The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 06, 1969, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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International clubs dissolve;
new group is structured
by Bachiftar Singh
Nebraskan Staff Writer
; At the request of Sam Bioku,
president of NIA (Nebraska Interna
tional Association), and Larry Hol
bein, president of PTP (People to
People) a joint committee was ap
pointed last semester to look into the
possibility of combining both
At the conclusion of its inquiry,
the merging committee suggested last
Sunday that instead of merging the
two organizations, they be dissolved
and a newiy structured International
Club be formed.
IT WAS ALSO suggested that a
steering committee be formed to start
drafting a preliminary constitution for
a new organization and prepare for
election of officers before the end of
the semester.
A meeting of NIA and PTP ex
ecutives approved setting up the new
International Club.
F. H. Hermes, a member of the
merging committee, said that any
person interested in international af
fairs and activities could sign up for
this committee in the Foreign
Students Office.
THE PROPOSED organization
would go through the organizational
steps this semester. It will start func
tioning next semester.
According to Hermes, this will
allow NIA and PTP to carry on their
plans made for this semester.
A numbe of reasons were given
U to provide coeducational
fencing class for second year
The days of sword-wielding knights
are dead.
Through the cooperation of the
Women's Physical Education Depart
ment, a co-recreational fencing class
for both beginners and advanced
students is now being formed, ac
cording to Jerry Novak, a fencing in
structor with the Men's P.E. Depart
ment. The class starts with an organiza
tional meeting next Tuesday at 7 p.m.
In 301 Women's P.E. Building and will
continue for nine consecutive
Tuesdays at 7 p.m.
NOVAK ADDED that all equipment
except tennis shoes, will be furnished
for the fencing club, which is designed
for recreation and fun.
For advanced fencers, epee and
saber methods will be taught while
beginners will learn the foil method,
dueling with a 12 oz. weapon with a 34
inch blade and hitting restricted to the
trunk area, he said.
Masters Week program
scheduled for April 20-22
Yes, there will be a "Masters
Week" again this year. Preparations
are being made by Innocents and
Mortar Boards instead of ASUN as
in past years, according to Cheryl
Tritt, co-chairman.
The purpose of Masters Week,
April 20-22, is to return outstanding
and prominent graduates of the
University to the campus for three
days. They will discuss with students
their personal formulas of success and
current job opportunities that are
However, to make the affair
go well, sophomore guides are needed
to serve on publicity and arrangement
committees and to guide the masters
around campus, according to Miss
Interested sophomores may get
application blanks on the bulletin
board opposite the Nebraska Union
basement auditorium, she said.
Deadline for applications is Wednes
day, Feb. 12.
- The masters will make ap
pearances at most of the living units
on campus. There will be receptions
and dinners held during which
students may talk with the masters.
In addition, they will hold lectures
and discussions with the departments
in their field.
They are also scheduled to appear
at the Honors Convocation on April
Invitations for prospective
masters were sent out the first part
of October, according to Miss Tritt.
So far seven have agreed to
Leads to Commission in U.S. Naval or Marine Corps Reserve.
Sophomores or above, including grad students, with at least
a "C" average and two years remaining in school are
Examination daily xcpt Tuesday ct 0900 ft 1300.
DttaHi eM 103 M ft N Iwildina.
by members as to the failure of NIA
and PTP to carry out their objectives.
"There is no proper coordination
in the executive body of NIA," said
Lajpat R. Batra, vice president of
NIA," and as a result the NIA has
not been able to function as effectively
as it should."
Roberts, president of. the African
Association, the programs sponsored
by NIA and PTP have not been good
enough to stimulate and maintain the
Interest of students.
He said the fact that the structure
has been changed does not show suc
cess automatically.
HERMES SAID that PTP has also
been a failure mainly because its ex
ecutive committee failed to extend an
invitation to students who are really
interested in harmonious international
Mohinder Atwal, chairman of the
merging committee, said of the two
organizations "Both these groups hav
become very sectarian."
Atwal added that fraternities and
sororities, being a vital force on cam
pus, tend to discriminate against
foreign students. As PTP had its main
backing from Greeks, he said, it is
bound to be a failure as an interna
tional organization.
cannot really communicate with such
personalities," Atwal said.
Ruben Ardila, organizer of the
The club was organized last year on
an experimental basis, and this year's
club wants several competitive
matches, Novak said.
He added that Wayne Moles, an ad
vanced fencer, would like to take
several club members with him to
duel the University of Minnesota's
club in Minneapolis in the spring.
BESIDES THE Minneapolis event,
the club will conduct a single
elimination tournament between
members at the end of the 10-week
course, Novak added.
He said the Women's P.E. Depart
ment has given its full cooperation in
allowing the club to use its facilities.
Also, two women P.E. staff members,
Mrs. Shirley Miller and Miss Ina
Anderson, will serve as sponsors of
the club.
ed unpopular in theMidwest, ... he said
the sport is included in high school cur-
participate. They are:
Alex Cochrane President of
Charles Steadman President of
Steadman Security Corp.
Marvin Shmid A prominent
Omaha attorney.
Otto Kotous, Jr. A prominent
Nebraska attorney from Humbolt.
