The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 24, 1969, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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A new chancellor
let the people be heard
Selection of a new chancellor for the Univer
sity of Nebraska will be a most important decision
not only for the future of the University but for
the state as well.
To insure the best possible selection, the pub
lic should have a voice in the final choice.
The new chancellor will have to be a remark
able man. He will have to be an outstanding edu
cator, dedicated to academic excellence and aca
demic freedom.
He will have to work for and with the students.
He cannot be a chancellor that students picture as
"way up there running a giant bureaucracy."
He. will also have to be aware of the problems of
the state. The University, intellectual headquarters
and laboratory for 'se entire state, is enmeshed
in numerous problems for example government,
resources and poverty. The new chancellor will
have to work with state officials in fixing budgets,
guide University experts in developing the state's
agricultural programs and coordinate efforts to
help relocate Lincoln's poor as the school expands
into the Malone area.
The chancellor selection committee, composed
of one student and two faculty members from each
of NU's three campuses and chaired by Dr. Cecil
Wittson, president of the University Medical Center
in Omaha, has said it will submit about 10 nomi
nations to the Board of Regents, possibly in Octo
ber. The list of 40-some persons now being consid
ered for possible nomination by the committee
should remain secret to prevent unfair pressure
on either the committee or candidates in the early
stages of selection.
The .ten or so names submitted to the Regents,
however, should be made public.
The University is a state institution and, there
fore, members of the University community and
citizens of the state are entitled to know the can
didates before final selection is made, and to par
ticipate in that selection by voting their opinions.
War's end: Saigon
or U.S. timing?
by Frank Manklewici
and Tom Braden
Washington President Nixon, treading a nar
row path between the increasing hostility to the
Vietnamese war at home and the belief by the
Hawks in Saigon American and Vietnamese
that the war can somehow be "won," may be
about to lose some important support.
Men who led and organized opposition to the
war during the Johnson Administration and who
have been counseling moderation since the 1968
election on the theory that Mr. Nixon should be
given ime and running room are becoming in
creasingly disillusioned with what they see as a
grave inconsistency between policy as announced
In Wasshington, and as carried out In Saigon.
The President, according to his advisers, sees
the death of Ho Chi Mlnr as an opportunity for
He believes that the new men in Hanoi will
be more willing to credit U.S. moves toward peace,
Including a virtual offer of precisely the kind of
political coalition which Hanoi and the National
Liberation Front have been demanding.
Hard line In Saigon
But in Saigon, the line is hardening. Rosy
briefings tell of high percentages of villages where
the hearts and minds of the people have been
won although no briefing officer, It develops,
would dare to sleep in many of the villages at
In the North, vtsltori are told, the strength of
the South Vietnamese Army (ARVN) Is vastly In
creased, and it can handle the fighting by the
end of 1970. But this does not mean, on examination,
that U.S. troops can be withdrawn.
The estimate merely means that the ARVN
will be able, by the end of 1S70, to fight alone
against the Viet Cong; U.S. troops will still be
needed to fight the North Vietnamese.
Itep. Allard Lowenstein (D-N.Y.), a leader of
the successful opposition to Lyndon Johnson and
the war in 1067 and 1968, Is one of those who
is deeply concerned. For months he has been urging
students and others to give time to the
Administration, while encouraging the acceleration
of the Nixon timetable for withdrawal.
Now, after a visit to Vietnam, Lowenstein is
troubled by the Saigon timetable, which he leea
as out of phase with Washington's.
Where Washington urges a broader-based
government in Saigon, Thieu narrows it, to the
approval of Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker, There
remains no disposition att all by the Saigon regime
to start any significant land reform, although U.S.
rhetoric has been urging It for years.
For that matter, recent emphasis on the
massacre of South Vietnamese loyai to Saigon
which would result from a U.S. withdrawal only
points this up. If, after nearly 40,000 U.S. dead
and $100 billion, the Saigon government and army
either cannot or will not prevent the slaughter
of Its own people, how can It ever be strengthened
Whatever the Nixon timetable and White
House sources still talk about 1970 the Saigon
timetable clearly calls for a long war, probably
a five-year period of protection for the Thleo
government, and American casualties for at least
that long.
