The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 27, 1969, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4
by Mark Gordon
Sports Editor
Who is the last person in the atletic
department to leave at night and the
first to arrive in the morning?
It's probably Bill Shepard. who as
grounds director, is responsible for
maintaining 12 acres of athletic fields
as well as the Memorial Stadium in
door track, field'house, baseball area
and the outdoor track. He also has
Editor's note this is the last of a
six-part series on NU athletic depart
ment officials.
assorted tasks ranging from cleaning
up the stadium after football games
to putting up and taking down the
bleachers at the Coliseum for basket
ball games.
"The spring is the busiest time of
the year for me," he said, "since
baseball, track and football aU want
to be outside at the same time, and
they want their own field to be in
perfect condition.
field, six football fields and the other
athletic grounds he supervises,
Shepard estimates that annually he
uses, between 400 and 500 pounds of
blue and rye grass, four tons of
fertilizers and about 200 gallons of
field marking paint.
This summer, Shepard and his two
assistants will paint all the permanent
seats in the Coliseum and refinish
the seats in Memorial Stadium's north
and south sections. This summer, the
department will employ 20 persons
to help with the painting. Usually
eight employes are hired in the
Although he terms the fall football
season the easiest time, Shepard said
it is his duty to have the tackling
and blocking dummies and other
equipment at the practice fields and
to store them each night after
workouts. He added he also opens and
locks up the gates for many athletic
"Now we must drag and maintain
the track and baseball Infield daily,"
he said. "We also have to get the
football fields ready for spring football
which starts April 13."
upkeep, Shepard has two tractors, five
grass mowers and an electric truck
for ftauling purposes. But sometimes
he needs items that are not standard
equipment items.
"I've been out trying to find some
Record loan library
offers 400 selections
The Nebraska Union Music Com
mittee has extended hours for the
Record Lending Library. Records
may be checked out in the Union
Program Office from 10:3011:30
a.m. Monday through Thursday.
Over 400 records of all types are
available. Students are limited t
five records each time and must
present their student I.D.'s.
Rag nebraskan applauds
Voting scheduled on Friday
for new ASUN constitution
Voting on the proposed ASUN con
stitution is scheduled for Friday in
the City Campus Student Union and
the East Campus Activities Building,
according to John McCollister, ASUN
election commissioner.
Students may vote in the Nebraska
Union from 8:15 a.m. until 7:15 p.m.
and on East Campus from 8:30 a.m.
until 4:30 p.m., McCollister said.
Election procedures will be similar
to those of the past, where election
officials will use ultraviolet lights and
student I D. cards as means of iden
tification. "Students may only vote one time,"
McCollister said. "Also, students must
use their own I D. cards, or they will
be guilty of fraud, subject to action
Daily Nebraskan
On or two male roomata tor apart-
meni. cat! tfl-mi.
.MEN WANTED part tlma to handla com
pit' clo'hlng Una In your own House or
Dorm, Excellent money ami banal I Is.
Soma xpnnca prelerred but not nec
essary. Collage Clastic 4M-1 6a
twetn I & I p.m.
Reading Dynamics class. April Srle
begin April J. 7 00 pm For Inform
Hon, call Bob Mender, m 4354M9 or
43J J14.
Expert typist, recraonobt rotes, tost
dependobie. Call Pot Owen, 42J-200I.
For Sale
1M Harmon Ohio, Ilka new. 54.000 miles.
New meter. Rebuilt transmission. Ex
ceiiant Interior, Coll Dove offer i:0P
p.m. 34J-4f (except Sotjrdoyl
Wlpit-ill colors. IM and up. (.veil
Cutrri. 12th t N.
13 Used t.y"s. Magna vox. PCA. Curtla
Mathes. Motorola, 4ennh. an wi k
ih-v picture tubes and I yr. warranty,
tlt.os and up. Hardy'a. 11)4 "O" Si.
ta Harley-Devldswi XLM Sportster, vary
good condition. Alan 40) Schramm.
Staaranta on used stereos and ttoor sem-
itereot choose from Zenith. Ad
Wal and Masterwork. All floors stock.
