The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 06, 1969, Image 1
o n r neorasea The MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1969 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Vol. 93, No. 12 ASUN starts record store war ma: Anti roll A students' record store may be in operation by early November, according to Bruce Cochrane, chairman of the ASUN Community Services Committee. Cochrane explained that the store should be able to sell records at lower prices than Lincoln discount stores. It will be set up as a non profit venture, he added. Any profit that Is made by accident will be turned over to the University Foundation for use in the general scholarship fund, he said. Cochrane added that ASUN has allotted $1450 to the Community Services Com mittee. "The major portion of this money will be spent in setting up the record store," he continued. He explained the business Is being legally incorporated at the present time. The Nebraska Union Board is considering a request to give the store space in the Union. "We will be getting records from the National Student Association", he said. "This Is a new service being of fered to schools across the country." The records will be shipped to the store on consignment, he said. This means that the store does not pay for the records until they are sold. Cochrane said that the store will be able to obtain any record made in the world on four-day notice. He continued that the store will not plan to handle tape cartridges. However, the committee hopes to be able to arrange this in the future, he added. From surveys made this summer Cochrane concluded that record stores are the easiest businesses for students to set up and those most likely to succeed. Committees make decisions Campus speakers, who appear at the University under the auspices of the Nebraska Union, are chosen by one of two Union student committees. The East Campus Union has a Special Events Committee and the City Campus Union has the Talks and Topics Committee, according to Dave Buntaln, president of the Union Program Council. These two committees have no formal connection, he said. Sunday. The various Union student groups on the two campuses are entirely separate. Students on the two committees have sole responsibility for selecting and obtaining speakers, although they do react to and appreciate all student and faculty suggestions and com ments, Buntain said. Diversity, timeliness and interest cintHinitiiii;iiiiiiiiii!iiiiitiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimii!tNiim Powell story is inaccurate On Friday, Oct. 3, the Daily N'ebraskan published an article concerning the decision not to ln-3 vlteee the Rev. Adam Clayton Pow I to speak on campus. Portions of" .he article were misleading or in accurate. The headline and first paragraph! have been interpreted by some tol mean that lite decision was made! only by full-time, non-student of ficials of the Nebraska Union. This! was not true. Students on Nebraska Union! 'committees have the ultimate I power to decide who will and who! will not speak under Union auspices on campus, which was explained! later in the article by Allen Bennet.1 director of the Nebraska Union. a Attributed statements later in thel article were made concerning thel 1 character of Powell. While Con-I I pressman Powell is a public official open to criticism, these statements! were hearsay. si 1 f 1 ale.. Bir4 I v. nnHM,j,H attributed statement that two hlgh i University administrators wereS Jncainst Powell's aDWaranee. Thi.;i3 i statements are also hearsay. Near the end of the article, it wasf stated that the Union Board, conv posed of Union officials and! j University students, decided it w.vj 1 better If Powell would not come. 1 Actually, it was the East Campus! ;4eciai b vents iwnmute. corns posed of several East Campus a 1 students, which made thli decision, i fouiuuii iiiuiiiiiiiniiiiiimiiiMMiiMiHimiiiiiiiMiiiimniiiiiiiiiiiiii I " -J if- rr ir n- i whj1 A- , . . i jvv-j Husker halfback Larry Frost, who snagged a pair of touchdown passes in the Huskers 42-14 blitz past Minnesota Saturday, is an elusive runner too. (Other sports, see nace 3.) are some of the things governing the selection of speakers, who are paid entirely out of student fees. Committee members try to be as informed as possible so that newsworthy speakers who will pro voke interest in the University com munity are brought to campus, Bun tain said. He added that committees try to be as representative of the student body as possible. For example, although there are no black students on either of the selection committees, student committee members have conversed with the Afro-American Collegiate Society on some occasions about the suitability of various speakers. Generally, the two committees work through an established speaker agen cy. Writing to the speaker himself is undesirable, since most speakers of prominence book all engagements through an agency. Cost of the speaker may be a pro blem, Buntain remarked. Usually, Union speakers are paid in the neighborhood of $1,250 to $1,500, with fees sometimes rising as high as $2,000. Some speakers purposely list high speaking fees in order to limit ap plications for appearances. Buntain said. For Instance. Democratic