The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 08, 1969, Page PAGE 3, Image 3
h if. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1969 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Peace Corns rem to speak Peace Corps represcn- tatives will be on campus Monday through Wednesday, Oct. 13-15. They will be available to speak lo living units and student organiza tions and will operate from a room In the Nebraska Union. The Peace Corps has changed its program from general to specific assignments as the demand for skilled volunteers has in creased in host countries. It will attempt to recruit in all areas of the U.S. and not just on college campueses. About 30 per cpnt of those needed arc skilled workers in ! J .. 4 agi luuiuii c, i u u u a i i ,v , i teaching ana nursing, ine other 70 per cent will be general assignment recruits. Ersin A. Erel a native of Turkey, will be heading the Peace Corps recruitment The Sergio Meudes Show fill HIM With tht Bossa Rio and Don Sherman FRIDAY OCT. 17 I p.m. Perching Auditorium Tickers $3.75, $4.25, $4.7$ Avoilobli Union Threugh Oct. 10 At Pershing Oct. 10 17 Ipomtrrd by N brciiko Union Special Cventi Centmittee mum Y Order Crd located in Send no money. Mail HI siarr,n5 SERGIO 1ES mm km L on campus program on the NU campus. Erel worked in the U.S. AID program, the U.S. Army and Air Force and the Peace Corps in Turkey. 'The Peace' Corps is the best foreign program the U.S. has," Erel said. "It docs not militarize a country, but helps it get back on its feet. It also helps the U.S. save face in the light of the military ugliness elsewhere." 1 IT Al;lm by Cordon Po'b. nMNiC0l0,MIMImr i I3TH ANO'P'' i lil r,iig j i , KAKI.N lil. Ill mm;s, j i vts. MVifi-s o (ac.iv I with (rep (onviitiun. I j All shv s ioi ))( j lo ;iirt hci joy. ' OV.S ()l lilt. f i it irtlililc New I itement cm I rt i .1 Ki'iordi .111(1 l,llls ip.; jiri(iiiiit'i'H"11' TTSt 'I XJ 13 TH ANO' P" !l . A TWO DAY EXHIBITION SALE Graphics preterites' ky LONDON GRAFICA ARTS KuliluhTi t t'otcnii'nrmy prln:mker Mort than 400 lithoyruphi, otchingi, woodcuti and icrttnprlnti on ihow, Including worki byi PICASSO, DURE, COYA, CHAOALl, DAUMIER, CASSAT, GAUGUIN, TOUIOUSE IAUTREC Alio MANUSCRIPTS AND MAPS ITEMS FROM $1 to $3000 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery October 7 1 I, 1969 10 p.m. S pm. DBS? college bookstore. your card tcday. Wednesday, Oct. 8 Nebraska Union 2:30 p.m. Placement Student Affairs-Discussion Group 6 Union-Music Committee 3:30 p.m. Builders College Days and Tours 4 p.m. ASUN 4:30 p.m. AWS-Workers Council ' Union-Contemporary Arts 5 p.m. Student Affairs-Discussion Group 3 5:30 p.m. Toaslmasters AWS Congress 6 p.m. AUF Interviews B.MOC And Campus Queen 6: 15 p.m. Hed Cross 6:30 p.m. Kosmet Klub Workers 7 p.m. NU Wildlife Club AUF AUF-Independent Women's Committee Alpha Kappa Psi Builders IFC XU-Meds 7:30 p.m. Math Counselors 9 .pin. Kappa Alpha Psi 9:30 p.m. Fellowship of Christian Athletes FURNISH YOUR APARTMENT ATTRACTIVELY RENT CONTEMPORARY, EARL AMERICAN, OR MEDITERRANEAN FURNITURE OCTOBER SPECIAL 10 OFF CONTEMPORARY ITEMS Interior Olvertifiee' 11)4 South St. 4)2 1151 ff r If you've over resorted to NoDoz'at 4 a.m. the night before an exam, you've probably been disappointed. NoDoz. after all, is no substitute for sleep. Neither is anything else we can think of. What NoDoz is is a very strong stim ulant. In fact, NoDoz has the strongest stimulant you can buy without a prescrip tion. Caffeine. What's so strong about that? If we may cite The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics: Caffeine is a powerful central nervous stimulant. Caf feine excites all portions of the central nervous system. Caffeine stimulates all portions of the cortex, but its main action is on the psychic and sensory functions. It produces a more rapid and clearer flow of thought and allays drowsiness and fatigue. After tuking caffeine, one is ca pable of more sustained intellectual ef fort and a more perfect association of ideas. There is also a keener apprecia tion of sensory stimuli. Very interesting. But wly take The college student remains unknown Washington - (SCP) Like the star too distant to be viewed clearly