o 0 nr J LJ IL FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1968 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Vol 92, No. 41 Situation fussy on dorm rent surpluses P VU7 by Julie Morris Nebraska Staff Writer The University is holding more than $1.5 million in surplus student dormitory rents that may have been collected without clear state authorization, according to a Nebraska attorney general's opi nion released Wednesday. The opinion from Clarence A. H. Meyer's office, states that the State Normal Board, governing body of the state colleges, has no authority Bulletin . . . bulletin . . . are you bored? See feature posted on page 6. Bowl bids, Big Eight finish nivot on Norman outcome L by Randy York Assistant Sports Editor Nebraska football coach Bob Devaney last week pieced the frag ments and put Humpty Dumpty back together again. This week the country will see how well the Huskers can stay together as Nebraska and Oklahoma meet at Norman before a national television audience. IF OKLAHOMA bests Nebraska and then gets by Oklahoma State, it will share the Big Eight title with the winner of the Kansas-Missouri game. If Nebraska wins, something a Devaney team has never managed at Norman, it is reported the Huskers will receive bids to play either the Liberty or Sun Bowls. Oklahoma has already ac cepted an invitation to appear in the Blue Bonnett BowL Steve Owens, who Ignited the Sooners to back-to-back triumphs over Kansas and Missouri the last two weekends, is the explosive package Nebraska must keep wrapped. Student by Larry EcUioU Nebraskaa Staff Writer Perhaps the most difficult aspect of Hit dearth far student power at the University is arriving at a total number of student activists. At most, 1,000 students can be involved in student politics in its many forms: AWS, IDA, or ASUN officials or committee members; Inter-fraternity Council and Pan Editor's note: Mood of the Cam pus, Part ThreeStudent reaction te efforts of fellow students to gain en-campus ower. hellenk leaders; and tae other student groups on campus, such as SDS, YAF, etc This number was decided upon after a survey of campus erganizations as depicted is She 1968 Cornhusker and from a number of student leaders. BIT THERSi are 17.500 other students on the Lincoln campuses of the University of Nebraska. "What do they think about student power and its advocates? The most conclusive statement that could be deduced from in terviews of students on al parts of the campus is that students are not sure about student power or its ad vocates. At least ten out of every eleven stndenis who were approached had no opinion on the subject ir did not want to express .to opinion oe it. Approximately 50 persons were mterviewed. 1 aonl really have anything to to overcharge dorm rates to pile up surplus cash. The opinion was the result of State Sen. Jerome Warner's inquiry about the legality of the Normal Board's plan to use surplus dorm revenues at Kearney College to construct a new dorm on the campus. THE OPINION states that the Normal Board has no legislative Owens, who shattered Heisman-Trophy-winning Billy Vessels Oklahoma rushing records, punctured Missouri's defense for 177 yards and three touchdowns last week and tossed another touchdown. Against Kansas, Owens rushed for 157 yards. Gelded four passes, scored two touchdowns and passed for one in a 27-23 Sooner upset win. Owens needs just 99 yards in his last two games to eclipse the Big Eight season rushing record mark of L342 set by Nebraska's Bobby Reynolds in 1950. If be accumulates 246 in his two final appearances, the junior will break Jim Grishara's school career standard of 2,297 yards. Although Owens jtoses a stem defensive challenge, Nebraska has the credentials to meet at The Huskers rank 10th nationally in total defense with a sielri of 243.1- yards per game. BIT OWENS is just one of sever al Oklahoma offensive threats cap power - - say," said a coed sitting on a bench in front of Sheldon. 'I LIVE with my parents, so I donl know what is really happen ing," said another coed, waiting for a ride at the south entrance of the Union. A male student sitting in a Gather HaH lounge was startled wnea asked to comment on sruaeni power. ! don't want to say anything that might be printed," be said. The same types of comments were made by other students in the Union lounge, on sidewalks between classes, at the pillars. BUT THERE are some with definite opinions on the subject. "I donl think student power would be too great" said Larry Becker, a freshman in Teachers CoTieee from Randolf. y,e should have rules ,hfle we are in school. After aH, we are here to be educated, not run the school for She adnunistration, Becker added. Another freshman, Steve Holman of Lincoln, is encouraged !oy some of the activities on campus within the past week. "NOT MUCH has been ac complished yet," Holman, an engineering student, said, would Toe good for some control of student oriestad activities te evolve. He said that student controls of fees, hewever, would be' "ridiculous oJ. that ca matters CQTicerning student housing if '"looks encouraging. Holman lives off-campus with lis parents so be ""doesn't get to S "Hi J. - I authority to go through with the plan. "We find no authority in these sections which in any way authorizes the imposition of fees and charges in excess of that amount needed to operate and maintain the buildings and to secure revenue bond issues," it states. The dictum might apply to the University's own practice of keep ing a surplus of funds above that 1 V-V - X I ,t 7 ; Ik.- t t. t,.i fev r- t able of inflicting major damage, such as wingback Eddie Hinton whose two touchdowns in the last two Oklahoma-Nebraska meetings proved decisive. Hinton's 30 points m six touchdowns is 60 points behind Owens' output, but the senior is leading the conference in pass receiving having grabbed 43 pitches for 715 yards. QUARTERBACK BOBBY Warmack steers the Sooner offense. His passes have accounted for 1 ,237 yards. Warmack owns a 55.7 com pletion percentage by connecting on S3 of 149 targets. linebackers Jerry Murtaugh and Ken Geddes, middle guard Bill Hornbacker, and defensive ends Mike Wynn and Sherwin Jam-ion are key personnel in Nebraska's effort to put the clamp on Owens. Nebraska registered its best seasonal performance last week in a 22-6 frolic past Colorado. Oklahoma, however, lost its only conference game to the Buffs. 