All of this may soon lead Lowenstein and other
moderates out of their present stance, and back
to the role they know so well organizers of
national opposition. A foe of violent confrontation,
Lowenstein has not yet decided on tactics. But
It is clear that the President's options, which teem
ed to widen with Ho's death, art narrowing rapidly.
Imm cIMi Mxtact MX tl LlamH, N.
Ttaphnmti tdltar Vl lw Mm 4t-lSW, ImIimm lim,
lubKriirtlM rali ara M (ft aammlar af la par yaar.
P(Hllha Montoy, WMimday, TlwrtM 4 FrMay vrlnf m
Khwt yaar tct rwif vacation M M Nrwa Unlaw,
Lincoln, Nak.
Mamaer of Inltraollaaiata Prnt, Mtttonal C4kHmI MvartHlna
1Tw Dully Nrtrttan N MtMfwit vc-Ucttlm. Indaaamlarr) 1 It
Unlwily 1 Ntaraakal MmHilttratlm, lny an ttwtanl
dltarlal Staff
griior Haw iyl Mwiwiinf hi tor Kanf CarkaM, Nwi mar
Jsm tir!! Niafef Nam liHtara , k. tcrimltft, Oaa Hpil
ctl.arl! Aliairt Maliy Maaanoarvari Awlttar Nm li ar
Janat Mamili Imrta lunar iMy Vart; Nakrataa (lilt
Wfilara m bvarak, Bill Jmliharmaa, far fehwMdar, ary
taacratl, Slav tuwialr, acMttar tlnfft, L'naa McCivra. Ml)
rrart. Sua Patter, Sylv'a Ua, Im WMttan, Car! ttMnni
PhMoaractvirt Oa LMaly, JM Haataehar, Jim Oaaa, tvm
fcwtamtarfs, Mlfca Mavirem Capy Vmtara fauta Janklro, taaa
McaM, Ceanla WMtttr, lm atfclkWamatar, yd Maria.
InMM ttaff
gaffe MMWfor 14 teaman; lacal M Maar i. L. left")
Pattern! A MMtaaar Maroarat Aim Imni iniim mm
sMwtiat tmtnaaa locratary a taaaerlallaa) M ar Jan
&stwir CinaialHw Manaa-r Jama Halm, ClaaulM A4
aVaiMHiar Jvna Waaanart AtfyarlKMa Htvtl t. U, aurarat Am (rawn, aaai Carta, aaa Wrtltaa, Ua
Nebraskan editorials
. xxj s ran n
. . by J. L. Schmidt
Chicago is noted for many things; Mayor Daley,
wind, the blues. Chicago is also the home of WVON
radio, more or less the home of contemporary
blues in the midwest.
During the week of April 20 this year, WVON
was broadcasting an S.O.S. for Otis Spann, piano
player and confederate of Mr. Blues, Muddy Waters.
Otis was needed by a group of musicians who
had gathered at the studios of Chess Records to
put together a 16 cut double album called "Fathers
and Sons."
The musicians in waiting? Michael Bloomfield,
Donald "Duck" Dunn, Sam Lay, Buddy Miles, Paul
Asbell, Phil Upchurch and Jeff Carp. Their goal?
Tryin' to get close to the sound of the original
Muddy Waters band and climax four days of jam
ming with a concert at the Sniper Cosmic Joy
Scout Jamboree at the Auditorium Theater.
The results of four hectic days of blues breaking
is the Chess album which was released In August
through the courtesy of the performing artists'
own record companies.
Any one who thinks he knows what the blues
Is all about stands to learn much from one or
two sittings with this album.
Jeff Carp introduces the chromatic harmonica
(for the first time to my knowledge) to blues.
Cut one of side one is called All Aboard, and
It Is so fitting, for anyone taking Muddy Waters'
invitation to come on board is in for the ride
of his life.
Paul Butterfield takes over the harmonica on
cut two with a song called Mean Disposition. About
this cut, Spann says, "It's a funny thing ... the
people say the white kids can't play blues, but
that's wrong."
"I want you to know one thing," Muddy says,
"we did one blues that was a real killer, man
'Mean Disposition'."
Much of the work of the super stars was dune
as fill-In type with no real standout performances
worthy of merit, save for two parts of "Got
My Mojo Working" which was the final number
at the concert and drew a 10-minute ovation.