Edmund Seeves Public rela
tions department of General Motors.
Ralph Dailard Superintendent
of San Diego schools.
Norbert T. Tiemann Governor
of Nebraska.
About four others also are ten
tatively scheduled, Miss Tritt said.
A complete list will be released later.
1228 P Street
Latin American Association, said,
"Lack of communication and clear
goals hindered the path of NIA and
Commenting on the new
organization, Atwal said "The purpose
of this new organization would be to
interest every person on campus to
become a member."
HE ADDED that a new organiza
tion would give every nation
represented on campus an equal
voice. The executive committee would
be elected from the general members.
The executive committee would be
responsible to a Board of Directors.
"The Board would be made up
of one representative from each of
the national groups which make up
the new international organization."
Atwal said.
Atwal added that the broad scope
of the new organization would create
opportunities for faculty members and
others to be actively involved.
Hermes concluded that the merg
ing report is not binding but more
of a suggestion as to how to form
and run an effective and truly in
ternational organization.
There will be PTP interviws
Saturday, Feb. 8, from 9:30-12 a.m.
and 1-2 p.m.
Interested people can sign up for
interviewing time on the bulletin
board in the Nebraska Union.
Positions include chairman and
assistant for social, publicity, special
problems and brother-sister committees.
riculums on the east and west coasts.
He added that the University of
Kansas is the only major college in
this area with a nationally-rated
varsity fencing team.
The Tuesday night class will include
films and give fencers practical ex
perience. Fencers from the Lincoln
Recreation Department will give
demonstrations to the group, he said.
Dr. Caldwell named
anthropolgy head
The Board of Regents has named
Dr. Warren W. Caldwell as chairman
of the anthropology department. He
was formerly director of the River
Basin Surveys of the Smithsonian In
stitute. He succeeds Dr. Preston Holder
who will continue as professor of
anthropology. Holder has served as
chairman of the anthropology depart
ment since 1960.
Caldwell has served as assistant
professor of anthropology at the
University on a part-time basis since
A native of Davenport, Iowa, he
holds degrees from San Mateo Junior
College, Stanford University, an M.A.
from Stanford University and a Ph.D.
from the University of
He joined the Smithsonian River
Basin Survey in 1956 as an
archeologist. Caldwell was named
chief of the Missouri Basin Project
in 1963 and director of the River Basin
Survey, the post he now holds, in
Caldwell, participant in a wide
variety of archeological excavations
throughout the United States, was also
an associate investigator for a Na
tional Science Foundation Grant for
"An Archeological Study of the
Cultural and Settlement Patterns in
the Middle Missouri Valley" in 1961
3:00-6:00 p.m.
Every Friday
Come Early!
bet mM rotii MM
1 (CiHhm&T,
3:3 0p.m.
Hyde Park ,
YWCA Juvenile Court
, 4 p.m.
Student Affairs Committee Meeting
Union Special Events
6 p.m.
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia
AUF Executive Committee
6:30 p.m.
Kosmet Klub Tryouts
7 p.m.
German Club
Spanish Portuguese Club
ASUN Legislative Liaison
, YWCA-Cultural Crafts
Nebraska Arab Student Assoc.
7:30 p.m.
Pi Sigma Alpha Rev. Charles
Stephen, Speaker
Young Democrats
Graduate College Career Scholars
Math Counselors ,
8 p.m.
Young Republicans
Greek Week
Summer job
now available
Applications are now available for
full time employment in the New Stu
dent Summer Program, according to
Ron Eaglln of Student Activities.
Any student who will have com
pleted 60 semester hours by June,
1969 and has knowledge concerning
requirements and courses in his col
lege is eligible. He must also have
experience in student activities.
with new students and their parents
during the summer program and ac
quainting them with the University.
The program runs from June
9 to August 8. Students will be paid
$300 per month plus room and board.
Any qualified student may apply
at the Student Activities Office from
February 10 to February 20 between
the hours of 8 a.m. to a p.m.
Disk site opens
The Record Lending Li
brary, sponsored by the Ne
braska Union Music Commit
tee, will be open Tuesday
and T h u r s d a y mornings
from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Any student may select
from the collection of classi
cal, jazz, folk and Broadway
albums. Records may be
checked out for a two-week
period, according to a Union
Situation: By 1972, 46 oftiu U.S. population will be
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substantial potential, should we base our product
concept on economy or performance characteristics t
Consideration: The under 25 market poses some interesting
opportunities. For one, today 142 more young
people work toward advanced college degrees than
dia the youth market of 10 years ago. That would
seem to indicate a need for a new car based on
economy of purchase and operation.
But, market affluence and the increasing number of
multiple car households could indicate that a
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and high performance.
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next month. Thanks, '
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One J"""""
Modern dance performer and teacher, Betty Jones, will pre
sent "Dances -I Dance," a lecture-performance in the Women's
P.E. Dance studio at 8 p.m., Friday. Miss Jones, a member of the
dance faculty at Julliard School of Music, has performed with the
Jose Limon Company at the White House and in Europe. Danc
ing with Miss Jones will be Fritz Ludin.
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