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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1969)
r ? J r. r it i Mi N John C. Eaves, president of the FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1969 Antiwar Washington (CPS) In one of his rare displays of emotion, Presi lent Nixon showed a combination of Jetermination and fear in his response o a reporter's question at his latest news conference about the plans for nassive antiwar protests this fall. "I have often said that there's really iery little we can do with regard lo running the university and college campuses of this country. We have enough problems running the nation, the national problems. Now I unders tand that there has been and continues to be opposition to the war in Vietnam on the campuses and also in the na tion. As far as this kind of activity Is concerned, we expect it. "However," the President said, "under no circumstances will I be affected whatsoever by it." Nixon's determined sentiments are similar to the position Lyndon Johnson took during the antiwar action of 1966 and 1967. Came 1968 and Johnson was affected. Richard Nixon realizes this and is trying very hard to minimize the effects of the antiwar movement as it rebuilds itself this fall. Numbers build-up The build-up appears to be mostly In numbers, rather than In new tac tics. The Vietnam Moratorium Com mittee is relying on the same tactics class boycotts, teach-ins, rallies which dominated the antiwar move ment of the Johnson years. The New Coed lounges draw various reactions The Board of Regents Saturday agreed to let students plan an experi ment with coeducational lounges on dormitory floors. Now that students have permission, what do they think of the Idea? A random survey shows men to be unanimously in favor of the coed lounges, but some girls are hesitant about the idea. Schramm residents, who may be the first to try the coed experiment, responded favorably, and many hoped coed lounges will be the first step toward coed visitation. Ronnie Craw, Schramm freshman, thinks the roed lounges will be a "good experience." Sophomore diaries Rosenberg said, "It would be better for studying and talking than the main floor lounge." Collego students are old enough to know what they are doing, but hours should not be too late, Rosenberg said. Gary Krumland, a Schramm junior, wants a more informal set-up. "Let the girls just come up," he said. "Maybe from 6 to 11 p.m." He thinks the coed lounges are a good start toward the coed visitation and coed dorms. "I wish we had more freedom, since we're supposedly all adults," Krumland said. Stop In right direction Senior Mike Eyster. a member of the IDA committee planning the coed lounge experiment, said, "It's a step In the rlgi direction, but It's a baby step." Eyster Is an advocate of coed living units, which he feels would promote more Informal, brolher-slstcr relationships between men and women students. "A formal dating situation l, not the best for getting to know people." he said. Coed lounges are "going far enough for the first step towards a more "iMji ni riortn Atmosphere," said Roger Afro - American Collegiate Society. Mobilization Committee (to End the war in Vietnam) likewise is still rely ing on massive rallies and marches to convince the government to "bring the troops home now." The difference this year is the sup port the antiwar movement is getting from the populace. With the number increasing rapidly, 500 student body presidents and editors have signed the call for the moratorium on classes Oct. 15. Organizers now expect one million students to participate. Organizational meetings at several campuses such as Syracuse Universi ty have drawn more than 1,000 students. A half-day petition campaign in support of the moratorium at George Washington University brought more than 1,000 signatures. Even administrations are getting into the act. Rutgers University's ad ministration has announced the university will officially opserve the moratorium. At other universities ad ministrations have reminded faculty members they may call off classes for the 15th and cautioned them agalinst scheduling exams that day. Small schools Small schools particularly seem to be getting into the spirit. The Colorado School of Mines, for example, has voted to boycott classes and canvass the community. It will be particularly difficult for Van Boeing, a junior. In floor lounges, he said, there is more privacy to talk and study without the "Big Brother" atmosphere that prevails downstairs. Van Boenlng feels coed lounges need not encroach on anyone's privacy. Residents can adjust their dress habits and shower schedules, he said. Several Pound Hall residents were opposed or indifferent to the coed lounge proposal. Deb Plautz, a