The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 20, 1968, Image 1

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Vot. 92, No. 40
airs control
f 6
by Jim Evinger
Nebraskan Staff Writer
A government bill that would be
a first step in the implementation
of 6tudent control over student af
fairs will be introduced in student
Senate Wednesday.
Sponsoring senators arrived at an
apparent concensus Tuesday con
cerning the wording of the proposed
government bill.
THE BILL would have the
Faculty Senate set in motion a
process for considering what
structural changes are needed to
implement the principles and
policies of the Student Academic
Freedom document and the ASUN
Bill of Rights, according to Senator
Diane Theisen.
The basic principle of student
regulation of student concerns has
been adopted by the University
community in approval of the
ASUN Bill of Rights and the Stu
dent Academic Freedom document,
Miss Theisen said.
She said the bill would recognize
this fact and enable the ASUN to
enact legislation to bring this prin
ciple into reality.
Those senators in attendance
discussed the bill informally Mon
day and Tuesday afternoons. From
the opinions expressed, the
Senators supported the substantive
nature of the bill. Discussion
centered on categorial issues.
THE WORDING of the bill as
agreed to Tuesday for presenta
tion Wednesday is included in this
issue of the Daily Nebraskan.
The bill is a policy declaration
which states that "students should
govern themselves and regulate
their lives and interests
democratically through ASUN."
ASUN President Craig Dreeszen
explained this is an expression of
the legitimate perogatives of
ASUN which does' not interfere with
the powers of the University
(Faculty) Senate or the Board of
He said that it is the stated right
of the students to coordinate stu
dent activities and organizations,
and to regulate all phases of stu
dent life in non-academic affairs.
DREESZEN referred to the
ASUN constitution, the Student
Academic .Freedom document
adopted by the Regents, and tie
ASUN Bill of Rights adopted by the
Regents, as the basis for the claim
to student self government.
The Senators agreed the ASUN or
its designee should be establishing
all policies, rules and regulations
governing student social and group
Areas mentioned included
publication, curfews and parietal
regulations. It was also agreed that
ASUN should assume original
jurisdiction; power and
responsibility of disciplinary pro
cedures within these areas.
. The bill is to be introduced in
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University, after the controversy,
How does your garden grow?
With Concrete walls and future malls,
And bulldozers all in a row.
Larry Eckholt
The ASUN figurehead ...
No power in student governing
by Larry Eckholt
Nebraskan Staff Writer
Three years ago a history pro
cessor was a target of criticism
because of his candid views of the
University of Nebraska.
"We are not a first rate
University," said Dr. David Trask.
"One of the first signs of a first
class school is active student ac
tion." TRASK IS no longer at this in
stitution. He is now an ad-
Part Two: A look at the goals of
those Nebraska students who think
that the University is due for many
ministrator at the University of
New York at Stoneybrooke.
But Trask's views are still shared
by many persons associated with
the University, many of them
students who have tried to generate
student activism.
Student leaders are asking a
share of the power structure.
Whether in the form of a drive to
lower the state's voting age, or a
proposal to abolish women's hours,
the philosophies behind the
movements are cut from the same
"STUDENTS, and for that mat
ter, anyone between the ages of 18
and 23, want to be treated as
adults," John Schrekinger, a leader
in the young adult suffrage move
ment, said. "But they are treated
as children."
Nearly everyone asked to define
student power will add the phrase
"right of self-determination," or ' a
role in the affairs that concern
their daily lives" to his definition.
The figurhead of student power
is supposed to be - ASUN, the
governing body of the students of
the University.
"ASUN is the supreme governing
body of the students," Kent
Neumeister told the opening
meeting of the Senate on Sept. 16,
1965. Student government had just
been revamped, and Neumeister
was its first president.
"ASUN HASbeenbefuddIed into
thinking that it is inherently
powerful in years gone by," said
Craig Dreeszen, current ASUN
president. "The Senate fits
somewhere into the power struc
ture, but we are still searching for
that place."
Dreeszen reflected on a matter
brought to the Senate two years ago
by Athletic Department ticket
manager Jim Pittenger.
Pittenger had gone to ASUN to
ask for Senate approval of a raise
in the price of basketball tickets.
The discussion continued, Dreeszen
noted, until Senator Al Spangler
asked Pittenger what would happen
if the proposal was not approved by
the students. Pittenger replied that
the prices would still increase.
"BUT THE SENATE continued
the debate for nearly an hour,"
Dreeszen said. "It really points out
the illusions ASUN has created for
itself. We are nothing but an ad
visory group with no inherent pow
sr." Continued on page 4
Senate on Wednesday, to be
automatically tabled. Dreeszen said
he would call a special session of
Senate for consideration of the bill
sometime this week.
HE SAID there is a time factor
involved, explaining Student Senate
action had to be immediate in order
for the bill to be placed on the
agenda for University (Faculty)
Senate consideration.
Dreeszen said he hoped
University (Faculty) Senate would
take action on the bill before
February 12, 1969. This is to allow
as much time as is available for
Student Senate to pass supplemen
tary legislation for implementation
of student self government before
the ASUN general elections in the
If the bill passes University
Senate approval, it would go to the
Board of Regents for final adoption.
