o n rn r n j n p lyrp flliThe U La KiJ Li Li WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1968 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Vol. 92, No. 35 fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiH Nebraska grasses . . . potted 4?FS fighting for . Jus iru 4 4' th9 tice V y ' V ft A ' -. . ' w v ' It -?f WW . ,7 ' . . i fey. B J f ' ft ' I ' hWy nwltW' :tyyy,. 1 On display at Sheldon Gallery this week is a collection of Nebraska native prairie grasses, The display will continue through Friday, Nov. 15 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH i Noted lawyer F. Lee Bailey to speak on Supreme Court F. Lee Bailey, renowned criminal lawyer, will speak at the Union, Thursday, Nov. 14, at 3:30 p.m. Bailey came to national pro- 1 F. Lee Bailev 1 University teacher recalls ... With Castro in by John Dvorak Nebraskan Staff Writer "When I knew Fidel Castro, he was a young, clever student full of ideas and destined to be a leader. He wanted to destroy the corrupt and illegal Cuban government. "He did, and everyone including me supported him. But then slowly Castro took the wrong path, the path to communism. Finally there was nothing for me to do but leave." RAUL ROSELL, SO, a Spanish instructor at the University, was a college professor in Cuba before leaving the island in late 1961: He has a Ph.D in law and lived in Havana and later Santiago, Cuba's two largest cities. In the 1940's and early 1950's, Cuba was one of the richest coun tries in the hemisphere south of the Rio Grande, Rosell said in heavily accented English. The country had a constitutional The golden days of radio are back for the dorms KNUS, University station, is being improved. Story on page four. minence for his defense of Dr. Sam Sheppard and the reversal of Sheppard's murder conviction. ' ' AFTER THE Sheppard case, Bailey went on to win the acquittal of Dr. Carl Coppolino. The 25-year-. old lawyer feels that the Supreme Court should do more to uniform criminal laws of the states. He sees the criminal lawyer as the guard of an individual's rights. Bailey served three years in the Marine Corps as a jet pilot and M. government. But in March, 1952, Fulgencio Batista y Zaldivar, a former President of Cuba, headed & revolt and took control of the government. BATISTA WAS running for the Senate, and he was certain to lose, Rosell related. He was the leader of a political party when he and some young army officers seized Cuba. The people were angry, Rosell continued. Batista, who had made himself chief of state and prime minister, was opposed by nearly everyone. But what could they do? The Batista government was rotten to the core, Rosell said. Resistance to it gradually increas ed, especially among University students and professors. People attacked the government little by little. ROSELL WAS acquainted with Castro when the future Cuban legal officer. With his experience a. a legal officer, he went on to study law at Boston University and graduated in 1960. WHILE IN law school, Bailey ran his own investigation agency, complete with electronic devices. He still feels that the in-. vestigation is an integral part of his defense. The "Saturday Evening Post" has called him "the hottest young criminal lawyer in the country." Dre-revolutionary leader was a college student in 1949. Castro was studying law. "We young teachers often talked with the students and exchanged ideas," Rosell explained. "I knew Castro from these informal discussions, although he never was actually one of my students. "He was young looking, somewhat taller than the average student" at the University of Nebraska. He was very intelligent and obviously had leadership qualities. He was very much in terested' in changing the Cuban government," Rosell remembered. "UNDER BATISTA things got worse and worse, Rosell said. "The dictator promised many Model U.N. scheduled for Dec. 13 Applications have been received for 79 countries to participate in the Model U.N., according to Carol Madson, secretary-general. Thirty nine countries are unrepresented and late applications will be ac cepted until Nov. 26. Delegation handbooks are almost completed and will be sent out next week. Delegates will be asked to draft resolutions on questions such as: Tie Chinese Representation, The Biafran Problem, Palestine and the apartheid policy of South Africa. Resolutions must be sent in by Dec. 4. FRIDAY, DEC. 13, the delegates will form committees to choose the best resolution on each question. These resolutions will then be presented to the General Assembly. The model U.N. will be held Dec. 14 at the Kellogg Center. The speaker on Friday night will be Dr. Darrell Randall who will speak on the African problem. Dr. John Stoessinger will speak at Saturday night's International Banquet. His topic will be the political problem within the U.N. Tickets for the International Banquet will be on sale beginning Dec. 1. American Way by Julie Morris Ncbraskan Staff Writer University males may thank heaven for little coeds. But the girls, themselves, are indebted for their favors to a more human institution. The Association of Women Students (AWS) is the ail University women's organization that enforces women's housing rules, disp enses women's privileges and sponsors women's programs. The 29 AWS Congresswomen, who are elected by living areas, hold all legislative power in the organization. Any changes in women's living rules must be