The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 04, 1968, Image 1

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VOL 92, NO. 43
Budget submitted; effect on MJ not. known
Gov. Norbert Tiemann told state
senators in a letter Tuesday that
his budget recommendations for
the next bienium will total approx
imately $340 to $345 million.
The Governor sent the letter
along with an official proclamation
calling the Legislature into special
session next Monday.
THE AGENDA of that special
session will include Tiemann's re
quest that the Legislature amend
the Revenue Act of 1967 to prevent
the two and one half per cent sales
and use tax rate from being
lowered as scheduled to two per
cent on Jan. 1.
That piece of legislation would
have to be passed as an emergency
clause to go into effect. Emergency
clause legislation requires at least
33 affirmative votes.
TIEMANN SAID in his letter that
his executive budget request was
not completed yet. He hopes to
make public the budget figures of .
all agencies by Monday.
"Salaries, - including those of
University personnel, have been
limited to increases of five per cent
a year," the Governor wrote.
The Board of Regents adopted a
budget request of five per cent in
creases for personnel salaries.
University officials explained in
October . that the personnel in
creases asked for in the University
request were aimed at bringing the
average faculty salary closer to the
national average.
IT WILL not be known till Mon
day, when Tiemann's budget is
released, how his cuts affect the
nine per cent faculty salary in
crease asked for in the University
For the current fiscal biennium
the Legislature authorized $268
million in general fund appropria
tions and transfers.
At $345 million, Tiemann's budget
would require a two-year general
fund appropriation increase of $77
Revenue projections by the
Governor's office show the general
fund would have net resources of at
least $358 million for the next bien
nium if current sales, income and
excise tax rates are maintained at
the current level.
this year that if the sales tax rate
does drop back to two per cent on
Jan, 1, the available general fund
resources for the next biennium
will be only $321 million. This would
be short of Tiemann's nearly $350
million recommendations.
"Only where there has been
demonstrated overwhelming de
mand," will the budget include new
services, Tiemann wrote legislators.
He said he anticipates the crea
tion of a state higher education
coordinating council. He added he
recommends the elimination of the
position of coordinator of state
normal schools.
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Practice continues for Electra, an ancient play by Euripides, in which Electra plots to kill her mother whom she holds re
sponsible for the death of her father. It will be presented by the University Theatre Dec. 6 through 20.
Greek coup ends Shakespearean monopoly;
English playwright hows to tragic upstaging
by Larry Eckholt
Nebraskan Staff Writer
Greek tragedy returns to the
University stage after an absence
of 15 years.
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Euripides' "Electra"
redaced Shakespeare for
season's classical production.'
"WE THOUGHT it would be a
pleasant change to produce a Greek
play this season," Dallas Williams,
director of the University Theatre,
said. "We have neglected it too
The play depicts Electra's mad
dened desire to avenge the death of
her father, Agamemnon. Together
with her brother Orestes, they
strike out against the believed
murderers, their mother,
Clytemnestra, and her lover,
Written in the Fifth Century B.C.
the play is traditionally given in
Greek costuming and on an Athe
nian setting, according to Royal
Eckert, stage and costume designer
for the University production.
BUT THE Howell show will be
set in its actual historical setting.
"We have gone back to the
Mycenean Era for the setting and
the costumes," he said-
Eckert is in his first year at
University Theatre. He was
formerly -set designer for the
Omaha Community Playhouse.
Eckert used recent archeological
research on the Myceneans as a
basis for his design.
surprised with some of the cos
tumes," Eckert said.
He explained that the helmets
worn by some of the soldiers, for
instance, may look like Viking
helmets, but they are actually
reconstructions of real Mycenean
"The Mycenean Era was just
coming out of the Bronze Age,"
Eckert said, "so we have utilized a
good deal of bronze and leather in
the men's clothing."
THE ACTUAL setting is
"formalized," the designer said,
because it is not strict realism
since the play is not strict realism.
"There is talk of the wrath of the
gods and other mythical allusions,"
Eckert said. "We must keep the set
within the framework of the play."
A painted backdrop, with a
representation of Agamemnon's
Palace, is being used within the
setting, which may surprise some
members of the audience, he add
ed. "BACKDROPS are not very
popular now," Eckert said. "But
we thought it could be the best
possible way to- suggest the al
lusions to royalty which are evident
in the play, but not explicit."
The palace has been depicted
from actual drawings made from
research, he said.
The dramatization of Electra's
revenge will be accompanied by
original music by Eugene O'Brien,
a graduate student in music. A
series of stylistic dances have been
choreographed by drama students
Barbara Bowman and Richard
The play will be presented Dec. 6
8, 12-14, 19 and 20.
