UNivwsrn OP NK I n The MONDAY, MARCH 24, 1969 VOL. 29, No. 83 : 1 o ASUN seeking approval of apportionment changes by Jim Pedersen Nebraskun Staff Writer The ASUN Constitutional Convention completed business Saturday after a lengthy session in which the delegates approved a "mixed" apportionment system and included the intent and much of the wording of Government Bill No. 24 in the proposed new con stitution. Students will vote Friday, March 28 on the proposed constitution. The referendum will present the new con stitution in its entirety, rather than section by section. DELEGATES FOCUSED attention primarily on reapportionment. After iiill Chaloupka, chairman ot the con vention reapportionment committee, introduced a proposal for reappor i.onment, a flurry of amendments and prolonged discussion followed. The amanded proposal which was finally adopted by a vole of 21-3 calls lor Senate to be composed of no more than 38 elected members chosen from districts, advisory boards and at-large elections. The at-large election will send eight students to Senate. This was a change from Chaloupka's earlier proposal which designated 12 senators to be elected at-large. CHALOUPKA'S PROPOSAL stated that one senator shall be elected from each of the five undergraduate ad visory boards. Bruce Cochrane amended the section to include the i-iection of one senator each from the colleges of dentistry, pharmacy and law. The advisory board senators represent a partial retention of the present system of apportionment; they will mainly represent the in terests of their specific colleges. Fraternities and sororities on cam pus will elect one senator for every V50 Greek students or four senators. James Farmer discusses high-speed change in civil rights needs and plans V ' "Anyone winning the battles but losing the war re assesses his strategy, and that is what he blacks are doing today." SAC The Student in the Academic Community (SAC) Committee voted unanimously last week to recommend the organization of a new body, the Council on Student life, to replace the University Senate Committee on Student Affairs. The recommendation was presented to campus President Joseph Soshnik Wednesday. This recommendation, along with the Committee's other recommendations will be submitted to the University Senate and the Board of Regents for adoption. Professor Royce Knapp. SAC committee chairman, commented that the general function of this new council would be "to improve the quality of student life." Citing the need for a University Council on Student Life, tho SAC Committee reported: "TIIE OUT-OK-CLASSROO.M life and activities of students may offer many important opportunities for personal and group development some at least us vital and Influential as those found In the 15-18 hours spent In classrooms. "This Committee believes that our University should nuiko every effort to increase the quality of the out-of-classroom environment of students since this is where tie students spend most of their time. "W further believe that this should bo a Off-campus students who are af filiated with a Greek house will vote for senators in the fraternity-sorority election, but Greeks living i n dormitories will vote only in the residence hall election. N 0 N A FFILIATED oft-campus students will elect one senator for every 1,500 students or six senators. Dormitory residents will elect eight senators based on a 1-750 ratio. Three of the residence hall districts, Abel Sandoz, Harper-Schramm-Smith and Cather-Pound-VVomen's Residence will elect two senators. Selleck Qandrangle district and Burr-Feddelnter Cooperative Council district will each elect a single senator. The composition of districts was amended early in the session by combining Burr-Fedde and Selleck Quadrangle into one district which would elect two senators and placing the cooperatives in the off-campus constituency. THE AMENDMENT, however, was reconsidered and the districts were returned to their original form. The number of seats apportioned to each constituency in the future will be decided by the electoral com . mission. If fractions arise in the calculation of the number of representatives for each constituency, they will be rounded to the nearest whole number of representatives. Considerable controversy arose over whether a projwsal by the Structure committee which contained the bulk of the meaning of Government Bill No. 24 should be included in the con stitution. TOM MORGAN chairman of the convention, and ASUN President Mike Naeve were opposed to adding anything more than a general state ment of ASUN's power concerning student welfare. A compromise was reached, but the section was passed with little change In the orginal wording of the proposal. recommends more representation responsibility of the total academic community, and that it should be shared by faculty, students and Student Ai'fuirs specialists. "The recently created University Teaching Council gives emphasis to the academic community's new com mitment to improve and enrich the classroom life of students. "IF WE ARE to make a similar breakthrough in improving the quality of this University's out-of-classroom environment, the Committee believes a new Council on Student Life is also urgently needed. " 'The Student In the Academic Community' docu ment provides a general statement of University policy, including the affirmation that 'Students should be free, individually or collectively, to express their views on issues of Institutional policy and on matters of general Interest to the student population. The students should have clearly defined means to participate equitably In the formulation of institutional policies