The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 18, 1968, Image 1

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VOL. 92, NO. 51
irv?t IS issr
Seasonal reflections . . . The time has come, the calendar said, to think of many things . . .
of slips and sales and mailing facts, of purchases and. flings. Downtown shoppers add their
reflections to the fantasy decorations of a Lincoln store window.
Daily Nebraskan staff positions open
Applications are now being ac
cepted for staff positions on the
Daily Nebraskan for second
Applications must be returned to
Room 51, Nebraska Union before
the end of dead week, and selec
tions will be made before the
"beginning of second semester.
Nebraskan staff writers, copy
editors, photographers, night news
editor, editorial page assistant,
advertising salesmen, assistant
night news editor, advertising pro
Bag, book and candles .
by Larry Eckholt
Nebraskan Staff Writer
Sheldon's of Nebraska has more
of everything related to art, that
The Sheldon Gallery Art Shop is
stocked for Christmas and is a
convenient marketplace for those
who are tired of walking downtown
on cold afternoons.
Operated by the University, the
Art Shop specializes in original
works by local artists, but also has
a large selection of international
ONE SPECIALTY this season is
Included in Sheldon Art Gallery's shop collection are etch
ings and sketches, some from the Flea Market in Paris.
Daily Nebraskan
Christmas issue
ends semester
The final edition of the Daily Neb
raskan for the semester of the cur
rent academic year will appear
The special Christmas edition will
feature the theme of "Peace on
Earth," concerning especiaUy, the
war and the draft
Publication of the Nebraskan will
resume the first week of the second
semester, at which .time the new
staff will be announced. Interviews
for editorial positions are being
held Friday, and applications for
other positions will be accepted
through dead week.
fir UT
duction, subscription, circulation,
national advertising manager,
bookkeeper and local advertising
Salaries for these positions are
variable, from $40 per month on up.
Interviews for the positions of
editor, news editor, managing
editor and business martager will
be held Friday, according to Prof.
Jack Botts, chairman of the Board
of Student Publications.
NO NEW applications can be
submitted for these four posts, as
on oners
a selection of lithographs from the
Fleamarket in Paris and print
shops in the City of Lights.
One, a manuscript from a French
edition of the "Book of Hours," was
dated at 1500 A.D., according to
Mrs. Page Spence, manager of the
Art Shop. It sells, for $20.
The gifts at the shop range from
10 cents to hundreds of dollars.
Post card prints of famous works of
art are the least expensive item
whereas some sculpture pieces are
quite expensive.
HAND WOVEN articles designed
by Alice Parrott of Sante Fe, N.M.,
5,500 split five ways equal AUF success
The fall All University Fund
(AUF.) drive has netted somewhere
around $5,500, according to Tom
Wiese, president-elect of AUF.
Wiese said the total this year was
up about $1000 over last year. The
total is based on solicitations this
fall of all living units and Lincoln
students, and a dance.
The dance made about $800, he
explained. AUF operates within a
ten per cent operating budget taken
from the overall $5000 dollars rais
ed this falL Wiese said a number of
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the application deadline was Dec.
Botts said that the individual in
terviewing times will be scheduled
by the Board, composed of three
student and three faculty members.
The four editorial positions
selected by the Publications Board
will select the other members of
the staff, he said.
The Daily Nebraskan will have
only one more issue this semester,
a Christmas issue on Friday. There
will be no publication until the first
week of second semester.
unusual gi
have been very popular this year,
Mrs. Spence said.
Tote bags, coin purses, tissue
holders and "queschquemtls"
(which are short ponchos) can be
purchased in bright colors. Pillows
are also available.
Pottery is another popular gift
item at the shop. A spice jar set
made by Angelo Garzio sells for
$28. Raku pottery by Wayne Higby
is also featured.
One item can be sensed before it
is seen. The sweet odor of scented
candles wafts through the air of the
Art Shop.
MRS. SPENCE feels that the
most "curious" item offered this
year by the shop are wall-hangings
for technicals in
by Randy York
Assistant Sports Editor
Nebraska's Monday night
basketball game with Michigan
State at the Coliseum produced not
only a 73-59 Husker triumph, but
also created a mutual coaching
Nebraska's Joe Cipriano and
Michigan State's John Bennington
exchanged obvious expressions of
disapproval with the officiating as
each coach collected a technical
foul in the game.
After Cip was assessed his
technical in the first half, he looked
to the Michigan State bench and
received Bennington's consent on
the play. Both coaches laughed.
infraction in the second half, and
after so being charged, walked over
to the Husker bench, shook hands
with Cipriano, and both coaches
laughed again.
national charities work with a 40-50
per cent operational budget.
He said the money will be
donated this spring to five charities
chosen by students earlier this
year. They are Multiple Sclerosis,
USO, Keep Biafra Alive Com
mittee, Heart Association and the
American Cancer Society.
There will be a faculty drive
conducted by AUF members this
spring. Money collected in that
drive has traditionally gone to an
organization in the Lincoln community.