Curtain time is 8 p.m. at Howell
Theatre. Reservations can be made
at the University Theatre Box Office.
Second semester
staff positions open
Applications for interviews for
editorial positions on the Daily
Nebraskan are available at the
Nebraskan office, Room 51, Student
Second semester positions being
interviewed by the University's
Board of Student Publications this
month are Editor, News Editor,
Managing Editor and Business
Manager. Interviews, scheduled for
the week of Dec. 16, are open to all
full time students who are eligible
to take part in student activities.
Applications should be turned in
to Editor Jack Todd by Friday,
Dec. 13. Other staff position in
terviews will be announced at a
later date.
Conscientious objector Abbott faces
trial in Lincoln after Christmas
Beautiful Baluchitherium
I A 'mammouth' task nears completion. Roger Vandiver, sculpter of a life-size reproduction of
I a Baluchitherium, stands besides a smaller model of his subject. Vandiver was hired espe-
I daily for the job which has been in the planning stages for many years. The 18' by 20' re-
1 production will be the newest addition to the Morrill Hall collection. Aiding Vandiver in his
I job are Donald Martin and Charles Messenger.
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Formula for student power gain
A former University student, who
once ran for ASUN President, ex
pects to stand trial in Lincoln after
Christmas for his refusal to serve
in the military.
Steve Abbott, now a graduate
student in English at Emory
University in Atlanta, Ga., refused
induction in Oct. 1967, after his re
quest for conscientious objector
status was denied by Nebraska
draft boards.
ABBOTT, OUT.. on $500 bond
posted jointly by a classmate and
the chairman of the Emory
department of English, said in
Atlanta last week that a Georgia
federal court had agreed to shift
the trial to Nebraska because most
of Abbott's witnesses are in this
He said no date for the trial had
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Abbott refused to step forward
for induction into the Army in
Atlanta after he failed in a year's
fight to gain status as a conscien
tious objector.
HE SAID last week that his ap
plication for CO status was based
on religious grounds. A Roman
Catholic, he spent two years in a
Catholic seminary. "Even if I were
an atheist, I would be a pacifist on
moral or political grounds," he
A Lincoln native, Abbott was a
leader in several student
movements at the University.
He ran unsuccessfully for ASUN
president against Terry Schaaf and
later served as a student senator.
Abbott was also involved in the
establishment of the Nebraska Free
University and with the campus
literary magazine Scrip.
Abbott taught English in an Iowa
school before going to Emory. He
was elected president of the Emory
student body last spring, shortly
after he was indicted for refusal to
serve in the Armed Forces.
A University-Emory fund drive
to aid Abbott's legal fees brought in
more than the needed amount last
by Susan Jenkins
Nebraskan Staff Writer
Acquisition of student power at
the University will probably be an
easier process here than at the
more "activist" campuses like
Columbia and Berkeley, according
to Dr. Alan P. Bates, chairman of
the sociology department.
"While Nebraska is not exactly at
the forefront of student activism,
students here are probably faced
with an administration and faculty
receptive to exploratory dialogue
with students," Bates said.
"Students can help to charge
University policy," Bates said.
"The University administration
basn't gone as far as It is prepared
to go in meeting students on cam
pus issues.
"IF STUDENTS really want to be
treated as adults on the campus,
they should realize that there are
also limits on the powers of
adults," he said.
. As long as the administrators
don't say in effect "go away and
don't bother us," students should
keep testing these limits in a liberal
"There is a point where I believe
that faculty and administration
should not give up their
perogatives, and I am prepared to
argue that point," he said.
Bates praised Arts and Sciences
College Dean C. Peter McGrath for
taking the initiative to "get
students involved at the committee
level in our college."
"MOKE PEOPLE are willing to
talk in this type of situation than
students realize," he said.
Even with a greatly innovative
faculty, the American university is
one of U.S. society's most con
servative institutions, Bates said.
"Besides this, Nebraska has
several factors that contribute to
campus conservatism," he said.
These he listed as:, the type of
student constituency, which con
sists mostly of students from this
state; a definite regional con
servative factor; and. thai the
campus is not located in a major
by and large, are in communities
where social problems are festering
worst," he said.
"If I could push a button and put
this same university in the middle
of a city with one million popula
tion, the ratio of campus activists
would be quite similar to that of
campuses in cities larger than
Lincoln," he said.
Bates thinks that student
demands for more power are
"healthy" signs on U.S. campuses.
"I don't think that student ac
tivism is a flash in the pan na
tionally," he said. "Especially at
Nebraska, I think student demands
can be worked out without- the
violence that has accompanied
change on other campuses,"
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Prometheus was here? The mythological bringer of fire has
brougUUi V) the remodled Crib's fireplace.
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