MONDAY, APRIL 28, Second i " V L' ' "V. , , i . - .-a X Steve Tiwald Tiwald says student government is lobbyist ASUN is coming out of the student council era. It is not really a government but a lobby for what students want, according to Stephen R. Tiwald, candidate for second-vice-president. "Student government, if we must use the term, is a means of achieving student participation in decision making that affects student life," said Tiwald, a sophomore from Omaha. A resident of Schramm Ilali, he is emphasizing several broad areas in the campaign. Education is one. "After all that is the reason we are here," Tiwald said. "The student should be the most important thing." That is not the case at this point however, he continued. Education is just being fed the student. University stu dents should participate in policy decisions. "Im not saying we are smarter than the faculty or the administration," he stressed. "But we can make definite contributions." Course content is one gigantic problem at NU, ac cording to the second vice presidential candidate who used to attend Maryknoll College in Chicago. A lot of courses are totally irrelevant, he said. New courses are needed. Out dated and outmoded courses should be replaced or up du.ed. The faculty Is somewhat responsible for the course problems, Tiwald said. "A lot of teachers haven't changed their notes since they came to the Univers l.y." One way to facilitate this needed change is through the new teaching council, Tiwald said. Two students will be members of this In novation, which will promote experimentation and new methods in teaching at NU. Students can have a say In curriculum development and reform, elimination of re quirements and other changes through this Teaching Council, he said. Another council will facilitate the second major plank in Tiwalds' platform. The New Council on Student Life can be extremely valu able, he said. Basically Tiwald believes that all students are capable of thinking for themselves, especially outside of the classroom. Students arc adults and should be treated as such. The University ad ministration Is trying to be too paternalistic. "We are tired of the ad ministration acting en loco parentis," Tiwald said. He cited three areas of concern wamens' hours, coed visitation and on campus-off campus living regulations. A Phone Coil Will Do It Call 729-2423 and ask about our prices and selection. Msny to choose from. A low as $199.00. Garbers Cycle Fatrlwry, Ncbraikl 1969 "Ideally each student should have the right of self determination, but there must be some order," he continued. "Neither the ad ministration or ASUN should set the rules, however." The smallest unit of living should make the regulations, he said. For instance, a dormitory government could set rules for that particular building. In that way, students would have a direct voice, and there also would be order. The second vice presiden tial candidate feels that students should use all channels open to them in achieving such things. These channels may in volve negotiating wi t h various committees or ad ministrators, promoting a letter writing campaign to members of the Board of Regents or demonstrating in a peaceful way. If other channels fail, Tiwald feels that dem onstrations are the way. The Afro-American Col legiate Society proved that, he said. The administration had been stalling them so they brought the issue to a head. The black students were tired of being pushed off. Tiwald added that violence, such as blocking entrances to buildings or disrupting the regular pro cesses of the University, is not acceptable. In other areas of concern to ASUN, Tiwald feels that pass-fail courses should be implemented on a wider basis. The Teaching Council can help with this. A lot of research is needed but the emphasis must be taken off grades. The candidate also ad vocates later pre-rcglstra-tion. In conjunction with that, departments should make course assignments earlier so that students know the instructor for each course when registering. Calendar scheduling should be studied, Tiwald said. Not enough facts are known yet, but the quarter system may be the answer. Students leaders should take the Initiative and look at the alternatives to the present semester system. If elected second vice president, Tiwald would probably be the University coordinator with the Na tional Student Association. The NSA can be valuable, he said, both In learning what other schools are doing and in the services provided by the organization. vice - rr Hi f-s l 1 - ... Greg Griffin " Griffin advocates minority group voice One of the most important Issues facing ASUN is the lack of minority group representation, according to Greg Griffin, a candidate for ASUN second vice president. "Black students should have a voice in ASUN," he said. "If I am elected, it would be the first time that minority groups have had representation among ASUN executives." Griffin, a native of Omaha and a resident of Abel Hail, is emphasizing three other points in his campaign. The University should offer more pass-fail courses, he said. These courses should be used to satisify some group requirements too, he said. At present, p a s s - f a 1 1 courses are not properly set up, he said. They are available to only a few students. The pass-fall privilege should be extended to freshmen. G iff in would like to see a more liberal attitude toward dormitory life, expeclally In regards to womens' hours. "Students are mature enough to decide their own hours," he said. "I know that when I was a freshman 1 was ready to do so. The dormitories should be opened up" Introductory courses are too dull, he charged. It Is difficult if not impossible to get something out of a class that has hundreds of students enrolled In it, he continued. Some teachers seem to have no interest in the In troductory courses, Griffin said. Salaries should be more attractive so that bet ter teachers will come to NU. Also, teachers should be more Involved with students rather than with research. The candidate, making his first bid for a student government office, also ad vocates peacful demonstra tions. "Sometimes they are the only logical solutions," he saidv Students should try to work with NU the ad ministration, but sometimes communications break down. The black students, in their demonstrations two weeks ago, showed that peaceful