:i enators accept compromise committee by Jim Evingcr Nebraskan Staff Writer Student Senators Saturday ac cepted an ad hoc committee created by Dr. Joseph Soshnik, campus president, to discuss in terpretation and begin implemen tation of the Student Academic Freedom document (SAF). ASUN President Craig Dreeszen explained Sunday that this is not what Student Senate wanted from the committee. He said he was disappointed that Soshnik would not accept a Senate resolution passed Thursday which made a specific provision that the committee's first charge "be to recommend such changes in in stitutional policies as well as im plement ASUN Government bill 24." GOVERNMENT BILL 24 was passed unanimously by Student Senators last Thursday as an initial step in the implementation of stu dent control over "solely-student affairs." Soshnik, said Dreeszen, . has recognized the government bill as the official statement of Student Senate and has agreed that the ad hoc committee will consider the bill. Dreeszen said there is still no guarantee that the student rights assumed to already be in existence as proclaimed in the bill will be recognized by the committee. Dreeszen said Soshnik recognizes the bill as the way the Student Joseph Soshnik Senate interprets the SAF docu ment and seeks to gain implemen tation of those interpretations. He added that Soshnik does not con- sider Senate's interpretations as accepted by the entire University community. . . MEMBERS OF the committee in clude Professor Royce Knapp, chairman; Professor Philip Crowl; Prof. William Colville; Dean John R. Davis and Asociate Dean Russell Brown. Student members i n c 1 ud e Dreeszen and student senators Tom Morgan and Bob Zucker, and ASUN ' First Vice-president Mike Naeve. Dreeszen said he expected the committee to begin consideration of 1 the SAF document and Government Bill 24 as soon as possible. Dreeszen explained that the tim ing of Soshnik's proposal placed Student Senate in a position to either accept the committee as established by Soshnik or else ap pear to be belligerent about talking about student rights only on its own terms. Soshnik told Senate Wednesday that he was thinking about creating a committee to consider im plementation of the SAF document. This followed deliberations by Senators on Monday and Tuesday last week on the proposed govern ment bill. PRIOR TO the Senate meeting Thursday evening, Soshnik an nounced the creation of a nine member committee Whose purpose was to seek implementation of the SAFdocument in accordance with the committee's interpretation of the SAF statement. Senate passed a resolution Thursday evening asking Soshnik's committee to also implement Government Bill 24, passed previously at a Thursday session. Dreeszen said he met with Soshnik Friday afternoon to discuss Senate's action. Soshnik refused to accept the resolution Dreeszen said. Continued on page 3 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1968 (cDDUlL LINCOLN, NEBRASKA VOL 92, NO. 42 V Legislative liaison "won't lobby" . . . i v..,, ' ..-I J; 7,' : , i : i I I 'Vnt t "i ' i, - H )f -' N is . ,?7P-- ft p:- ' ' - ' 'f' " " ff- 1? (P"11?" lmmst r 85r-""i J m c & 1 ,L J rt t F , x ... .-,-' v 1 t'ukL ".."JI PHOTO BY J. E. SHAW Chuck Jura, left, jumps against the Nebraska varsity's LeRoy Chalk during the varsity's 62-59 triumph over the NU freshmen at the Coliseum. Freshman Jim White (30) and Curt LeRossignol (52) await the tip. Story page 4 Talks and Topics committee will present Philosopher-theologian Novak on Nov, 5 Michael Novak, author and pro cessor, will speak at the Nebraska Union on Thursday, Nov 5. Novak rill also address the Faculty Club lit a luncheon and participate in a discussion at the UMHE on Thurs day evening. , NOVAK IS now chairman of the Common Humanities Seminar at the new experimental campus of the State University of New York at Old Westbury (Long Island). His books include "A New Gen iration," "The Opsa Chusck," "Be lief and Unbelief" and "A Time To Build." His first book was a novel, "The Tiber was Silver." Novak's articles appear regular ly in "Commentary," "Harper's," "The New Republic" and "Com monwealth." A GRADUATE of Stonehill Col lege, Novak has studied abroad and at Harvard University, where he was a Kent Fellow. The senior class at Stanford, where he taught for tie three years, elected him as one ol tliree "most influential professors." Students contact senators by Jim Pedersen Nebraskan Staff Writer The purpose of the ASUN Legislative Liaison committee will be to present student views to the Nebraska Legislature not to make demands, Diane Thiesen, committee chairman, said Sunday. "We will not lobby for money or for various student desires," she said, "We are students, not statisti cians; it would be presumptious of us to demand money." .. THE LEGISLATIVE Liaison committee, which is the lobbying organ for students, will inform the Unicameral of where students feel spending at the University should be emphasized, according to Miss Theisen. Miss Theisen feels that the com mittee can be effective. "Although there is a prevailing sentiment of disfavor towards the University in the Unicameral," she said, "the senators want . to get an overall picture of what they are working with." According to Miss Theisen, the only way the senators can achieve such a goal is by talking with all three groups within the University community, and that includes ' students. "IT IS difficult to gauge just how effective we will be," she added. "I feel the senators will listen to us, but how much of what we say they will take into consideration, I don't know." ASUN lobbied