Must be old by April 15, Hardy's 1)14
"V it.
yellow clay for the pitcher's mound
here," he said. "This clay stands up
better and after three days' of looking,
the city was kind enough to give us
some from a Vine Street sewer pro
ject." While Shepard said he has the
headaches of any job, he felt that
running persons off the athletic fields
is the toughest part of his job. Since
"I don't like to get nasty."
A 20-year employe with the
University who began in the dairy
department at east campus, Shepard
served three years as an assistant
to veteran groundskeeper Walt
Renter. He then assumed his present
capacity eight years ago, when
Renter, a 30-year groundskeeper,
"This job has been a lot. of fun,"
he said, adding that learning to play
handball and paddleball and going to
five football games in five consecutive
years ranks as the greatest thrills
he has had from his association with
the athletic staff.
Students to
Continued from page 1
constitution made by the convention
are listed in the order in which they
appear in the constitution. ,
Preamble The clause
acknowledging that the constitution
and ASUN is ordained and established
with the consent of the Board of
Regents was deleted.
ARTICLE II. Purposes The part
of the Article which listed the purpose
of ASUN to serve as an agency
to maintain a relationship between
students, faculty and adminisration
was deleted.
It was replaced with a clause
stating that ASUN should represent
the best interests of the students and
"strive for the largest legitimate in
fluence of the students in the func
tioning of the University."
ARTICLE VII. Powers of Organs
The second vice-president of ASUN
was given the additional duty of serv
ing as NSA coordinator. In the same
Article the Executive committee of
ASUN woud appoint the A P P
delegates and the Senate would have
the power to approve or disapprove
of the appointments.
Also in Article VII a clause was
added to the rights of student
recognizing that students have all
those rights enumerated in the Bill
of Rights and Student in t'.e Academic
Community document.
by the ASUN court."
According to the present condition,
under which the election will be con
ducted, a new constitution must be
ratified by "at least 30 per cent of
the eligible students voting ... or
by the affirmative vote of 15 per cent
of the eligible voters when less than
30 per cent of the eligible students
In other words, if less than 30 per
cent of the students vote, the number
of "yes" votes necessary for passage
will remain at approximately 2700.
McCollister also said that filing for
1969-70 ASUN offices begins Monday.
Offices are open for Student Senate,
Advisory Boards, and ASUN executive
Applicants must register in the
ASUN office and return a petition with
35 signatures to quality.
Next Friday & Saturday Night
Pershing or
(All events in the Nebraska Union
unless otherwise Indicated.)
12:30 p.m.
Millard Public Schools
College of Engineering & Architecture
1:30 p.m.
NETCHE-Reading Curriculum Com
mittee 3 p.m.
Union-Contemporary Arts Committee
3:30 p.m.
Student Publications Board
People to People
Hyde Park
4 p.m.
Union Special Events
4:30 p.m.
6 p.m.
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia
AUF Executive
6:30 p.m.
Theta Sigma Phi Initiation
Christian Science Org.
7 p.m.
Quiz Bowl
Ed. Psych. Dept.
Spanish Portuguese Club
Gamma Alpha Chi
Quiz Bowl Isolation
7:30 p.m.
Business & Economics Roundtable
Career Scholars Seminar
Math Counselors
Young Democrats
Collegiate Band Concert
8 p.m.
Young Republicans Executive
vote Friday
In section 4 regarding the power
of students to veto a measure passed
in Senate through a referendum vote,
the vote required to suspend enact
ment of the measure was set at a
majority of at least 30 per cent of
the students voting or an affirmative
vote of 15 per cent of the eligible
electorate when fewer than 30 per
cent vote.
ARTICLE X. Amendments to the
Constitution The Article as amend
ed by the convention would require
that an amendment submitted to the
electoral commissioner in the first
semester would be ' voted on by
referendum within a month.
If the amendment is submitted dur
ing the second semester but before
the 27th day preceding the Spring
general election, the proposal shall
be included on the ballot at that elec
tion. In both cases, the electoral com
missioner must publish the proposed
amendment in full at least three times
prior to its appearance on the ballot
in the Daily Nebraskan.
Lindsay: colleges
are 'loo in flexible'
(ACP) Colleges and universities
may be too Inflexible and discipline
oriented to respond to the pressing
problems of the day, Mayor John V.