The issue of student control of
student fees was a major point of
concern. Senator Bruce Cochrane
stated that ASUN should have a
veto in the allocation of student
fees, but should not assume com
plete responsibility for regulation of
the fees.
Continued on page 4
The following is the preliminary text of a govern
ment bill scheduled to be presented in Student Senatt
on Wednesday:
The Association of Students of the University of
Nebraska at Lincoln is "the supreme student governing
body in the regulation and coordination of all phases
of student self government . . ." And as stated in
the constitution it is a function of ASUN as regards
general welfare of students "to exercise any other powers
necessary for the general welfare of the students."
The Association of Students of the University of
Nebraska hereby declares and sets forth the following
Basic Policy Declaration. The ASUN Senate believes
that without encroaching upon the legitimate
preprogatives of such policy making bodies of the
University as the University (Faculty) Senate and the
Board of Regents, students should govern themselves
and regulate their lives and interests democratically
through ASUN.
The ASUN Senate recognizes the intrinsic right of
the student in a university community to hold the
responsibility and to exercise the right to regulate
himself and his affairs through his student government.
The ASUN Senate deems it an infringement on those
rights for an organ of the Administration or University
Senate to impose rules, regulations, or restrictions on
students' non-academic affairs without their conssnt, in.
solely-student areas of concern.
The ASUN Senate further deems it the basic right
of students to coordinate student activities and organiza
tions and to establish those regulations over student
life which directly affect none other than students
through the student government.
The ASUN Senate further holds that it is the
responsibility of the faculty and administration of a
university to recognize the rights of tie students to
regulate their own affairs.
THEREFORE, be it enacted that the ASUN Senate
calls upon the University (Faculty) Senate, to recognize
the principles and expressions of rights contained within
this policy statement as just and equitable, and to take
appropriate actions and measures to withdraw the
operations and cease the exercising of power by the
University of Nebraska, particularly through the Student
Affairs Committee, in opposition to the policies
herewithin expressed.
The ASUN Senate calls upon the University (Faculty)
Senate, which has the authority to establish general
policy with respect to the extracurricular activities of
students, to delegate the powers and responsibilities to
the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska
in recognition of its right to handle solely-student affairs.
If favorable action by the University Senate is not
taken by February 12, 1969, this bill will go into effect
at that time.
Be it further enacted that an all-campus referendum
on this issue be held before February 11, 1969, and
that a simple majority shall have binding effect on
the ASUN Senate.
director elicits
m campaign
Union series brings 'Queen of Jazz'
Ella Fitzgerald, "the Queen of
Jazz," will perfjrm at the
Nebraska Theatre, Thursday at
8:00 p.m. Ella's songs range all the
way from rhythm and novelty tunes
to wistful ballads.
Her honors include; Los Angeles
Times "Woman of the Year"
(1966), National Association of
Television and Radio Announcers
"Woman of the Year," Best
Female Singer on Campus (College
Poll-Billboard Magazine. 1967).
sponsored by the Nebraska Union
Music Committee and is one of the
performers in the Nebraska Union
Performing Artist Series. Others in
the series include: Ravi Shankar,
Byron Janis, P.D.Q. Bach and Ciro
and his Flamenco Dance Company.
Season tickets are $4.10 for the
complete series; tickets are not
sold for individual performances.
They may be purchased in the
Program Office, Room 1361, in the
by Julie Morris
Nebraskan Staff Writer
A slow but sure University cam
paign to eradicate discrimination in
the rental of Lincoln housing to
students reaches the action stage
this month.
More than 1,500 students now
renting from Lincoln landlords who
have not signed an agreement to
rent "without regard to race,
religion or national origin," will be
asked to take individual action,
according to M. Edward Bryan.
University Housing, said the
students will receive a letter asking
them to convince their landlords to
sign the agreement or move out of
the housing beginning second
Bryan said the letters will be sent
out within the month. With the ac
tion, he said, the University will be
moving from stating a principle to
asking for individual action in en
forcing it.
The anti-discrimination clause
was incorporated in a new
University householders' agree
ment last spring as a result of
ASUN action. The principle was
approved by faculty and ad
ministration and the agreements
went out July 1.
TO DATE, slightly more than
half of the Lincoln landlords now
renting to University students have
signed and returned the
agreements, Bryan said;
The neglect of some 400
University-listed landlords to
return the agreement led to an Oc
tober student march protesting the
landlords' policies and an ASUN
petition drive. That drive is still in
progress under the ASUN Human
Rights Committee.
Byran and Dan Looker, chairman
of the ASUN Human Rights Com
mittee, said Tuesday that the suc
cess of the push to elinr'nale
discrimination in rentals of off
campus student housing now rests
with the students who are violating
the stated University policy.
BRYAN SAID the University
community expects these students
to convince their landlords to sign
the agreements or to move out se
cond semester.
Both Bryan and Looker said the
further enforcement of the policy
will be "a function of the tital
University community."
' "If students stuck together about
where they live," Looker said,
''landlords would have to make
improvements and have open
housing. The students shouldn't
have to have the administration do
this for them."
BRYAN WOULD not say what
specific action the University com
munity would take against students
who refuse to move out of ron-ap-proved
off -campus housing.
But he said, "The University has
plenty of authority ad
ministratively" to enfoics the
Continued on pafie i .
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