before the state legislature two years ago without much success. Miss Theisen doubts if the com mittee will ever get the opportunity to make a presentation before the legislature as a whole. "MOST OF our work will be done on an individual basis or before committees," she continued. The Liaison committee is com prised of five student senators and approximately 50 students who are not senators, according to Miss Theisen. The committee is divided into five sub-committees. They are the lobbying committee, research committee, out-state speaking ' committee, city uaison committee, and senatorial visitatons com mittee. THE LOBBYING committee is working with the Deans of the col leges and department heads to get the statistics and discover the ra tionale behind budget spending, Miss Theisen said. "If a department is asking for Classical pianist to perioral Byron Janis world famous classical pianist, will appear at the Nebraska Theater Tuesday Dec. 3, according to Andy Cunningham, chairman of the Union Music Committee. Janis is appearing as part of the Union Performing Artists Series. He has recenty returned to the U.S. after a three month tour of , Europe. Upon completing bis U.S tour, he will travel to the Soviet Union for a third time. Janis has played concert tours in the U.S. and South America since he was seventeen. At twenty he played his first concert in Carnegie Hall. greater appropriations, we want to know why," she added. The research committee will soon distribute a questionnaire to all living units to find out where students want to see budget spen ding emphasized, Miss Theisen continued. THIS COMMITTEE will also hold student seminars by departments in the College of Arts and Sciences to solicit a critical evaluation of spending within the departments, she said. General promotion of the University is the goal of the out- . state speaking committee which will be speaking before civic clubs throughout the state, according to Miss Theisen. , , "The promotion of this com mittee will hopefully give people in the state a realistic view of the University," she added. "We want to give the people of out-stat Nebraska a clear, complete picture of the University." Continued on page 4 Happy Thanksgiving - j j u , if "HOWGiU yrry o TaprMi lie Hnioralriv t!EK WGilUt ROTftB! HAVEIttQR RUOFSLEEIHOVUMBSKSIgG n-B U Jl Wray i 7s mmki iiiMte.aa . The 'disadvantaged child' re-defined in seminar study Elementary education majors should be trained to sense children's needs as well as to make bulletin board displays, according to Dorothy Walker, elementary ed ucation major from Lincoln. In reaction to this apparent lack of "sensitivity training" in University education courses, Miss Walker has organized a "Seminar on the Disadvantaged Child," at tended by about 20 people who are "mostly elementary education majors." "The seminar exists because we feel a need to discover our own minds, as well as recognize our lack of knowledge on conditions of the disadvantaged," she said. THE TERM "disadvantaged child" has taken on a new meaning for her since the seminar started,. Miss Walker said. "A disadvantaged child is any youngster whose environment is not stimulating," she said. "This could even be a child from a middle-income group, although we are basically studying the lower income group in the seminar." Miss Walker emphasized that the seminar is not an '.'action group." "We are trying to improve our own feelings as to what we can do as teachers and guides," she said. "If you want to see action, there are plenty of other groups around Lincoln for that purpose." "THERE IS a real danger in jumping into a situation and acting before you understand what factors are involved," she said. Miss Walker believes that her view of education differs quite a bit from that of many others in the education field. "Education should release kids, not pen them up," she said. "Children must learn that they can ft $ f" ..... -'1ini..iiiiriiiiriirii. rm r i nr. .. ., n.J tll.aii.nl HI 1 ' Byron Janis, noted pianist, will perform Tuesday at the Nebraska Ibtftter. control life and create things of their own. "IN ORDER to make the disad vantaged children understand this, their style of learning must be reorganized, people in the ghetto must be completely re-educated," she said. "This task begins in th elementray grades." If the elementary teachers are sensitive to them, the ghetto children will know, Miss Walker said. "The fight to change others is a form of self-preservation to keep these others from dragging you down." Miss Walker found when the group was organized that only a few had previously had any contact with children from lower income families. This was a big factor in keeping the seminar a "learning" group. "THERE ARE a couple of sorority girls in the group, but I can't classify the Whole," she said. "They are just kids who are willing to take time to study, and view teaching as their lives." Miss Walker said that she has avoided becoming the "teacher" of the seminar, but is rather the organizer. The seminar has received help from the Tri-University professors, language arts professors from New York University, Washington University and Nebraska. "These professors have taught in ghetto schools, focusing o a children. They understand the con sequences of poverty," Miss Walker said. .. IN ADDITION, the seminar has worked with the Lincoln Action Program (LAP), Head Start, the social work department at tl.e University, and other community groups and programs. "I am pleased to have this help, because we are willing to challenge our own fears and hopes about teaching," Mils Walker saM,