approved by the Congress. The Congresswomen are independents and Greeks, conservatives and liberals, radicals and reactionaries. They are representative of the University community's women. THE CONGRESSWOMEN are thoughtful people who are concerned about problems like extending the key system, abolishing women's hours entirely and changing the AWS image. They sometimes have doubts about the worth of their organiza tion. Linda Parker, a Con gresswoman who's worked in AWS three years, says, "I'm not a dyed-in-the-wool AWS conservative." Miss Parker said she 1 things, but the illegal government did little." The military dictatorship , of Batista was overthrown on New Year's Day, 1959. Fidel Castro, at the time supported by 99 percent of the people, led the revolution. THE REVOLUTION was relatively bloodless, Rosell said. But justice is quick during a revolution, he added. A number of people especially those in Batista's army, were killed. Rosell did not actually fight in the revolution with Castro. Rosell supported the revolutionary move ment in every possible way from his position at the University of Havana. Many people, mostly those backing the incumbent govern ment, left the island. Batista went into exile as the rebel army, after bisecting the island, headed for Havana. Castro promptly pro claimed a provisional government. "WHETHER CASTRO was a communist from the start or not, I X 4t t t t : . y r . , ft "definitely" believes in working through the system to effect changes in women's rules because "it can be done faster within the system than outside of it." ' ABOLITION of all women's hours might be an ideal thing, she said, "But we're forced not to think ideally, but prac tically." If AWS Congress were ask ed to abolish women's hours tomorrow, "They'd want to Editor's Note: This is the first of two stories on the Uni versity AWS, women's hours and attitudes and movements for change in the established system. form a committee and think about it, which they'd have to do, or it would ' never hap pen," Miss Parker said. Anne Aita, a senior Con gresswoman from Smith Hall, calls herself a "liberal-conservative." SHE VIEWS AWS as a stu dent tool for change. "The administration set AWS up for the sake of the girls," Miss Aita said, "If we didn't have AWS, who would ever offer us keys except the super-radicals?" "AWS is a group that does care, that can get changes without being super-radical. do not know," Rosell said. "When I knew him, he was just a young man full of ideas who wanted change." At first, everyone supported the Castro government, Rosell said. But gradually, things went the wrong way. "Teachers were being organized, Raul Rosell Rosell said. "Then I was asked to fire some teachers because of their political beliefs. This was difficult for me to do; some of them were good friends of mine." ROSELL HAD no recourse but to resign his position at the university. He then began to think of coming to the United States. Continued on page 4 ft.'' Shapes of things that never were. you can't just demand changes, you wouldn't do that with your own parents," Miss Aita said. Jan Parks, another senior Congresswoman, says, "It's not infrequently that I ques tion the value of AWS, whether we need it at all." "AWS IS AN extension of the administration," she said. "The administration grants us power, but on the big decisions they have the last word. Yet I'd rather have a representative body than have to deal directly with the administration." Miss Parks criticized the Congress for "mickey mous ing around for the last two weeks" when the women held a group dynamics session to help them get better ac quainted. "Sometimes I get sick of ail this foolishness. Everyone seems to be overcautious and use the Regents as an excuse for lack of progress," she said. KAYE GEORGE is a freshmen AWS worker who may someday move up as a Congresswoman. She said she thinks she is a liberal in comparison to most University freshmen women. "AWS answers to the ad ministration, but I don't think there is anything wrong with , this because there has to be an administration," Miss George said. "The administration has some right in saying what it wants students to do," she said. ALL OF THESE coeds said they favor sophomore keys and hope the extension of the key system will be approved soon. Congress has endorsed the extension and the AWS key committee is completing ex haustive studies and surveys of coeds, parents and faculty members to back their case for sophomore keys. An AWS random poll of a third of the University women living on campus showed that a majority, 1,136, favored ex tension of the system. MISS GEORGE suggested extension of keys to freshmen for weekend use. Miss Parks said all coeds but first semester freshmen should have keys. "I'm conservative about giving keys to freshmen, but I don't know why," Miss Parks said. HOURS ARE' a "little crutch" for freshmen that helps them develop responsibility and "keeps the men in line, too," Miss George commented. Miss Aita said she was against extension of the keys to sophomores until shortly before Congress voted on it. She changed her mind, she said, because "I realized it all goes back to the simple fact that the final sayso is with the parents, and I like that." All of the coeds said they have their pet plans for changes in women's hours and rules, but all of them are ready to stick with AWS as "the only thing we've got." 1 f V a a 4 Z Si am I