WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1969 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE Computer courses designed for non-engineering fields. University courses in computer science are designed to meet the needs of all students, not just those in engineering and science, according to computer science department chairman Dr. Kenneth Smith. "Computer Science is not really an engineering discipline", he said. "It has a great deal of value to other fields." New courses in computer science are being added to further meet the needs of the 16,000 students in the humanities, education, business and other fields than the 2,000 students In engineering and sciences, he said. Smith described Computer Science 61 as an introduction to digital com puting, especially designed for the non-technical student. The course will cover the history and development of computer systems as well as fun damentals of computer language, he said. Smith said that anyone who collects and stores data can do it more ef fectively through mechanical methods. This holds true for diciplines from chemistry to English to history, he added. Daily Nebrcskan Classified Advertising Wanted: On or two msle roomates far aptrt mtnl. Call 477-4427. us Bov. 1? noon-1 p.m. Mon.-Frl. Apply Bishop cafeteria IMS P. MEN WANTED part tlmt to handle com plote clothing ling In your own Houst or Dorm. Excellent money and benefits. Some experience preferred but not nec essary. College Classics 488-1864 Be tween 5 lb I p.m. Computers can also be effectively used as teaching aids, he said. The value of computer teaching is that it allows a student to move at his own pace while an accurate record is kept of his progress. Smith commented that the complete statutes of the State of Nebraska are now collected in the University com puter center. Reviews of past laws may now be made in a much shorter ' time than was possible when laws were just kept in books, he added. Computers have been used in many types of research, Smith said. He ad ded that computer systems are pro bably the most efficient way to collect and retrieve data. To increase the awareness of the majority of students to the potential of computers, C. Sci. 61 will be followed by a new course, "Computer Assisted Instruction and the Humanities" (C. Sci. 161), in the spring of 1970, Smith continued. C. Sci. 161 will concentrate on the practical aspects of computer use, he said. The new course will acquaint students in the humanities with in formation processing techniques and show them how computers are im portant and legitimate tools o f scholarship, Smith said. Special emphasis will be given to inform students of the pioneering studies in the uses of computers in education, he added P.D.Q. satirizes classics zzz . S. Bach would turn over in his grai The Royal P.D.Q. Bach Festival Orchestra will appear Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the Nebraska Theater featuring some of its original music,' such as "Pervertimento for Bicycle, Balloon and Bagpipes," according to a Nebraska Union spokesman. Entitled "An Evening with P.D.Q. Bach," the program is a satire on classical music under the direction of Peter Schickele, a former instruc tor at the Julliard School of Music. He introduces each work on the pro gram with an incoherent lecture about its history and significance. Critics have praised it for its scholarly authoritativeness at the same time as they have laughed at its musical antics, the spokesman said. The initial presentations in New York at Town Hall and Philharmonic Hall brought forth articles in "Time," "Life" and "Newsweek" as well as the New York press, leading to its current national tour. P.D.Q. Bach is the name of a dubious son of the great Johann Sebastian Bach. Many people suspect he is the invention of "Professor" Schickele, who also has composed most of the music on the program. Including "Iphigenia in Brooklyn," and the "Unbegun Symphony ." Among the many bizarre in struments used by the orchestra is the "left-handed sewer flute," which "Life" magazine described as "a masterpiece of intricate plumbing." "And the band played on' as conductor Peter Sch ickele seems to have ignored the musician who de cided to drop out. Miscellaneous: Reading Dynamics classes. April Series bealn April 3. 7:00 p.m. For Informa tion, call Bob Henderson 435-8359 or 435-21 M. For Sale: 9M Karman Ghla. like new. 54,000 mlies. New motor. Rebuilt transmission. Ex cellent Interior. Call Dave after t:00 p.m. 345-4499 (except Saturday) Wlolets oil colors. 5 95 and up. Luclle Duerrt. 