Lindsay of New York told about 1,000
presidents and deans at the annual
meeting of the Association of
American Colleges in Pittsburgh,
"Poverty, integration, defense,
transportion, space exploration,
economic development and deteriora
tion of the cities cry out for creative,
Interdisciplinary thinking," Lindsay
"The university with its
departmental structure, seems ill
equipped to respond."
Specifically, Lindsay proposed col
leges and universities develop more
programs for high-risk students. He
noted a recent survey of 215 institu
tions revealed almost half have no
such programs at all.
From Ihr .Uy by j
rtoiiKirriioLT romiS
I4 let Afttf !'
by Susie Jenkins
Nebraskan Staff Writer
The last in Charlie Armstrong's
Cabaret series promises to be far
from the least of his Sunday night
happenings, according to the show's
Renaissance Cabaret will involve
facalty and students, and Armstrong
hopes to spotlight the importance of
individual "life styles," a concept ex
tremely import to Renaissance man.
"People at the University have a
life style they really dig," Armstrong
said. "We'd like to have everyone who
comes to this cabaret wear a depiction
of his life style, something that is
this does not mean Cabaret will be
a costume party, but rather the au
dience should wear those clothes
which reveal the inner self.
AWS proposes constitutional changes
Not all articles In the AVvS constitution
are sublecf to change. The following
articles represent those changes proposed
for the respective sections In the currant
AWS document.
All undergraduate woman of the University
of Nebraska at Lincoln, Nebraska are en
titled to membership In AW as ol the time
of their enrollment In the University of
Section J: Purposes and Powers of th
The AWS Cabinet shall have tha power and
duty to:
a. Coordinate and oversea all parti of th
AWS structure.
b. Coordinate and communicate with U ot
N administration and housing personnel,
faculty and other organizations.
C Make appointments tor commute
chairmen, overall AWS advisors,
secretary, treasurer, and other person
nel as needed, with approval of Con
gress. d. Make recommendations to Congress for
legislation or proxrammlng decisions.
a Make up agenda for Conqress.
f. All Cabinet members shall be regular
members ol Congress. The three Con-
?ressional Cabinet members and the
ourt ot Appeals Cabinet member shall
be voting members ot Congress. The
remaining Cabinet members are non
voting members, with the President
voting In case ot a tl.
section 1: Composition
The Cabinet shall consist of three elected
ofticers, three Congresswomen, one
member ot the Court ol Appeals, and two
appointed, nonvoting officers.
The three elected officers shall be the
President, the Vice-President ot the
Judicial area and tha Vice-President ol
the Program area.
1. ELECTION: Candidates for the office of
President, Vice-President ot the Judicial
Area, and Vice-President ol the Pro
gram Area shall run on three separate
ballots In an all-campus election. They
may run for only one of the three ex
acutive positions and may run concur
rently for Congress or Court ot Ap
the four voting Cabinet members, three
shall be elected by the new Congress
from among their own members and on
shall be decled from the Court ol Ap
peals. 1. One Congresswomen shall be elected tor
th Cabinet position ol Speaker of the
Congress. The Speaker shall preside
over all general meetings ot th
2. Two Cabinet members shall bt eltcttd at
large Irom tha new Congress,
shall be
Section 5:
This summqt, sffudly a
most experienced!
TWA will fly you to the language of your
Your teachers will be waiters, waitresses,
bartenders, barmaids, shopkeepers, bellboys,
chambermaids, hotel clerks, policemen, cab
drivers. ..and just plain and fancy natives.
You'll do more than learn a language.
That, you can do through text books.
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What language do you want your forte to
be? French, Italian, German, Swahili,
Spanish, Portuguese, Greek???? You name it
And TWA will Ay you there for your summer
cabaret Renaissance theme
Renaissance Cabaret is scheduled
for 7:30 p.m .in the Nebraska Union
South Crib. English' Professor Stephen.
Milliard will serve as master of
ceremonies, and major productions
include a light show and a mysterious
finale. Armstrong would not divulge
plans for this part of the program.