junior, said, "It would be nice when you wanted to have someone up, but It could be very In convenient for girls on the floor. It's not really necessary." Privacy problem Another Pound Junior, who prefer red not to be Identified, said, "I don't think I want It. We don't need guys all over the dorm it would cause too many problems with security and Freshman Connie Johnson, was more favorable, "it would be fun to have guys on the floor. I'm not really against It." Miss Johnson thinks, however, that coed lounges are liberal enough. "Open visitation could cause trouble," she said. Freshman Sue Damon and Ann Weatherholt are all for the coed lounges and coed visitation. "I'd like to try It. it would be more like home," Miss Damon said. "If we're responsi ble enough to be here, we can handle this," she added. Miss Weatherholt prefers some kind of limit on hours, with no uninvited men on the floor, however. Cather residents are also in favor of the coed lounges and think they are responsible enough to handle the situation. Steve Ileldt, a sophomore, said hours should be set by each floor, Continued m Page 4 activity Afro leader not satisfied by John Dvorak Nebraskan Staff Writer The president of the Afro-American Collegiate Society said Thursday that not all of the 12 demands presented to the University administration after three days of demonstrations last spring have been met. The administration probably thought the black students would cool off over the summer and the list of 12 demands would be forgotten, said John C. Eaves Jr., new president of the A-ACS. "They probably think we're pretty well satisfied," he continued. "We're not and I want that to be known." The A-ACS, newly formed in 1968, staged three afternoons of peaceful demonstrations in and around the ad ministration building last April. The protests culminated with more than 200 concerned students sitting-in on the administration building's first floor, for most of the afternoon while officers of the A-ACS and University officials negotiated the list of demands. Periodic discussion and negotiation continued until second semester ended in May and some of the demands were met completely. Recognition The number one demand, for in stance, was the immediate recognition of the A-ACS as the official represen tative body of the black community on this campus. It was quicky granted. Other demands including hiring a LINCOLN, Nixon to ignore the protest if it comes, as Is beginning to seem likely, from as wide a range of constituencies as students, university administrators, labor unions, some businessmen, and even some Republican members of Congress. Senator Charles Goodell, a Republican (NY), and Rep. Allard Lowenstein (D-NY) both have demanded that Congress set a time limit by which all U.S. troops must be withdrawn. Other members of Congress are endorsing the proposals, including a caucus o fDemocrats who will support the moratorium and hope to make Congress unable to meet Oct. 15 due to a lack of a quorum. Nixon, in his news conference, said he thought the proposals were too pessimistic. He said the well-intentioned proponents would force the U.S. to continue its presence In Vietnam until the time limit (mid or late 1970.) The proposals, however, actually set the time limit date as the maximum length of time the war can continue: they left ample room for speedier withdrawal. Of course, Nixon added, the pro posals also would stifle the U.S. in the Paris Peace Talks which still "have not made significant pro gress." The President's hopes that his withdrawals and draft call reductions would satisfy the growing numbers who believe the war should have been stopped long ago (not to mention the draft) already have been dashed. The plans for antiwar action continue to prosper, and the sincerity of the President's draft reductions continues to be challenged. Timely reduction In answer to a reporter's question concerning Intentional inflation of summer draft calls to allow for the timely reduction in the draft this fall just In time to appease student unrest, Nixon responded, "I don't consider that charge one of merit." The figures indicate otherwise, and the National Council to Repeal the Draft has leveled the charge: Not only Chivalry . . . l";...