I (an
aid) don't think it's
necessary to have one in
every group of six people, no
matter what our thnic ex
perts say, but in Philadelphia
it is. U.S. News and World
Report this wek says that
on eof every three votes cast
in Philadelphia will be Ne
gro. And goddammit, we're
locked into the thing, anyway.
Once you start it's hard as
hell to stop, because the
press will pick it up and
make a big deal out of why
no negro all of a sudden.
"... I (a local production
man) know one in Philadel
phia . . . He's a dynamic type,
the head of a self-help
organization, that kind of
thing. And he is Black.
"What do you mean, he's
"I mean he's dark. It will
be obvious on television that
he's not white."
"You mean we won't have
to put a sign around him that
says, 'This is our negro'?"
"Absolutely not."
"Fine. Call him. Let's get
this thing going."
In the still commercials,
which became a trademark
of the campaign, the un.
dertone of racism was also
found. McGinniss reports the
reaction of one of the
creative people in the cam
paign to "political" changes
in his work.
"They had to change
something in every single
spot The riot commercial
originally ended with a pic
ture of a negro boy staring
into the smoldering rutins of
what had been his home.
That had to go: for political
reasons, they said. They (the
Nixon advisors) were afraid
they'd be accused of trying
to stir up sympathy for neg
roes who riot. We also had to
drop a shot of a group of neg
roes looking at the same kind
of thing. It wasn't bland
enough. We had to use
uninhabited ruins."
In another still commercial
a young black sotdier'tf face
filled the screen while Nixon
was saying "They provide
most of the soldiers who died
to keep us free." The remark
was intended for the
"forgotten Americans" but
the Nixon manipulators
decided that the black soldier
would have to go.
"We can't show a negro
just as RN's saying 'most of
the soldiers who die to keep
us free' . . . That's been one
of their big claims all along
that the draft is unfair to
them and this could be in
terpreted in a way that would
make us appear to be taking
their side "
And so it went The -carefully
planned campaign that
won Richard Nixon a nation
and lost the nation Its digni
ty. But where are the media
men now?
It is a well-known fact that
Nixon feels iB-at-ease on
television and has, at very
best, a low esteem for the
printed media. In view of the
image crisis that it would
appear the President is faced
with at present it would seem
that the men who gave the
"image" life in the first
place should be called back
to give a transfusion.
The "new" Nixon of 1968 is
rapidly reverting to the Nix
on we all knew in 1962. His
reluctance to be the "man in
the arena" for reporters over
the past months Indicates
that his image-makers reali
ty didn't finish their job.
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