through a telescope or the germ too small to be seen through a microscope, the U.S. college student has remained an unknown and therefore enigmatic quantity since the start of the 1969-70 academic year. . This fall, he has scurried about busily preparing for the Oct. 15 Vietnam War Moratorium, protested the University of California's dismissal of a communist instructor, launched rent strikes at four schools, and held a boycott of classes at the University of Michigan in support of demands for a student-operated bookstore. Despite this bit of em pirical evidence and despite the postulations and predic tions offered by sociologists, psychologists, the com mercial press, and gov ernment-commissioned task forces, it's anyone's guess as to whether the issues of the war, the draft, racism, and educational and social reform on the campus will incite this year's student to the same level of frustra tion and dissent as occurred last year. Braced Colleges and universities across the country braced for the new year according to College Life Weekend Conference Friday night All day Saturday Oct. 10-11 Hear: Dave Hannah Former punting expert from Oklahoma State Draft choice for L. A. Rams Speaking on Predicted Coming Events Register at Union booth Today last doy bridal ensembles mth one common denominator: the new textured interest in the rings. Each is diflerent in treatment, yet each is a marvelous backdrop for llir beautiful center diamonds. All in fourteen karat gold. 9 A Siri'infi Lhicvtn .SVmv '.V" 1129 "0" STREET vtvrwkO jivviuk'. Avrum'i . 't.:tre Pi Does it really work? NoDoz when you can get caffeine in a cup of coffee? Very simple. You take NoDoz all at once instead of sippingcoffee for 10 min utes. And if you take two NoDoz tablets, the recommended dosage, you get twice the caffeine in a cup of coffee. Two tablets-isn't that likely to be habit forming? Definitely not. NoDoz is completely non-habit forming. Which means it's safe to take whether you're cramming at night. Or about to walk into an 8 o'clock class. Or driving somewhere (even though you're rested) and the monotony of the road makes you drowsy. One last thing you should know about NoDoz. It now comes in two forms. Those familiar white pills you take with water. And a chewable tablet called NoDoz Action Aids'. It tastes like a choc olate mint, but it does everything regular NoDoz does. And if you've manjed to stay awke this long, you know that's quite a lot. their perceptions of reality. Some apparently saw the student's nature as being close to innately evil. The City College of New York, for example, stationed armed security guards in the building where students were registering for classes. Temple University formed its own 125-man campus police force. The University of Wisconsin and University of Michigan both have developed over the summer civil defense plans to employ in the event of building oc c u p a t i o n s or violent d emonslrations. Michigan also fire-proofed and bomb proofed files containing im portant documents. Other institutions, while not following the law and order on the campus theme so overtly, equipped old discipline codes with new teeth aimed at chomping down on so-called disruptive activities. Cornell University, which endured an armed building occupation by militant blacks last year, added a disciplinary clause pro hibiting "misconduct suffi ciently serious as to con stitute a violation of or threat to the maintenance of the public order." The clause covers faculty members as well as students, and the V maximum penalties are the dismissal of the former and expulsion of the latter., A 21 member hearing board with four student members will have jurisdiction in miscon duct cases. Letter The University of Illinois sent a letter to parents of u ndergraduates warning: "When ... a student is found to have knowingly engaged in a disruptive or coercive action, including; knowing participation in a disruptive or coercive demonstration, the penalty will be dismissal or suspended dismissal." Other schools, including Ohio, In diana, Purdue, and North Carolina have released similar conduct statements. At the State University of New York at Stony Brook the scene of several mass drug