Mojo' a highlight
Part one of "Mojo" features Sam Lay on the
drums. Sam has the real sound of Chicago Blues
and he gets t across with the symbolic cymbal
rhythm, but he hangs back and lets the rest of
the group take over.
For part two of "Mojo" Buddy Miles, attired
in a bright purple costume, emerges and takes
over the sticks. The listener can tell that a change
in drummers has taken places.
Miles takes the lead with a heavy beat which -tends
to dominate but Is successfully integrated
with the other artists. Enough cause for a standing
The first six minute cut on side four, "The
Same Thing" has a real message wrapped in mud
dy's deep blues style. It doesn't jump out and hit you
between the eyes, but it is still there. It was
written by blues notable Willie Dixon.
The first cut on side three is "Long Distance
Call." It tells the sad but .true story cf a man's--neglect
for his wife and family and the eventual
outcome. He gets a phone call and the voice says,
in a haunting falsetto (his own) "There's another
mule." He goes back to his old neighborhood and
his friends say, "There's another mule. ." He goes
home and his wife finalizes it with, "Muddy Waters,
there's another mule kicking' In your stall."
The concert ended with the renditions of "Mo
jo". The record ends with the renditions of Mojo.
People stand, spent from the emotional experleneet -Some
stagger out. --
You won't stagger, but I guarnantee that you'll
play the album at least two or three times at
one sitting. You may even wander around singing
"there's another mule".
Don't put the old blues down, until you pick
up on this album. It will be enough to make you
yearn for the blues and pray for an even greater
bluse revival than is currently happening.
CJi.aa Sxw-Ti a.1
Open Forum: On Courage
Student stymied
Dear Editor i
While perhaps I was not the
only one surprised, I am pro
bably the only one sufficiently
outraged to write you a letter,
yours being the nearest
available shoulder to cry
I am taking a freshmen
chemistry courte which re
quires that I spend muny
hours per week In the central
reserve room of Love
Sunday I found that
although the front doors were
opened promptly at 1:30 p.m.,
tlie inner sanctum to which I
ought entry was closed, not
only on Sundays but all day
Saturdays as well.
I would like to suggest a
petition campaign be started
o that students who are
turned away from the doors
of central reserve on
weekends be given the op-
tortunity to sign and be heard
rom. Would not a few hours a
day, everyday, be more
Larry Jones
States men
Dear Editor!
The last lew weeks I have
been particularly impressed
by the courage and
statesmanship demonstrated
by Nebraska's represon.
tativet in Congress. Their
unflinching dedication to
principle, regardless of
political consequences, Is
something to be admired.
Congressman Itobert Denny
courageously denounced
obscenity and pornography In
the face of great opposition
from the powerful pre.
ebsrenity lobby.
His lieroio support of un
popular causes was superbly
demonstrated by his public
condemnation of the Miranda
decision and Us obvious in
tention of freeing rapists and
murderers so they can again
rape and murder.
And I was not surprised to
read that that charismatic
and valiant statesman, Carl
T. Curtis, Intends to Instigate
a senate filibuster in an at
tempt to block a constitutional
amendment that would
establish direct election of the
President, because It would
give larger states more of a
voice In electing the president
of the United States than
mall states like Nebraska.
And I can see Senator
Curtis' point For after ail If
we Nebraskans cannot be
represented by quality, we
should at least be represented,
by quantity.
Michael S. Mctlure
Latvyers' revolt
Much more
than teapot tempest
What has become known as the "layer's revolt,r
signals the emergence of a new breed of pro
fessional man. The "lawyer's revolt" was the ex
traordinary protest by Justice Department and OEO
staff lawyers against changes in the government's
civil rights stance. , f
Lawyers in the CM Rights Division of the
Justice Department formally protested against
softening Administration attitudes toward enforce
ment of civil rights laws. They demanded
assurances that a firm enforcement stand be taken.
At the same time, lawyers in the OEO's legal
aid program publicly demanded that this valuable
program be kept and strengthened in the face
of considerable opposition to it by people who don't
like to see the poor armed with legal tools to
fight for their rights.
It shows the fears even within the govern
ment itself that the Nixon Administration , is
going too far in placating backlashers and those
who would like to see the great civil righti
achievements of recent years fade away.