Sen. Edmund Muskie. who is much In de mand as a speaker, chargci about $2,500 per appearance. Tri-University tries new teaching ideas by Mike Barret Nebraska n Staff Writer Editor's note: This is the last story In a three-part series on the Universi ty of Nebraska 'i teaching experiment, the Trl-lnlverslty. Nearly all segments of the educa tional community are learning about learning through participation in the Trl-University elementary education program. Prospective and experienced school teachers, pre-doctoral students, col lege professors who ate trainers of teachers. Lincoln school system teachers and administrators and citizens of Lincoln and Omaha com munities are brought together to discover the genuine needs of school children. Attention ts given to the societies and cultures which are also a part of educating children. In order to create teacher-training programs which will provide "humane, sensitive, knowledgeable persons t help children learn with maximum freedom and joy," according to Di. Although price is sometimes a pro blem, the controversial views and statements of the speaker can be an even greater difficulty, Buntain pointed out. Until last year, there had seldom been a problem in this area. Last year, Buntain said, comedian and presidential candidate Dick Gregory spoke on campus and created some reaction. One of Gregory's remarks, taken out of context, said that the flag is a rag. Some people, both inside and outside the University, were concern ed with the remark, Buntain said. People often assume that. If 2,000 students hear Dr. Benjamin Spock speak, they are all In agreement with his views, Buntain said. This is not true, he added. The students ought to want to con sider a speaker's viewpoints, and they ought to hear controversy and views opposite from their own. Buntain ad dud. But that doesn't mean they ate necessarily converted to that stand. Campus speakers ought to challenge students and faculty to think, Buntain said. Speakers ought to supplement classroom activities so students will profit from the advantage of hearing another viewpoint. "I would be disturbed if we would bring speakers who didn't stir stu dent thought and who didn't cuuse at least a ripplo of controversy.' Buntain said. Gene Hardy, local project coordinator. Focus The focus of all this activity is the special classroom programs at Ran dolph and Elliot public schools In Lincoln and Sunside storefront school In Omaha. The new process Is a non structured or student-centered educa tional technique. Learning takes place, but In unorthodox ways. The typical rows of desks have been replaced by "learning centers." In a combined fourth and fifth grade room at Elliot, where there is one Tri University class in each of grades 14. there were centers for typing writing, art, science, listening, carpentry, math and reading. Children are generally free to "study" at any of the centers, but occasionally they are divided into groups and assigned to an area. Once at a center a student is expos ed to a variety of learning "op portunities." Heading, writing and mathematics are taught without "classes." Children are given letter Continued on Page 3 to go An antiwar march from Love Library to the Nebraska State Capitol will be held in conjunction with the National Vietnam War Moratorium, Wednesday October 15. The march, beginning at 3:30 p.m. will climax at the capitol steps where a list of the Nebraska or U.S. October war dead will be read. The campus moratorium steering committee has emphasized that participation in the march is open .o the "community-at-large." The committee hopes faculty, businessmen and housewives, as well as students ,will attend the pro ceedings. Voluntary The committee has recommended Addition not free to move ahead The fate of the Love Memorial Library addition is now in the hands of the Nebraska Supreme Court due to a complex constitutional question. But while the Court decides the Issue no construction can proceed to help alleviate the shortage of library space. "We're not free to move ahead on the construction of the addition. Frank A. Lundy, director of University Libraries, said Sunday. "The decision of the Supreme Court could take quite a while." The controversy centers around the Legislature's LB1425 which was a capital improvements bill for the whole state. A $4.5 million library addition was one of the items in the bill. According to Lundy, Governor Tiemann's initial budget recom mendation for capital improvements for the whole state was around $4 million. The constitution requires that any capital improvements bill introduced by the legislature which exceeds the governor's budget recommendation needs a two-thirds majority to pass. Was passed LB 1425 was passed on its initial reading by more than a two-thirds majority. On the bill's second reading the question of the library addition was discussed separately and the whole bill was approved again by a two-thirds majority. But on the final reading, the bill passed but did not receive a two-thirds majority. The question facing the Supreme Court Is whether the two-thirds ma jorities the bill did receive In its first two readings meet the constitutional requirements. Lundy and the state attorney general feel that the votes LB 1425 received on the first two readings meets those requirements. However, others have expressed the opinion that for the legislature to ex ceed the governor's budget recom tuendation requires a two-thirds ma jority on the third and final reading. r 1 1 -w. K$ 4;. 