-, . O ODlKLf w 1 y ? black coordinator, with approval of the A-ACS, and hiring a black counselor were met over the sum mer. "We've run into real problems In other areas though," Eaves com mented. Demands for an Increase in number of black faculty and a black studies program, staffed and directed by black scholars have not been met. "We definitely have to work on these," Eaves continued. "The school hasn't really tried to recruit black faculty." There are only a few black faculty members on the University campus, he charged, and too few in Nebraska. The administration must actively recruit these faculty outside Nebraska, Eaves said. The list of 12 demands stated that a black studies program should be instituted by September 1970, but Eaves said that he was "pessimistic" about progress on this demand. The A-ACS has worked since last spring with Dean of Faculties Dr. C. Peter Magrath, on this demand. Inconsistent The administration, last spring, declared the black studies program "inconsistent" with NU educational Ideals and objectives. "Our practice is to treat all persons and subject matter on the basis of equality," a past statement read. However, the University ad ministration did make significant eorasMun) NEBRASKA brings popular support did summer draft calls this past summer run from 5,000 to 17,000 higher a month than In 1968, but draft calls toward the end of this summer ran several thousand men higher than at the beginning of the summer. And these calls came at a time when evidence was mounting that North Vietnam was cutting down its military offensive. The draft call for July, 1968 was 15,000 men; the call for July, 1969 was 22,300 men. The call for August, 1968 was 18,300 men; the call for August, 1969 was 29,500 men. The call for September, 1968 was 12,200 men; the call for September, 1969 was 29,000 men. And the call for October, 1968 was 13,800 men compared with a call of 29,000 for this October. This October's Union officials say no by John Dvorak Nebraskan Staff Writer East Campus and City Campus Union officials decided Tuesday after noon not to bring the Rev. Adam Clayton Powell Democratic congress man from New York, to speak at the University. A contract had been prepared with the American Program Bureau of Boston, which handles Powell's ap pearances, that would have brought the Harlem representative to NU on October 23, according to Charlotte Loskill, special events chairman of the East Union. All that was needed was the signature of Allen Bennett, director of the Nebraska Union, she continued. Bennett called a special meeting to discuss the suitability of Powell as a speaker. Special meeting called Besides Bennet, those attending the meeting were Marilyn R o j e w s k 1 , assistant chairman of the East Union; Greg Martin, treasurer of the East Union, Ronald Burrus, manager of the East Union and Daryl Swanson, assistant director of the Nebraska "v A. m pMiiaall mKfV m n u liminiiiniiii V -&fifi- i , s m Sf course changes last spring, after con sultations with A-ACS officers. For instance, this fall a history of modern Africa course, a speech course dealing with slavery and civil rights and a black psychology course are being offered. Eaves indicated that he and other members of A-ACS will continue to press for a black studies program. He will also continue to push for increased minority enrollment, altho ugh he admitted the A-ACS Is "pretty happy" with progress thus far. One of last spring's demands was that black, Mexican-American and American Indian enrollment be in creased by 200 this fall. That figure wasn't met, but enrollment did in crease significantly. Recruiting teams The University sent out recruiting teams over the summer and it has been estimated that about 70 minority freshmen, mostly black, would not have been enrolled without the recruiting teams' efforts. "It takes a lot of time to go out to the high schools," Eaves pointed out. "Recruitment this year should start earlier and the administration will have to take a bigger role." Eaves emphasized that the organization is pleased with progress made in several areas. "Walter Strong, black coordinator, has helped a lot of black people," Eaves said. "He's ideal for the job because he was employed at the University before (as Abel Hall call will now be spread over a three month-period, for a monthly average call of about 10,000. That monthly average is only slightly lower than the monthly call for September, 1968. In fact, draft calls have increased 70 t o this date since Nixon an nounced his first Vietnam troop cut back in June. Pleased But the President appears pleased with himself. "I think we're on the right course In Vietnam. We're on a course that is going to end this war," he said In his press conference. "It will end much sooner if we can have to an extent, the extent possible in this free country, a united front behind very reasonable proposals." There may be a united front grow Union. Miss Loskill couldn't attend because of a class conflict. "No one said we couldn't have him (Powell). "Miss Rojewskl said. "But we got the idea there were a lot of people who didn't want him to come." Miss Rojewskl said she had no idea the controversy surrounding Powell In the last few years would make him undesirable as a speaker. "Mr. Bennet