MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1968 The Daily Nebraskan Pcige 3 uskers bother Iowa State attack by Randy York Assistant Sports Editor Nebraska had its troubles with Kansas and Missouri. Oklahoma State did its bit too. And Iowa State Saturday was no different as the Cyclones pushed the Huskers, 24-13. This weekend is expected to follow script. Kansas Slate, which scored three touchdowns Saturday against Oklahoma, visits Lincoln for the Huskers' homecoming. Nebraska, pressed 14-7 late in the second quarter, lanched a 71-yard drive with 1:28 before intermission to take a two-touchdown cushion into the lockerroom. QUARTERBACK Ernie Sigler pinpointed six of six passes in Nebraska's last touchdown march, connecting with split end Tom Penney four times, including an eight yard strike for the six-pointer. Penney established a Nebraska career pass receiving yardage record by snagging six passes for 84 yards. Penney's three-year yardage total increased to 933, eclipsing the former mark of 881 set by Ail American Freeman White. The K-State game might produce still another Penney receiving record as he needs two more receptions to break Dennis Richnafsky's career mark of 67. ISU QUARTERBACK John Warder, who passed for 108 yards and rushed for 41 more, engineered the Cyclones' se cond touchdown, culminated by Rich Harris' one-yard plunge. Heller's first game of cons iderable action was not the only top Husker effort. Soph fullback Dan Schneiss, who started ahead of veteran Dick Davis, gained 35 yards on seven carries. Davis, however, finished as NU's top ground-gainer as the Omaha senior ground out 87 yards in 16 trips. Halfback Joe Orduna, the Huskers' top carrier in the last three games, ranked behind Davis Saturday with 72 yards in 22 attempts. Orduna's two-yard stab with 11:35 left in the first period accounted for Nebraska's first touchdown. Paul Rogers' 38-yard field goal with five seconds left in the game gave Devaney his seventh straight win over Iowa State. 1 'M 0 s-rf f'KMt'K- LW VS V I 1 Iowa State quarterback John Warder scoots for 15 yards against Nebraska during the second period Saturday on a quarterback sneak. Warder picked up 41 net yards rushing in the Cyclones' 24-13 loss to Nebraska. Soph keys, income tax issues explained to IDA by Connie Winkler Nebraskan Staff Writer Sophomore keys and the campus drive to keep the in come tax were explained to the Interdormitory Associa tion (IDA) Thursday night. irf'JaJj'l.Ciininiiiw lost: Mueller Flanetarium lobby Tuesday af te'noon. Ueht meter - Gosseu. Re ward. 432 3'H8 or bring to Daily Ne braskan Office. "I can't see any stumbling blocks to our goal of sophomore keys second semester," AWS President Mimi Baker told IDA. THE PLAN will be sent to the Faculty Senate and Regents for approval this month she said. AWS Congress has approved the resolution, and Dean Ross and Dean Snyder are in favor of it, Miss Baker said. A poll of women students showed that they favor sophomore keys. Parents and faculty are now being polled MISCELLANEOUS Can the Great Pumpkin Cook too? Islanders. Good Day Sunshine. Biding Lemons private and group. Call 477-4898 or Pioneer Stablea. HELP WANTED: Campus Representative for Advertlsini Enterprise. Excellent money. Call after 5. 423-8341. Ask tor Ue. Waiters Wanted. No experience neces sary Will train. Evening shift work. Apply in person after 4 pm. to Clark K ius. Clayton House, 10th it "O". fOR SALE: Lighters. Cliff's. RCA Ste-eo Console. Good Sound. 489-7806 after 7:00 P.M. Ask for Bill. -ft Vvll I according to Miss Baker . NEXT YEAR, if sophomore keys are implemented, Miss Baker felt the dorms would be on a matron system. Second semester, though, sophomores in the dorms would probably use keys she said. Randy Irey, who is working to keep the state income tax, urged the IDA members to work at the polls distributing information. "If there is no state income tax, state aid to education will be the first to go and that means higher tuition," he said. IREY SUGGESTED to the representatives that students on their floors distribute in formation Tuesday as a service project. Music students to direct, present concert classics Twenty University music students will present a fully student-directed and organiz ed opera concert Friday at 7:30 p.m. at Westbrook Hall. The concert, the Gala Opera Recital, will include ensembels and arias from the classics of the opera