The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 12, 1969, Image 1

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VOL 92, NO. 77,
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Minor pastime ... at 20. It will be, at any rate, as soon as Governor Norbert Tiemann affixes his signature to LB 167 lower
ing the majority age and hence, the legal drinking age, by one year.
Legislature lowers adulthood age
to 20, pending Governor's approval
Young people in Nebraska will now
reach adulthood at age 20 instead of
21, as provided in LB167, passed by
the state Legislature Tuesday.
The bill was approved 36-11 and sent
to the Governor with an emergency
clause, which means that the pro
visions will go into effect immediately
University senate passes
one-way traffic for mall
The University Senate and Acting
Chancellor Merk Hobson agreed at
Tuesday's monthly meeting to take
quick action on three proposals by
Professor R, C. Lommasson who pro
posed that traffic around the mall be
one way to alleviate crowded condi
tions. He also asked that the chimes in
the bell tower be adjusted so that
full songs are played and that a uni
form schedule of ringing (I.e. every
hour on the 45th minute) be estab
lished. Lommasson asked that a uni
form abbreviation labeling be estab
lished and maps printed for students
ease in finding buildings.
In regular action the Senate ap
proved reports from the Committee
on Publications, the Committee on
Honorary Degrees and the Committee
on Calendar and Examinations.
First semester classes In 1970 will
begin on Sept. 14 with examinations
beginning on Jan. 18, 1971. The pos
sibility that LB 377 (legal holidays in
Nebraska) would Interfere with Me
morial Day was also considered and
Nebraskans obtain different point of view at
bv Jounell Ackcrmnn
Nebraskan Staff Writer
Stillman Collego is different from
the University of Nebraska.
Four University students learned
Kathy Rieselman, chairman of the ASUN Selection Committee
which screens applicants for the Stillman College exchange pro
gram, talks to several students about Stillman.
upon Gov. Norbert Tlemann'i
The change allows 20-year-olds to
buy and drink alcoholic beverages
legally, enter into contracts and
assume other rights and,
responsibilities of adulthood. The only
exception is that 21 is still the age
a contingency motion passed to allevi
ate problems.
Hobson gave a special report on
the Faculty Liaison Committee and
asked for faculty support of its en
deavors. He commended the commit
tee on its successful representation at
the hearing on LB 170, concerning
faculty tenure.
On Campus Today
NBC news' Washington Cor
respondent Sander Vonocur will speak
today In the East Campus Union at
1 p.m. Instead of 2 p.m. as previously
An "Interpretive Dance" Lenten
worship will be held at the United
Methodist Chapel at 9:30 p.m. Eight
dancers, led by Marilyn Pierce, a
member of Orcnesls, will express the
moods of Lent through dancing.
Hymns and scriptures will also be
Interpreted. The worship service is
open to the public.
lust how different when they spent
last semester attending classes at the
small Presbyterian college, which is
located in Tuscaloosa, Ala. The 800
member student body is black.
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of voting.
A companion bill LB1G3, also in
troduced by Sen. Elvin Adamson pro
poses a constitutional amendment to
lower the voting age to 20, and has
not yet been debated on the floor of
the legislature.
The Legislature Judiciary Com
mittee did send the majority bill to
the floor with an amendment making
the age 19, but the senators chose
to leave the age at 20.
The Government and Military Af
fairs Committee, which heard the
companion voting-age measure, also
recommended 19, and this bill awaits
Unicameral action.
Sen. Eugene T. Mahoney of Omaha
became the sponsor of the bills when
Pollution critical danger
Modern medicine has added years
to mens lives, but in many cases,
it has not added life to their years,
according to Carl J. Peter, assistant
professor of public health.
The life expectancy In the United
States in 1850 was 35 years, he said.
Today it is about 71 years. However,
there is much quality lacking in many
lives, he continued.
One instance is in the area of pollu
tion. We are not leaving a decent
legacy for future generations, Peter
"We are standing in polluted air
and polluted water, trying to get to
the moon," he said. "But, this Is only
rne example. Improvement could
come In almost any area," he said.
One of the reasons for the low
Experiences at Stillman taught her
to be more open-minded about people
and about different Ideas, says Vicki
Van Steenberg, a sophomoie history
major who was one of the four
participating In the ASUN-sponsored
exchange program operating between
the two schools.
