w. begin by Ron Wbltten Nebraskan Staff Writer One of the greatest problems on the downtown campus is an overcrowded Love Memorial Library and the confusion connected with constructing the new addition, ac cording to one administrator. "It is urgent that we begin building the library addition soon," said Frank A. Lundy, director of the University libraries. , Lundy feels he has good reason to be worried. For over ten years he has continually advised the University and the Unicameral that space for books and readers was desperately inadequate in Love Library. Finally, this spring the legislature heeded his efforts and included a library provision in their construction fund bill. A controversy now centers around that bill, LB142S. It was approved on its initial reading by well over the necessary two-thirds majority. But on final reading, the same bill was defeated, 26-12. The University, the state attorney general and Frank Lundy all feel that WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, r c 'JrS" j, ' i"' . r. V. - .- . j $ I 1 ' '' a ,HIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIinillMII!illlliliillll!ll!IIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH!IIIINM Protesters defy trial Chicago (CPS) The trial of the "Conspiracy Eight" on charges resulting from the 1968 Democratic Convention demonstrations has open ed in Chicago amid threats of mass protests and accusations that the judge is prejudiced against the eight defendants. On trial for crossing state lines to incite a riot are: Dave Dellinger, 53, Chairman of MOBE (National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam), editor of Liberation magazine a pacifist who was jailed tn World War II for refusing indue- ion. Seven others Kennle Davis, 28, MOBE project director for the convention, former community organizer. Tom Hayden, 29. SDS founder, author, co-project director for the convention. Abbie Hoffman. 32. planner of the Ylppie "Festival of Life" during con vention week, author, former conu mittee field worker in Miss., known lor absurd performances before Con gressional committees. Jerry Rubin, 30, Ylppie leader, ll!llllllllllllllllllllll!IMIIIIIIII!llllllli:iillllllllMIIIIII!!lll!illllllllllll Wednesday is last day lo buy Missouri tickets Wednesday I the final day $tu items may purchase tickets to the October 11 Missouri football game, !o be played at Columbia. Tickets ire $6. Each stuJent may purchase only i$ own ticket and must present his student identification card. The tick ets may be picked up Monday through Jfte,:tnesdiy. October 6-8. In the event UetnunJ exieeds supply, a ticket ZSL'ry will be held.. TPiaiiiiiiniiiiiiiMiiiifiuiiimiii.iiK.iiiiiMiitfciiiiiMiiiiiniiiiiiiiii. library the money should be given despite the reversal. The decision, however, is now in the hands of the State Supreme Court. If a favorable ruling is received, the $6.5 million provision will .allow construction on a new library annex to begin next semester. It is then scheduled for completion sometime in 1973. Two alternatives are available if the Supreme Court does not rule favorably. A special session next year could reconsider the budget, but it is unlikely that Governor Tiemann would call such a session for a single bill, in which case,- the University would have to wait until the next general session in 1371. By then, according to Director Lundy, it would probably be too late. A budget provision in 1971 would mean a completion date of 1976. It is unknown how Love Library could manage until that time. Lundy would just as soon not even think of the alternatives. The con centrated efforts to get the addition built have exhausted every con ceivable avenue. Even the architec 1969 1 I I 44 t V' Nasraskan photo by John Nollandorfa leader of Free Speech Movement at Berkeley, project director for 1967 Pentagon protest. Bobby Seale, 32, Oakland, Calif., acting chairman of Black Panthers. -John Froines, 29, MOBE staff, assistant chemistry professor at University of Oregon. Lee Weiner, 29, sociology graduate student, Northwestern University. All are charged under the anti-riot section (title 18) of the 1968 Civil Rights Act. which makes it a felony to travel from one state to another, write a letter, send a telegram, make a phone call or speak on radio or television with Intent to encourage any person to participate in a riot "riot" msaning an act of violence by one or more persons part of an assemblage of three, which "shall result in Injury to the property of any other person." First Test The trial will provide the first con stitutional test of the law, which the defense and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) contend violates the First Amendment's pro tection of free speech and ahsembly. Scheduled during the first week were a candlelight march on the eve of the trial and a mass protest on the steps of the courthouse Sept. 24, the opening day. On Oct. 8-11, SDS and the Black Panthers have called for militant action in Chicago to "bring the war home," A spokesman for the Committee lo Defend the Conspiracy, an organiza tion raising funds for legal defense of the accused, told CPS another demonstration is planned for the day the verdict Is delivered. The trial is expected to last two or three mon ths. In addition, Ylppie leader Hoffman has threatened to turn Chicago into & vast "People's Park" of protests. "Welcome to the World Series of American Injustice," he told the press here. "We are the Conspiracy versus the Washington Kangaroos, who are outside agitators. We got walloped bud by the Chicago Pigs, our crosstown rivals, last year, but we'v had a year to leas o." The audi tural plans have been prepared and await financing. The plans themselves Incorporate several innovations. The addition would actually be larger than Love Library itself, and increase the IIIUIIIIIIII!llllll!!lil!lll!lll!lllllllllllllll!lllllllll!llllllll!lllllllllllllll For a look at construction on other parts of the campus, see story on page 4. