The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 24, 1969, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    MONDAY, MARCH 24, 1969
University is
from deadly
by BUI Smltherman
Nebraskan Staff Writer
University faculty, students and
staff are protected from the harmful
effects of ionizing radiation through
a program of the Division of Health
and Environmental Safety, according
to Julius Haes, radiological health
physicist for the University.
Haes said that we cannot observe
radiation through our normal senses.
However, more is known about radia
tion than almost any other industrial
hazard, he said.
Radiological health is an important
part of the overall safety program, he
continued. Radiation is watched for
its harmful effects on health and to
prevent the contamination of equip
ment. THE UNIVERSITY HAS a "broad
scope" license from the Atomic'
Energy Commission for the use of
radioactive materials, Haes said. For
an individual to use radioactive
materials on the campus he must ob
tain a permit from the University.
Only people with certain training
may use the radioactive materials,
he continued.
Radiation is used in several ways
on the campus, Haes continued. The
agriculture college, for example, is
doing a study on how deep the roots
of certain plants penetrate. This is
done by putting deposits of radioactive
material at certain depths in the
ground and then measuring the
radiation level on the plant's leaves.
Radiation is also used in medical
research, chemical research and
many other ways, he contined.
Radioactive materials on campus
are controlled by t h e radiological
health and safety systems committee,
he said.
of fourteen members from t h e
departments that use the most
radioactive material Haes continued.
There are also members from the
Health Center and the administration.
The committee is composed so that
those who have the most contact with
radiation on campus will control its
use, he said. Radiation must be better
controlled than any other industrial
material, Haes added.
Radioactive materials cannot be
easily disposed of, he commented.
Once materials are used they must
be disposed of in a proper manner.
He said that the materials used
must be picked up and stored safely.
All the radioactive material on cam
pus must be constantly accounted for.
This requires the keeping of detailed
records, Haes added.
All radioactive materials are
ordered through his office, he said.
University Counseling Service
open to all types of problems
To take an activist role in student
affairs is the goal of the University's
Counseling Service, according to John
Winkworth, one of its counselors and
a doctoral student in counseling
Located in room 108 .Administration
building ,the Counseling Service
operates on a walk-in basis.
"Tills way students can see a
counselor immediately, and we can
find out his reasons for coming,"
Winkworth said. "Depending on his
reasons, there are several courses of
action we can take."
some of the devices used In student
"With the student's permission, we
make use of audio or video tape dur
ing the Interview," he said. "The ad
vantages of using tape are that a
counselor can lateron review what
was said, and also, since the Interview
Is accessible to other counselors, he
can get their opinions on It.
"Group counseling Is also available
If the student requests It," Winkworth
continued. "In this case, a group of
students is led by a counselor." He
explained that the group may consist
of students with a similar problem,
(uch as trying to decide on a major.
"The students in the group react to
each other as well as the counselor,"
he said.
The sort of problems his office
handles "runs the gamut," Winkworth
"THE MAJORITY of students we
fee have vocational problems,
deciding which direction to go," he
( J
From $315
Then the user "keeps a detailed record
of his use. In this way, all radioactive
materials are accounted for.
, 9
HAES SAID THAT another part of
the program is to constantly recheck.
labs to assure that there is no con
tamination spread. This is done
through the use of dust smears taken
in the labs. Radiation counts from
these samples are counted and printed
out automatically, he said.
People working with radiation are
also issued a film badge that
measures their exposure, Haes con
tinued. These are collected every four
weeks and radiation exposure is
If there is a high exposure on the
badge, the situation is checked out,
he said. There has never been an
instance of over-exposure at the
There are some 180 people that are
currently being monitored for radia
tion. These are the 75 people who
are authorized to use radioactive
materials and their assistants.
, V ..
radioactivity must be c 1 o s e 1 y con
trolled to comply with state and
federal laws. The safety program
allows the University to keep its
license for use, he said.
The University is also simply In
terested in the health of those con
nected witfeit. he said.
The program also saves money tn
workmen's compensation programs
and insurance premiums. Insurance
companies give better rates to in
stitutions with good safety programs,
Haes said.
At least once a year, the
radiological health program is in
spected by the state, he said. The
program has worked well in the past.
There have been no major problems,
he added.
