oT I! FRIDAY APRIL 18, 1969 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA VOL. 92, NO. 92 if HQ XT o J Queue for demonstration ... as University students in support of black students demands for relevant pro grams filled administration hallway Thursday. '4 ja'- ' all ' ' V M v ' ' i .... C ' ' ; : Xr ;I .- '. ' -THmrttiiii'-ur-M J-,.y..f...i.a.;vi..;. .v. s. ..t ,t Wayne Williams, president of the Afro-American Collegiate Society on the University cam pus, said he is satisfied at this point that adequate channels of communication have finally been opened between administration and black students as a result of three days of demon strations this week. ML Ms $ V J.:V W p - -v:., ?r- ;r";r, -- Demonstration participants march to the Administration Building prior to their sit-in Thursday. Party labels banned from ballot: vote 4-1 Shades of the deep dark past In University student politics erupted Tuesday as erstwhile A SUN presidential candidate Bob Zuckcr lost a bid to Include party affiliations on the AStIN election ballot. The ASUN Student Court Justices voted 4-1 to uphold Electoral Com missioner John McColltster'g ruling that party designations would be ban ned from the April 30 election. The trial was held In the Law Col lege moot court room, with the five Justices presiding high above the "in formal" proceedings. Discussion revolved mainly around the involvement of "tradition" as a basis for inclusion of the names. Counsels John Tlwald and Larry lonat, representing Zucker and his party, argued since the party names had been printed "for the past two or three years," McCollkster should include them this time. ZUCKER TESTIFIED THAT he had gathered supporters "uhder the premise that names would be on the ballot." When tin defense noted that 'slim r : (I ka Zucker's party had filed at 4 p.m. Tuesday for official organizational status, Zucker attempted to justify this by correlating the functions of Electorate '69 with an ASUN com mittee. The plaintiff also attempted to prove that the Electoral Commission members were Involved In a conflict of Interest problem since members of the commission knew of the ex istence of Zucker's party before the rules were made. Sue Houchln, candidate for Senate with Electorate '69, testified that McCollister had spoken "unfavorably" of Electorate '69 before the com mission had Issued the campaign rules. MISS IIOUC1IIN testified that after the announcement, while driving home from a Kosmet Kiub party, McCollister had said to her, "I gue&s I screwed your party to the wall. The Electoral Commission's counsel, Bill Harding, cross-examined, establishing that "liquid refreshment" had been served at the party previous to the statement. Black students, administration meet; Regent talk scheduled for Saturday by John Dvorak Nebraskan Staff Writer Black student leaders met for almost two hours with University ad ministrators Thursday afternoon, while more than 200 other demonstrators sat quietly along the first floor of- the administration building. Wayne Williams, leader of the demonstration, Lonetta Harrold and Ron Lee met behind closed doors with Dean of Student Affairs G. Robert Ross, Lincoln Campus President Joseph Soshnik and Dr. Russell H. Brown, associate dean of student af fairs. "WE'VE CLARIFIED some things," said Brown. "It helped to get things out. There have been some misunderstandings." "I'm glad we had it," said Ross. "We heard first hand the concerns of the students." Williams said after the conference that the involved parties are somewhat in agreement. "We have a lot of things to learn, and they have a lot of things to learn," he said. What is important, he continued, is Hodgcll quits as director of architecture by John Dvorak Nebruskan Staff Writer The Director of the School of Architecture, Dr. Murlin R. Hodgell, has resigned effective July 1, but he refuses at this time to officially disclose his reasons for leaving the University. The Board of Regents nt Its meeting Saturday are expected to act on the resignation, Hodgell said. He In dicated that he might discuss his resignation more fully next week. NO SUCCESSOR has been named, although it has been learned that the Regents will name Homer L. Puderbaugh, professor of achltec ture, as acting head of the school. The Nebraskan has o!so learned that a committee, composed at least partly of faculty members will prob ably be Involved in the selection of a new director. The Oklahoma University Board of Regents announced Thursday after noon that Hodgell has been appointed director of the University o t Oklahoma school of architecture and dean-designate of the new college of environmental design, which is being developed at that school. "Dr. Hodgell Is a man of national stature," said Timothy L. McGlnty, assistant professor of architecture. "The school is suffering a great loss." During his five years as director of the Nebraska School of Architec ture, Hodgell has received national attention