1 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1969 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN I f M ri n in I I Greg Carlberg, who finished Big Eight indor track and field meet, prepares tor tne up coming outdoor season which begins with NU traveling to Tucson to meet Arzona and Long Beach State April 5. Beta Doily Nebraskan Classified Advertising Hours Mm V Hir CrWor I p.m. .nv Wonted: Ftmal to modal for avanlna drtjwln clou. No prlnc rCMarv. . how plut travtllng Mm. Call eollaet to Art Dtpt. Doona Coll, Croto. Ntbrotko. On or two molt roomatw tor aparK manl. Coll 477-4M7. COLLI Oe MEN. Wort port-tlm now and full llmo this tummor, aM-4414 MiKclfolMOVtt f ptrt fypHt. Kewoiwblo rata fa, a pondaola. Call Pot Owon. 423-MOS. loctnmla copying. f aarvl , Term papar thaw, laaartatlom. Call MrJSW. In tnt martial art Judo. Jullttu, Karata. NU itudonti, M.0O month. For mora Information! Tha All Amortean School of Judo. 435-MM. "Hoars ta moot your ichadula." Flavian havrldn Indoor Outdoor panto. Oala Jaffray. 7 J4. Hoadlnf Dynamic clanaa. April Sarlaa Basin April 3. J 00 p.m. for Informa tion, call lot fjndtoon 415Uf ar u-a!. For Sain tot li mob. Navy Blua many a a aria. irt-lvn. piano, (mail, whit ttudto. axoallant aon aitmn. Call 4H-MM oftar 30. (any NOA tap racordar. Ixcaltant con dltlen. tm mmu Barry a, undya too ahap I4N. Call ROM 477-HMc ire lf7 CM M rovolvar. CaH 477-IUI ka twaan 3 and 4 p.m lOSt! (itvsr 10 kracalat with nama Chria an It. If tot .id piaatd call tn-tm. Raward 9ffvrNla r 0ie $223 Tt! xqulslta simplicity of Za'es dia.-ortd ol Itair beautifully styled (c. wrm 14K cold. Conynlril Terms lllvatmllon lnttrgd JSWVblHS S6l CCLCR second in the mile at the recent Gamma Sigma meets Wed. Election of new members will be the main topic of business at Wednesday's meeting of Beta Gamma Sigma, national honorary for Business Administration. Also to be discussed will be plans for the Spring ban quet. The meeting is sched uled for 3:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. Enterprising Young Ladies Earn Good Money In Your Spare Time Bo a "Holiday Girl" In your dorm On campus At homt Vleasant Easy Exciting HOLIDAY MAGIC COSMETICS CALU SU INC 477-7405 WRiTEi P.O. I0X 2041 LINCOLN, NEB. AuinMmino rawr -ceonco HARwson WW- ao PEPPER'S LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND - , GEOE DUNNING LEElNOFF Hungry fans spend $38,000 athletic department sports big budget . i i a. .....:.,,-. vrw.ioc in thn othiotir Honartmf nts He also exolained that by Mark Gordon Sports Editor Government may be big business, but Bill Fisher knows that a university athletic department also plays the game of high finance. Fisher, Husker athletic business manager, supervises all athletic department fiscal matters which an nually account for more than $2 million. Besides overseeing the l!l!lllli!WI!IIIIIIIIIIII!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!ll!llimillllll!lllllllll Editor's note: This is the third in a six-part series on NU athletic depart ment officials. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiniiiiiiiiii budget, he also handles the mechanics of the grants-in-aid scholarships, manages the concessions and ar ranges transportation and ac commodations for road football games. "CONCESSIONS are the mos"t time consuming part of my job," he said. "We sell at football, track, basketball and baseball games, and we also get concession receipts from the state wrestling, basketball and baseball high school tournaments." The concession revenue provides $150,000 annually which helps support the athletic department, he said, ad ding that about $125,000 comes from football crowds. "On warm sunny football days, we take in about $28,000 but when it's cold and we can't sell cold drinks, this drops to about $15,000," he said. Fisher, who assumed duties of con cessions director in 1967 when H. H. (Ike) Hanscom retired, said 300 workers and 80 sellers work at Memorial Stadium football games, and 15 sellers and 15 workers work at Coliseum basketball games. He added that in some ways, basketball STUDENTS! build yourself a bankroll this summer Get a GOOD-PAYING JOB at MANPOWER! $$ W havt factory, warehous and outdoor