I i ? . PAGE:3 ! ! THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1969 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Singh cites needs for m inority voice by Susie Jenkins Nebraskan Staff Writer Foreign students at the University ere usually graduate students, fairly ur nvolved with any campus activities 01 !side of their major f iesds. Malaysian Bacchitar Singh is an exception. He is the first foreign stu snt in recen; years to run for ASUN Student Senate as a candidate from the college of arts and sciences. "I'm not running just to represent foreign students but I know more about them because I am one," Singh said. "I come from a place where there 's need for such organization but no opportunity to let yourself go," he said. "This is not to say I am a miracle worker. Being a good senator takes guts and hard work." MINORITIES ON campus have never been given a chance to take part m University decision making, Singh said. "Whites have set up the Human Nights committee, but the minorities have not gotten Involved in working on their own problems," he said. "Any group can have reasonable power if they are united and organized. In dividuals are insignificant. To succeed you must have the group." Singh criticized recent student demonstrators for disorganization and the University officials for being un rrepared to cope with potential prob lems. "Things are going to come here, but revolution is the last straw, not the first," Singh said. "Kids here haven't been exposed to the problems of student power, and they don't know what's coming . . ." "STUDENTS DESERVE to have power clear to the reasonable limits, but demonstrations don't give you the quietness of the mind," he said. "This is not a battlefield. Revolutions need organizing step- by step," he warn ed, Singh predicted that major pro blems would come to the University because of unpreparedness. "Such movements always start with innocent things." he said. "There has been a 15-year lapse in progress, and it just takes too long to catch up. "For any new change, 'you have to sacrifice a generation. Maybe we are it," he said. "The faculty (and administration) is too scared because we know what we want." SINGH SAID noted that problems on campuses have arisen because THE UNDERTAKERS Winners KOMA Battle of the Bands Appearing At THE ELMS CLUB S Miles West en "0" Street Friday. April 18th 9 p.m. -1 a.m. Ask tfflne 2618 graduates who joined ae Industry leader last year about Etaa. LmnyiNnit Attn. Ak for "Tour Own Thing" youf l'lrm-nt OfTV An Kqual Opportunity Bmoloyrr nd A Plant tut FniM Company. LIFE 81 while the environment has changed, books and teaching ideas generally have not. "This is a university by name, not by character," he said. Singh urged that a step-by-step method is necessary to improve the University. This is whv he is running for senate, he said. Like many American students, 6ingh noted that apathy and lack of communication hinders Student Senate power. 'ASUN IS now a paper tiger," he said. "Senators get elected and then forget the students who elected them." He also thought that the majority of American students "don't know what's going on" in regard to student givernment. "I asked some American students to help with my campaign and found out they don't even know what ASUN is," he said. Singh hopes to bring the senate to the students by holding meetings and in the dorms and conducting question answer sessions involving all the senators if he is elected. "WHEN YOU see things in front of your eyes, you become involved," he said. "But if you're looking for miracles, there are no miracles." Singh hopes to attract students to involvement "in their minds," because those who are emotionally involved forget ideas. "Once you get someone bugged In his mind, he's going to think," he said. "Student leaders here are either cynical about the Nebraska attitude, or simply study here and leave the state. It's a real brain drainage," he said. The University is a stage for real life, Singh said. Students should use it to develop ideas and themselves. "Knowledge is power," he said. "Without it we are just lumps of skin and bones." 