7 1 1 o ' SlDudl The THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1969 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA VOL. 92, NO. 91 Demonstrations mark protests students find requests administrative tokenism 9 'Black IS Vi ir-A I met by - ... I r ' A ! ' li--" f J f.. N 5 TV. K k. y yTy Jvj5 I u; 5 f If i t r-m .-v feuri'i si .- n . . k . Bricks symbolizing power accompany students on their march around the Administration Building during the demonstration. ft x ) Chanting "Burn, baby burn," Tf nlpA&( J i o unwersi 0 by Jim Pedenen Nebraskan Staff Writer if Individual fraternities refuse to let the Interfraterniiy Council (IFC) sot pledge training guidelines through the pledge education contract, the University administration will set these guidelines, according to Joe Vo borll, 1KC president. "Fraternities exist here because the University allows them to," Voboril suld Monday. "Any time they abuse it heir rljjlrt by continuing outmoded and negative pledge training prac-. ees, for example, the University has every right to kick fraternities off campus." Voboril made these and other com ments In light of the possibility that several fraternities Intend to break with IFC on the pledge contract Issue, and write a contract of their own to be displayed during Rush Week. J DOUBT IF the rumor has any validity," he added. "1 would be surprised if a member of IFC would take such action." Voboril Indicated that he Is uncer tain as to what action IFC would take if the houses try to draw up their own contract. The IFC does have the power to reprimand member houses. "Even those houses who have disagreed with parts of the contract uavt seen merits la most of it," students ignite a cardboard coffin system is dead." Contract f j&s&&Jra& Voboril said. "I don't think thpy would do something which could lead to a loss of power In IFC and thn placing of that power In the hands of the administration." IF IFC DOESN'T set guidelines for all fraternities it is rendered useless, Voboril said. According to Voboril, the existing situation Is analogous to events which occurred In the l50's when the ad ministration asked IFC and Panhellenic to compose their own housing and health code. "The administration asked for a Greek housing code for three con secutlve years, but IFC and Panhellenic did not adopt one," he continued. "Finally, the administra tion imposed a code on houses, and now Inspect houses on their standards. "The analogy to pledge training is obvious. The administration Is telling IFC that they have a problem with pledge training, and since they have the power to solve the problem they bad Better do something about It. "We are taking some action In the form of the pledge contract. If we don't find a solution to the problem, the administration will find one for us." According to Voboril, a feasible lino of action for the administration would be to put residence advisers in the bouses along with house mothers. by John Dvorak Nebraskan Staff Writer Black students at the University are calling for a black counselor and a black coordinator, among other things, but their requests have con tinually been met by tokenism and rebuff by the administration, ac cording to Wayne Williams, president of the Afro-American Collegiate Society. Demonstrations Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon around the ad ministration building were designed to "focus public attention upon the ineffectiveness and insensitivity of the administration," said Williams, who plans to lead a third demonstration Thursday afternoon. "We've been put off and put off." said the senior law student. "We sub mitted a list of 20 concerns and recommendations. They were glanced at and pushed aside." Dean of Student Affairs Dr. G. Robert Ross appointed a task force to study t h e recommendations, Williams continued. The task force wrote a report and then "patted themselves on the back for it," he said. ' ONE OF THE recommendations of that task force was the employment of a black counselor. The students were told that money was im mediately available, and they could name someone for the post. The black students recommended Tom Windham, a psychology pro fessor at Nebraska Wesleyan, for ihe job, Williams said. Windham is cur rently finishing work on a Ph.D. The University administration re jected Windham, without officially giving a reason, Williams continued. The administration, however, did not ' 7 r; bearing the inscription "the Violated "THEY WOULD BE responsible to the office of student affairs," Voboril said. "If they observed bad pledge training practices, they would report to the administration, not IFC." Almost every local chapter 13 pro hibited from employing the negative practices named In the IFC pledge contract by their national constitu tions, he added. These practices are also prohibited by the IFC, the University and possibly local chapter constitutions. "We just want houses to follow the rules they already have," Voboril continued, "The pledge contract is just a re-statement of established policy." Voboril admitted that there are