STEVE BALDWIN, a junior In
dustrial arts major, added that he
is "much more at ease with blacks"
"Those first four nights at Stillman,
my roommate must have had about
100 visitors. He didn't realize that he
had so many friends. But we both
knew that they really stopped In to
see what I was like," he said.
Emily Cameron, a sophomore
political science major, found the first
week was so busy with getting
registered, buying books and getting
used to classes that there was not
time to reflect on how she felt about
her surroundings.
Because the school was small and
the students were friendly, the four
had no trouble getting acquainted.
HOWEVER, they did encounter
southern racial prejudice.
When the girls went downtown with
their Stillman friends, people would
stop and look at them. It seemed that
they were not accustomed to seeing
blacks and whites together.
An incident that sticks in Baldwin's
Adamson and co-sponsor C. W. Holm
quist of Oakland withdrew.
In short debate on the floor.
Adamson asked either Sen. J. James
Waldron or Mahoney to Indicate
whether young persons regarded the
bill as "tokenism" and were
dissatisfied at the age level proposed.
Waldron said he had visited with
"some young secretaries" who said
they were delighted at the prospect
of reaching the age of majority at
Tiemann is in Washington, D.C., this
week, testifying before a Senate com
mittee, and will sign or veto the LB167
when he returns. He is expected to
sign the bill.
quality of' life in many instances is
that modern society tends to think
of average men, Peter said. Every
man is' unique, he continued. In
dividuals cannot be treated a s
However, us men live closer
together, the more of a problem this
will become, he noted. Ho said w
cannot overlook the necessity of in
dividual human dignity.
"If we give a man a longer life,
but give him nothing to live for,
society has failed," Peter continued.
To simply provide for people's physi
cal needs is not enough.
He said that one year could be just
like the last one for many people.
Because of this, If some people live
ten years longer, they haven't really
had ton years more life.
memory happened at the YMCA. He
was helping a 9-year-old white boy
witn ms swimming sirones.
The boy asked Baldwin where he
went to school. When Baldwin told
him that he was a Stillman student,
the boy could hardly believe it.
"Oil, THAT'S THE nigger college
on the hill," he said. "Aren't they
dirty? Aren't they mean to you?"
Tuscaloosa, located In the heart of
George Wallace country, Is the home
of the University of Alabama.
"It was soon obvious to us that
blacks were not welcome in the white
community," Miss Van Steenberg
said, adding that the blacks are pre
judiced against the whites, too.
"We certainly got some strange
looks when walking through all black
neighborhoods," she said,
Since most of the Stillman students
attended all black high schools, the
four NU students were the first white
people that they had ever talked to
on a friendly basis.
"I FOUND THAT my black friends
liked me as a person, but they still
had a dislike for white people in
general," Miss Cameron said.
"This Is understandable," she con
tinued. "For example, one of my
Stillman friends had her first contact
with a white person during the civil
rights demonstrations at Sekna la
Hough named dean
of Arts & Science
by John Dvorak
Nebraskan Staff Writer
The new dean of the College of Arts
and Sciences is Dr. Robert L.
Hough, now associate dean of that
college. Hough was named to the posi
tion at the Monday afternoon Board of
Regents meeting in Omaha.
Dr. C. Peter Magrath, who was ap
pointed arts and sciences dean last
June, was named dean of faculties ef
fective April 1. That position is cur
rently held by acting-Chancellor Merk
"I will not be an acting dean,"
Hough said Saturday. "But my ap
pointment will be on a term basis. I
will serve as long as necessary,"
Hough continued. He could not esti
mate how much time will be needed
to locate a permanent dean. In the
past, such searches have not been
An acting dean has one strike
against him, according to Hough. The
term "acting" often infers limitations
of power. Hough requested and will
be given the full title, although it
Is no secret that he will step down
when a replacement is found.
Plans are expected to be announced
shortly for a search committee, com
posed of both students and faculty
members, to begin the hunt for the
permanent dean.
That search could stay on campus.
Hough speculated. It is his guess,
however, that the permanent dean will
probably come from outside the
University. The last dean chosen.