4 j Dreamers, listeners and entertainers Jl to Capito a voluntary boycott of classes rather than a strike for the Nebraska cam pus. Committee member Jim Evinger pointed out, "The issue is not about stopping classes, the issue is about ending the war." Another member of the committee, Dan Schlitt, associate professor of physics, is urging instructors to dismiss their classes that day. Those who do hold clashes are being asked to forego regular topics and instead discuss the war. Many of the faculty have indicated support of the moratorim. So far the steering committee has obtained en dorsements from at least 50 English instructors, 30 members of the Soci ology, Philosophy, and Psychology Departments and individuals from the Departments of Physics, Math, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geography, Economics, Political Science, Art, and the Centennial Col lege. Faculty included Several faculty members have also agreed to appear at a Young Democrats Vietnam teach-in the night of the moratorium. The political, economic, and moral aspects of the war will be discussed at that meeting. The administration has not been approached concerning support. "It would be ideal," said Evinger, "if the administration issued their own statement o f support by cancelling classes Wednesday, but we're not demanding it." Time is now being spent obtaining general support of the demonstration. Afro-Americans seek more representation The Afro-American Collegiate Society is unhappy with the lack of black representation on student and student-faculty committees at the University "We're not represented," said Vernon Slaughter, treasurer of the A ACS. "But we'll take care of that. We're telling our black members to apply for committee positions whenever possible." Slaughter said the A ACS is mariiy concerned with ASUN committees and Nebraska Union committees, on which there Is no black representation. In addition, several blacks have applied for posi tions on the Council of Student Life, which Is just forming. Qalifled "We're telling our members to ap ply only for committees in which they are interested," Slaughter continued. "We feet we have sufficiently qualified people In our organization to be on some of these committees." Slaughter emphasized that the black applicants will not join the commit tees simply to be there. "V want our people to take an active part In the committee'! func tions," he said. "We want to make sure we have adequate representa tion." I make up the atmosphere of the ; -"l"mi IJMJJ111 0 h ..XP' Speakers will explain the details of the moritorium to living units this week. Others are visiting businesses, religious organizations, and high schools. Individual canvassing will also take place. Nebraska Wesleyan, Doane and Creighton University have all pledged support. "We want the moratorium to be as broad-based as possible," Evinger explained. "Mobilizing as many peo ple as we can will show the govern ment that it is the desire of the American people to end the war." Hopeful The steering committee is hopeful that people will not associate the moritorium march with the typical massive, vocal student demonstration. Rather, it will be an orderly, solemn vigil "for the purpose of mourning the Vietnam War dead." Information concerning the moratorium and the October 15 sched ule can be obtained from the steer ing committee booth in the Nebraska Union. Later this week, the moritori um's symbol, the dove and olive branch with the inscription "Work for Peace," will be stenciled on any article of clothing brought to the booth. The committee is also plan ning to hand out black arm bands on Wednesday. Anyone interested in distributing literature or tanvassing for en dorsements is urged to attend the steering committee meeting Monday, October 6 at 9:00 p.m. at the United ment that it is the desire of the Ministries of Higher Education (U.M.H.E.) Slaughter said black students have hardly ever applied for membership on committees before, nor were at tempts made to recruit black students for the committees. "I can't speak for the organization, but my personal opinion is that most people just didn't start to take an Interest in black students, except for athletes, before the demonstrations last spring," Slaughter said. Attempts by the various committees to seek out black opinion by con tracting members of the A1ACS is not sufficient, he continued. The attempt to place black students on various committees will be one of the main thrusts of the A-ACS this year. Slaughter said. No time Last year, when the A-ACS was being organized, there was simply no time to concentrate efforts committee membership efforts, he said. The organization was too busy with the demonstrations and other activities. "I anticipate no particular difficulty In getting some black students on these committees." Slaughter said. "We have qualified people applying and there is no doubt in my mind that some will be accepted.' ' Hungry Id. (Sve story on page 4J i MN V f 1 t If" f i 1 1 V