New officers of Pi Kappa Alpha are:
John Hendry, president; Bill Dowd,
vice president; Rick Peo, secretary;
Glen Hass, treasurer; Leon Jurgens,
pledge trainer; Phil Voyles,
Recently elected officers of Zeta
Beta Tau are: Ken Hoberman, presi
dent; Francis Boggus, vice president;
Robert Goodman, secretary; Scott
Friedman, treasurer, Ron Blumkin,
New Alpha Xi Delta officers are:
continued. We also deal with a wide
variety of personal problems, such as
getting along with roommates or peo
ple in general." ,
Winkworth emphasized that the
Counseling Service does not tell people
what to do, but rather looks at the
problem and suggests alternatives.
"We feel it is more important to
get the student in the habit of solving
his own problems rather than solving
thorn for him," he explained "lf this
Is accomplished he may not be back
a second and a third time."
Are students having more problems
now than in the past?
"THIS IS DIFFICULT to answer,"
Winkworth said. "We are seeing more
students than before, but there are
more students in the University."
In discussing the activist attitude
of the Counseling Service. Winkworth
said, "This year we are going out
into the environment && well as having
students come to us."
He explained that a counselor
spends one night weekly at the
Nine bin picrts now appear
ing nightly exerpt Sunday at
lli Royal Grove
it in Vogiie for Spring Fashion
Try youn now in 1SK White
Yellow gold.
Serving Lincoln Sim 190S
im D" smn
(All events in the Nebraska Union un
less otherwise indicated.)
12:30 p.m.
1 p.m.
U of N Chapter of Telecommunications
1:30 p.m.
Builders Calendar & Directory
Kosmet Klub
3:30 p.m.
Builders Student Prof. Committee
Panhellenic Presidents Council
3:45 p.m.
Elementary Ed. Dept. Tea
4:30 p.m.
AWS Sorority Court
Union Film Committee
5:30 p.m.
Tassels Initiation Banquet
6:15 p.m.
Towne Club Officers
7 p.m.
Ed. Psych. Dept.
Towne Club
7:30 p.m.
Math Counselors
8 p.m.
Delta Delta Delta
10 p.m.
Voter sign-up
until Friday
Lincoln residents may register to
vote in the city primary and general
elections at the Election Commission
er's office until March 28, according
to election commission officials.
Voters who have lived in Lincoln
since September are eligible to vote.
Since the city primary will be held
during Easter vacation, those who will
be out of town may vote between
March 24 and April 5 in the Election
Commissioner's office, 10th and O Sts.
I3arb Ramsey, president, Linda Bab
bitt, first vice president; Judy Settle,
second vice president, Darlene Dirks,
recording secretary; Parn Hastings,
corresponding secretary.
The 1969-70 officers of Young
Republicans are: Larry Welck, presi
dent; Art Denny, vice president; Ron!
II;iggart, secretary; Roxie Gee,
treasurer; Matt Bosley, com
mitteeman; Carol Mads on, com
mitteewoman. residence hnlls, where he may suggest
activities for a floor and also be
available for individuals.
"In this manner, we feel we may
be able to deal with some things
before they become problems,' '
Winkworth said.
As well as dealing witli particular
problems, the Counseling Service Is
doing work of a general nature.
"Through descriptive data
gathered in the initial session, such as
sex, year in school, major course of
study and living unit, we hope to,
by the end of this year, have some
idea of the kind of student that comes
down for counseling," Winkworth
Daily Nebraskan
Ocw or two male roomttvt for apart
ment. Oil tn mi.
Perion to rent tmall house. MO. Apr. lit.
471-3431 before S. Ask lor Warren.
Ride to Minneapolis April f or from
Mlnneapolli April 14. Call 477 -mi altar
I pm.
Anotlate Director, Nurtlrto Servkca,
Mailers Degree preferred. Tn4)tpndn!
rmponilblllly In well-itafted. eap.nd
Ing. JSO bed community hmpltal In Uni
versity city of 43.000. Salary opon. In
aulre Personnel Director. rcy Mpv
pilal. 114 N. Van Huron, Iowa city,
lnrt time oftlc work. Mow Rut Ad Un
dent, freshman or sophomore preferred.
Must be able to work vacations. Com
munity Snvinoi Stomp Co. Ml N. 13th.
Ph. 4JI-IMI.
Baby litter, Own transportation, an but
Una. Some housework. Monday, Werinea
ilev, Friday, 1:414 .is f hour. Twee
My, Thursday. tu-mi altar I.
Hv boy. II noon-l p m. Mon.-Prl. Apply
llishop cafeteria MIS P.
Pffv tend havrlaes Indoori outdoor
parties. Dale Jeffrey, ttt llt.
iprf typist. Reasonable rates tatt, aH
peiKtabie. Call Pat Owen, 411-loss.
