The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 24, 1969, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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5 AGE 3
MONDAY, MARCH 24, 1969
isjn a n
Something's wrong ... .
. . . but much is righ
There Is something wrong with the Student
In the Academic Community Committee recom
mendations. What's wrong is the manner In which the
students are to be selected for the proposed Council
on Student Life. According to the suggested system,
the president of ASUN and six students appointed
by ASUN are to serve on the 13-member council.
IF, INDEED, the Council on Student life
becomes reality, it will be the supreme government
on many areas of crucial importance to all students.
Why, then, should six of these extremely Important
representatives be hand-picked by the ASUN
The student positions on the Council should
be elected democratically, by open election; they
- should not be passed around as political plums
1 by the executives and pseudo-parties that win the
spring elections.
It would be rather sickening, if not intolerable,
to see some future ASUN president (himself a
member of the Council) direct the selection of
the other six members. University of Nebraska
students might end up battling their own officials
rather than the administration while securing
their rights.
But there is . .
An yet, there is something very right about
the recommendations. When the method of selecting
student representatives is ignored, it is difficult
to escape the impression that University students
can make the Council an effective way of attaining
the freedom and rights of human beings.
It is the intention of the Committee that such
a Council review policies, take action on matters
affecting students, make judgments concerning the
participation of students in Universiy decision
making and other things. If President Joseph
Soshnik and the University Regents will join the
Committee in this attitude toward solving problems,
then there is hope that the school can become
a place where students are respected as equal
members of the intellectual community.
And in such a climate, the process of education
cannot help but improve.
Ed Icenogle
? o J)
Jockeying for position in spring race
The safety blitz is off. Randy Reeves will not
run for ASUN president.
Reeves' decision not to enter the ASUN
sweepstakes comes at the mid-point of an unseen
two-month push by various ASUN aspirants to
assemble and elect a compatible Executive Slate.
His withdrawal will send NU's backroom politicans
into a new flurry of activity as they strive to
develop a winning combination for the three Senate
executive slots.
The Reeves presidential bubble had been
surfacing for several months. Even before former
ASUN President Craig Dreeszen resigned from of
fice at the start of second semester, numerous
people in and out of Senate were searching for
a moderate-conservative candidate who could beat
a Dreeszen-type liberal in the presidental election
this spring.
" REEVES SEEMED to be the logical choice
for several reasons. He is probably the best known
student at NU now, one of the rare breed of "scholar
athletes" who maintains a near-perfect average
while starring as safety on the Cornhusker football
An independent, Reeves is known and respected
by the Greek community, a quality which would
have enhanced his electablity and effectiveness in
Finally, by his own admission, Reeves is a
moderate, a middle-of-the-roader, who would have
given the campus a conservative alternative to
the other .more liberal candidates who are expected
to run. Such a possibility would have pleased a
large proportion of NU's students, not to mention
many faculty and administrators.
IN FACT, his candidacyls said to have been
welcomed by both the Student Affairs office and
Hifrp tenner gkdmQ
the Athletic Department, the latter fearing that
a more activist president might encourage NU's
black athletes to adopt a militant stance.
Reeves was receptive to the suggestions that
he run. Perhaps he had considered running prior
to hearing these suggestions. In either event, he
joined other presidential aspirants a month ago
in formulating the all-important executive slates.
From the beginning a Reeves candidacy was
feared by his potential opponents. Pointing out his
'lack of prior experience with the Senate, they
doubted his qualifications. In reality, they doubted
their own ability to win against him. Hoping to
enhance their own tickets, they urged him to accept
a vice-presidential nomination.
BUT THE vice-presidents must attend Senate
meetings, and these Wednesday afternoon affairs
conflict with football practice.
The formidability of the Reeves threat increas
ed as his slate was completed, with Dave Landis,
a Greek, in the first vice-presidential slot and
Brent Skinner from East Campus as second vice
president. Yet even as the ticket was completed, Reeves
began to question his goals. Realizing that he would
have to fight to regain his starting safety position
next fall (since a knee Injury will keep him out
of spring contact work) and seeing in the Centennial
College a challenge more in line with his interests,
Reeves finally decided to leave the Senate to the
Senators and to focus his attention on these ac
tivities. More than anything else, he recognized that
he didn't have "the enthusiasm necessary to do
all the things required of an ASUN President."
REEVES' DECISION to withdraw his name
from consideration gives the ASUN election a much
more wide-open look than it had several weeks
Senator Bob Zucker apparently is cranking up
a well-oiled propaganda machine to sell NU on
his qualifications for Senate President. (Which
should be interesting, since he will have to explain
away his failures as Faculty-Evaluation Book editor
and NSA co-ordaintor.)