world, according to Mai Keelan, student coordinator. Keelan said the 16 singers and their accompanists will perform selections from "La Boheme," "Rigoletto," "The Telephone," "II Trovator," "The Magic Flute," "Tosca" and others. THE STUDENTS planned the concert, Keelan said, because it offers "a chance to do some things that probably wouldn't be offered through the regular University opera sessions. "The concert should be good for the singers and for the audience," he said, "since we're presenting live selec tions none of us might ever hear on this campus." KEELAN SAW some ot me outstanding students in the University Music Department will sing in the recital. They include: George Carpenter, the lead Tickets Wanted: Cl;-NU ticket wanted: Call 423-2764 alter 5:30. Siiuiifli. a CGSOMTMTEO t ANYTIME IS POPCORN TIME! caramel corn chees cam popcorn balls caramel apples cold drinks ice cream CLIFTON'S CORN CRIB Across from Volkswagen 1150 No. 48th LATEST ISSUE NOW ON SALE IN NEBRASKA UNION Nebraska Union Barber Shop Hours: Mon.-Fri., 8:00 a.m.-5.15 p.m. Sat. 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. On Campus for your convenience Appointments or just walk in 472-2459 Nebraska Union lower level ORDERS SAT.. MOV. 9 I J ACCEPTED! ' ' 2 8:30 pm f II mt I .ittwiln'a $ PERSHING MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM i5th .mi n PRICES: $5 $4.50 $4.00(3.10. PURCHASE TICKETS AT: PERSHING AUDITORIUM BOXOFFICI, OPEN DAILY 12 NOON TO 6 P.NM MILLER & PAINE, DOWNTOWN 1 GATEWAY STORES; COLD'S OF NEBRASKA I TREASURE CITY RECORD DEPTS. EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS con teach you not only to read fatter But to understand and remember more of what you read 2200 WAM Average Ending Rate 7 Comprehension Increase Next Session Begins November 5th Dsmofiitrotions I Free Mlni-leton T ScTV. SS.i h.v"- 1601 P STREET CAll BOB HENDERSON 435 835 fL .J 4 . fp That happens when 'Johnny can READ?" in this year's University opera "The Marriage of Figaro." Carpenter teaches at the Rocky Ridge School of Music each summer. He had a role in the University pro duction of "Rigoletto" last year. Sandy Utsumi who played the lead in the University production of "Gainni Schic chi" two years ago, and has a role in "The Marriage of Figaro." MARY POTTER, the lead in the University production of "Albert Herring" last year. Paul Surface who sang in "Rita." Keelan, who will sing in the RECORDS! Record At Sound City 432 7305 144 So. tk recital, has appeared in several Lincoln Pinewood Bowl opera productions in cluding a lead role in "Flower Drum Song." He also ap peared in "Albert Herring" and sang at The Factory in Malcolm last summer. Rick Bryandt, another Pinewood Bowl performer. Bryandt has appeared in "Flower Drum Song," "The Music Man" and "My Fair Lady." DONT LET LOVE DIE CELEBRATE Guy Faivkes DAY -NOV. 5 66No one will be seated during the last 88 minutes, they'll all be on the floor, laughingP'-iooK magazine "Pur lunacy . . . uproariously funny!" TIME taasktbrnnasi ZERO A4CSTEL tMvl Bfoolci Hiss "THE PRODUCERS ii . i i i i In Color STARTS WEDNESDAY. (CI SBG&o y P.M. SAFVS VJZMBSfwj" are now enjoying the benefits of fluoridated water. You can bring this opportunity to Lincoln and ex tend these benefits to your children and to all future generations on November 5th. raid for by th lincoln fluoridation Council, 1006 Sherp lldg. Warrwt Urbof fr. Jock Knodlt, O-OX, Treat. Involvenyourself until it hurts a little, and you grow a lot, solving challenging problems We have the Wnd of Job opportunities that put you right where the action is. Earnings are excellent... but a lot more than just money is involved. You'll be in the thick of important things instantly.And you'll learn fast Pick the area that Interests you most and fits you best: exploration, engineering, manufacturing, research and develop ment, marketing, or administration. You'll want to check this out before you make the big decision. Our representatives will be In on campus Nov. 5, 6. Full details available at the Placement Office (AMERICAN) American Oil Company X Amoco Chemicals Corporation Subsidiaries of Standard Oil Company Ondlana JACKET Sf cfc Reduced off all JACKETS machine washable nylons, cottons & blends zip or snap closures IS 4cilCr On s Pays Only Mon. 11-4 Tues. 11-5 Wed. 11-6 UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE NEBRASKA UMIOM "University Merchandise Center"