The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 21, 1968, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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The Daily Nebraska
AWS Congress met
Wednesday and discussed
removal of parental
permission sheets for women.
Congressman Ellen Pilmer
presented a letter that could
be sent to parents. It would
state the University restric
tions. If the parent wanted
further . restrictions on their
daughter, they could write for
the permission sheet.
THIS SHEET would be used
on a one year basis with the
parent renewing it every year
if they desired. Action on the
idea was delayed for further
There was discussion on a
clause in the government bill
presented to student senate.
The clause says that the
ASUN Senate considers it a
violation of student rights for
an organization that is an
organ of the administration to
impose rule on their non
academic life without their
"AWS derives its powers
from administration not from
ASUN," vice-president Nesha
Neumeister said. "ASUN
merely has a say in how we
manage or conduct our ac
tivities not in what our ac
tivities are going to be."
THEREFORE IF this bill is
approved, ASUN has no
power to inforce it in regard
to AWS, according to Miss
Congressman Cricket Black
asked Congress to delete the
constitutional clause which
says that all women on cam
pus are automatically
memibers of AWS.
"Many of the girls question
why they have to be
members," Miss Black said.
"They have no dues, meetings
or other obligations to AWS.
Instead they enjoy
privileges voting, pro
grams of special interest,
keys. Miss Black noted.
AWS a coed cannot avoid the
rules because they are
University policy."
Congressmen were
generally in agreement and
an amendment will be
discussed at later meetings.
Moslem student
meeting planned
There will be a meeting of
the Moselem Student
Association on Tuesday,
November 26, at 7:30 p.m. in
the Student Union.
The program will consist of
a Qur'an reading," a short talk
by the organization president
Ismat Boskurt on "Islam
religion today and its future
tomorrow," and a free
discussion on "Why the
Moslem countries stayed so
many centuries behind the
Western Civilization when
they were once considered to
be the center of science and
CollM. man. Parttime opmlan. Call
today. 4-6 p.m. only! 432-8414.
Help Wanted! Advertising MaJw Need
omeone to help compoae mail-order
catalciBuea. Do simple line drawing!,
paate-upa. etc. Can work at your own
convenience. Good tartlng aalary.
Writ C-Man, P.O. Box 1508 Lincoln,
Nebr. tmi.
Blue apiral note book containing pWlnao
phy 10 notea. Please call Gary. 477-7J8K,
For Salt
Illnrkwood Brothera Ooapel Concert,
November 25. 8 P.M. Advance ticket!
SI. 50. Call 477-M27 veninfa.
1W6 V.W. Tinted windihleld, vinyl In
terior, erltinal owmr. Call 46-J0M.
1965 Chevrolet Impala, Super Sport, Yel
low hardtop. Power alerlM, in auto
matic, N.OOO mllea. One owner. 1m
maculat condition. tUM.OQ Evening.
One Canon FT-OL. H mm lens. Jim
Shaw, 433-M1I.
Hardtop lor Auattn-Healey. Call 477-471t.
For Rent:
A comfortable clean room. Male Stndent.
Near Af Campua. Bath and ahowar
available Many privilege, reaaonabkt
rent, 4M-2431.
Directed by Dean Ttchsttcr
National committee will promote
I CCll
by John Dvorak
Ncbraskan Staff Writer
A national committee to
promote the use of technology
in teacher education has been
formed, according to Dr.
Wesley C. Meierhenry,
chairman of the group. ,
Video tape, ' audio-visual
aids, , slides, closed circuit
television and other
technological developments
are the coming thing, said
Meierhenry, assistant dean of
Teachers College.
Meierhenry explained that
the committee, which meets
in Washington, D.C., is a part
of the American Association
of Colleges for Teacher
steps to insure that all
Extension Division
by Joanell Ackerman
Nebraskan Staff Writer
Have you ever heard of
beginning class with a letter
That is a common oc
currence at the high school
"classes" conducted at the
University Extension Division
on the fifth floor of Nebraska
The teacher sits at a desk
and conducts class by reading
the lesson prepared by her
student, who may live in any
one of the fifty states or one
of 80 foreign countries.
Information days area rarity;
final tour set for Saturday
The last of four Senior In
formation Days, which are
believed to be unique in this
area, is scheduled for Satur
day, according to John E.
Aronson, director of ad
missions. High school sei -s from
throughout the stat re invi
ted to one of the foiu essions,
he said. Their purpose is to
help students learn about op
portunities at an institution of
further learning.