The Administration has been so careful to keep
Its political fences mended in the South through
relaxation of school desegregation guidelines and
appointments like that of Judge Haynsworth to
the Supreme Court that it's lost the confidence
of its own skilled professionals.
Such a public demonstration of concern by
government employees is unprecedented. These
men depend on their federal salaries to pay the
rent. Their careers and futures are dependent upon
the opinions of their supervisors. They risked being
fired, or at the least, closing the door on any
hopes of promotion and advancement.
The fact that they so willingly laid their careers
on the line indicates the seriousness of the threat
to civil rights. But it also indicates something else
something that has great significance for our
It indicates the emergence of a new breed
of professional man. He's someone who places his
value to society above narrow monetary or career
Interests. He's no longer the cautious, careful
bureaucrat who is afraid to make waves. He is
not willing to compromise human rights for petty
personal concerns. : . ' -
The "lawyer's revolt" showed how strong the
new breed is in mat profession. Some of the
brightest law school graduates are spurning fancy
offers from Wall Street firms in order to work
on civil rights cases for the government or to
practice advocacy law for groups representing the
But it's evident in other professions too.
Meetings of sociologist, psychologists, and political
scientists in recent weeks have been challenged
to prove their relevance by bright young people
now swelling the ranks of those professions.
Anual meetings that used to be dull affairs
mainly devoted to swapping job offers are now
full of controversy. Acadmics are climbing down
from their ivory towers and beciming involved
in sciety's problems as never before.
"The crisis of our times," said a political
scientist at one such meeting, "spares no group,
not even the social sciences It is no longer
practical or morally tolerable to stand on the
political sidelines when our expertese alerts us
to disaster."
Many of these professional groups helped build
the racism that permeates our society. They've
either Ignored the problems of the black masses,
or spent their talents in showing other institutions
bow to suppress them.
Now the wheel Is turning, and the new breed
of young professionals are forcing universities, cor
porations and other Important elements in our
society to become relevant to the real problems
facing all of us. The success of their efforts could
determine how quickly America frees itself from
the bondage of racism and division. , ;. ,:
by Fred Schmidt
Great and manifold have been the blessings
reaped by our nations since the ascent of Splro
T. Agnew to the Vice Presidency.
The GOP National Committee has awarded him
the cherished title of "Mr. Republican," passing
over such worthies as Barry Goldwater (pere or
fils. take you choice), Carl Curtis, John Tower,
and Strom Thurmond. (The last is only poetlo
Justice; Thurmond narrowly edged Splro recently
for the coveted Super-Cracker award by a grain
of salt.)
Only a little over a year ago, "Mr. Republican"
(who, one gathers from his title, represents the
highest Ideals of his party) was concerned because
his name was not a hoinehokl word.
He quickly remedied the situation and proved
himself to be a dirty-nailed, blood in the mud
American by referring to a journalist of Oriental
descent ("some of my best friends . . .") as "that
fat Jap." The ratio of Nlpponesse voters to ths
electorate is small, but Spiro also alienated much
of the tubby electorate, which, this writer can
testify, grows larger every year. (Democratic
hopefuls have been seen heaping extra spuds and
gravy on their plates in preparation of 72.)
But one idle comment does not a reputation
make. And aside from taking a none dive at the
airport while greeting the Little Baron of San
(lemente on the latter'a return from Europe, "Mr.
Republican" was content to remain In the shadows,
bis natural habitat.
Then came Apollo 11, the greatest event (I'm
told) since the creation. No sooner had America's
newest phallic substitute discharged than Splro
suggested. "Let's go to Mars!" and with it the
unspoken directive regarding poor folk. "Let them
sat cake."
Knuckle ball
After the baseball all-star game (Splro's finest
moment: he threw the ball and someone actually
caught it), "Mr. Republican" pitched s knuckle
ball from the top of his head and promised us
all that the war is almost over. The front offics
In San Clement was not happy.
tlBil "Mr'RfPuWic" outdone even
"I don't see any purpose,- he told tha Con
ference of Southern Governors, "In bussing school
children simply to achieve a racial balance." Splro
may finally have atoned for losing the fat vote
by gaining the Plckrick Chicken eaters of the world.
However, as "Mr. Republican" hits the banquet
clrouit for the GOP, one may expect to see his
nigh principles compromised, tie won't balk If ths
meal comes from Colonel Senders.