Another senator, Bill Chaloupka, and his running
mate, Diane Theisen, also seem eager to capitalize
on Reeves' withdrawal, though they, too, need a
strong campaign to achieve familiarity with the
Finally, there are rumblings that one or more
Greeks will try to get a piece of this Independent
dominated action. Reeves, ticket-mate, Dave Landis,
is expected to throw his banjo into the ring, and
Sid Loggeman, former Union and IFC president, still
has that presidential gleam in his eye.
BUT REGARDLESS of the candidates who
emerge between now and election day, one thing
seems fairly certain: any running which Randy
Reeves does this spring will be in a sweat-suit
and sneakers.
To those campus liberals who had feared the
on-slaught of a Student Body Right formation, this
comes as surprising and welcome news.
Misuse of federal funds discovered in SBA
by Rowland Evans
and Robert Novak
Washington The government's loan of nearly
half a million dollars to a Mafia-controlled company
in New York run by one of the country's most
vicious loan sharks reveals how Small Business
Administration (SBA) policies can favor well-heeled
hoodlums over impoverished ghetto merchants.
The SBA's $406,000 In loans to the gangster
owned ANR Leasing Co. in 1965 was revealed last
week in hearings by bureaucratic secrecy here
and perhaps may be pried loose only by Con
gressional probing. Available Information does point
to slipshod administration by the SBA, possibly
aided by a rare investigatory lapse by the FBI.
Beyond the Identity of the culprit, however,
Is the exposure of what's wrong with rigid govern
ment lending policies: while Negro businessmen
in the ghetto are often denied loans because of
pHr credit ratings, the good risk has the beat
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shot at the Federal Treasury quite apart from
the desirability of his enterprise.
Significantly, the suspect loans of $66,000 and
$400,000 to ANR were made by SBA's New York
area office run by Charles Kriger, a 67-year-old
lawyer closely connected with the Brooklyn
Democratic Organization. Removed from his post
last fall because of a notorious record for
withholding loans from minority businessmen,
Kriger has now been reinstated through the
demands of his patron: Rep. John J. Rooney of
While super-cautious in processing loan requests
by ghetto enterprises, Kriger found no difficulty
In quickly approving application of the unsavory
cast of characters running ANR Leasing.
One officer of ANR is Thomas McKeever. a
former official of the International Longshoremen's
Assn. (ILA) who has been convicted by Federal
courts of labor racketeering and truck theft. The
other listed officer in ANR, John Masiello, Jr..
has a name much more familiar to students of
the Mafia.
HIS FATHER, John Masiello, Sr., really con
trolled ANR and Is an important middle-level Mafia
figure. A soldier in the Vito Genovese family, he
served Federal time for grand larceny and is one
of New York's biggest loan sharks. Inside the
Mafia, he has argued for the loan shark business
as the safest and most lucrative of rackets.
Officially, the SBA flatly refuses to say whether
it requested a name check from the FBI routine
procedure before granting the loans to ANR.
However, two separate SBA officials Informed us
privately that name checks were requested and
that the ANR officials were given a clean bill
that would defy credulity.
Even if the FBI erred, however, the SBA's
own Investigators should have discovered ANR's
messy pedigree with any thorough check. Rather,
there Is evidence that Krlger's SBA office depended
almost exclusively on the credit reference given
ANR by Royal National Bank of New York and its
president, William Goldfine (which financed 25 per
cent of the loan while Uncle Sam provided the rest).
Goldfine had close associations with both the senior
Masiello and Kriger, bridging the gap between or
ganized crime and government.
THUS, THE SBA took at face value ANR's
explanation that the loan was needed for
"consolidation of debts and working capital." In
fact, Investigators In New York believe it likely
that the Federal money was pumped Into Masiello's
loan shark racket where victims pay at 300 percent.
In November, 19G6 , SBA headquarters in
Washington, belatedly, became aware of ANR's
gangster origin and requested an FBI check. This
time, the FBI responded with full criminal records
for Masiello Sr. and McKeever. Moreover, Masiello
Jr. now had acquired his own record: indictment
in an August, 1965, barroom brawl in Yonkers,
N.Y., resulting in the death of one elderly
businessman and the loss of an eye by another.
Even with the FBI's dossier at hand, the SBA
remained silent as ANR conscientiously repaid Its
debt. Indeed, SBA'i scandalous loan might never
have been exposed had not the New York State
Investigation Commission come across It in its
probe of the Mafia.
Furthermore, ANR Leasing decided to make
another try for Federal largesse. On January 1,
it applied for a new loan of $400,000 from the
INCREDIBLY, THE SBA's New York office
did not reject the application out of hand but
dispatched it to Washington where the bureaucrats
pondered without decision. After last week's
revelation in New York, however, ANU Leasing
Co. withdrew its application. The Mafia figured,
finally, there ,-vu some limit to favors from
(C) ?. PltM Inttrprlitt. Int.