and procedures which affect student life'. "It is the opinion of this Committee that students at this time have neither the 'clearly defined means to participate In' nor an equaltable role in thj formulation of policies and procedures. Section 5, Paragraph A reads: "ASUN shall exercise all powers and responsibilities dealing with student life, including: THE POWER to establish all policies, rules and regulations governing student social and group life . . . (publications, curfews and parietal regulations). The power to assume responsibility over djsciplinary pro cedures within these areas. The power to participate equitably in the allocation and distribution of student fees. The power to participate equitably with the University administration and faculty in the exercise of all power and responsibility over Universiy housing policy and non social disciplinary matters. IN OTHER amendments to the constitution. Cochrane submitted a proposal which liberalized re quirements for placing an amendment before the student body as a special referendum. The existing constitution provides for only two dates on which a referendum may be held. The first date is in December, and the second is the day of the spring elections. Cochrane's amendment provides that any petition for amendment to the constitution which is presented to the electoral commissioner in the first semester must be placed on a special referendum within one month H IF THE petition is submitted during the second semester but before the 27th day preceding the spring general election, the proposed amendment will be included on the ballot of that elec tion. Randall Trier moved thai a special referendum be called hi which it would take a majority of the students voting in the referendum to ratify any organic act of the Senate which calls for a constitutional convention. Frier's, motion passed.' by Susie Jenkins Nebrusknn stuff Wriler High-speed change in civil rights needs and plans is causing splits and dissension among civil rights leaders, according to James Farmer, newly appointed assistant secretary of Health, Educutionn and Welfare. Farmer, the first black to accept a high post In the Nixon administra tion, was on campus Wednesday and Thursday for speeches, television in t e r v 1 e w s and question-answer sessions. "Anyone winning the battles but losing the war reassesses his strategy, and that is what the blacks are doing today," Farmer said, ex plaining the change in civil rights strategies. Answers adequate only a few months ago now appear archaic and bsolete, Fanner told an audience in the Nebraska Union Centennial Boom. He gave two reasons for the shift In civil rights agenda: the failure of the civil rights revolution to achieve Integration, and the failure of the "battle victories" to change the life condition of the average U.S. black citizen. "That hot dog we worked for ten years ago at the lunch counter was , dearly won," Farmer said. "It doesn't seem nearly as Important now, It merely whets the appetite." Farmer emphasized that 'previous efforts for equality weren't "complete failures," that these efforts did the middle class blacks good. Continued on Page 3 - jL jLu '. ;i, -.'...'V ' ' 1 '-' . mH;f.'lHl4J'i'i . . .. "' , ' Mjtf 33 , ' .UMMrtMiuMi. i 1 Do not fold, spindle or mutilate. This is your passport to more hours of long lines, exciting lectures and challenging tests. Pre-registration procedures attempt to increase efficiency An attempt to streamline registra tion procedures and Increase each department's knowledge ci the de mand for various courses is the purpose of new pre-registration pro cedures, according to Glenn Nees, ASUN welfare committee chairman. A new work sheet and course re quest form has been devised for pre ret stration which runs through April 4. "'lass schedules, work sheets and rep stration forms are available in the Nebraska Union and the Administra tion Building. The improvements are the results of efforts by the welfare committee and the office of Registration and Records. NEES, IN A statement released in conjunction with Gerald Bowker of registration and records, said registration this spring should be more simple, and students should be able to obtain more courses that they Grml students bv Bachlttar Singh Ncbraskan Staff Writer ' Graduate and foreign students in Benton and Fairfield dormitories have been taken by surprise by decisions concerning their request for coed visitation rights. On March 10 the Board of Regents announced that the Regents had unanimously voted for defeat of the students' request for coed visitation rights. On March 19 it was announced that a group of undergraduates were planning to petition the Regents and might possibly stage a sit-in sup porting coed visitation in Benton and Fairfield. Most of those residents are wonder ing who these undergraduates are and why the gruduale students were not luformed of their plans, the graduate student said. "We are, of course, very grateful for nil the help we can get, and welcome support from students, faculty and administration," said Ring Chen, student assistant at Benton, "but we would have preferred to have been consulted before steps were taken." "These measures were well-meant, "Several problems can be found with the present University Senate Committee on Student Affairs. First, this committee dealing with student life situations is subordinate to the University Senate. The Senate has no student membership. To provide equltability this committee should have its powers derived from the entire community rather than a segment of the com munity. "SECOND, TIIE current membership of the Student Affairs Committee is