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiii capacity from 112,000 square feet to over 277,000 square feet, making it larger than Nebraska Hall. The addition will be a separate building constructed north of Love. An open-air mall would adjoin the two structures and allow east-west pedestrian traffic to flow through with little inconvenience. The basement floor of the annex, dubbed the "terrace level" will be accessable from any side by a series , of terraced walkways surrounding the structure. Inside, space will be provided for an undergraduate library housing nearly 1,000 readers, a bookstore, ODOt LINCOLN, Nixon's Vietnam War solution is too slow, won't work-Evans A schizophrenic who is simultaneously intent on eluding public exposure in order to improve his image occupies the nation's White House, a national editorial columnist said Tuesday in a speech in the Nebraska Union. Rowland Evans, co-author of the syndicated column "Inside Report," lold a sparse union ballroom audience that President Richard Nixon pro jected a split personality on the issues of inflation, desegregation and Mid East policy. Although most of the address in the Union ballroom was critical of the President, Evans said: "He's the first President you can say this for he has a plan for get ting out of Vietnam." Evans described this plan as a withdrawal so gradual that Hanoi will be forced to bargain and thus save American face. Nixon's troop pull-outs Farm labor youths benefit from special program by Bachlttar Singh Nebraskan Staff Writer The High School Equivalency Pro gram (HEP) at the University of Nebraska appears to provide a unique educational opportunity for migrant and farm labor youth. The main goal of the program is to help each student obtain pro gressive, continuous full-time employment, according to Gale P. Muller, director of the University's HEP program. All students work towards passing a High School Equivalency examina tion. They also have an opportunity to see and sample several job op portunities. Muller added that as far as he was aware, the HEP program initiated in 1967 by the Office of Economic Op portunity, has become its most suc cessful venture. At NU, the program Is In its second itiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim In the valley I if i : jr, H ' I " f I - ! aW r f .. ' 5 !,K i :, . v c . Xv - ,'ymir ft ,v .,r-f, LV k t r . s- . - v - , f , , - I ' s ' ' - - , , ' " s 4 - , t . ' 4 - , - ' 4 s - ' . ... . . f . . . . J. k ' - tt jr t' ' - ' . t , V . i - ition now is lounge, and small smoking, con ference and typing rooms. Lundy has proposed that this undergraduate library be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. "We especially want freshmen and sophomores who are unacquainted with the library to have access at all times," Lundy said. "Of course, this is really up to the University. When the time comes, students will have to tell the Chancellor that this is what they want." The unique feature on the main floor will be the turn-stiles at the exits. The checkout desks will also attempt to streamline the process Lundy described as "checking out the book rather than the student." All library offices and special services, such as the rare book col lection and the bindery, will be housed on the second floor. The core of the library will be found on the third and fourth floors of the addition. Both floors will contain book stacks and reading tables, including individual study carrells, for over 1,000 students. Lundy is especially proud of the (BID) JO NEBRASKA are a way of buying time, according to Evans. Will not work The plan will not work, Evans said, because "Nixon hasn't moved fast enough. But consider what he in herited. The cancer has been growing over there for over 15 years." Vietnam has been the best of Nix on's efforts. According to Evans it would be too bad if two Presidents were destroyed over the inability to cope with the same problem, he add ed, and he considers it a possibility in today's political environment. Although Evans favors an im mediate pull-out in Vietnam, he foresees adverse repercussions in Europe If such a plan is implemented. "America's word on her com mitments would be undermined, "he said. "The way it's done (withdrawal) is very Important." Political dissidents have been year. According to Muller, his office has been refunded until August 7, with $244,000. In all there are 15 such programs operating now. Muller said that the basic problems faced by the workers are unemployment and un deremployment. "They do a lot of hard work, but the wages are poor. Most of them find employment for only three to six months, which makes their financial dilema even worse," he explained. One hardship faced by those in the program Is that Spanish being their language, they find it difficult to get along and keep up with their school work. As a