ImMl iIh PMM tM at u,
1 lphcm- Eilla. iTi IJ Hrm Vi lSm Mum TT.
tuhwntHHHl rawa r par m aa acaitml Hf.
rbliM4 Marwaa Valaa4a tTmradajr Ut frtdaj tfurtttf U acftual
faaf air-pt durlM ncaUoM
Editorial Staff
tar M iMKtoi Maaaaina Bta Lima OnHartiami Maw trtttaf
L M..kl KJihW Kaftl OrKWfMl F-rfHoflAl Alliaft1
Juna twwi MMn Nawa MM Woadl vin Mltor Mart
goroiNrhiaaaa ' Wrllatf John Dvorak lira Ptr-n. Omnia
Wiakiar, inai JanHaa Bill m It Barman, ax-,llcMmtar
EW. Aon TaloJl Jmi traarmaft. RaoMUw Sln.ti. riwi.raara
l lariat?, IJnrla Kwmatly Mlaa Hmaai Rt-Bnrm Phoarajar
4iuoa, jnr-a NnHanonrni Can diirj'a H Amltt loaa "Ma
war, i'fcrUM Mkiaata. Sara Ftllpl. Sara, V&wttOar. tuaaa MaaM.
Business Staff
ftaahiaaa Minarar ftnfal ti I oral M Maaafar Joal DaHai
PraoWtH Mana IUmt Ira. Mmataanar Ron fewtli rriarf
Jtaat Unatmaat riaan4 titt ! ftaar, "iMli Nimm
Llarta tnrri Ctnniaur Maaatara para'ai Hica Cfera. tm
fl-lrari Mvartliinj l-prMntalla M- "rawm. Oar Ocahai
Luxi kibinaaa, i. L fcAnual. UmtMM ft altar.
"Yes, sir, I've been interested in working for
the Ace Diaper Conglomerate for some time now."
Spring is here. Bus Ad Bennie is applying for
a career. He thinks he's found what he wants:
a company with group insurance, substantial
pension plan and a three-week interview trip to
Chicago, Las Vegas and Miami.
"FIRST, YOUNG man, let's review your
qualifications. I really haven't had time to glance
at your resume, so why don't you begin by telling
me a little bit about yourself?''
"Well, first off. I've been active in the Tri
Sigs. I have been social chairman, rush chairman,
scholarship chairman and now I'm president."
Bennie winks and polishes his diamond-crested
pin, just as the interviewer frowns.
"OH? NEVER belonged to a sorority myself.
Rather infantile, wouldn't you say?"
"Er, you see, my soror uh, fraternity is quite
Srogressive. We've outlawed hazing and lineups,
fe've even had a speaker this year."
"Umm, besides, some of my best friends are
dorm er, Independents."
"SON, WHAT Ace Diapers wants to know is
what you've done to qualify you as a Junior ex
ecutive." Bennie beams. "I, sir, am an Innocent."
"Hmm. One would think that four years of
allege would have cured that, wouldn't one? By
uie way, what liberal arts courses have you had?
Ace Diapers likes a broad background."
"Well, I've had English 21 and 22, for a start."
"I REALLY enjoy minor sporta. You know
frisbee, catch, woodsles."
"Yes, they're . . .picnics. That's it."
"I'll be darned. Don't college kids drink any
Bennie relaxes and winks again. "Well, wt
don't drink any less."
"That's too bad. Our personnel manager is
a teetotaler."
BENNIE SHRINKS and begins to play with
the matching tie to his matching shirt, the sweat
dripping clear down to his coordinated calf-length
"What work experience have you had?"
Bennie perks up. "Quite a bit. I was a Spring
Day worker, and a Builders worker, and a Red
Cross worker, and an AUF worker, and a Kosmet
Klub worker ..."
"Senator Backlash Is an alum of our house.
I'm sure he'd vouch for me."
"INTERESTING FELLOW. Didn't vote for him,
"There's 'Numbers' Feebleman, my accounting
"Poor old Numbers. He still around? Never
could make it in business, the old coot."
"Frankly, sir, what do you think?"
"Ace Diaiers always needs bright young men.
Can you drive a truck? No? Actually, Bennie, what
we're looking for is someone a little more radical.
Someone with new ideas to shake the Industry.
Someone to prove that we're just as progressive
as anyone."
J WAS In charge of Hyde Park once."
"Sorry, Bennie'
"1 read the Nebraskan regularly."
"Try again after graduate school. Give ma
five. It was nice talking to you, anyway."
A month and several missed shaves later, Ben
nie tries again.
"Hey, man, I mean, just what does your
Establishment scene, I mean, Fahrquart Pipe
Wrenches, Ltd., I mean, what's In it for me and
the Movement?"
The Dally Nebraskan is solely a student-operated
newspaper independent
of editorial control by student govern
ment, administration and faculty. The
opinion expressed cn this pace is that
j of the Nebriskan'i editorial page staff.