busts during the past two years students now face suspension for an arrest on a drug law violation and expulsion for a conviction. On many campuses, in cluding Stony Brook, students have demanded in This Wttkf Special ... CmahA - ZLcfoyticL Stereo System IF IT HAS ANYTHING 70 15 toatt Stereo Amplifier GARRARD 4 speed Changer A Diamond Hosdl 2 Clectro Voice Bookshelf Sneakers A coniplelB NAME BRAND bocks!)elt stereo ystem Com plots with Gcirrard Modal X 10 nutomntic changer, bnse ! dust covar, & two Electro Voice er svstems In walnut veneer Handsome 15 wntt amplifier hs separate volume, balance, bass and treble controls, on oil and aux phono switches, and is completely solid state, This bargain is hard to bent. EWORLD RADIO LINCOLN: Your D9prim9nt Slort l Ittcrwei How man v in your house or (bnii? All thv rest wear shoes If vou flmi't nrnl extra moiifv tlnn't hoihrr Trailing tin's Irrfiiise all wp liavi n otlVr i nimtrv. Do u the favor, tlioiijili. of tiMi inj; it out and liamliiin it tn Mmicoue who niij;lit wrl mine sornr extra (jnllai. Our story is vrry siiulr: ITKM: If ull the men in vour house or dorm wear shoes they have to lmy them somewhere. ITEM: Vou can make from S2.50 to $6.50 (and more) a pair by supplying shoes lo your friends from the Hnnnver catalog. It means vou can jjet your own shoes wholesale and wo II also tell you how you can have a free imir (worth within the lir.t l0 il tys. ITEM: The Hanover Shoe in cijual or superior in quality to any shoe on the market and sells for from $5.00 In $17.00 a pair less. Take our word for that for now we'll prove it to you. Fill in the coupon and we'll send you a full kit. Look it over and if it's not fr you send it hack no cost, no obligation. Take a close look at the catalog, however. This is a man's deal. More than 170 styles dress shoes, Work shoes, imported boots, casuals, fleece lined boots for huuliug, THE HANOVER SHOE. INC. 499 Cnrli'l- "Irect Hanover, Pa. 17331 recent years that ad ministrations stay out of the policing business, particularly when drugs are involved. In Ohio, Gov. James Bhodes said he would send state troopers or National Guardsmen to quell campus disturbances, whether or not the university administra tions asked for them. Returning students were greeted with curricular and structural changes, as well as warnings, at many schools. Whether they were intended as appeasing gestures or in sincere recognition of the students to relevant learning and self determination is a matter for conjecture. Black studies Black studies programs have burgeoned across the U.S., paralleling an increase in the number of blacks at tending colleges. Dartmouth, a school that has graduated fewer than 150 blacks in its 200-year history, has 90 blacks in a freshman class of 855. DO WITH HI-FI . . . . . WORLD RADIO HAS IT! s C$129.50) X--- ''vf Eleven 6 ' two wav speak 1 323 "O" Street Phone 432-3356 9 30-3 30 Tue.-Wed. frl,.Sot, 9 30-8:30 Mon.-Thwre. OMAHAl Wfjtt'tOeil &Kopp.nQ Ce)tV . l 4 A f Wi Gordon King The Henover Shoe. Inc. 49 Carliile Street Hnoer. ft. 17331 I'll be tiled lo look the Hanover Shoe value. It I decide not to go nheed with H, I'll return the entire kit to you. Name, City Jt!e.. Other eastern colleges have taken similar, steps. Brown University has in creased the number of blacks in its freshman class from eight in 1966 to 77 currently; Wesleyaii, from 30 to 51: Yale, from 31 to 96; and Harvard, from 40 .to 95. Harvard also recently an nounced it had established a Department of Afro American Studies, offering 15 courses, including one on the "black revolution." The Ivy League institution has' ap pointed a 35-member com mittee to prepare proposals for structural change .based on a report on last year's disorders. .. ; For Stanford's ' 5,000 returning students, - n ew educational reforms meant an end to most graduation requirements, including those in foreign languages. Individual departments have been asked to design options to permit a student to take at least one-half of his work outside the requirements of his major. The number of Continued on page 8 . " 1-. eVr COUNCIL BLurrei J4lW,,lr.. over your kit and details on -- -2ip v. I:-' h 1 'V ' V- I v s, '. i v " -' 1 VV '"',rrrvr-