eb'iras o 8D The THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1969 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Vol. 93, No. 25 1 A 1 " ,; 1 4 i 'r' ' ' .X s- hv - .v'" r vi . n'-'! - - ..-.ft.w. ifh4iAM Curt Micka UMHE opens center for draft information A draft information and counseling service is again operating in United Ministries in Higher Education. "Several of us felt this type of service was badly needed," Curt Micka. one of the group's organizers, said Wednesday. "There was an or ganization last year, but almost nolh- ing was beinawiie this year." The nonprofit group intends only to provide information about the draft, not encourage any course of action. "Our prime1 function Is to supply information, so we don't advocate any position or tell any student what to do," Micka said. The group will strive to counsel ob jectively, Micka said. "No counselor will advocate a position on the draft, in the name of the group. "When a student comes to us. we simply answer his questions and list the alternatives available to him." "We're not a draft resistance group. In fact, only one of the group's members was associated with the first draft counseling group." Among the group's resources is the complete Selective Service Act. Other material is being supplied by the merican Friends Service Organiza tion, a Quaker organization. The UMHE group has pamphlets and leaflets on the draft and the alternatives Involved. A counseling workshop is also held Profit, loss, balance: budget explained by Each full-time student at the University pays $18 to support the Nebraska Union. What does he get in return for his cash'' The Union offers such things as foreign films, ski trips, a warm place in winter, free meeting rooms, future reflecting pools and grandfather clocks, lounges, television rooms, the Crib and Sergio Mendes. Whether or not the Union Is worth the $18 is anyone's guess. "It's a value judgment," com menled Al Kennett. director of the Union, in response to criticism in a letter to the editor (see page 2) bv David Carr and Inquiries by ASUN senators. "If you don't like the jHilicies of the Union or the food swvlce, go to the Union Board meetings held every other Tuesday. "They're open meetings and sug gestions are welcome. If you don't like the programs being offered, go to the Program Council and offer your services." Criticism In Carr's letter centers r round h:gh prices. Carr cri'icized the Union for allegedly charging students for a reflecting pool to be Installed in front of the Union. Students are paying for It all right, but not out of the $18 that goes to the Union, according to Bennett. Money for the proposed reflecting pool is part of the University Building Fund, administered by the Planning Committee. mi I iiiiii ilium .in.li ii jmjiiui i ,)iuiuii.i mi . j?. S needed service. periodically in Des Moines. Ia., by the American Friend's, 'lne NU group, which has filed a letter of intent to become an approved student organization, plans to send two counselors to that workshop. The session in Des Moines includes intensified lectures on Selective . Service law as well as discussion about the role of the draff counselor, Micka said. While the draft information group has operated for less than a week, plans for publicity include bulletin boards, radio, newspaper publicity and Hyde Park discussion. Among the approximately 2 0 students and faculty organizing the group are three girls. Admitting it may be unusual for a girl to be involved in draft counsel ing, Kathy Cook, a sophomore from Omaha, said, "We saw a problem: we are concerned; and we want to help." Miss Cook is not certain if girls will actually counsel. At present, they are doing paperwork, gathering background information and helping maintain the office in UMHE's base ment. "Most students are ignorant of some aspects of the draft laws," Micka said. "We'll do our best to help them, and If we can't, we'll refer them to someone who can." Bennett explained why a box of tissue costs 35 cents in the Union and 30 cents in a local grocery store. "We sell tissue as a convenience item," Bennett noted. "We don't have the advantage of volume pricing like the local grocery store, so we have to sell it at a higher price to make a profit." The inquiring student now wonders, "Why does he have to make a- profit out of me on a box oi tissue if I'm already subsidizing his business?" The answer lies in a sheaf of paper and figures called the budget. The budget can be divided into two areas. The business organization, in cluding food service and maintenance of buildings, and the program organi zation which Includes foreign films, ski trips and Sergio Mendes. The business and the program . organizations each have programs that make and lose money. For example, foreign films and the Crib make a profit. Sergio Memles and the $55,000 re-modeling of the Union do not. Point: The profit-makers com pensate for the losers, Bennett said. The losers are retained because 'they are "necessary or of value to the student even though they are un profitable," Bennett said. The Sergio Mendes concert which drew a small crowd recently does not fall into either category. "Sergio Mendes was a matter of poor judgment," said Dave Buntain, W7 administrators need more AS UN- by John