fourteen faculty and administrators and seven students. This is clearly Inequitable. "Third, the Dean 'of Student Affairs is currently serving as chutrman of the Student Affairs Committee, although he has requested to be relieved of this chairmanship. This is a position that could easily provide him with the opportunity to control the action of the Committee, although we judge this as not being the present situation. Many students and some faculty do. though, perceive this last point differently. "it is for these reasons that we make the following recommendation: "In order to Implement more fully the University of Nebraska's policy statement, The Student in the Academic Community, it is recommended that a new SAMPLES tlMlvr.KIITV or MVHHMKA 7 WORKSHEET run; t lftl(lf!l " CUO mm ' T- '-" 2jg27 1TH , lib r,,tH 70 V FIJI want. Nees added that drop-and add by mail may soon become a reality. The new form, which can be fed directly into a computer, allows pro cessing of 2,(KM) registrations an hour. Thus, all registrations can be process ed in a few days instead of tiie nearly four weeks previously required, the statement said. Increased speed in processing will allow the departments to adjust to the class demands of the students, making possible in some cases an in crease in the number of sections of fered and a corresponding increase in a student's chance of registering for the course, according to the state ment. REGISTRATIONS will be processed in three cycles, it continued, allowing students to take advantage of sections added as a result of the last cycle. Although free drop-and-add will be plan action against Regents but we should have been informed of them in advance," David Pales, resident of Benton, said. 1FC adopted a motion 22-2 last week "that the 1FC forward to the Board of Regents the request for our right to determine coed visiting hours and all social regulations affecting respective living units, and that the IFC do everything In its power to see that this right is obtained.'" One of the major concerns of the graduate students centered around the effect of these steps on their own plans. David Trask, another Benton resi dent, stated that he had spoken to some of the men about the petition. "All the men I spoke to were in favor of the petition as a plea for local rule," Trusk emphasized. "1 didn't ask them how they felt about the sit-in because 1 didn't know about it." The graduate and foreign students had been at work on plans of their own concerning their visitation pro posal. "We were planning to meet with the Regents to discuss our situation and try to arrive at a workable solu T.m mm VwUL'.'.U iLrJf Jit UK Si r , tu4n( iM-td j T . 1 f J'" 1 '"j'" 12 4. -v. jLAj Mic 'ice Si VM-w.-, -'I. offered in the spring, the committee is working to institute drop-and-add by mail after the final registration sheets are mailed. "Students lJuve been standing in lines at this University probably from the day of its establishment, and eacli year the lines have been longer, tempers shorter and classes increas ingly hard to get into," the statement said in explaining the purpose of the committee. "Out of principle, the student has refused to select alternative courses (generally because he may not realistically have any alternatives). it added. "He then receives his registration copy from the University and finds that he has been registered for nine hours out of an original sixteen," it continued. Some students have com plained of receiving none, even after listing alternatives. tion," Elsie Shore, resident a t Fairfield, said. Margy O'Leary, student assistant at Fairfield, stated that most of the women in the dorm were in favor of this approach as the next step. She pointed out that the graduate and foreign students' program was flourishing with the help of the ad ministration, and that the students wished to maintain tlus satisfactory working relationship. "We feel that this approach has been most effective in the past, and although we won't rule out other pro cedures, we do demand tho right to decide on them ourselves," Miss O'Leary said. "After all, that's what It's all about." The discussion of graduate student visitation rights was continued at Hyde Park last week. Speaking about the graduate visita tion proposal, Phil Medcalf said. "There's gonna be a revolution on this campus." He continued that ac tion would have to be taken now by activist students for coed visitation. Larry Wolfley, an English instructor and resident of Benton Hall, address Continued in Page 4 body to be called the Council on Student Life, be organiz ed to replace the current University Senate Committee on Student Affairs. The basic purpose of thii council shall be to coordinate and develop all student living, social and out-of-classroom activities. This council shall begin meeting no later than September 30, 1909." - TIIK COUNCIL, after some discussion, shall consist of 13 members, including one member of the Undergraduate Dean's Council to serve as chairman; the Dean of Student Affairs or his designee to serve as secretary; the president of the IJncoln campus or his designee; the president of the Associated Students of the University of Nebraska; six students to be selected by ASUN, with no more than two to be chosen from any single college or living unit: and three faculty members to be nominated by the University Senate Committee on Committees and approved by the Senate. Designating powers and responsibilities, the SAC Committee stated: The Council on Student Life shall have general policy-making power over all student living, social and out-of-classroom activities, subject to review by the Board of Repeats.