41 27. The Sooners lead Nebraska in the all-time rivalry 24-20-3. potent as a wet bothered with some of the issues on campus." "I'd like to live away from home," he said, ""but I can't until I am a sophomore. Fd like to see lihat changed. "'I want to get involved, but I havent been able to yet," he ad ded. . ANOTHER GROUP of University students which seems to be "'unaf fected" by pleas for more student power are graduate students. One coed, a recent graduate of the University of Missouri, said that she felt "'unattached to what is Student power? Who czres ... needed to operate the dorms and to pay the construction debts on them. University spokesmen were not worried about the matter Thurs day, however. Dr. Joseph Soshnik, president of the Lincoln campuses, referred in quiries to University attorney Warren C. Johnson who said he hadn't seen the document and could not make a full comment until Friday. UNIVERSITY COMPTROLLER Carl Yost said, "I don't think that we (University) have done anything that was not authorized by the indebture statements on the bond issues." The bond indebture statement allows for surpluses. Yost called Senate votes on legislation; bill passes to faculty senate The Student Senate accepted by acclamation Thursday Government Bill Number 2 which would be an initial step in implementing student control over solely-student affairs. Also passed by acclamation of the Senate was a resolution sup porting a proposal by Dr. Joseph Soshnik, campus president, to create an ad hoc committee to im plement the Student Academic Freedom Document (SAF) and ASUN Government Bill Number 24. ASUX President Craig Dreeszen read to the Senate a letter from Soshnik written Thursday concern in? the creation of an ad hoc com mittee of students, faculty and ad ministrators to consider im ple mentation of the SAF document The next step for the bill is to go to the University fCFaculty) Senate for approval. Should it pass that body, it would go to the Board of Regents for final approval. THE RESOLUTION SENATE passed made provision that the co mmittee's first charge "win be to recommend such changes in in stitutional policies as well as implement ASUN Government Bill Number 24" Dreeszen said be would appoint four students either Friday or Monday to serve on the committee. The other four committee members will consist of faculty and ad ministrative personnel, including a chairman, appointed by Soshnik. G. Robert Ross, vk chancellor for student affairs, said Thursday evening Soshnik had not j'et made faculty and administrative ap pointments. Ross thought they would be named early next week. THE ONLY CHANGE in the happening" on matters concerning undergraduate students. "'I think this attitude would be reflected by most graduate students," she said. Although new to the Lincoln campus, she thinks that Nebraska has "a conservative outlook con cerning student involvement." "I Gl"ESS I am just more con cerned about myself personally in grad school than frying to get in volved in campus matters," she confided. One student from Fairbury is ia favor of students having a voice on zzzz . . all I really want is some deep before that exam . . them "an integral element in the progression of the repayment of the bonds." Johnson said Meyer's office originally approved the content of 3 Carl Yost the indebture statement "It looks like he (Meyer) may have changed his mind," Johnson said. Yost said the University had a $1,551,658 surplus in dorm rents at Government Bill from the text printed in Thursday's Daily Nebraska! was an amendment to the last paragraph causing it to read: BE IT FURTHER ENACTED: That an all-student referendum on these issues be held before February 11. 1969, and a simple majority or an affirmative vote of 15 per cent of the eligible voters when less than 30 per cent of the eligible students vote shall have binding effect on the ASUN Senate. Dreeszen announced he would appoint an executive committee to do research for the ad hoc com mittee created by Soshnik. Senators went into a committee of the w hole to discuss the necessi Graphic graffiti - . . bulletin powder campus, but sometimes they carry it too far." He was not aware of fee bill before ASUN to take over some administrative powers, but was referring to riots and demonstra tions, be said. "I tihinTr people should know what a student thinks on certain matters, but be shouldn't be able to take over," lie said. .The student would not elaborate and would not release his name for publication. . IN ALL of the other conversation with at least 40 other students. 1 ! & -f the end of fiscal 1968 last June 30. But he said that part of that money was pledged to pay debts so that the actual fund balance the University had in the bond revenue account was $584,185. YOST SAID the University is legally required by its bond con tracts to collect enough revenue to assure payment of the construction debts. "We don't have to make a pro fit," he said, "but we can't sustain a loss." Yost said the University has had higher dorm rent surpluses in the past than they have this year. Continued on page 5 ty of discussing Government Bill Number 24 with the students. SEN. GLENN NEES said it was up to the senators to take the initia tive to explain the ramifications and nature of the bill to students. It was agreed that contacts with living units would be coordinated through the Communications Committeee of Senate. In other business. Senate passed a resolution which would have the ASUN Human Rights Committee set up a live-in on Omaha's Near North Side for senators. The live-ia would be sometime next spring. Soshnik's letter to Dreeszen said the ad hoc committee would be called to meeting as soon as the members and a chairman are ap pointed. board feature on page 6. m keg there was mo one wta would be emphatically for or against student power. AH comments seemed to back cp John Schrekiiiger's previous state ment that ' 'Nebra&la &id&i ddn't generally janro overboard oa any issue." But even though aa attempt to find a cro&s section of students was made, no conclusions were ap parent. With Thanksgiving vacation near, impending finals, term papers to write, and research to continue there are other things to worry about most students implied. nzz ... sony . zzzz . . . -si ii - i 1 1 ii r a .m I -til I 1