Dvorak Nebraskan Staff Writer ' Top University administrators delayed approval of the 1969-70 ASUN budget Tuesday saying that insuffi cient information about certain pro grams was provided. Dean of Student Affairs G. Robert Ross termed the Tuesday meeting a "preliminary discussion" and said that "more definitive statements" on the proposed expenditures are needed. University President Joseph Soshnik, Coordinator of Student Ac tivities Ronald Eaglin, ASUN Presi dent Bill Chaloupka and ASUN Treasurer Art Denney were also present at the meeting. Under ASUN by-laws, the ad ministration must approve the ASUN budget each year. Another meeting involving the administration and ASUN officials will be held Monday in an attempt to clarify the situation "It's impossible to say at this time if they want to hack away," said Chaloupka Wednesday. "We will at tempt to show our recommendations are justified." This year's ASUN request o f $26,820.79 represents more than a 130 per cent increase over last year's $10,000 appropriation. In past years. ASUN received a maximum of 30 cents per student from fees. This year, ASUN has the option of re questing up to !)() cents per student. Six budgeted projects Denney indicated that six budgeted projects have come under serutinv. World in Revolution i$;i.()00) under the direction of Ron Alexander, this would be a spring speakers program on urban problems. Speakers have yet to be signed. Nebraska Free U n i v e r s i t y ($2,500); the program would include operations of the Free University in cluding a $300 per semester class . research fund. Community Services (.$1.450 ) ; Film may be rescheduled next semester The film "No Vietnamese Ever Called Me Nigger" scheduled for this afternoon and evening at Sheldon Auditorium will not be shown because the film was not sent. Tom Lonnquist, Nebraska Union Area Film Director, said the Nebras ka Union's order form for the film was correctly made and the fault of the film not being sent was that of the National Student Association in New York. Lonnquist said the film would hope fully be rescheduled for next semes ter. Union Bennett president of the Union Program Council. "We just thought there were more people that would attend, and we never know for sure how people will react to entertainers we select." Occasional flops, therefore, must be balanced by profits in other areas. In addition, enlargement and re modeling of the Union also must be paid for out of profits made combined with the student subsidy. "The Union is totally self-sufficient," Bennett emphasized. "The University does not contribute a cent to our operation. The $l8-subsidy was tacked on to tuition in 1937 when the student body voted to set up a Union." However, bond Issues were required to meet building costs of the Union enlargement. The regents agreed to sponsor the bonds because it would be difficult for students to get finan cial backing. The Union must pay back the debt. Of the student's $18. $9.50 will go to the debt requirement and $2.50 will go to a new "future fund." The future fund Is a reserve pool of money designed to provide for depreciation and repair of equipment. The remaining $3 of the $18 goes to this year's operation of the Union. "The Union was not intended to serve the student only," according to Buntain. "It was funded by the alum ni, the Daily Nebraskan and the Cor nhusker with general public use in mind. Its programs are intended to be beneficial to students and to pro vide needed services." money in this category would be used in establishing a student cooperative record store. Faculty Evaluation ($5,500); this includes expenses for gathering data and publishing an evaluation of teaching ability in the University. Human Rights ($3,000); approx imately $800 would be used as funds giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin Routine requests okayed I Money and grading systems con cerned the Associated Students of the Un'versity of Nebraska in its Wed nesday meeting. In his executive report, ASUN president Bill Chaloupka said that major portions of the ASUN budget are being held up by administration . All cf the routine budget requests ha ve been approved, he said. Chaloupka announced that there will be a budget hearing next Monday where ASUN officials will justify budget requests. There will probably be some cutting done on the budget, he added. Answering a question by Sena'or Nancy Ryun, Chaloupka said that ASUN will not accept cu'is in its re quests where the need for funds is jusMfiable. He continued that perhaps the entire system of fund allocation might be channed in the future through action cf the Council on S'udent Life. Senator Charles Faulkner informed the senate of the case of a student he felt had been unfairly treated by the ROTC department. lie then intro duced a resolution charging the ASUN m axi coa by Steve Sinclair Nebraskan Staff Writer It may be a long winter for males who enjoy looking at girl's legs. The problem for the mini-skirt enthusiasts is the new maxi-coat, which is being seen more and more on campus and downtown streets as the weather turns colder. The significance of the maxi is that it stretches far beyond the length of a normal coat, all the way past the ankles. The coat is so long that it looks like the girl may trip and