The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 23, 1968, Image 1

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All this and free too . . . three NU coeds, from left, Mary Tobia, Linda Phillips and Desiray
Bailey, check the Free University course offerings for fields of interest.
Everyone can do his
by Connie Winkler
Junior Staff Writer
Registration for Nebraska Free
University (NFU) has been ex
tended until Tuesday, Oct. 29, ac
cording to Jim Humlicek, NFU co
ordinator. Fifty NFU courses this semester
will explore such subjects as
"Common Sense Procedures for
Medical Emergencies" and "Bud
dhism". DR. ALAN Pickering of United
Ministeries will again lead a course
on "Marriage Social, Legal,
Sexual Contract." The course will
look at dating, engagement,
premarital sex, romance, con
traception and the varieties of
marital behavior normal to stable
family life.
Groups will also be studied by
NFU groups. "Project in Group
Self-Exploration" will use specific
exercises to discover more open
and honest communication with
other human beings in the group.
"The Group Process" will take
the individual's own experiences in
groups to understand what groups
are and how they behave.
Several courses will center
around the woman's role in the
university. Small panels Mill field
questions in the "Image of
Woman" course to be led by Twig
Daniels and Barb Ahlschwede.
"Woman's Liberation" will ex
plore the role woman plays and
should play in a society based on
equality of the sexes.
Assuming that his "On the New
Left" group knows nothing about
the subject, Mick Lowe will lead
a course on the history and
philosophy of the New Left.
"THE NEW Politics" will discuss
the primaries, the current political
situation, the election and where
politics are headed in the near
Racism of all kinds will be ex
amined in several of the courses.
"Racism" asks students to bring
their own personal racism to the
class. "Experiments in Race" will
encourage self-realization in terms
of black and white.
"Foreign-American Student En
counter (How They See Us and
How We See Them)" asks that
students be willing to share their
ignorance as well as their
knowledge with each other without
taking offense.
A NFU course in Negro history
will survey the involvement and
contributions the Negro has made
to the past and present society.
"Have You Seen Behind the
Hilton, Mr. Brown?" Jim Humlicek
and Dan Looker ask. Their seminar
will investigate the problems of the
powerless. They plan to develop a
program with which to confront the
middle class community on the
problems of the powerless. The"
course includes plans for a
weekend in core poverty areas of
Other courses will be looking and
working for a better university.
"Tht Role of Students in the
23, 1968
NFU courses
Academic Revolution" will em
phasize what students can do to
create desirable changes i n
"A Student-Oriented Education"
will explore student motivated,
student organized, interdisciplinary
education. This group will decide
the course of study for eight to
ten students who will live together
off-campus. Next semester these
students will receive academic
credit from the University without
attending any regular classes.
seeks better student-faculty
by Jim Pedersen
Senior Staff Writer
There is a need for informal
relationships between faculty and
students, but students must provide
the initative to form the rela
tionships, Dr. Caroll McKibbon,
assistant professor of political
science, said Tuesday.
McKibbon is living in Harper
Hall for one week as part of a
spontaneous "live-in" to better
faculty understanding of student
"I would like to see this experi
ment evaluated from the side of
the student, the faculty, and the
residence hall director," McKibbon
said. "The evaluation should then
be submitted to the administration
as a student-instigated program for
their opinion."
HE ADDED that he is not staying
only at Harper, but visiting other
dormitories at the request of the
AUF drive
in progress
The All University Fund (AUF)
drive is now in progress. AUF is
the only organization which can
solicit funds from students for char
ities. The organization is divided into
six committees. sororities, fratern
ities, independent women, indepen
dent men, East Campus and Lin
coln students.
AUF sponsored a dance on Oct.
12 to raise money for the Keep Bi
afra Alive Committee.
Continued Page S
1 Walter Heller to 1
I speak at Union I
Dr. Walter Heller will be 1
the featured speaker in the I
Nebraska Union Ballroom,
Thursday, Oct 24, at 3:30 I
i p.m. A reception will also be I
i held in the Union from 2:30-
3:30 p.m.
Heller is presently a pro- I
fj fessor of economics at the
University of Minnesota and I
is a consultant of the Execu- I
I tive office to the President 1
MUSICALLY, NFU, offers "Pro
gressive Rock 138," "Rock Music,"
and "There's a French Horn in the
Swan Lake, Mr. Tchaikovsky!".
Practical courses will offer
lessons in photography, chess,
finger spelling and the folk guitar.
All interested students are eligi
ble for NFU courses. Studeni can
register and receive more in
formation at the NFU booth in the
science professor
McKibbon emphasized that he
does not try to impose on any stu
dent. "I cannot just invite myself in,"
he said. "The students must ask
McKibbon added that he has
desired to enter into more informal
relations with students for some
"I see their life better than they
can see mine in this type of pro
gram," he continued, "but this ex
perience has added a new perspec
tive to my view of students."
According to McKibbon, he
follows a schedule established for
him by Cliff Sather, Harper Hall
"When I have any free time, I
go to my room," McKibbon said.
"I don't like the idea of walking
up and down the halls sticking my
head in students' rooms."
McKibbon admitted that there is
a delicate element involved in the
"THERE ARE some people in
the hall who are probably not
pleased with my presence," he ad
ded. "The people who don't want
to see me have no reason to coutac
me, however."
McKibbon stressed that if anyone
regards him as an intruder, they
can simply ignore him.