began by saying that he didn't want Mr. Powell here," she said. "He called Powell a chrarlatan and a crook and said he lacked ethics." She denied that students attending tho meeting received any outside pressure against Powell's ap pearance. Reaction "mixed" "Mr. Bennett did say he 'was get ting his socks pulled up' which ap parently meant that some people were telling him they were against Powell's visit," Miss Rojewskl said. During the meeting, it was brought out that President Joseph Soshmk, Acting Chancellor Merk Hobson and some department chairman were 1 n izz ;-rrr'i Nrtrislun pha't by JNi NollcntfoHi . . . rides on residence direotdr) and he knows the feeling and mood of the University." Haes Pope, black counselor, has also been a great help to students, Eaves said. Pope has helped students in whatever way necessary and kept them from "getting lost in the shuf fle." Eaves is also pleased with the at titude of the black students on cam pus. The organization of black students is improving noticeably. "When I came down here in 1965, there was a different attitude an attitude of Individualism." Now, he continued, the students, even incoming freshmen, are behind the A-ACS effort and are Interested in black unity. Larger Eaves indicated that the society, larger this year than last, will still adhere to the philosophy of ac complishing their goals by any means necessary. "There could be more demonstra tions," he said. But Eaves would not indicate when they could occur or what form they could take. "Any means necessary" does in elude violence, he said. The situation on campus now doesn't demand violence, he added. "It's impossible to say when or even if violence would be necessary," he said. "You can't put a timetable on such things, but it will depend on the speed and reception that our demands get." Vol. 93, No. 1 1 ing in tills country, but it is not the front Nixon wants to see. Fall antiwar actions already slated are: SDS national antiwar action in Chicago to coincide with the continu ing trial of the Chicago Eight, Oct. 8-11. This is the most militant and unpredictable action planned. The Vietnam Moratorium, class or work boycotts and appropriate non violent protest actions, Oct. 15, Nov. 14-15, adding a day each month until the war Is stopped. The New Mobilization Committee's two-day death march from Arlington Cemetery to the Capitol Oct. 13-14. The New Mobilization Committee's national march to bring the troops home now, in Washington, D.C., Nov. 15. A second march is planned for San Francisco the same day. to speaker against Powell's speaking here, she continued. When asked about his personal thoughts on an appearance by Piwell, Bennett refused to comment. He said that reaction from administration and faculty had been "mixed." It's not unusual to invite faculty and administrative reaction to possi ble speakers on campus, Bennett said. The effects the speaker may have, on the total community must be con sidered. Martin, the other student present at the meeting, said that not only the controversial views of rowel, but his personal actions were discussed at the meeting. Respect and evpense "The question was asked if the ma jority of the students would respect him as a man," Martin said, "But they didn't encourage us In any way either." Expense was another tiling, the students all agreed. Miss Lotskill pointed out thut Powell would ask about $1,750 for the speech, plus ex penses an extremely high figure. "The group acted responsibly in my opinion," Bennett said. "It was a fair decision and I'm satisfied and agreeable with it." Bennett pointed out that the decision, ultimately, was up to the students. If the students had so desired. Bennett would have had to sign the contract. "We, on the Union Board, have always said that if students are unhappy with our actions they should come to us and tell us," Bennett said. "If we know student opinion, we can be more responsive to It." Bennett pointed out that Powell still could be Drought to campus if the president of the East Union would call for another meeting, or If some other group, operating outside the Union, would invite Powell. Dlanne Kucera. president of the East Union, denied that any "teal, direct and heavy pressure was put on the students" who attended the meeting. The Union Board decided, after listening to arguments against Powell's appearance, that it was bet ter if he would not come, she said. The East Union was not bent on having Powell come. In preference to anyone else, she said. The desire of the students is to have an excellent speaker that appeals to the students. fl- 1.-. . 11.,. . l T ?..!,. miss rvuvcia taut mi uiv wiuuu Committee may possibly obtain another speaker, equally as prominent as Powell, to Gil the October 23 entrapment