few constructive suggestions In the con tract and added that the contract Is just a small step In the right direction towards developing a constructive program. "Most houses won't argue that haz ing pledge programs have any merit," according to Voboril. "They refuse to teu rushees they subscribe to these practices, but Uiey claim once the pledge is going through the program he likes It." "We would like the houses who won't sign the pledge contract to come out and say Just what does constitute their pledge training programs," Voboril said. have anyone else in mind for the job. "This was the first confrontation," Williams said. "We want to choose the man, provided he has the creden tials. We're not going to put a clown in there." Windham, who spoke at the Dr. Martin Luther King memorial service last month, is too outspoken to be acceptable to the administration, Williams said. LATE WEDNESDAY afternoon, Windham confirmed that the black students had approached him about the job. The possibility still exists that he will be able to work at the University. "Apparently there has been some hangup in the administra tion about me," he said. Windham, who said he is not particularly seeking a job, plans to meet Thursday with University of ficials, including Dr. Harry Canon, director of the Counseling Center. Windham said he is "vague" as to what will be discussed at the meeting. Associate Dean of Student Affairs Lee W. Chatfield said Wednesday that it is a national trend for black students to want to name ad ministrators. "I don't know the man (Windham), and I've never met him," Chatfield said. Chatfield emphasized that the entire area of black students and demonstrations is not his area of con cern. He is functioning as the senior member of the Office of Students Af fairs. Dr. Russell II. Brown, associate dean of students affairs, and Ross have been out of town, although they were expected back Wednesday evening. THERE IS only one black person in the University administration, Joe L. Butler. Butler works with many students, not just black students. He also works with foreign students. "One of the reasons we want Tom Windham now is that Butler is leav ing," said Williams. "He (Butler) has done an adequate job as far as he is able to do." Butler, while working full time, has been pursuing a masters degree. He will receive the degree at the end of the summer and take a post as chaplain of a hospital in Tennessee. "Besides being a family man and a graduate student, the University has him going around and doing a lot of garbage work," Williams said. "Blacks need somebody full time." Butler said that as an admini strator, he has not been too well received by the black students. It is the nature of the job, Butler said. There is generally a distrust of authority. BUTLER STRESSED that his job was not specifically designed to help black students. "There are things I can do that are legitimate and mean ingful. There are things I can do as an administrator that could not be done by someone outside the ad ministration." "I have heard that some of the students do hate me," Butler said. "1 have been called an Uncle Tom to my face. But it's part of the job, and I try to understand it." Board rejects Zucker grade appeal waiver The University Student Affairs Sub commltte on Student Activities and Organizations Wednesday rejected an appeal by Bob Zucker, A SUN presidential candidate, that the 2.0 grade average requirement for participation in an activity be waived In his case. Zucker, whose average Is slightly below the required 2.0, Indicated that he will carry his appeal to the whole Student Affairs Committee. The Sub-committee on Activities, which is chaired by Dean Helen Snyder, Is composed of five faculty members and two students. The vote on Zucker's appeal was 4-1 with Dean Snyder, as chairman, not voting and one member of the sub-committee absent. According to Dr. Phil Scrlbner, a member of the sub-committee, an ex ception to the 2.0 rule was Interpreted by the committee to be acceptable only if the student's average had been visibly affected by illness to himself or a death In the family or something comparable. If Zucker Is not successful In any further appeals, the presidential can didates remain Bill Chalotipka and Ray Vavak. The other two candidates on Zucker's executive slate are Richard Page, first vice-president, ami Stove Tiwaid, second vice-prcsideai. Protesting a lack of action by the administration on concerns of Negro students, participants chant in unison to arouse public sentiment in favor of their requests in a demonstration on the Administration Building lawn. There is a definite need for a black counselor and a black coordinator, Butler commented. The second major concern of the black students is financial aid to minority groups, particularly blacks, Williams said. A tuition waiver program was begun last year for the first time. Twenty minority students were admitted under the idea. Sixteen were black, two were Indians and two were Mex icans. THESE STUDENTS were actively solicited because they did not have the grades and-or the money to attend the University, Williams said. "The students needed counseling, assistance and tutoring.'