"I am intrigued by the idea of
a college within a college where
there are faculty apartments in the
residence halls," he said.
McKibbon feels that the more
rounded environment that is provi
ded for the student the more the
student gains from his college ex
perience. According to McKibbon, he has
neither cleared his living in Harper
Hall with the administration nor
has he heard anything officially
from the administration.
"I would like to see the results
of this week developed further,"
he said. "It certainly has the
potential for further growth."
McKibbon added, that his values
and attitudes towards students
have changed since moving into
Harper Hall.
"In the long run, having lived
with students will make me a bet
ter teacher because I will have an
additional identification with
them," McKibboa said.
Programs preparec
for NU's 'Time Out'
A series of programs for "Tint
Out" was announced Tuesday iy
the coordinating committee
organizing the programs for Oct.
The programs have been divided
into four general areas, Diane
Theisen, coordinating committee
member, said. She said the topics
of politics, national issues, campus
issues and racism will be the basis
for the National Student Associa
tion (NSA) sponsored program.
DEFINITE scheduling as to pro
grams, times and places will be
announced Thursday, Dave Piester,
coordinating committee member,
He added that response to "Time
Out" has been strong by those
groups that have agreed to sponsor
ASUN President Craig Dreeszen
said Tuesday that if professors
deemed the "Time Out" programs
worthwhile, he hoped they would
dismiss their classes and encourage
their students to attend the pro
grams. Miss Theisen said a series of
films will be shown on Tuesday,
Oct. 29, in the Sheldon Auditorium.
She said the NSA Student Film
Festival, a newsreel on the Colum
bia University student revolt last
spring and a film on the Vietnam
war, would be shown.
Bob Zucker, coordinating com
mittee member, said there will be
a panel on the topic of University
expansion into the Malone area. He
added there is a possibility that
Ernest Chambers, write-in can
didate for the Omaha School Board,
may participate in another panel.
Another speaker is coming from
Omaha to present a program on
black history, Zucker said.
political science honorary Pi Sigma
students he is living with will gain
a different image of teachers from
the live-in.
"Too often
stereotyped as
narrow person,'
"Some people
the professor is
an egghead and a
' McKibbon added,
at Harper were
surprised at my
interest in the
Olympic Games."
"I hope that the students can
see teachers as human beings with
a genuine interest in students,"
McKibbon said.
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Eighteen to buy cigarettes ... 19 to vote? Political flavorings now beng offered at the
i tobacco corner of the Nebraska Union.
Alpha will repeat a program on
splinter political parties in the na
tion. The honorary sponsored the
panel a few weeks ago.
He said that State Senator Roland
Luedtke from Lincoln has also
agreed to participate in a
discussion of problems facing the
State Legislature.
The Nebraska Draft Resistance
Union will sponsor a speaker, small
group discussion and films on the
Selective Service, Miss Theisen
She announced a panel discussion
on poverty a farce
Cornell economist
by John Dvorak
Senior Staff Writer
The so-called War on Poverty is
a grand facade, according to Dr.
Andrew Hacker, a Cornell
University economist and political
Taxpayers, who finance the
Great Society programs, simply
lack the will to help people mired
in poverty, he said. These tax
payers begrudge every penny given
to the tax collector. '
"THE UPPER middle class is
unwilling to give up their stereos,
new cars and other luxuries in
order to help fight poverty," he
explained. This mood is reflected
throughout the country.
Hacker, who studied at Oxford
and received his Ph.D. from
Princeton University, writes for
many magazines and newspapers.
He has edited three books on
government and economics.
According to Sather, the results
of the program have been en
couraging. "I would like to see this experi
ment developed into a program in
which 1 or 2 professors or ad
ministrators would live for one
week in Harper each month,"
he said.
Sather feels that once students
talk with the professors, they will
be accepted.
be accepted.
Vol. 92, No. 24
will be held on current urban pro
blems, moderated by Loren Case
ment, assistant professor of
Other programs include & session
on women's rights, a discussion on
editorial freedom and responsibility
in the Daily Nebraskan headed by
Editor Jack Todd, and a discussion
on academic innovation and ex
perimentation, Zucker said.
He said the program on innova
tion at the University will be head
ed by Student Senator Curt
Donaldson and will deal with topics
such as the Experimental College
approach to learning.
However, the main cause for the
Great Society's failure is that
business is not providing jobs for
those who want them, Hacker con
tinued. In the past, jobs were plentiful,
the Cornell professor said. Even
women and children labored in
factories and industry.
"Business, as we know it today,
is on the way out," he declared.
To be sure, private enterprise will
still be important, he said.
But with the advent of automa
tion and mechanization, fewer
workers are able to manufacture
more products, he said. The areas
of manufacturing and industry are
precisely the areas where many
people below the middle class seek
' employment.
Lack of steady employment is
one cause of social unrest, he said,
and a solution is not immediately
THE PROBLEM is compounded,
Hacker said, by the surging birth
rate. Birth rate among black
citizens is 50 per cent higher than
among whites, he pointed out.
"We already know in what en
vironment these people will grow
up. We know how they will be
miseducated. We already know all
about their bad homes and
neighbors," Hacker said.
"The trend is away from business
occupations and more to the con
versational occupations," Hacker
Less than 50 per cent of the
American working force currently
works in such traditional jobs as
manufacturing and industry, he
Continued on Paee 6