The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 31, 1969, Image 1
O n OD UCL rrTv ouu MONDAY, MARCH 31, 1969 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN VOL. 29, No. 87 ASUN constitution fails to gain approval, turnout insufficient to validate election by John Dvorak Nebraskan Staff Writer Less than half the required number of students voted in Friday's referen dum on the proposed ASUN constitu tion. Student leaders do not agree on why the turnout was so small or what will happen to the proposed constitu tion. Only 1,273 students voted on the proposed ASUN constitution, ac cording to John S. McCollister, elec tion commissioner. At least 2,700 voters were needed to make the elec tion valid. . .OF THOSE VOTING 1,098 were in favor of the new constitution, and 154 were against. McCollister pointed out that 7.2 per cent of the students on the Lincoln campuses voted. The failure of the proposed con stitution to gain ratification means that elections for next year's ASUN senate and executives will be con ducted under the current apportion ment system by colleges. "No one cared to know about the election." ASUN Senator Tim Kincaid said. "There was a lack of interest combined with satisfaction of the present system." Several fraternities and sororities were told not to vote in favor of the constitution, Kincaid continued. Many Greeks didn't want to see the present system changed. A change would have hurt the Greeks more than any other group, he charged. KINCAID SAID that part of the blame must rest with ASUN ex ecutives. "I didn't see (ASUN presi dent) Mike Naeve or (first-vice-president) Tom Morgan out campaigning like they should have." he said. Perhaps certain other ASUN people were more interested in the upcoming spring election than in the constitu tional referendum, Kincaid suggested. "At first, we felt it would be an easy victory for the constitution," Kincaid said. AT NOON on Friday, he went to the polling table and discovered that only 150 students had voted. With the assistance of several other students, Kincaid then printed some leaflets urging students to vote in favor of the constitution. Another student visited every classroom in Oldfather Hall urging students to get out and vote. Sunday afternoon, Naeve said that he had been out of town since Friday. After being informed of the election results, Naeve acknowledged that no get-out-the-vote campaign was con ducted by the ASUN. Peace Corps recruiting on campus by Connie Winkler Nebraskan Staff Writer Peace Corps recruiters will be on campus this week according to Wayne Wagner, one of the representatives. Kathy Schneider, a graduate of Central Michigan University who taught geography and math In Ethiopia; Dina Roberts of Boston who worked in primary education and birth control in Tunisia; Dlanne Hjornson, a University of Montana graduate who worked in an adult literacy program in Columbia; and Wagner will man a booth in the Nebraska Union and accept speaking invitations to living units -and organizations. THE REPRESENTATIVES are very willing to talk to classes, clubs or groups about the areas where they have served or about the Peace Corps itself, Wagner said. "One of the primary needs of the Peace Corps is to recruit competent people with an agricultural background." he said. It is much more difficult for an English teacher to teach chicken breeding than it is - i V,' t f i tw tmmmttmmmmmmm iiiiirwinoi mi inn mn in i n 11 m ni in ni i'iimi. nmu i-n i,. iu, i n 1 1 n 1 1 -. , n nC m. ttutitt m t i mum "In White America," a Community Theater Playhouse production, will be given Tuesday, April 1, in the Nebraska Union Crib Lounge, the performance, a part of Martin Luther King Week, begins at 7:30. There is no admission charge. . "I know I wasn't out campaigning," Naeve said. "The Dally Nebraskan is really the only organized medium on campus." ASUN FIRST-vice-president Tom Morgan offered three reasons why the referendum was unsuccessful. The desire among students for restructuring ASUN was not as broad based as initially believed. The proposed constitution was not acceptable to the students. Students were against some parts of the constitution, so they didn't vote for it at all. CERTAINLY STUDENTS had the opportunity to be aware that a referendum was taking place, Morgan said. Students needed only to glance at headlines in the Daily Nebraskan to know that, he said. In previous weeks, there was no reason not to know that a constitutional convention was taking place. "It is not