for his leadership in broadened concepts of education for the environmental' design pro fessions. In 19G8, he pioneered a new pro fessional curriculum in Construction Science which has been acclaimed by the construction industry as the best of its typa in the country, that lines of communication have been opened. Another meeting involving students and administrators will be held Monday. Friday administrators will meet with Dean of Faculties C. Peter Magrath to discuss black faculty members and a black studies program. The students will meet Saturday with the Board of Regents in Omaha. WILLIAMS IS satisfied at this point with progress. The administration will have to do something now, he said. They realize they "can't put us aside anymore." The demonstrations, which have been held for three straight afternoons, are over for now. The third demonstration was peaceful throughout, as Williams had ordered at the start. "Keep it quiet," he said. "Don't start any stuff. The first brother that starts anything is going to get spiked in the head," he said. After marching outside briefly, the students quietly entered the ad ministration building and lined the halls. For more than two hours they waited. Lee Chatfield, associate dean of student affairs, commented several times during the demonstration how quiet the students were. After the conference they dispersed. ALL OF THE demands of the students were discussed and several were apparently resolved. The Office of Student Affairs is planning an ex tensive news release next week con cerning progress on each demand. The first two concerns, involving recognition and utilization of the Afro American Collegiate Society, were solved, Williams said. From now on, all action will be conducted through the Society, he said. However, Ross said that the Society has always been involved with a variety of things. Scholarship aid for minority students is also a major demand of the students. They want the Universi ty to increase black enrollment by 200 by next fall. f ' "DR. SOSHNIK does not like to deal with specific numbers and dates." Williams said. Soshnik said that the University would use its best efforts to increase black enrollment. An expansion of the tuition waiver programs will be presented to the Board of Regents Saturday. Ross said he hopes the Regents will approve the recommendation. If that recommendation is approved, all students currently on the program would continue and 20 new grants per year for three years would be add ed. ' Money is basically the problem, Ross said. An additional $40,000 is Amended IFC pledge contract formulated by eight houses by Jim Pcderseii Nebraskan Satff Writer Eight University fraternities have drawn up a pledge education contract which Is different in some respects from the contract originally approved by IFC and which they Intend to pre sent to the council next Wednesday. The proposed contract would delete specific practices prohibited in the standing contract. It would also make revocation of the contract by IFC more difficult and inspection pro cedures would be more detailed. The houses principally involved in writing the new contract are Alpha Tau Omega, Sigma Chi, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Kappa PsI, Sigma Phi Eosllon, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Alpha Mu and Theta Xi. IN THE CLAUSE dealing with haz lug, the eight houses propose that all mention of specific practices such as physical shocks, treasure hunts and Hyde Park covers racism, by Bill Sinltherman Nebraskan Staff Writer Hot tempers, shouting and catcalls punctuated Thursday's Hyde Park. Issues raised ranged from racism to fraternities to the necessity of a language requirement. The discussion began with the E mentation of the platform of tha tudent Independent Party. Ray Vavak, SIP presidential candidate, was first to speak. "Those of you who are not willing to battle middle class values in the educational system should not join us," Vavak said. He continued that the party would ba sueces'ul g )t Three days of demonstrations by members and supporters of the Afro-American Collegiate Society today led to a meeting with University Lincoln Campuses President Dr. Joseph Soshnik, when Lonetta Harrold, Wayne Williams, and Ron Lee presented a list of black students' grievances. needed. Private foundation and federal government possibilities are being considered. The University should make a greater attempt to recruit black students to the campus, Williams said. The black students were asked to join with teams of staff members who are currently visiting Nebraska high schools. WILLIAMS, HOWEVER, w a s notified over spring vacation that recruiting would begin the Monday that classes resumed. He was unable to contact sufficient numbers of recruiters over vacation when many black students were out of town. Then the date was moved up to the Friday of vacation. Another major demand of the black students is the hiring