Experimental name
part of home ec lab
by Bill Smitherman
Nebraskan Staff Writer
One of tfc most demanding labs
at the University of Nebraska is the
Home Economics Management
Lab. This lab takes 24 hours a day.
The lab lasts for five weeks, ac
cording to Home Economics in
structor Peggy Wahn. During this
time six girls live together and do
their own cooking, cleaning, and all
other activities associated with
normal housekeeping.
SHE SAID., that a married
graduate assistant also lives in the
unit. During the lab time the assis
tant teaches a daily class and
grades the students on their normal
Home Mangement Labs have
been in existence at Nebraska since
the 1920's, she said. At first they
were known as "practice houses"
and were considered the culmina
tion of a Home Economics educa
tion. The original "houses" were con
ducted in converted residences
near the city campus. Their object
was to give the students a chance
to practice what they bad learned
in their classes, she said.
included the care of children.
However, this portion of the cur
riculum has been dropped.
Students were required to live in
the house for the full period in the
early labs. There were no pro
made by the Cuna Indians of
"Each item has been hand-ap-pliqued
by the Indians," she ex
plained. "A special technique
utilizes layers of cloth, but I am not
sure how it is done."
The shop also has a large selec
tion of paperback books, ranging in
subject matter from trends in the
arts to the art of the film.
POSTER devotees can buy a
copy of the poster announcing
Sheldon's exhibit of prints and
sculpture by Gaston Lachaise of
last spring.
The shop will be open until Dec.
24, Mrs. Spence said, operating
under normal gallery hours 10:00
a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Tuesday through
Saturday, 2:00 pjn. to 5:00 p.m. on
Spartan coaches
Similar instances occurred in the
game as both coaches discourag
ingly accepted the decisions of
referees Don Wedge and Ben
The Huskers posted their fifth
victory against one setback with a
well-balanced team effort. Jim
Brooks and Marv Stewart provided
the impetus to turn back the
Spartans, who suffered their second
loss of the season, the other coming
Saturday night to nationally-ranked
Western Kentucky, 67-63.
Brooks tipped in two stray
Nebraska shots at the outset of the
game, wound up with 17 points and
tied Leroy Chalk for rebounding
honors with 11.
went to the aggressive Stewart,
who engineered the Husker fast
break besides depositing four long
range fielder. He finished with 22
Wiese broke the total $6000
solicitations into three groups. He
said independent living units and
off-campus students contributed
some $1600; the fall dance made
about $800; and Greek houses con
tributed some $3100.
Fraternities contributed $950
Wiese said. He explained this was
up slightly from last year's total
but added that a number of houses
had previously contributed to an
IFC drive to raise funds for Biafra.
visions for married students or for
students who could not live in the
lab for other reasons. Miss Wahn
said that emphasis of the early
labs was on the absolute "right and
wrong" of situations and pro
cedures. Today the emphasis is different.
"Instead of simply practicing the
practical aspects, girls practice the
theory of home management," she
"Instead of teaching the strictly
right and wrong way to do
something, we try to teach what is
right or wrong in the context of a
specific situation," she continued.
"The new emphasis in the lab is on
people, not things."
GRADING IN THE lab comes
from several sources. There are
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Tree trimming ... a crowning finale for the fall semester
class participating in the Home Management Lab, an exper
iment in practice living under the auspices of the School
of Home Economics.
points on 6-11 field goal tries and
10-13 free throw attempts.
Steady Bob Gratopp and flashy
Tom Scantlebury did their part in
the win, too. Gratopp was suc
cessful on five of eight tries from
the field and canned four of five
free throws for 14 points.
Scantlebury popped in 15 points,
but inflicted major damage with
timely assists to Gratopp. Scantz
revealed an assortment of offensive
maneuvers, one of which was an
unorthodox scoop shot while fouled.
He shot over 50 per cent from the
field and contributed eight re
bounds. Michigan State, which held one
point leads on three occasions in
the early going, were paced by Lee
Lafayette. The 6-6 center, who
averaged over 18 points a game
last season for the Big Ten
Spartans, was held to 14 points.
Bernie Copeland added 12 points.
That drive collected over $1000
from fraternity houses.
"There were rather substantial
contributions received from houses
that had given small or average
amounts before," Wiese said, ad
ding "that several former large
contributing houses gave very little
or nothing this year."
He explained the fraternity total
has been slowly increasing over the
past few years and noted that there
were slightly fewer houses con
tributing this year than previously.
papers and projects in the class
portion of the lab. The participants
are graded on the nearness of their
performance to a criteria set up
before the lab begins, she said.
Students carry out projects ia
standards and work simplification.
They also do practical work in ef
ficiency and lowering total expen
diture of energy.
Two entertainment projects must
be carried out during the lab, she
continued. These may be almost
any kind of entertainment and are
completely planned by the students
themselves. They also do a house
improvement project that can
range from washing windows to
making new curtains. Again, th
choice of projects is left to tht
continued on page 3
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Stark action is silhouetted
against an invisible audi
ence during Monday's
Michigan-Nebraska game.
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