my responsibility to sponsor a campaign, nor was it Mike Naeve's or Cheryl Adams's," Morgan said. Nor was it the job of the electoral commission to sponsor such a cam paign, Morgan continued. That com mission must publicize the date and location of the election and set up the polling places, which they did, he continued. "STUDENTS WERE given the op portunity to express their opinions on it," Morgan said. "They did. I can't see beating a dead horse." John Heil, a delegate to the con stitutional convention, said, "I just don't know what could have been done. I'm disappointed." Quite a bit of work and time was put into the constitution, he said. It wasn't the best of all documents. Probably there should have been moro of a get out and vote campaign, Ileil added. THE FRIDAY election date was also unfortunate, Heil said. Students tend to go home for the weekends. Another big problem is that students feel that the ASUN makes no dif ference to them, Heil said. No one knows or cares to predict what will happen in the future. One group of students, however, plans to take the election to student court. CLIFF J. Sather, president of Harper Hall, said Sunday that he and a group of students are not going to let the constitution be written off. Sather contends that conditions for the election were not met. Other for someone with an agricultural background, he continued. In the countries in which the Peace Corp people work 80-90 per cent of the population is directly involved In agriculture. In the United States only six per cent of the population works in agriculture and this means a shortage of people in this field, Wagner said. APPLICATIONS for the Peace Corps are down for several reasons, Wagner continued. "We are discouraging people without college degrees or a specific skill that con be used overseas from applying." Specific skills would include nursing or home economics or agricultural training. "We are also discouraging people from applying earlier than a year before they want to go overseas, he said. It used to be that 40 per cent of the people who received invitations went into training, with this new policy it is up to 00 per ecnt. Many people dislike working for the government and therefore shy away from the Peace Corps, Wagner said. Many are disenchanted with the students are involved with Sather but he would not release their names. An illegal facet of the election may be the voting booth set up, he sug gested. The use of ID cards and ultraviolet lights may have been too involved of a process, thus causing long lines. POLLING PLACES were to close at 7:30, but Sather said that officials manning the polls began leaving sooner than that. Sather plans to ask student court to declare the election null and void, and to hold another election, perhaps this spring. "All in all I was pretty disgusted," he said. "I think that a lot of blame must be carried by the Daily Nebraskan. The overriding influence on campus is carried by the paper." 'THE NEBRASKAN could have done a lot more than it did, Sathejr continued. Perhaps a special issue, devoted entirely to the proposed con stitution, could have been published, he suggested. Several alternatives appear to be State open housing proponents speak; bill to remain in committee past April 10 by Susie Jenkins Nebraskan Staff Writer Proponents of the 19G9 Legislative Open Housing Bill filled the galleries and floor of the Capitol West Senate chamber Thursday as the Miscellaneous Subjects Committee heard Sen. Don Elrod's LB718. The bill would be the first state law to outlaw housing discrimination in Nebraska, and will be sent to the floor of the Legislature April 10 at the earliest, according to committee chairman Harold Moylan. Moylan said the bill will be held in committee for two weeks because one of the committee members. Sen. Herb Duis of Gothenburg, will be absent this Friday, and the week following is Easter vacation. A similar open housing bill was turned down by the 17 Unicameral. THIRTY-TWO speakers represent ing homebuilders, realtors church and minority groups appeared in favor of the bill. First speaker was Gcv. this week government because of the Vietnam war. They feel it is hypocritical to blow up one side of the world and have Peace Corps representatives on the other side, he said. EVERY 30 hours as much money is spent in Vietnam as supports 15,000 Peace Corps volunteers in 62 coun tries, the Pence Corps staff and training facilities for one year, he ad ded. Volunteers are still running about 55 