fall at any time. As a consolation to anyone who might find the maxi disturbing, all indications show that girls will still be wearing short skirts under their coats. Short sk'rts seem to be one of the major reasons why maxis are being purchased. "1 am definitely going to get a maxi," said a coed trying one on in a local store. "I like the idea of covering up my short skirts with a long coat." She added that the maxis were too expensive for her and she would pro bably end up making one. Local stores report there has been much interest shown in the maxi, primarily from college and high school girls. "We had one older lady come in and buy one,'' a saleslady said. "Personally, I thought it was too much for her, but maybe she wanted to keep her ankles warm." Another saleslady said she sold four maxis in one day. "I think this is just a fad, and I doubt that it will last," she said. "The girls who want to be different will buy them, but otherwise they will go out of style." The word from girls who are wear ing maxis is that they are very warm, practical, and just the thing to be wearing now. "I just love mine," said Charol Smith, a junior from Creston. Iowa sporting a bright red maxi. "I like to attract attention, and wearing this helps me." "All my friends are talking about getting one." she said, "but most boys dislike it, and my parents detest it." Maria Quick, a freshman from Alliance who has only had her maxi for a couple of days, says the only problem she has had is getting used to walking in it. Another problem which could arise was brought up by a saleslady, who said she couldn't buy one because her husband would "cream" her. She noted that girls wearing maxis might have a difficult time plowing through snow banks. "Girls will pro bably be sitting in class with water dripping from their coats." she said. Many girls are buying them just to wear over formats, according to a saleslady. Others enjoy wearing them to football games. budge for the Afro-American Collegiate Society. $500 is earmarked to aid the Nebraska conference on Indian Unity and another $500 is slated for pro grams concerning Brown Americans. Foreign Student Activities ($400); money here would be channeled to established foreign student groups for numerous projects. Administration Affairs Committee to investigate the event. The resolution calls for the Com mittee to investigate the process of grade appeals in the ROTC depart ment and issue a public white paper report on the subject in one month. Faulkner explained that student government cfln be effective in p-o-viding services to students in dif ficulties. This function could imke ASUN a stronger power in student life, he said. The motion passed after brief discii'ision. Senator Randy Prier told senators that the Council on Student Life has had its first meeting and is attempting to deline the scope of its powers. Meetings are to be open and students are velcome to attend, he said. Prier continued that the Council has established a weeklv mee'ing time. The meetings will take place at Tues day, 3 p.m. in the Nebraska Union A resolu'ion by Senator Alan Gless was passed providing that two sotn'e meetings per semester be held on the East C:-inv)us. Continued on page 4 The male view on the maxi seems to be varied, "I think they are cool." said Bob Ellis, a junior from Lincoln. But he hopes girls keep wearing short skirts, too. Several males expressed displeasure when questioned about the C .-.i'- ilk .v I (J ' V f r ? - v . . i X ' - -- !! " j s -f' " I . I f :? I r-v . v s". . I L ' . - 4 tinfo Denney pointed out budgeted items, such that several as $6,405 for salaries, general expenses and office e not questioned. Expenditures ! were not questioned. Expenditures. lof $1,000 for the electoral commission program also went unquestioned. Information wanted "I'm not sure if we should be following this route (having ad ministrators approve the budget)." Chaloupka said. "But right now, there is no other route to follow." Chaloupka predicted that there would be no massive resistance to, the budgeted figures, although he speculated there could possibly be "a little chopping." "All I can say for sure is that the administration wants to have more information." he said. Ross pointed out that the 1909-70 budget is huge and represents a drastic change from last year. The budget is also far more complex, he added. "Verv few budgets have jiimned like that (from $10,000 to nearly $27,000) in a cue year span." Ross s iid. Ross also indicated that several s'vdents slrted to exolain programs were not present at the Tuesday meeting. The meeting Monday is expected to be attended by Ro-s. Soslinik. F"i!in, Chaloupka. University Com ptroller Carl Yds' as wed as the heads of the various programs in question, according to Denney. Neither Ross nor Chaloupka would s-eculnle as to what will happen at the Monday meeting or when the ASUN budget will be ultimately approved. e m in i legs maxi. "My reasons are obvious." said one disgruntled male pointing to a girl passing by in a very short skirt. Only time will tell if the maxi is here to stay, but one saleslady believes men will have the last word. "Nobody is going to wear them for very long if men don't like them," she said. '1 Ntrkn pool by 0n lawr l v. Y " , . A Y. .v.: Y ,Y