Nearly every Midwestern
public college or university
makes some attempt to ac
quaint high school students
with institutions of higher
learning, Aronson noted. But
NU's approach is different
from all others.
ABOUT 50 University stud
ents will accompany the high
school students throughout
Nov. 22
Towne Club Exchange Din
ner. Nov. 22
Delta Sigma Phi Apache
Nov. 23
Junior Bar M (Burr East &
West & Fedde) Dance
Nov. 23
Pioneer House House Party
Nov. 23
U. of N.. Sports Car Club
Car Rally
Nov. 21-22-23
Abel-Sandoz Fall Musical
graduates of teachers colleges
are proficient m the use of
technology before 'beginning
teaching careers.
The committee will also
encourage the faculty of
teachers colleges to use new
technological developments in
instructing students,
Meierhenry said Wednesday.
"Students cannot be molded
into teachers simply by being
exposed to lectures by
DIVISION'S high school cor
respondence study is the
largest program of its kind
offered by a college or
university in the United
Begun in 1929, with two
courses of study and 14
students at Crookston, Neb.,
the program has expanded
until it is international in
scope with 16,500 annual
enrollments in 160 different
Dr. G. B. Childs, director of
the University Extension
Division, says that he does
not mind boasting that the
the day, Aronson said. The
role of these 50 leaders play
an important part in the day.
The leaders, will aid the
high schoolers to better
understand facets of
University academic and
social life.
"The high school visitors
want to hear from University
officials and professors, but
they especially want to talk
with college students," Aron
son pointed out.
Many professors and deans
willingly and without retribu
tion give up their Saturdays
to conduct informal sessions
with the visitors, another
unique situation, Aronson con
tinued. THIS WILLINGNESS of the
faculty and students makes
Senior Information Day
possible, Aronson emphasiz
ed. Other institutions do not
have this willingness.
"Most schools in the Big
Eight conduct formal tours of
their campuses one Saturday
a year," he said. "But pro
fessors and students are not
willing to contribute."
N e braska's Information
Day is considered unusual by
other Big Eight admission's
directors, Aronson said.
The students arrive on
campus early Saturday
morning and attend a mass
orientation in the coliseum.
They attend sessions with
professors in nearly every
department. They have lunch
in the Union and in the after
noon tour a residence hall.
Refreshments and discussion
m Tim
modern teaching
marciies on ivy-covere
University professors,"
Meierhenry continued.
students tend to teach the
way they were taught, he
added. If they have been
taught mostly by the lecture
system, they will teach by
that method.
- Meierhenry's committee
will make a study of various
teachers colleges around the
United States. The group will
encourage institutions to
communicate with one
another concerning new ex
periments or programs in
For instance, about one half
of the University's Teachers
College faculty recently
viewed a film
of some new developments
at a Minnesota college. This
program "enjoys an excellent
Perhaps this reputation can
be attributed to the full-time
staff of 35 certitied teachers.
"As far as I know, we are
the only institution that has a
regular staff of teachers who
are employed to work in high
school co rrespondence
study," said Dr. Childs.
universities offering similar
correspondence programs on
the high school level employ
teachers on a part-time basis.
The same qualities that
make a good classroom
periods conclude the sessions
in the late afternoon.
ABOUT 1,919 high school
seniors have registered for
NU's four information days.
From their comments,
Aronson said that Information
Day should be considered a
gigantic success.
"Many students come from
as far away as Gering and
Gordon," he said. In the past,
some students have actually
come from Philadelphia and
Baltimore for the sessions. In
the latter cases, the high
schoolers wanted a personal
meeting with Aronson, but at
his suggetsion attended the
Information Days.
"We try not to recruit kids
to the University, but to ac
quaint them with the aspects
of further education,''
Aronson said. "We think col
lege is a good thing, but in
many cases other forms of
post high school education are
excellent also."
OF COURSE not all pro
spective University students
are reached by the Informa
tion Day, he said. To sup
plement the sessions, Aronson
and some University students
speak at various Nebraska
high schools to students.
Just last week, Aronson
spoke at South Sioux City,
Norfolk, and West Point
Nebraska schools. More than
100 such events are scheduled
this semester, he reported.
Pizza Parlor
where the fun
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banfo Imported btviragot
new until 1 'clock
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Nebraska Union Ballroom
methods . . .
exchange of experiences can
be helpful, Meierhenry said.
"WE MUST see what other
institutions are doing to ac
quaint prospective students
with various technological
equipment," he said.
From his knowledge of
other colleges, Meierhenry
estimated that the University
Teachers College is
technologically further ad
vanced than most, but not all
other institutions.