result, they lose confidence in themselves, and generally feel they cannot compete with the others. Muller said that one of the objec tives of HEP Is to raise their self esteem and their personal image. Continued on Page 3 of . . . H 1 design of the proposed library com plex. The architectural firm which originally designed Love in 1930 was also contracted to design the addi tion. The firm took special interest in creating a modern yet harmonizing structure. The mock scale of the complex is currently located on the second floor of Love Memorial Library. The library director has expressed confidence in the design of the building. If it is built, Lundy said, he could promise that "someday that building will fall down, but until then it will never become obsolete." Efforts to update the old building are now proceeding independent of the addition's fate. The check-out counter in Love will be moved down to the first floor within the next two or three months. Plans are also under way to enlarge the audio-visual department. Under construction in Nebraska Hall is a two floor undergraduate library. When completed the 60,000 square foot area will be able to house more than Thompson Library on East relatively quiet during the first nine months of Nixon's administration, Evans said, but if things don't move, conflict will re-ignite. He cited a bill in Congress that would give Nixon until December of 1970 to withdraw all troops from Vietnam as an exam ple of an end to the peace movement moratorium. "So far Nixon has done very little but by design," Evans continued. "If it weren't for Vietnam, we might see Nixon moving faster on the domestic scene." He hailed the President's draft and welfare programs as ac complishments "if they pass." Several times Evans called Nixon a schizophrenic NU building The University's proposed new home economics building on east campus shackled with a lengthy on-again-off-again history has again been sidetracked by Gov. Norbert T. Tiemann. The $2.24 million project was vetoed for the second time Monday by the governor, who said the state would be best served by not constructing the building at this time. The story of the ill-fated home ec building began last year when the Board of Regents placed it in the East Campus capital construction bill. The Budget Committee Inserted the building into the construction ap propriations bill and it was approved when that bill first went through the legislature. Called back Tb) bill was called back to the commmittee for processing, however, and the structure was scratched. Back on the floor of the Unicameral It was reinserted and approved, but then suffered the first veto by Tiemann. The building was placed in another bill, approved by the Unicameral and sent to the Governor, who wielded the ax for the second time Monday. . . . the jolly urgent Campus. But these are not true remedies to the difficulties strangling the Love Memorial Library. "Our main goal is to try to seat at least 20 percent of the student body of this campus," said Lundy. "Right now we can't seat 1,500 students." Lundy noted that the University recently bought the one-millionth volume for the library. The first volume was purchased 100 years ago. Predictions estimate that the second-millionth book will be bought by 1985. The library is faced with trying to shelve over a mile and one half of new books each year. Lundy said that Love is at capacity level right now. "We're at a moment of crisis' Lundy admitted. The outcome of this crisis is now up to the Nebraska Supreme Court. Lundy is confident that within the next 60 days the Court will release the funds to ignite the spark of construc tion. What would happen if they do not, Frank Lundy would rather not think about. Vol. 93, No. 9 several times as he enumerated in stances of Nixon's about-face policy changes and his failures to follow through on campaign promises. The worst example of "Nixon's schizophrenia," Evans said, "was his order to Health, Education and Welfare workers in Mississippi who were preparing to go to court to fight against a delay in desegregation." The White House, he said, reversed itself and ordered HEW workers to fight for the delay resulting in a year's set-back in desegregation. Nixon also vacillates, Evans said, between being a stern advocate of anti-inflation measureh and allaying businessmen's fears of strict govern ment policies which might lead to an economic recession. gets veto Dr. Virginia Trotter, chairman of the School of Home Economics, Marcia Kominsky, chairman of the Home Economics Student Advisory Board, and Lincoln Sen. Fern Hub bard Orme, who backed the home ec project in the Unicameral, all ex pressed dismay at the Governor's ac tions. Dr. Trotter pointed to the existing home ec building which she claims is dilapidated and termite invested, and questioned whether it would last until the next session of the legislature. Several improvements to be made in 90 days were ordered following a recent inspection by the State Fire Marshal's office. Status uncertain The project is one of several whose status Is questionable because of the number of votes received on final passage. Atty. Gen. Clarence Meyer is taking the issues to court for final determination. The controversy began August 29 when the capital construction bill was passed 28-18. Tiemann then scratched the home ec structure and three other projects from the bill. i i , V; Red Giants ' 4 K. 'A 1'