per cent men and 45 per cent women. A volunteer's pay Is based on the country in which he works enough to get by on a subsistence level. "1 got $80 a month when I worked In Bolivia." Wagner said. A volunteer nlso gets $73 a month set aside for his readjustment when he returns to the U.S. A graduate of the University of Wyoming from Wilmington, la., Wagner served his two years in Bolivia as a community organizer. He was connected with the National Community Development Program of Bolivia and had as a partner an Ayarma Indian from the community in which he worked. available concerning the proposed constitution. Morgan said that students could circulate a petition to put the con stitution, as is, on the spring election ballot, slated for April 30. THE ASUN Senate could also place the constitution on the spring ballot Ty a two-thirds vote, Morgan said. But each article would have to be approved separately by the Senate. Such action would cause the con stitution to be entirely reworked, ac cording to Senator Robert P. Zucker. There would be a thousand amendments, he said. Kincaid broached the possibility of continuing the election Monday. Students who did not vote Friday would then have another day to cas.t a ballot. This possibility was ruled jut Saturday by the Electoral Com mission. Heil said there might be another constitutional convention, in the fall f course. In Hell's opinion, nothing nore can be done before next fall. Morbert T. Tiemann, who has made jassage of the bill a top priority for ihis Legislative session. Elrod noted that the Nebraska bill would be broader in coverage of housing practices than the 1968 Federal Housing Act in the area of apartment rental. The Legislative bill includes certain multiple dwellings not Inserted in the federal law. "Don't say that this law is poorly written," Elrod warned the audience and committee. "We Worked with many groups in preparing our bill." UNIVERSITY G RADUATE student Tom Dean represented the Democratic Coalition speaking In favor of the bill. Dean told the com mittee that although the bill was "too weak," and betrays ignorance of the extent of racism in Nebraska, the Coalition finds the bill a "first step in providing equal right for citizens of Nebraska." The lone opponent of the bill was A. J. Treutler of Omaha, sometime anti-income tax advocate and now a candidate for mayor of Omaha. "To say that I am aghast at the generalities of this bill is an un derstatement," Truetler told the committee. "I favor open housing, and am not opposed to good legislation." Treutler went on to point out several parts that he maintained were major flaws. AMONG OTHER THINGS, he warned that one of the penalties sec tions gave the state the power of "gestapo tactics as bad as in Germany." When he was through. Elrod said "big deal," and estimated that UlllillllllllllllllimilllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIHII I On campus today Dr. Francisco Jlucrta, chairman of the Liberal Party of Ecuador and vice chairman of the City Council of Guayaquil, will visit with fueulty and students at the University of Nebraska and offtcluli In state and locul govern ment, according to Dr. Roberto Ks-quenujJ-.Mayo, director of the University's Institute for Latin American and International Studies, lluerta'i schedule Is: 121:30 p.m., luncheon with faculty and students. Faculty Club at the Culverslty; J:30-4 p.m., coffee with students and faculty, room 707 Oldfather Hall: 4-5 p.m., IJncoln City Council meeting, City County Building. The alumni of (he Experiment In International Living are planning a meeting for old members and pro spective members April 1 at 7 p.m. In Hurnctt. room 117. Anyone In terestod In spending a summer abroad Is encouraged to attend the meeting. The Experiment arranges for students to live with a famuy and travel ex tenslvely in a country of their choice. "Happy Gypsies." the Foreign Film scheduled for April S, was destroyed In a fire and has been replaced with Felllnl's icidemv award winning film "8li." A scheduled speaking appearance by New Orleans District Attorney James Garrison April 1 at the University has been cancelled. Gar rison hud been scheduled as one of right speakers In a series sponsored by the Nebraska Union Talks aud Topics Committee. lltI8lt;tllIlllllllllllllllgltttllltll8Jitg8llir,4jitiitttiiii8iii:jtiiiiiiiiiiii1ititi Martin Luther King Week I Schedule of Programs I I Monday, March 31 3:30 Hyde Park with Panel of Afro-American Students, Union Lounge Tuesday, April 1 i 