"Former NU faculty
members have written letters
saying that their new institu
tions are in the dark ages
when it comes to educational
tec hnology," Meierhenry
HE SAID that the
University is one of the na
enrolls 1 6, 500 students
teacher are important for
correspondence teachers, said
Dr. Childs.
"It may be even more im
portant for a correspondence
teacher to be understanding
and sympathetic to student
problems. This is 'because the
student is working by himself
has only the teacher to con
fide in."
able to relate to students who
are not physically present.
"It's an intangible quality,
but important. Some teachers
succeed very well in doing
this," he said.
One is Miss Carmen Muir,
who is teaching sociology and
vocational home economics
by correspondence.
"I get to know my students
quite well, even though I
never see them.
"Sometimes I think that
they are more frank in cor
responding with me than they
would be in a classroom
situation. ,1 find this
particularly true with the
sociology course I am
teaching," she said.
LESSONS, Miss Muir
receives aprons, skirts and
blouses which her home
economics students have
The correspondence study
is accredited by the Nebraska
State Board of Education.
Since June, 1967, the
division has been authorized
to issue high school diplomas
to students who cannot be
awarded a local high school
division issued Certificates of
The program was originally
Bridal Gown
Ori&. $70-$300
One-of-a-kind, bridal samples
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save f r o m $20 to $250.
cm top i'fay rn mi: mini
viv i iBBi ii h arm
tional leaders in ideas for
e d u c a tional technological
programs and developments,
but various problems are
holding back the actual in
stigation of those ideas.
Lack of specialized person
nel and a shortage of money
ai'e the major problems in
Teachers College and
throughout the University in
general, he said.
The College also ex
periences a lack of equipment
and material, which is a
weakness, Meierhenry said.
"THE PICTURE isn't en
tirely black though," he
noted. "While some College
faculty continue to press for
more support both from in
side and outside the
University, a number of in
teresting new technological
designed to broaden the cur
riculum offered by small high
Now it has expanded to
-,1 -
. C rs i. .' ' """" ; I
The offices of the Nebraska University Extension
over 39 years to hande 16,500 annual enrollments
a. a, w Azrs
Allow 6 wht for dolivory. OHor
mmmm m yi'iyti
Hov. 21, 22,
projects are being tried.
One professor is utilizing
critical instant material,
Meierhenry explained. Video
tape presents the buildup of a
classroom problem. At the
climax of problem, the
tape is shut off and students
discuss solutions to the pro
blem. Another development at the
University is the learning
carrel, he said. The carrels
have been programmed to
talk to students through the
operating procedures of film
projectors and other
technological equipment.
THE CARREL idea is an
offshoot of a larger develop
ment the individualizing of
the entire teacher education
program, Meierhenry said.
The number of class and
serve students in isolated
areas, such as Alaska,
student who are physically
unable to attend school,
4 I 1 M WW!?)., "
Saturday afternoon
isn't nearly as tough
as Saturday night?
We keep warning you to be careful how you use Hal Karate
After Shave and Cologne. We even put instruction
on 8elf-def ense in every package. But your varsity
sweater and best silk ties can still get torn to
shreds. That's why you'll want to wear our nearly
indestructible Hai Karate Lounging Jacket when
mmirm April 1, 1966. H m favor! (tor
d halls
group situations should be
reduced, he said. Students
should use audio and visual
materials on their own. This
individualized concept is tak
ing hold not only in teacher
education but in medicine and
dentistry, also, Meierhenry
Nothing will replace the
face to face confrontation be
tween instructors and
students though, h? em
phasized. But teachers cannot
teach by talking alone, they
must make the students see
what is being taught.
Of course the only real way
for someone to learn how to
teach is by teaching, he said.
But these technological
developments can train
students. so they do not have
to step entirely cold into their
first classroom situation.
American families stationed
overseas and adults who wnt
to complete their high school
i "t
i j i
Division have expanded
in 160 different courses.
you wear Hai Karate Regular
or Oriental Lime. Just tell
us your size (s,m,l) and
send one empty Hai Karate
carton, with $4 (check or
money order), for each
Hai Karate Lounging Jacket
to: Hai Karate, P. O. Box 41 A,
t Vernon, N.Y. 10056. That way,
if someone gives you some
Hai Karate, you can be a
little less careful how you use it
Saaid for yoiar piwcHaoHy Hpandf
Hal Karat lounging Jackal.
temporarily out of Hal Katcta, hoop asking.
S p.m.