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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1968)
if i PAGE 4 The Daily Nebraskan MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1963 11 M VV J 1 v, i i t Enrollment in pass-fail smaller than expected by Joanell Ackerman Nebraskan Staff Writer The University's pass-fail system is an option that few students seem to be using. This semester there were 19J5 registrations for pass-fail courses, according to Beverly C U nningham, registration advisor. "I THOUGHT that more students would be using the pass-fail option than there actually are," said Miss Cunningham, who has com- piled a set of statistics on this semester's pass-fail system. She said one reason for the low participation may be that many students do not under stand the requirements for pass-fail. Current policy allows juniors and seniors the op Little creativity causes non-action Continued From Page 1 Some see a lack of creativity on the part of the students as a reason why more students haven't gotten involved this year. "That march on City Hall was nothing but a collective ego-trip," explained Phil Medcalf , a leader in the Pea ce and Freedom movement. "No one created a thing after that walk downtown," Medcalf continued. "Everv one seemed to be proud that they walked to City Hall, but no one has done a thing since." DAN LOOKER reported to ASUN last Wednesday that the petition drive initiated during the march was a "failure at this point" because nothing had been generated by it. Linda Essay, who helped lead the march, thought it was "a burst of concern which fizzled out." "The whole thing was squashed by liberal-types who didn't want to cause a bad image," she said. "The result was the resounding boom of failure." Mike Shonsey, a member of the Human Rights Com. mitiee, said uie marcn was ineffective "because of a lack of followers, or maybe we just Read Nebraska Want Ails ,m a 1 Current Movies mm Times ranked er Theater. Timet: a.m. MrM laeci .m. keU toe Cafe raUaa kM are erielrt aa n. telle Irani Ike leeater am4 iaelcela a eebjaUrr raUag airea la Ik mark) kr tee meliea Mr tore teeajtrr: G la. eetpa far GKmAL aMttaret, M taceeatea' far MATH BE aaaMarea I ur eal aiirreuee 4 ,-. (B) fct KTMOTKO Peraeei eaaer 11 eat e aiUlee- artlee ami ar aa urn. IX rereeaa eaeer 17 set aHeuUre eea mmj filler, ekeek ikealer aaraf. UumtmL LINCOLN CooperLincoln: 'The Boston Strangler'. (R 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00. 9:00. Varsity: 'West Side Story', (M 1:09,3:43, 6:29. 0:09. State: 'Helf?a (M 1:00, 3:00, J: 00, 7:00, 9:00. Joyo: 'Live A Little, Love A Little', 7:20 9:20. Stuart: 'The Split', (M) 1:10, 3:10, 5:10, 7:00, 9:00. Mth & O: The Good, The Bad L The Ugly'. 7:30. 'Inspector Clouseau', 10:10. -. SUrvfew: 'Closely Watched Trains'. (R) 7:45. 'Dear John'. (R) 9:20. Nebraska: 'Two A Penny', 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00, 9:00. OMAHA Indian Hills: 'Ice Station Zebra', G) every evening at :0. Wed., Sat. & Sun., 2:00. Dundee: 'Funny Girl, (G) -every evening at 8:00, Wed., "Sat , & Sun., 2:00. Cooper 70: 'Finian's Rainbow', fGi every evening at S:00. Wed., Sat. & Sun., 2:00. 5 ! a funny thins J3 v .v m portunity ot taking a course on the pass-fail basis. Pass- fail courses are restricted to areas outside the student's major and minor fields and may not be used to fulfill group requirements for graduation. TO REGISTER for a pass fail course, a student m- dicates on his worksheet that he is taking the course on that basis. A maximum of 12 hours may be taken on the pass-fail basis while at the University. Miss Cunningham said that this semester two students are taking four pass-fail courses each. The three most popular departments for pass-fail courses are the Psychology, don't have the talent here to carry on an like this." Shonsey said that if one went to the dormitories to discover student power, the concensus of opinion would be "there isn't any, and we don't care if there isn't." THE UNIVERSITY o f Nebraska campus, in effect, has no radical leaders, ac cording to Dave Bunnell. Bunnell was influenced by the philosophy of Carl Davidson when Davidson was on campus three years ago. But the fire lit by Davidson has burnt out now. Bunnell thinks. "The radicals here have nothing," he said. "They have been ostracized. All we can do is push the liberals into doing something. We are very disillusioned with the cam pus." "Bunnell blames the radicals "for not doing their homework" but added, "ob viously, the student body is not as sophisticated as those at better schools like Harvard, Berkeley or Columbia." BUT THE power struggle is not between liberals and radicals. What is being demanded by Students? What does it have to do with the quality of education at the University? Many student leaders think that the future of the University is tied up in the answer? to those questions. Some Answers will be ex plored in the conclusion of this study of student activism at the University of Nebraska. Nebraska Union Him Society Memberships ere sfiii available. They may be purchased November 20 at the Ne braska Theater and at the Union Program Of fice. Admission is $7.18. happened on the abejardoz-Lda fall musical ' awiJCKKMrd) English and Political Science Departments, according to Miss Cunningham. Determination of what is considered pass or tail is decided by the instructor of the course. DR. HARRY SHELLEY, who teaches Psych 188, a course popular with pass-fail students, says that such a student must meet the same requirements as the rest of the class. The only difference is that the student gets a "p" or "f" instead of a letter grade. "I would guess that the students who have taken my courses on the pass-fail option would have received a C-plus on a graded basis," he said. Dr. Stephen R o z m a n , assistant professor in the Political Science Department, said that a pass-fail student had to have a C average in one of his courses to receive a pass." THE PASS-FAIL system is a good idea, he added. because