-' Williams said. "But they were given nothing. They were just left." "You just can't bring kids out of the ghetto and leave them on their own." Williams continued. "They're not making it grade wise." Another assistance program for students is the Educational Op portunity Grant. Federal funds help send needy students to college. Last Faculty Senate accepts campus by Sue Pettey Nebraskan Staff W riter The University Faculty Senate Tuesday approved the proposed policy statement on campus disorders which was drawn up by a faculty-student committee. Dean Helen Snyder presented the statement and observed that the University at present has no policy statement on disorders other than a general one which appears in the campus handbook. She added that in some cases, "Disruptive action has been intensified by the lack of definite policy statements." THE DOCUMENT calls for the prevention of violence or the use of force In demonstrations and the pro tection from interference with University operations. The statement set up guidelines for dealing with disruptive action, with the University to follow procedures of discussion, notification of violation of University regulations: the use of institutional sanctions; and when all other means fail, the use of extra-institutional forces to handle the situa tion. The proposed statement also assures the right of Individuals to be granted hearings on University policy. The Senate debated one clause of the statement which would stipulate that the University must reach a decision on any students who are sanctioned within five days or the sanctions would be dissolved. THE PROVISION would assure that students could not be suspended for Indefinite periods of time. The period could be abandoned by mutual consent if both parties believe that tempers are still too hot for the accused to have a fair hearing. Some faculty members believed that the five-day clause was too restrictive However, the document was passed unanimously to avoid having to send it back to other bodies which have approved it. THE POLICY statement has already been approved by the faculty committee on Student Affairs and ASUN. The Faculty Senate will send the proposal to the board of Regents for final approval before the state ment becomes official University semester several hundred students were admitted under the plan. Five were black. This is tokenism, charged Williams. Enrollment should be doubled by next fall. OTHER PROGRAMS to aid minority students have met with failure, Williams continued. For in stance Dr. Edward E. Lundak, direc tor of scholarships and financial aids, mailed 500 post cards to Omaha high school students last semester en couraging them to attend NU. Only 15 replied, Williams said. Placards carripd by demonstrators Tuesday and Wednesday also 11- lustrated the concerns. "Poverty students deceived by NU scholarship programs. Why?" said one sign. Another read. "Black students de mand a say in the selection of a black coordinator at NU NOW. third placard said, "We want the counselor we were promised. Windham is the man we now not next year." Continued on page 4 black Tom want disorder policy The Senate also voted on two faculty members to take positions on the Committee on Human Rights. Can didates were Paul A. Olson, professor of English; Alfredo Roldan, associate professor of economics; Jack Siegman, assistant professor o f sociology; Ivan Volgyes, assistant professor of political science; Patrick Wells, associate professor of pharmacology; and Howard Wiegers, associate professor of poultry science. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes will serve a term of two years, with the faculty member receiving the next highest number serving a one-year term. Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinuf On campus 1 today j The second lecturer In the 199 Centennial Lecturers Series supported by the department of romance languages and literature will be Pro lessor Juris Sllenleks, according to dept. chairman Roberto Esquenazi Mayo. Sllenleks chairman of the department ot modern languages at Carnegie-Mellon University In Pittsburgh. Pa., will give his lecture on "Cesulre and Gllsxant: Two Caribbean Playwrights" at 2:30 p.m. In Burnett Hall, room 108. Young Democrats The University will meet In the Nebraska Union nt 7:30 p.m. drive for to organize a fund-raising the Uncoln Committee to Keep Blafrnns Alive. The meeting will feature a film and speakers on the Nlgerlan-Uiafran conflict. Anyone In terested may attend. The Student Independent Party will announce Its full nlatonn at Hyde Park on Thursday, April 17. In addition to the explanation of the platform, the party speakers, the presidential and vice presidential candidates, will ask for the help ot the people In the audience In the campaign. S.I.P. will be holding a meeting In the Union at 9 p.m. Thurs day, April 17. All interested pmons w ill be welcome. ft 1 it P 55; If 3 s4 ! i ' 3 5-1 '1 s I' a S 3 V- " ; v i i t : 1 .