): J
Recently appointed Dean of Arts and Science college, Dr. Robert
L. Hough, tests his new chair, while former head of the depart
ment and new dean of faculties, Dr. C. Peter Macgrath, gives
pointers on deanmanship.
to longer life
"1 think that everyone deserves to
be important, too," Peter continued.
"This importance should come from
more than just being able to say 'I
am 102 years old'."
The problem would be on its way
to solution if people would look more
closely at themselves and how they
relate to others. However, it seems
that most people are afriad of what
they will find if they look at
themselves, he added.
Peter said that everyone must
examine their personal value systems
and try to better understand
themselves as individuals.
There are a variety of solutions.
Many problems would be eased If in
dividuals would become more con
cerned with their personal health.
Every individual should be aware
of "total health," he continued. The
10's. A white man hit her with a
Both Miss Cameron and Miss Van
Steenberg became involved with
juvenile court work through a
criminology class that Miss Cameron
wss tulvint
Miss Cameron worked wHh three
truancy cases and Miss Van Steenberg
did a case history of a youth on pro
bation. This gave the girls a chance
to look at the community.
TUSCALOOSA IS the third poorest
metropolitan area in the nation. There
are 4,000 houses in the town which
do not meet minimum standards. This
means the houses have no running
water or inside toilets.
"It Is a rugged community," Miss
Cameron said. "And they do not seem
to have zoning laws there. In some
areas there are so many houses
crowded on one block that it Is hard
to believe without seeing it yourself."
The four discovered some of the
benefits of attending a small col
lege. "The student-professor relationship
Is fantastic, because everyone knows
everyone else so well. One of the
political science professors would skip
class to play tennis with us students,''
Baldwin said.
THE FACULTY was about half
black and half white. Some of the
white professors weitft Hiere on an
Magrath. came from Brown
One thing about the permanent dean
is certain it will not be Hough.
"I am not a candidate," he said.
"As a matter of fact, I would have
liked to go back to teaching next fall.
I am, of course, perfectly willing to
take on this new position."
.Besides being associate dean of the
college. Hough is teaching an English
class this semester, which results in
an especially heavy work load, he
Since Hough already holds a high
position in the college, he expects no
break in continuity when Magrath
leaves April 1.
"There won't be a drop off," he
commented. "Dean Magrath and I
have worked closely together in the
past and our ideas are similar."
Hough received his B.A. in 1949
from Pomona. One year later he
received an M.S. from Columbia
University and earned a Ph.D. from
Stanford in 1957. He holds the rank
if professor of English.
No stranger to the dean's office.
Hough helped Dr. James Olson direct
the college before Magrath came to
the University last year.
In other action the Regents unani
mously rejected a request for coeduca
tional visiting hours on the University
campus. The proposal, previously ap
proved by the NU housing policy com
mittee, would have permitted room
visitation during selected hours for
graduate and foreign students living
in University dorms.
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World Health Organization defines
"total health" to include the physical,
social, and mental aspects of
Education programs are necessary
to make people aware of their health
needs. Peter said everyone should
know how to evaluate both the present
and future consequences of their ac
tions. An instance of individuals ignoring
the consequences of their actions is
found in drug use. Peter said. Those
taking drugs don't realize how this
could affect their future in many
ways, from biological to legal.
If people, now merely existing, are
educated and brought into the modern
social system, they can be useful and
happy members of society, he said.
Then we will have added quality as
weii as quantity to man's years.
experience basis like the N U
The campus is small. There are
three girls dorms, two boys dorms,
a library, a gymnasium, a combina
tion administration-classroom building
and a renovated hospital which serves
as a science building.
They described the campus at
mosphere as conservative. The Black
Student Alliance, a militant group,
have begun promoting the black con
sciousness movement and the Afro
styles are Just beginning to catch
"The militants were the really In
telligent ones," Miss Cameron said.
"When you won over one of them,
you really had a friend."
Why did the four go to Stillman?
"1 HAD NEVEtt been farther south,
than Kansas City," said Miss
Cameron. "The reason I wanted to
go to Stillman was to learn about
a different part of the country."
Baldwin said that he has a friend
who did graduate work at Fisk Col
lege, another small Negro school in
Nashville. Tenn.
"He told me what a great ex
perience he had. So when I heard
about the Stillman exchange, that was
"If you go down ther with the in
tention of studying the blacks as
sociology assignment, they can tell
this in a second," be added.
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