12th i, N. Beautiful Opel Body tor sale We'll throw In a motor for a small extra eharqel Call Bill Mowbray Bulck-Opel 434 5976. ixtra nice show chopper. 1200 CC Harley. Call 434-251; Evenings. 15 Used t.v's. Maqnavox, RCA, Curtis Matties. Motorola, Zenith. Some with new picture tubes and 1 yr. warranty. S1V 95 and up. Hardy's, 1314 "O" St. '40 Harley-Davldson XLH Sportster, very good condition. Alan 601 Schramm. Clearance on used stereos and floor sam ple stereos choose from Zenith, Ad miral and Masterwork. All floors stock. Must be sold by April 15. Hardy's 1314 "O" St. Japanese visitor reports unrest involves only minority by John Dvorak Ncbraskan Staff Writer Student unrest in Japan, just as in the United States, involves only a minority of the young people, according to Hidehito Higashitani, a visitor on campus this week who will soon be teaching at the University of Kobe in Japan. "The majority of the students in Japan are not interested in political af fairs," said Higashitani, who has studied in Spain for the last six years. Fluent in three languages, he will be teaching Spanish literature in his native country. Basically, protesting Japanese students fall into one of two categories, ac cording to Higashitani. Some are influenced by Com Be a stewardess in our friendly sKies. You'd visit places you've only heard about and meet many new and Interesting people. If you are over IW2, single. 5'2" to 5'9 and have a high school diploma, we would like to talk with you. For a personal Interview: Sf . United munist China; others are influenced by Russia. 41 STUDENTS IX GENERAL are interested in reforming the Japanese university system, but not by violence. They are mainly interested in getting an education. Most of the people of Japan, Higashitani con tinued, want only to live In tranquility, especially those who remember World War II. To some of these people, he continued, the form of government in Japan mat ters little. They would accept a Communist government, so long as that government allowed them to live as they pleased. "Of course, many people do indeed care about the type of government Japan has," Higashitani said. "Myself included." BUT THE PROSPECTS of a Communist takeover are slim, even with the apathy of some people. "We Japanese have a very high standard of living; the people are satisfied," he said. "Living conditions are getting better day by day." A poor country, such as Indonesia, India, or South Vietnam is much more susceptible to a takeover. Much of the economic prowess of Japan is due to American aid, he sail. Also, Japan doesn't need to spend much money on self-defense, since United States forces have been stationed in the country since the war. A CLAUSE I THE .Japanese constitution forbids warfare, Higashitani said, and the clause is of much concern. One Japanese party, the Labor Democrats, feel that at least an army for defensive purposes should be raised. The Socialist Party wants no part of any army. If the Japanese decided to spend more money for an army, economic develop ment would undoubtedly suffer, he said. Nevertheless, Higashitani favors a Japanese army, at least as a defensive weapon. Despite American protec tion and American air, many Japanese ''don't like American people that much," he said. Mostly, these are the older genera tion, which is slowly disap pearing. They are the peo ple who lived during the 1940's. "WE OF THE YOUNGER generation don't really care that much about Americans," he said. "We look at Americans the same way we look at Germans, British or French." The opinion of Americans in Spain is somewhat dif ferent however, Higashitani said. He arrived in New York eight days ago, after nearly six years in a small town in northern Spain. "The Spanish are n 0 1 really familiar with Americans," he pointed out. "Spanish opinion is generally formed after contact with American tourists, who are a special breed of race." The Spaniards often look at United States citizens as childish people, he said. Tourists generally appear in Foundation seeks progress Saturday, March 29 8 am to 4 pm United Air Lines Office Lincoln Municipal Airport FOR APPOINTMENT CALL (402) 477-9280 WtMlf Unttmm K0SMET KLUB presents CAMEL? Next Friday & Saturday Night 8 P.M.