a student has a chance to experiment in an area alien to his major field. Co-op bookstore idea still alive The idea of a student co operative bookstore is not dead according to Glenn Nees, ASUN Welfare Commit tee Chairman. The bookstore sub-commi ttee has been in active operation since September he said. The committee as received information on such bookstores in other schools from the National Student Association. This inforamtion is being considered currently he said. our primary problem is financing the operation," he added. Two methods of finance have been suggested thus far, The first involves selling store memberships. Student fees might also be used to foot the initial expense, he said. The Welfare Committee has also been active in organizing a Residence Hall Planning Committee, Nees continued Organization of the com mittee has been established and will come before the Regents Housing Policy Committee for approval next week. If the Committee is ap proved, it will have ultimate power in planning of residence halls, he said. It will be composed of students, faculty, and residence hall administrators. In the planning stage, members of the Welfare Committee have worked wav to the forum rxmber 21-22-23 r union ballroom tickets X - union in New initiates of Phi Eta Sigma, honorary freshman scholastic fraternity for men are: Douglas Alan Beezley, Reid W. Bond, Arthur Merlin Bullock, Stanley .Arthur Carpenter, David Earl Cook, Philip Dean Jackson, Thomas Michael Johnson, Tom Aaron Kirshenbaum, Wai Wing Ng, Alan Paul Schmidt, Jerry Blake Simons, Steven Duane Sinclair, Marc Joel Sorkin, Gerald Dean Warren, Ronald Marvin Witt. NEW INITIATES of Sigma Delta Chi, men's professional 1 journalism society, are: Edward Anson, Joseph Baldwin, George Bartlett, Robert Brandt. Van Coker, James Cook, David Coufal, James Dean, John Dvorak, Dewaine Gahan, William Ganzel, Dennis Hetherington, Eugene Hillman, Richard Holman, Arthur Maginnis, James Ogden, Dana Roper, and Bruce Wimmer. closely with Housing Office Director Edward Bryan. He added that the Com mittee would have the power to regulate the construction of new residence halls as well as the operation of existing ones. Nees said that the Welfare : ,.. . . . .T.Trr . "" nwininnn .i.,m , M. i ii a..f i.. , , ,. , i-,n.TaiaiiiiiriiiiTiia i m n v ri im i n i - Funny how big you can "gti and Still remain virtu al ly anonymous. Somehow we've managed to do it. ? We're a group of ov er 60 companies, making every thing from microwave integrated circuits to color televi sion. And we rank number 9 in the top 500 corporations in the nation. ' Pretty hot stuff for a nobody. But thou gh you may not recognize our name, may- oe uie name sylvania rings a bell. . It's one of our companies. quI pterui:.v employer. NU lab by Bill Smltherman Nebraskan Staff Writer Nebraska boasts the only independent tractor testing laboratory in the western hemisphere according to Engineer-in-Charge, L. F. Larson. The lab came into existence in 1919 as a result of the Nebraska Tractor Test Law passed that year. This law requires all tractors sold in Nebraska to be tested by state agency, he said. LARSON CONTINUED that Nebraska is the only state that requires tractors to be independent 1 y tested However, because of Nebraska's agricultural nature, almost all tractors sold in the United States are tested in the Nebraska laboratory located on East Campus. The first tractor was tested in the spa ing of 1920, he said It was the kerosene powered "Waterloo Boy" made by John Deere. Since that time, tractors have been tested from such varied places as England, Italy. Poland, Japan, and Iowa. Some bear famous automotive names such as Porsche, Fiat, and Ford. This month the facility will test its 1000th tractor, Larson sub-committee on Drop and Add will begin meeting with Lee Chatfield of the Office of Student Affairs. The purpose of these meetings will be to "try and straighten out the mess in Drop and Add and Registration," he said. one continued. It will be a mode! of the "Ford 5000" soon to go on sale. THE PURPOSE of tractor testing is to encourage the production of improved trac tors by testing manufac turer's claims and making the test results public, he said. Tractors are tested for heir power and performance. Horsepower is tested directly by electronic means. Actual performance power is tested under varying conditions on the East Campus testing track. FACTORY representatives are always present to make sure hat the machine is at its peak performance, he said. Best fuels and operating con ditions are also tested and noted. Larson continued that the work of the Nebraska laboratory has forced many companies to build their own test facilities. Since the in Lambert Dolphin Research Nuclear Physicist Stanford University speaking on his own experience under the influence of LSD in various scientifically controlled experiments. Tuesday, November 19, 9:00 p.m. Phi Delta Theta fraternity - Everyone invited Campus Crusade for Christ You may even 1 iv e in one of our telephone company areas. We operate in 33 states. So here we are, 5 billion dollars strong, growing all over the place, and looking for engineers and scientists to grow with us. Why don't you think us over with your Placement Director. ' j-?.'. Incidentally, we're known in the communications field as General Telephone & Electronics. Pssst. Pass it on. Is of ception of the Nebraska pro gram, tractor quality has been greatly improved throughout the country, he said. He emphasized the fact that the lab does not test safety University of Son Diego Law School Dean Joseph A. Sinclitico, Jr. will discuss CALIFORNIA LAW SCHOOLS prelaw programs and legal opportunities on TUESDAY - NOVEMBER 19 Students interested should contact The Placement Office, Nebraska Union Building 230 I kind and endurance factors. However, manufacturers are now constantly improvir ; these areas on their own so that legislation will not become necessary. ?! r -A 1 if Si n ! n i i i "1 H ? i ?' . V 'in ll ! i 1 fi 4 i 1 - -?Tr". t