6 Tribunal posts open to jrs., srs. The Student Tribunal will be holding interviews for new members on Sun day, April 20, according to Lynn Sti'ngley, chairman. Six members will be chosen. There will be four seniors and two juniors. The applications are available in Ad ministration 207. mmmt i ji mi .nil- uniiiini mill ill Even iEtm can't be everybody'! thing. But for any graduate with an interest in people and an inquisitive mind, a career with ui can stretch your capabilities. Helping people is our kind of thing. After all that's what insurance is all about. If it's also yours, we have opportunities in three basic areas 'administrative, analytical or sales management. And we need engineering and business graduates as well as liberal arts people. , At tna, our business U selling insurance. But our concern is people. J CUR CONCERN S FtOfVi CASUALTY : ? it" r t ;;vr - v-. f ; Y ' v; --v'-" A I It A $ . " i I 1 V f . " . s S V. I ' . s I f f f ' ' , XV $F ' fI : $ r 1 rf m T - i &., 'HtWMi "i-ft - - -.1 J ylJ Ut.l'L- 11 1 -- n f Bachittar Singh, the first foreign student ever to file for ASUN senate, gives his views on student life. Quiz bowl plans current events match A current events quiz bowl including questions on the Nixon administration and Black America will be held at Hyde Park Thursday, April 24. The eight quiz bowl positions will be open to the audience, according to Liz Lueder, quiz bowl vice president. Also on April 24 any quiz bowl team that has played during the year can compete in a challenge match. Challenges should be turned Into the quiz bowl mailbox as soon as possible, Miss Lueder said. In the future quiz bowl matches will be televised on channel 9, a closed circuit station. litsj:ff' H(3 ,' IMGetTttscmirtsitn iintmrn ! , Colombian photography exhibited Viewis of the country and people of Colombia, South America, will be displayed in a photography exhibit scheduled to run from April 22 through May 18 in the Sheldon Art Gallery's Print Study. The photographers are an American couple, Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Waugh, who have lived In Colombia since 1961 where he is director of the Rockefeller Agricultural Pro gram. The major theme of Waugh's photography is Colombian agriculture, while his wife has a deep interest in a unique type of Colombian pottery. mmmm 5 ! 1 unite Ml!?) Cepitol Records, I no. 1 750 N. Vina, Hollywood 90028 Plstss snd m sorns Osexlnslaws. Ths looking at kind, not th Hstsnlng to kind. Offer axplres May 1, 1960. t WkMSMaWMWaMMkaatWMWWHaMaM Nsma , . , City Stat Yale faculty removes ROTC academic credit (IP.) The Yale College faculty recently voted to remove academic credit from the Army and Navy Reserve Officers Training Corps pro gram and proposed that ROTC be given the status of extra-curricular activities. .The two ROTC commanding officers at Yale, Colonel Richard R Irving, of the Army unit, and CaDtain Williams E. Simmons, of the Navy, have expressed concern about the future of ROTC programs here without academic credit. Both have predicted a decrease in ROTC enroll ment possibly to a point where the Department of Defense would not consider it worthwhile to continue units at Yale. Another issue is whether ROTC can continue legally without academic credits. Federal regulations call for "appropriate academic credit" from the colleges and universities where ROTC units are based. Many feel, however, that a com promise can be worked out. Regular college courses with academic credit, such as in engineering, history, and Daily Nebraskan Classified Advertising ur...J, ' Chtvy Impsls Tudor Coup. 3Zt tu. naniea. )V Fnton Shttl Chrom. Rim, RAC T ; ; , Teh. Ptrftct condition. WO0.M. call Walter and waltrau. Ago 20 25. Full 4772271 tlma or parttlm a, day or avanlngt. Call for appointment. W-VM. nst M0A- Ntw T,rM. Run, food. CoH : 432-0631 oftar 1:00 p.m. Collega man. Summar ot. Minimum - SI200. Inf.rvl.wt at the Old '.Vest Room. 1?M Kawd 120 c.C. cycle. 17M mltet, Lincoln Hotel. 1:30, 3:00-4:30. Friday excellent condition. 