Performers include the Liberation
Blues Band; the Impromptu Theater
group who will perform depending on
the outcome of an anti-war
demonstration in Omaha; Prof, and
Mrs. George Wolf (English),
performing a dulcimer duet; formal
fencing matches; a combo with Huey
Rowe-Anderson, Ellie Petterson,
Jarvis Green, Fred Anderson and Vic
Lewis; and Armstrong will play
Elizabethan bawdy songs on his
"CRITICS MAKE a mistake in
comparing Cabaret to anything else,"
3. One Court ot Appeals member. In addi
tion to her regular duties, shall be
elected to Cabinet position by the
Court of Appeals, with Congressional
Section 4: Replacement:
a. If the office of President shall become
vacant, Congress shall elect the Judicial
Vice-President or the Program Vice
President to fill the olfice. A vacancy in
the office ot Judicial Vice-President
Ing the above qualifications may ap
ply for the position.
Section 3: Composition of Congress
SORORITIES: Each sorority that forms
a housing unit shall nominate one girl
meeting the above qualifications to run
for Congress. In the case of Presidental
or Vlce-Presldental candidates tiling
concurrently for Congress, two can
didates from the same living unit may
file tor Conqress.
section 4: Removal and Replacement:
If a Congresswomen leaves the University,
moves to a dltierent living unit, resigns, or
Is removed from ofllce, the vacancy shall
be filled In the following manner:
a. OFF-CAMPUS: Any girl living off-cam-pus
and meeting ,he above qualifica
tions, may apply for the position. The
Cabinet shall serve as an Interviewing
board to select the replacement.
b. SORORITIES: Those AWS members
meeting the above qualifications and
residing in the living units not presently
represented by a votlno member, may
apply for the position. The Cabinet shall
serve as an Interviewing board to select
the replacement.
c. DORMITORIES: The femal members
tilled by the Cabinet Court of
member. If the office ot Pro
gram Vice-President shall become va
cant, ConKress shall elect from among
the Congressional Program Committee
Chairmen to fill the office.
Section 4 Program Area
e. Workers Council: The Workers Council
shall be composed of freshman and
sophomore women students selected by
an Interviewing board set up bv the
Section 1: Structure
b. AWS Court ol Appeals shall be composed
of a number of members such that there
Is one for every branch court, who shall
be elected in an all-campus election. All
Court of Appeals members shall b
regular, voting members ol Congress.
Removal and Replacement:
University, resigns, or Is removed from
office the Cabinet shall sorve as an In
terviewing board to select her re
placement. Any AWS member meet-
SSolss, h
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Tht things
Armstrong said. "It's an amateur
production that can't be compared
to professional efforts."
Armstrong may not return to the
University in the fall and has been
thinking about the future of Cabaret.
"It anyone takes over, he must have
imagination. He can't be afraid of
something different, experimental,"
he said. " "
Armstrong has many ideas for
future cabarets, including an all-Black
"We have enough talent in the
African Association and the Afro
American Collegiate Society to put on
the show," he said. "Cabaret is a
medium in itself. What they could
do for education in a good solid way
is unlimited.
"The 'ability is available," Arm
strong said. "The problem is you have
to dig for it."
of th governing body having th
vacancy shall elect a new Con
gresswomen bv a 2-3 vote. Tha Con
gresswomen shall meet the above
qualifications and be approved by Con
gress. d. EAST CAMPUS: Th Presidents and
Vice-Presidents of all the East Campus
Womens L Ivlng Units shall elect the nvv
Congresswomen by a 2-3 vol. Th Con.
gresswomen shall meet tha above
qualifications and be approved by Con
gress. Grade Requirements for Elections:
t. All persons filing for Congress, Court of
Appeals, and Branch Court must have a
J O, or above, accumulative gro i
average on the 4.5 scale and shall mr.l
the eligibility requirements - r
fiartlclpauon In extracurricular -c.
ivltles required by the Unlversltv if
Nebraska, (requirement Is prascntlv a
2. All persons filing for President or Vice
President of AWS must have a 2 0 i
abovo. accumulative grade everaqr "ti
the 45 scale and shall meet i
eligibility requirements for pertlclpa.lon
In extracurricular activities required '
the University of Nebraska, (re
quirement Is presently a 2.5)
Today, celebrate at another great
3:30-6:00 p.m.
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fttv lEnaf xnxit BMn
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you can leave when vou wan
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