work as many days a week as you choose. You get good pay, still have time to soak up tha summer sun. Come In this weeK we're interviewing NOWI MANP0WER An Equal Opportunity Employer A Portrait of Magnificence Each Keepsake Engagement diamond is a precisely cut gem polished to a sparkling finish. Settling to shade the beauty or impair the value of your election. ITI lAMona aiNaa 1 2, concessions are harder to manage. "WITH FOOTBALL, we know we will have 65,000 every Saturday and that's how many people we plan for," he said, "but in basketball, with so many unreserved seats and the weather a factor, we don't know how many to plan for." In supervising the grants-in-aids, he said athletes may either live in dormitories or off campus, so he coordinates the financing with the proper authorities for the athletes' accommodations. He added that this runs to about $400,000 annually. With football away games, he said the 70-member football party perfers motels to hotels, and the team flies to non-Lincoln sites by a chartered commercial airline. ALTHOUGH ALL Big Eight schools are feeling the pinch of increased jflj flying Li 111) J The University of Nebras ka Flying Club will hold an organizational meeting at 7:30 p.m. in Richard's Hall, room 206. All interested stu dents and faculty are invited to discuss plans for forma tion of the club, which will be separate from the now operating University Flying Club. NORMAN MAILER'S ayOHOVIPRCU SHELDON GALLERY April 18 & 19 Advance Tickets $1.59 in Union KENT Your FURNITURE Save Money And Time Enjoy Attractive Surroundings TnteriorsT DIVERSIFIED 48th 1230 South St. 432-8852 nidDiey h sil O n O It highly illegal of course, hnt you'd be zeroing in on your main objective in life. If, on the other hand, you're interested in things like learning and doing, and meeting challenges and people then Bank of America is interested in you. The world's largest bank needs young men and women with ambition and potential to help in the development of new banking services. And the improvement of old ones. The challenge are great. operating expenses in the athletic departments, lie said iseDrasKa is in Bill Fisher relatively good financial s h a p A . However, trouble might levelo- as early'as five years from now. "Trouble is always sitting jnder your front door," he said. "With possibly a new track and fieldhouse to be built within a few years, we may be in trouble." But he stressed that the situation at NU is better than at many other Big Ten and Big Eight athletic J 1700 SOUTH 70 . - Student "Term" Lease! We now have Opels or Buicks available for students to lease for a minimum f three (3) or maximum of nine (9) months during your school term- For example: Pay a small lease fee monthly with the option of 100 of payment applied to purchase of the car or turn the car back with NO ADDITIONAL charges to you. Call Bob lant for en eppelntment. BILL MOWBRAY & R for food; departments. He also explained that road football games are a critical factor in the athletic picture. "These games must be scheduled 10 to 12 years in advance," he said. "It's hard to determine which games are going to be good draws so far ahead." WHILE OTHER schools nave at tendance problems at football games which provides the vast majority of revenue for all schools, NU has ad vantages over other colleges, which foreshadows profitable years ahead, he said. He termed lack of a pro football team in the area, the benefits of just one state university, a strong football tradition, a winning program and a scarcity of seats as reasons which should keep football and the entire athletic department financially strong for at least the immediate future. Rusty Draper March 13 & 14 along with Steve and Gail $1 cover charge BUICK OPEL 434-5976 So are the rewards. One of them just one of them is money. Sound interesting? It is. But don't take our word for it. Contact the Director of Placement, 340 Student Union Building, University of Nebraska. And leave the printing press to the Treasury Department. BANK OF AMERICA Ss9aVSMS eissllvT aW fetsHOOSS) SsfeSjOMfttfYOVO a floaojSJVO) IssSfMSS) tjanaff eKQMiA40aYf ejaVCMasaSsl Jj Equal Opportunity Employer 1321 0 432-3217 JWB-IBe : i-""