demonstrations can go a long way towards solv ing problems of the students, Griffin remarked. Students, by demon strating, can show the administration that there Is real Interest and concern about a problem, he said. It Is up to the students to show this interst. One area in which there is SPRING DAY PERSHING AUDITORIUM FRIDAY, MAY 1, 8:30 P.M. TICKETS AT PERSHING BOX OFFICE MB THE DAILY mresidential great student concern is the dormitory fees, according to Griffin. Rates were recently raised by the Board of Regents. "I live in a dorm," Griffin said. "It was a shock to me. There was no notice. It will work hardships on a lot of students." However, ASUN really does lack sufficient power to get results, he said. ASUN must be made much more relevent to the students, continued Griffin, Some meetings should be held in the dormitories so that students can easily hear what is happening. A much closer relationship between ASUN and the students is needed. ASUN should com municate better with the students. The student organization can be valuable in getting student concerns before the proper authorities, he said. Sometimes the administra tion must be forced to look at the problems. Griffin, a junior, said that his major qualification for the job is interest in the students. He feels he can represent their views. "More specifically, the minority students on campus are not represented," he said. "I believe I can voice some of their opinions." Groups wishing Union office space to meet Organizations seeking of fice space in the Nebraska Union for next year will meet with the Student Union Board at 7 p.m. Wednesday to discuss and defend re quests for space, according to Susie Jenkins, Board president. Miss Jenkins said that due to the large number of groups desiring space and the deficiency of available office spaces, the Union Board must select future occupants from applications and in order of need. "We want to hear all groups' reasons in order to avoid any arbitrary decisions," Miss Jenkins said. "Even with the new spaces available quite a few groups will not receive permanent space." She said, however, that temporary offico and desk space are also available for groups. . Student groups that have not yet applied for Union space may do so until Wednesday at 5 p.m. in the main office, she said. CONCERT BRANDtIS TREASURE CITY $4 $3 $2 NEBRASKAN r Kincaid Power in "As an executive I would be in the position of helping lead campus opinion. My primary role should be to help initiate and develop In terest," said Tim Kincaid, a candidate for ASUN second vice-president. There are about 18,000 students on this campus, Kincaid continued. There is power In such numbers, power that administrators, legislators and other officials are bound to take Into con sideration. At the present time, however, there is a decided lack of Interest among the students, he said. The ASUN executives have a responsibility to do something about It and get the campus moving. SUCH THINGS AS lobby ing at the Unicameral and demonstrating can sliow student concern and interest, the candidate said. ASUN however, until it improves communication, cannot be I If - 1 I sf i I I AfoVo pptf inci our money TWA is giving its people a million dollar bonus if they can make you happier than any other airline. And you students are going to help make sure we put the money in the right pockets. When you fly TWA, you'll get a ballot. Write in the names of the TWA people who gave you super service. Drop your ballot into any of the bonus boxes you'll find at all of our terminals. candidates t , - - V . J: I 1 ' ' ' ' , I I Timothy Kincaid suggests numbers' very helpful in these areas. He proposes several things to help remedy the problem. There should be more discussion between ASUN and the Board of Regents. ASUN officials should attend weekly Hyde Park sessions to talk with students. Possi bly a press conference-type meeting could be started, where students and the press could find out what's going on in ASUN. ASUN can become a very effective group on campus, Kincaid continued, if the organization exploits all channels of communication including demonstrations. DEMONS T It A HONS SHOW student Involvement, he said. They can be quite effective. Of course, they must be peaceful to the ex tent that no damage is done to people or property. Another area where ASUN should improve its com munications is with the Continued on Page 4 if does you flio most good. A Brent 'ASUN innovating The old ASUN is dead, but the new ASUN is just coming to life, according to Brent Skinner, candidate for se cond vice president. "The organization that tries to do everything and thinks it can is gone," Skin ner said. "ASUN should be an innovating force. It should be synonomous with students." The organization should provide services for students, he continued. Already it is providing lots of services that many students don't even know about. For instance, Skinner is the head of the ASUN's outstate speakers bureau, which send groups of students to talk to various groups and meetings. Many outstate Nebraskans are not familiar with the University and its students. The outstate speakers bureau can do a lot to pro mote understanding and 1 i i ' ' - ' yt1 1 .1 . "Ti T : T " r I MM n .1 IIIIUI IWBHWJIJIIW.CMIIi-Lilll I I II And we'll see that those people get rewarded with some of that money. Now, for a change, you can have a chinas to grade others on their work. Cur peopta make you hepps We make them happy. PAGE 5 K. :L 11.. SJdnner should bd d 1 sseminate information, Skinner said. More importantly ASUN must realize its restriction, he continued. Each student is an individual. And that means a many individual questions and opelnions. ASUN should also be cm cerned about its constitution,, according to Skinner, a native of Wisner, Neb. East Campus, where Skinner resides, is just starting to get involved in ASUN activities, he said. Reapportionment if important to East Campus. It should go through. However the candidate if agains the amendment ta the present constitution which will be on the April 30 spring election ballot. , . "The constitution would ba cluttered," he pointed out. "We should wait until fall and have a whole new con vention. The whole constitu tion should be revised." i II ' r i . , j V f ' 'i i ( v,::. " III 111 H I. I power til VV .'; an 4aVWwMUUMM&. 1 ,j i