of a black counselor and a black coordinator. In a press statement released im mediately after the conference, Ross said "active and vigorous efforts are being made to locate sources of financial support of a staff person to work primarily with minority groups." Again, funding is the major pro blem, Ross said. Williams agreed, saying that the Society recognizes that funds are limited. "They said once before that they had the money," Williams said. "We recommended Tom Windham (a Nebraska Wesleyan psychology teacher) for a counselor position but they said he was not fit to work in administration." Ross has an appointment early next week with Windham. Several other people, both inside and outside the University, are being considered for the job. line-ups be deleted. The new contract would retain that part of the clause which says that "hazing will be pro hibited where hazing is . , . mental or physical discomfort, embarrass ment or ridicule." The proposed contract, however, would add a sentence which says that all pledges will be treated as "mature and intelligent college men." "Specifics sometimes get a little too specific," according to Lee Polikov, vice-president of IFC and a member of Sigma Alpha Mu, who has worked on the alternative contract. "Some line-ups can bo constructive, but the IFC-endorsed contract outlaws all line-ups." U is an insult to the intelligence of the members of the houses that the contract prohibits mental and physical hazing and then lists numerous practices, he added Thurs day. "IP A RUSIIEE sees all the specific negative practices listed he must only made people think about the condition of their society. , THE PURPOSE of the party's pro gram, as presented by vice presiden tial candidate Randy Prier, is to reform the educational system so that its primary focus will be on the in dividual. To accomplish this purpose the platform proposed several pro grams: That the University should offer a new course: The Function of a University and the Meaning of Education. A reassessment and devaluation of all introductory courses. y 7u 4ta r "They've recommended local peo ple," Williams continued. "We hava contacts in Los Angeles and Denver. If the University is interested it could help us follow through with these contacts." Ross said that possibly a part time graduate assistant for the remainder of the academic year In the Counsel ing Center could be hired using ex isting hourly funds. At this point, he said, there is no funding and no job. ANOTHER DEVELOPMENT to come out of the conference is the public review sessions, which will be held every two weeks until the end of the academic year. Black students and administrators will attend the meetings, Roas said. Any and all programs affecting the black students will then be review ed. "If progress is not satisfactory, we are going to scream all over them," Williams said. "If they say one thing and do another, they'll put their foot in their mouth." Only two meetings at the most will be held before the end of the semester. This is strictly a tactic on their part, Williams said. But at least no one will be able to say that the issues are being hushed up. "WE'RE NOT asking for miracles, said Williams, a senior in law college. "We realize that time is needed and money is scarce. But we just want to see some concrete progress." "If students come back to school in the fall and see that proposals have not been developed and the situation has not improved, this campus is going to blow up," Williams em phasized. wonder if they will happen to him and he has no way of knowing whether it will or won't," John Russell, past president of Sigma Chi said. "But if he sees a positive statement to the effect that he will be treated as a mature and intelligent in dividual," he continued, "then he has some guarantee that the pledge training will be constructive." "We want some safeguards on in spection," Stu Sorcnson, Phi Delta Theta president, said in explaining why inspection procedures are tightened in the new contract. "WE WANT to prevent the ex ecutive committee from visiting houses every day until they finally catch someone violating the contract," he added. "For this reason a stipula tion was added that the executive must be accompanied by the IFC ad visor." if the executive committee an ticipates a violation, they can get an Continued on page 4 fraternities The foreign language and physical education requirements be dropped. The University offer law enforce ment courses to all po t n 1 1 a 1 policemen. (Prler added that these courses "should not train police to swing a club, but how to deal with human beings"). " THAT STUDENTS should be able to receive a degree on pass-fail. That a religion department should be formed by the University, That a new department should be formed dealing with contemporary life, such as violence, drugs and human relations. Continued m Page 1 B B if sal i 1 7 i i i II; 8 I A "a y 1; I I I 4. r I x 1 i ! . I 1