Reading Dynamics classes. April Series
begin April 3, "00 p m. Per Informa
tion, call bob Henderson 4AJ 1S or
Expert typing. Knows Spanish.
French experienced mam papers.
4JJ-I '
For Salt.
Olbsnn i String model rJ-JS. Uka new
mutt sacrifice, 4Mje,
te4 Kiirmon Ohle. like new. S4.000 miles.
New motor. Rebuilt transmission, P.
tenant Interior. Call Dave offer IN
p.m. HJ (etcept Saturday I
Wlltsll color, tfi anal MR. (.welt
fitwri. nth a. N.
James Farmer discusses high-speed
change in civil rights needs and plans
Continued from Page 1
"But the majority aren't the middle
class." he said.
"As long as we (blacks) stay on
the major highways we're ckay. The
young black poor, however, couldn't
care less about getting served in
Howard Johnson's.
"He's still in the big cities with
rats and cockroaches. For him his
status is quo. The number of black
people has increased," Farmer said.
a a
FARMER NOTED that black
Ph.D.s and college graduates "have
It easier than ever before, because
everyone is looking for a showcase
Still, he likened the civil rights ef
fort to running up a down escalator,
due to the ground lost in gaining
rights for the lower classes.
"We underestimated the prevalence
of racism in this country. Farmer
said. "We all have been brainwashed
by the racist aspect of our culture.
It is not possible to grow to adulthood
without gaining some residues of this
racist conditioning."
"The black has been taught that
darker skin coloring is a deformity,"
he said. "The former reflection of
African origin was a part of this
a a a
HE ASSERTED that this is beginn
ing to change as new African nations
emerge and the black sees that he
has a past.
"Don't think the black can come
into this pluralistic society as an in
dividual," he warned. ''America
has not been a melting pot. We haven't
homogenized or melted anything."
Farmer said that advocates of the
"color-blind" theory of integration
like NAACP leader Roy Wilkins don't
understand the new "black agen
da." It is difficult for anyone from the
New Deal to readajust his sights, lie
sees current demands as a repudiation
and rejection of his entire life
"I see the black fitting into
American society only if we can
destroy racism," he said.
a a a
FARMER URGED efforts to
"checkmate" racism, reducing Its
capacity to damage people by em
powering the victim wth the capacity
to impose economic and political sanc
tions. This can be done, he said, by
organizing the "little people."
"We must learn to live in a world
of power balances, coalition and
alliances," Farmer said. "We mustn't
Go to yoar bookstore. Find the Scrlpto display. Fill in a Mystery Tbur tntry blank
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U U U U SJ ST H Vai If ke
be In one political party, we must
be a swing vote."
Farmer answered questions from
sociology classes before his speech
in a discussion led bv Professor Jack
Much of the discussion centered on
Farmer's appointment to the HEW
"SINCE MY appointment I have
received literally thousands of letters
from little people," he said.
"Power for these people must be
gained by local organization, by non
governmental agencies. It is too much
to expect a government official to
organize politically," he said.
Defending his decision to take the
Nixon appointment, Farmer said
there is a necessity for "some inside
the government and some outside to
prod, protest, and evaluate."
He called the government and the
"outside" the twin agents for change
in the U.S.
"Institutions tend to perpetuate
themselves and resist change," he
said. "Many bureaucrats tend to get
away with doing as little as poossi
ble." a a a
TO ESCAPE this bureaucratic
snare, Farmer proposed to "establish
dialogue between the little people and
the government," by working with
local organizations of health and
Farmer commented on other ques
tions posed by the class:
The free food stamp program for
the poor in South Carolina should be
extended to reach people whose in
come is $1200 "at a minimum. It's all
right for people with full stomachs to
boycott free food."
The negative Income tax or a
a II mill t'rf
o u
"University McrcluindUe CenUr'Lowcr Level, ftebraska Union
family allowance plan Is a good con
cept. 'The trouble with poor people
is thai they have no money."
Any group on campus with a
common pat or common seals (Afro
American groups) should be allowed
to organize, but the organization
"must be voluntary, and no one should "
be excluded."
"Welfare has tended to mire peo
ple into their social levels Welfare
should only be a stopgap measure."
If a family can't live above the
poverty level on the minimum wage,
then the minimum wage should be
raised. "With the present situation,
the rest of society is subsidizing com
panies by paying workers."
Leaders must work to change the
philosophy of the American people
who think that if someone is poor,
there is something wrong with HIM.
"We must educate the public to the
causes of poverty."
All University Dance
Sat. Mar. 29
Union Ballroom
Tickets Available
at Union
Pershing Auditorium
or from Kosmet Klub Worker