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Martin Luther King readings and recordings, Room 203 I Union 12: 30-3: 30-Films on Black America, Union Lounge: i "Ku Klux Klan: Its History and Outlook" I I "Weapons of Gordon Parks" I "I Have a Dream" I 3:30 Hyde Park with Afro-American Students and Community Leaders, I Union Lounge 1 7:30 "In White America" production dealing with American history i and race problems, Union Crib Lounge Wednesday, April 2 i I 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Martin Luther King readings and recordings, Room 203 1 I Union s 12:30-3-.30-Peace Vigil, Corner of 14th and R Streets 3:30 Martin Luther King Memorial. Union Ballroom MLK readings, 1 I singing and the black and white views of King's death, presented by I Tom Windham and Phil Scribner I I Thursday, April 3 1 I 12:30-3:30 Films on Black American, Union Lounge I "A Time for Burning" I "Freedom Movement": 1877-Present i I "Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Man of Peace" I I "Martin Luther King" I I 3:30 Hyde Park (open to all students). Union Lounge I Arm bands will be available at Nebraska Union booths all week. 1 iiiitiiiiiiitiiitiJiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiaitiiiiiiitiicfiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiJiiiaciiiiiititfiiiaiiiatiiitiiiifiiiiiiiititff iiiiaiiiaiiiittf itiiiitiiitjiiiiiiiitf mt Treutler was just "making a tamapaign speech." Some provisions of the bill state that "it shall be unlawful to: Refuse to sell or rent after a bona fide offer, or to refuse to negotiate for sale or rental because of race color, religion or national origin; Publish any statement that in dicates any limitation based of race, color, religion or national origin ; THE ONLY EXCEPTIONS listed under the bill are religious organiza tions which have specific housing, , . - .--s f . ..' Sen. Edward Danner of Omaha was one of 32 people who testified on behalf of LB 718, a state open housing bill, before committee last week. The bill is receiving partisan and non partisan support from a number of eco nomic, political, religious and education interest groups. Theaters pre "The Nebraska Union Film Society is in trouble. We are in trouble because of circumstances beyond our control," Tom Lonnquist. film com mittee member said this week. "We inherited last semester's problems: we've been against the wall much of this semester." Enlarging on the committee's pro blems, Lonnquist discussed a condi tion under which the committee must contract for a film: "There Is a clause in the contract that says If a commercial theater In town wishes to show the film, they (the distributer) can cancel us out." he said. "This has happened with two of their films." Also, one of their films was can celled because of bad weather, and the film planned for showing next week was destroyed by fire. Lonnquist continued. "We had planned to show A Mar. for All Seasons.' but that's playing at the State Theater now. so we "cancelled it." he said. Lonnquist attributed the low at tendance of the Union's weekend film series partially to the quality of the such as Catholic chanceries; private clubs providing lodging; and landlords who rent four or fewer rooms within their own homes." Elrod said that houses that qualified ' in this category were considered legally private homes, and were in eligible under state statutes. Provisions would be administered by the Equal Opportunity Com mission, which will have the power to prevent the owner of any property in question from disposing of it during action against him. - empt films films presented. "We presented about 23 films this year: next year, we plan to cut down on this number and show films of better quality." he said. "We have an excellent Foreign Film Series planned next year." Lonnquist said. "We plan to show 16 films one of these, probably the first on, will be free." Other ptans for next yeai include a Thursday night High Camp film series, including W. C. Fields, and Laurel and Hardy movies, and a "restructuring" of the " N . U . Cinema." a publication that reviews the Foreign Films series. "The 'N.U. Cinema' will be more professional next year." Lonnquist said. "It will present critical reviws of the films rather than Just synopses." To fill in the weekend film schedule. Ixmnquist said that the committee plans to show several underground films. "These are not stag movies." he emphasized, "but examples f American underground art." ft 1 11 it) U a I i it til .V V k I i i S VI