434205 evaninst. only, April II. - Wanted: Companion for MInl-Brufe to MlKfOailtOWl take Mlnl-Tour. Call Bill Mowbray BulckJpel, 434-M7. Reward $100 for Information loading to return of CLI50 Honda. Stolen from For Sola Harper Hall. Contact room 5. ART STUDENTS. Small thoR (ntoiTtted Dryer, Hamilton automatic gat. Old, in selling original art work and craft worka perfectly. S40. 423-4443. on consignment. 2744 South St. Call 423-3277. 140 Ford convertible, must tell. Very good condition. Phil Fteilfer. 4774061. Ex-tecretary wltnet typing. My hem. Proficient grammar and tootling. 421- STEREO BARGAINSI From now until 49U. May lit, choose from ACMIRAL, -- MASTERWORK and GENERAL ELEC- partyland Outdoor-Indoor pertle and TRIC stereos, components, and tape hayrldet. Dale Jeffrey, Ttt-2744. equipment. ALL AT CLOSE OUT PRICESI Here't lust one example: l(arn tn( martial arts telf detente, Masterwork M-48O0 component stereo iud0 karate. Four hours free Inttruc- tystem . . . AMFM tuner ... 20 fk)n- visitors welcome. College ttvdenta wotti of power ... 4 speakers . . . K M , q,, rttM( gijMIO.OO J hh4BSR ,urn,obl tov,f i month. Private or group Inatructlon. List price ' J24 00 0oOT 1 , m- ,0 ,0 B m- d,y ciutprice-::v:.v.v.v.v 188.00 Th.il-m;i5in ch001 " Jud0- 10 student discount 18.80 S34 No. 27th. 412-240?. YOU PAY ONLY 169.90 - Alto choose from our stock of used Electric copying. Feet tervteo. Term TVt, combinations and stereos. $40 and papers, theses, dissertations. Call 4t- up. JS2. ttti and R Street Parking. 17.00 month. Typlnn. Experienced, fast, dependable, Call 432-4471. electric typewriter. 434-4144. LM mm COMPLETE PRICE FOR ROUND TRIP FARE CHICAGO TO LONDON WITH MEALS and DRINKS ABOARD BOTH FLIGHTS! NASA National Association of Studsnt Activities This lummgr lan to t to luropt an Hawkeyt Studant Pliflkts' All First Clots itt Iqulpmtnt Summar Flight, iton-itf from Chicot o to london and non-stop raturn. We now offtr two flights to lvo yoo your chalco of law cast, top quality travel plans. Too may leave on Juno 13 and rtturn on August IS, or yoa May loonra on Juno 1 and raturn on August 16. Act row to gat In on tfco lowast cost at flight to luropa this summer. Membership ts limlttd! $30.00 dtpotlt duo upon application, balance Is duo by May 1, In tha avtnt yew wish to concol, dtposlt Is rotund ablo op to May 1, 1969. Bttooso of tntar-compus coordination, this flight nttos no minimum numbar to fly! FILL OUT tho Application lolow and Mail TODAY Rocoipt will bo sont by return mail: NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Of STUDENT ACTIVITIES P.O. Box 445 Iowa City, Iowa S2240 Gentlemen. Enclosed is my deposit and application to re serve seats on the summer European flight with departure on Juno 13 or 21. I have enclosed $ (Partial or full) payment. I understand that this Is only an application to reserve space, and shall agree that thi application shall not have been accepted unless notified by a formal notice of confirmation by HAWKEYE STUDENT FLIGHTS or its representative agent. I also under stand that in order to participate in this flight, I must bt a student. Name , Address ,. , Phong..,,. , NAMES OF OTHERS GOING. Name Address Phong ............ Name Address.... Phong For additional applications or Information calh CRAB WULF, your on Campus NASA Rep. at 432 S30S Zona political science, might be acceptable as ROTC courses. Another issue concerns the faculty rank of the commanding officers. Both Captain Irving and Captain Simmons ete listed as Professors at Yale, faculty apDointment required by federal regulations. The Yale faculty proposal calls for an altered status for the commanding officers, objecting that such arbitrary appointments by an outside agency violates the university's control over all faculty appointments and promo tions. April Foolishness slated for Saturday April Foolishness will be presented by Selleck Quadrangle on Sat., April 19, at 7:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union ballroom, according to Sandl Renken, co-director. The free Foolishness will include four skits and three travelers acts. Emcees are Para Shepherd am Pete Chapman. The other director is Claude Bolton. TO 1Q!J2E ONLY 275.00 V. h Mr a I i a '!7 1- 4'S S3 1 Mi I ,( Vfe H n I' s H K i n J i I i : it 'it ! ! I ; .1, 1 V