-PERSHING . TICKETS Pershing or Union Continued from page 1 The challenge and motto of Child's Project is: "Let's make the best bet ter." There are now ten college counselors and ten kindergarten and first grade counselees in the project. Junior Project, started in 1955, evolved from Pre School and Child's projects in that the same children were followed into junior high. Tho project also uses the positive ap proach and the one-to-one relationship with the counselor to develop poten tialities, according to Sue Thompson, chairman. I'M-LINC and Corn-Line attempt to develop the human potential of boys having contact with the Lancaster Juvenile Court. In Uni-Linc a university student provides male companionship that the 11, 12 or 13-year-olds need. Coin-Line involves a man or woman in the community working with a Lincoln boy. Many of the boys come from broken homes or homes where a parent might be an alcoholic or unemployed. The way a boy sees himself has a great deal to do with tiie way a boy sees himself in the community, Dill Janike, director said. If a boy doesn't have a close personal relationship with at least one person in his community, he will most liekly continue to have adjustment problems, Janike added. Family Project works with three Lincoln families with limited resources involving 17 counselees. Each University counselor attempts to help the children develop their potential and become citizens of value to the community. Orthopedic Project matches 20-30 college students with a Project Pal at the Orthopedic Hospital in Lincoln, according to Gary Sather. The students attempt to lighten the child's lack of family contact with personal , attention. The Sunshine Bus donated by the Variety Club helps transport the children to activities around Lin coln including University fcotball and basketball games and circuses- SPECIAL FUNCTIONS project is the uniting, central committee of all the projects according to Ann Musselman, chairman. This com mittee helps plan and organize Nlllt KF's retreats, meetings, newspapers and special functions. Hie Project also plans Senior Information Days for high school seniors who are in terested in going to college, Miss Musselman said. Potentiality Development Project (PDP) attempts to help capable students gain a university education or some type of education beyond the high school level, according to Earl Dredge, director. Each year 16 Lin coln High sophomores are added to the project. PDP proposes to help high school students attain a favorable orientation to college through an intensive pro gram of individual relationships with successful college students. Last year the first group of seniors graduated 13 of these Ni are now attending college 11 at the University. Half of the PDP students at the University are counselors in PDP or some other NllRKF project. The High School Equivalency Program (HEP) has recently been Initiated by NIIRRF. Financed by the Office of Economic Opportunity, HEP provides an education of high school equivalency for migrant and farm labor youth, according to Gale Mueller, director. Five students have graduated from the program by passing the General Educational Development tests, and four of them are presently enrolled at Fairbury Junior College. The 50 HEP students are matched one-to-one with college students to develop a close inter-personal r e a 1 a tionship and have a tutor, guide, model and special friend. WHAT A PAIR! nam aVaj , RANDOLPH OLDSMOBILE end THE GRADUATE PLAN 21st X N Centact Veer Cempet Rtpt Jff Phippt Office 432-4451 Heme 432 94J SPRING SPREE TO ECoC April 26, 27 $30.00 Trip Includes: Round Trip Tralnfore On Night at the Hotel Muehlbach Departure! Saturday Morning, April 26 Returni Sunday, April 27 at 9:00 p.m. Tickets will be available in tha PROGRAM OFFICE for the following events. Kansas City ian Festival "The Man of La Mancha" Kansas City Royals California Angels Baseball Game Sign up in the program office by April 4th Presented By The Nebraska Union Trips and Tours Committee Spain wearing short pants and carrying cameras. American students study ing in Spain generally live in Madrid so their influence does not extend throughout the country. "Childish" may be the term for the way Spanish students are treated too, he continued. "The younger generation in Spain wants to participate in the political and economic institutions of their country, but they are not always allowed to," he said. While students are not treated as adults, full pro fessors are often viewed as gods. Higashitani said. He feels both of these tendencies are bad. the s s SOUL Nine h!i! pieces now appear ing nightly except Sunday of the Roval Grove , ,, EXPER ience mm at Midwesf Sound Inc. Music Store All Combo Needs OAKLAND, NEBRASKA Phone 685-5500 ICE CUBES 10 lb. Bag LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN AT DIVIDEND 16th & P St. Just South of Campus k.. t i V -- V'-.V (:! hi- 4? ' Or:. K ja4 "Her li UIM GAL Dividend Bonded Gas WE NEVER CLOSE r : .. s; V- Hi' - K ; t ;i : . ' . i- i, V"'- y ' if i i t. 1 i 'is u r. ; s . V'! r-;; 3 IN: 8 1 1'